"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
This year...things were a little different for me at Thanksgiving! For the first time in many years, I was not able to go home and be with my family...and that was kinda hard. However, a big group of us "homeless singles" here in Loma Linda got together to cook and celebrate, and that helped ease the homesickness. ;-) As you can see with the slide show above, we had a wonderful time.
To celebrate, we decided that we wanted to make a REAL (versus a fake, of course) home cooked meal! And as much as possible, we wanted it to be vegan as well. So all the food was made from scratch and without milk and eggs! And I must say...it was one pretty incredible meal! (All our parents would have been proud!) ;-)
The menu?
Jonathan and Val made roast, mashed potatoes, salad and "tangelo juice!" (The salad came from the community garden in Jonathan's back yard that everyone's been helping with! And the juice came from his limes and citrus! It was awesome!) Edwin and I made gravy. Dave made Pecan pies...even the crusts! (These were a real hit!) I made cookies and rolls. (Haven't been in the bread-making habit for a couple years now, so it was really fun to knead the bread for the rolls and watch it rise! And now all of us are hooked on them, so I've made them three more times since Thanksgiving!!) Rick made yams. And Season and Vanessa made pumpkin pies...not just ordinary pumpkin pies either! But the delicious vegan kind...with awesome decorations! (I could take some tips from them!)
The Activities!
After we'd stuffed ourselves royally (Jonathan said we hadn't eaten right if we didn't need to un-button the top button on our pants after lunch), we sat around the table and read verses on "Thanksgiving" from the Bible. I'd had fun collecting and drying maple leaves for the occasion, which I had written everyone's name on, as well as a Bible verse. After we read from the Bible we talked about things we were thankful for. Then we attacked dessert! After that, we cleaned up all the dirty dishes and then went for a walk up in the mountains. It was truly a special memorable day that I will never forget!
But there are some other things that I wont forget from this Thanksgiving season either!
Because of Thanksgiving, the topic of "Thankfulness" has been much on my mind. (Understandably, right?) So for the last few weeks, off and on, I’ve been researching Bible verses on the subject of "Thanksgiving." I knew it would be a blessing...and it was! Of course, I thought I knew what I should be thankful for...but the thought that prompted the whole study was, "What does God want me to be thankful for? What is important in His eyes?" We are told in Heb 13:15 that the fruit of our lips is thankfulness. But what kind of fruit is "thankfulness"?
For starters, something I found again and again was the urgent promptings... "Give thanks to the Lord for His mercy endureth forever!" In fact the phrase "His mercy endureth forever" is listed over 250 times in the Bible alone! (Check out Psalms 136!) Think of it...He’s mercy doesn’t just forgive me today...but for all eternity. Now that’s a "Mercy" that’s pretty important, wouldn’t you say?
Of course, we’re all familiar with the verse from I Thes 5:18
"In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Yet, sometimes I’m still tempted to ask, "Are you sure that means EVERYTHING God? Does it mean giving thanks that my mother has lived most of her life in pain as she struggled with her health? Does it mean giving thanks that one of my patients died? Does it mean giving thanks for the times of tears and pain? Does it mean giving thanks for prayers that aren't answered in the way I'd hope? Does it mean giving thanks for the fires and trials that I have to watch others endure? Does it mean giving thanks that the Devil seems to be attacking me harder than ever the more time that goes by? Are you sure, it means EVERYTHING God?" And He smiles down at me... "That’s what I said, my child!...In EVERYTHING!!!"
Well, I really already knew all this...but it’s good to be reminded! Of course, God knows how to get specific as well, so I’d like to share a list of things that God wants to make sure we REMEMBER to be thankful for! They go like this:
Things that WE SHOULD BE THANKFUL for!!!
- That we serve the God who made the Heavens! Ps 96:1-6 (Nothing is too small for Him!!)
- That we serve a Holy God!! I Chron 16:8-11 (We can be thankful for that because perfect Holiness can do no wrong!)
- That He gave us His blood! Matt 26:27-28 (It’s interesting to think about the fact that our blood leaves stains...only Christ blood makes stains (our sins) go away! Now that’s really something to be thankful for!!!)
- That He not only heals, but keeps us alive and has delivered our soul from the grave. Ps 30:3,4 (How often do we think about the fact that without God there is no life....spiritually or physically?! Yet, we go on with our daily lives, as self-made men and women, hardly stooping to acknowledge our mighty God and the breath He daily gives!)
- That He is our avenger! II Sam 22:48-50,Ps 18:47, Ps 94:1 (We don’t have to fight back when we’ve been wronged, for God is fighting for us!)
- That we have Deliverance from darkness, and Victory!! I Cor 15:57, Col 1:12-14 (Do we realize the depths of darkness that we have been rescued from??)
- That we can triumph in Christ! II Cor 2:14 (Not only victory but triumph...rejoicing, celebration!)
- That we have SOMETHING...even when we don’t have enough. God may multiply the loaves and fishes. Matt 15:36 (Praise Him for what He promises to do in our lives, even if we don’t see the results yet too!)
- That He's covenanted to be in a relationship with us forever!! Ps 105:8 (His covenant isn’t for just a few months or years...and doesn't end when "death does us part"! It’s forever!)
- Last, but not least, even in the MIDNIGHT of our lives, when life makes absolutely no sense, we are to give thanks to God! Ps 119:62 (As we all know, the blackest hour is just before dawn...and it appears even in that blackest hour...we are to be thankful!)
As my parents always taught me..."Rather than curse the darkness, light candles!" And I think that principle is very evident all through scripture as well! Even when it seems like life couldn’t get darker...God wants us to be thankful! All things that happen may not be good at the time, but He promises, "they all work together for good..." So praise the Lord not only for the sunshine (very important not to take for granted) but also for the midnights!! Yes, I know...that's pretty backward from the world’s way of thinking, but thankfully we serve a God that knows much more than the world.
Pretty incredible, huh?! And of course there is sooooo much more!! I wonder how much closer we would be to God if we truly thanked Him for everything (both good and bad) that He sends our way? How much closer would we be to those we love if we had a "grateful attitude" for all that they do for us...in stead of complaining about what isn't done? Obviously, an attitude of THANKSGIVING should be at all times and in all circumstances...even if, like Paul and Silas, we're locked in a prison in chains. But if we can't "be thankful" now in the little things...what makes us think we'll be able to be thankful when the really big dossers come? (Hmmmm.... something more to ponder!)
Thank the Lord, that His mercy does endure forever...because I've still got lots of thanking to do! ;-)
"Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men." Ps 107:8
*For a few more important things to thank God for...check out my "Sharing Time" for Nov 2007.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Most of us have struggled with one aspect of our diet or another over the years...whether it was to give up meat, stop using dairy, or cut back on the chocolate and heavy suppers before bedtime. While meat or chocolate has not been a super big temptation to me, I have to admit that most other sweet stuff has been. I love coming up with new dessert concoctions and cookies, and I can make the bestest real cheesecakes in the whole world...I got the recipe from my mom! When I was a kid, I even use to sneak sugar by the cupfuls from the sugar jar and go eat it in the cornfield where no one would find me! ;-) (Maybe that's why I turned out sooo sweet! Ha ha! ;-) No seriously, that's probably why I've had such a struggle breaking the SUGAR addiction! It's actually amazing I don't have more cavities for all the sugar my poor body has been subjected to over my times of intemperance.)
Praise the Lord, God is gracious, and when we cry out to Him for help, He does give us help. And if we allow Him, He will be master of the things that try to master us!
Diet and nutrition has become a really important issue to me over the last 10 years, and while I still have my struggles from time to time, I really have been seeking with God's power to live as healthfully as possible. As a result, especially when I'm at work, I'm constantly being questioned about my food choices...my lifestyle...and eventually my faith! (Funny how those things fall into line!)
A little while back I was eating something healthy, but strange looking. My co-worker, a fellow nurse, began to question me. "What are you eating? Why would you eat that? So you don't eat meat? Why? What do you believe?"....and so the conversation went as I munched my veggie casserole and he munched his meatloaf. As it turned out, he was of another faith (works oriented) and desired a personal relationship with God, but didn't know how to have that. He opened up a lot to me about his life and struggles with God. We ended up having a Bible study conversation at the nurses station, in between taking care of our patients, all the rest of the afternoon! WOW!!! Later I gave him a Great Controversary and DVD called Final Events. He was excited and said he would check them out! (I continue to pray for him because I know if he's really interested in getting to know God better, this stuff will change his life!) And to think, all of this would not have happened if I hadn't been eating something strange and healthy...
Another time, also at work, I was eating something healthy...but a bit more attractive looking! ;-) "What is that? That looks good? How'd you make it? You mean, it's not with real cheese? No dairy? That's delicious! So have you always been a vegetarian? Have you always cooked without dairy? What kind of religious background are you? What do they believe?" and so the conversation went. It turned out that the inquisitive one had quite the distorted views about what it meant to live and eat healthy, as well as what being a Christian was all about...and we had an awesome conversation over lunch, about food, life and God. It had an impact too, because over the last couple months she has continued to talk to me, confide in me, and question me about lifestyle issues. And all because I was eating something that was healthy and attractive. (See, everything healthy doesn't HAVE to look weird!)
These are just a couple of experiences that have repeated themselves over and over again with my non-Christian friends and fellow co-workers over the last few years. Amazing how a conversation over food can take you soo quickly to deeper issues, isn't it? And no wonder it's sooo important that, like Jesus in the temptations in the wilderness, we also must first conquer in the area of "appetite" before we can truly live and be an effective witness for Him in other areas. Hmmm.....
And so the devil continues to attack us...especially in this area! "Eat this, eat that, don't worry about a little of this or more of that...it's not that big a difference...God doesn't really care...does He?"
I don't share these thoughts and experiences to boast...for I am still a struggler along the path, seeking for daily victory! But I have to smile today, as I see how God desires to work if I will cooperate and let Him.
I was in a rush for work this morning and didn't take time to pack a healthy interesting lunch. "I'll just get something from the cafe at the hospital. If nothing else, they've got the garden-burger I can eat!"
Well, work went well...not too stressful...and I was able to take my lunch break on time. Sure enough, the garden-burger was really the only edible thing on the menu...but then there was the desserts. Seldom do I buy their desserts, but every now and then I succumb to something rich. Today the temptation was cheesecake. (Yes, I confess, I still have a taste for real cheesecake!) I actually took the cheesecake out of the fridge and had it in my hands and headed toward the register, then I stopped. "Wait a second! What am I doing? This isn't healthy! I don't need this!!" I paused a second, then turned and put it back. (Praise God for strength, because the temptation was pretty strong.) Despite not having the cheesecake, the garden-burger, potato strips and my veggies turned out to be excellent.
Later in the afternoon someone came and brought cookies and sweets. As one co-worker offered me a treat and I politely refused, another co-worker spoke up..."Don't you know, Melody doesn't eat that kind of stuff? She eats really healthy! If I could just go live with her, I'd probably loose all my weight and be healthy too! Tell them what you ate for lunch Melody!" (She had no clue, she just knew I ate healthy!) And thus I suddenly had the entire nursing crew in audience as I turned red at my co-workers remarks. So I had to explain what I had eaten. (Praise the Lord, cheesecake wasn't on the menu!!!) And the question's continued about my faith and background. It turned out one lady was wanting to loose weight and go on the "Atkin's Diet" and we ended up having this really cool conversation about lifestyle and basic diet principals. Things she had never heard or thought about before. I could really tell that God was giving me the right words to stay...and the boldness to share things I might not have shared normally. I will continue to pray for my friends and fellow co-workers.
But again, all this would never have happened if I hadn't chosen to eat something healthy today!! So I encourage all my friends and family to pay attention to what you eat...because it really does matter. Both for your own health, and for the health of those watching!! ;-)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Physical hunger is a natural part of who we are...and it is the gauge that reminds us to "keep eating" so that we will stay alive. But what about your Spiritual Hunger? Is that gauge working properly, or does it need to be taken to the doctor for an exam?
As I’ve been thinking about the meaning of "Thanksgiving" and "Food" (which enevitably go together as we prepare for the Holiday that is just around the corner), I decided to do a Bible word study on the topics of "Hunger, Being filled, and Thankfulness." And, as to be expected, what a rich treasure trove I discovered!
Often in my walk with God, while I am very fulfilled and satisfied, when I stop to think about it, I realize I’m still always HUNGRY!! Hungry for more time with Him, more time in His word, more of His truth. To be honest, I’ve not always seen that as a positive feeling. What’s wrong with me? Is it that I’m not taking enough time for Him, not spending enough time memorizing and studying, not taking enough time for prayer? While I admit that these things are constant struggles for me (after all, the devil is working overtime to make sure we don’t get any more time with God than he can possibly help), as I studied, I realized with joyfulness in a new way, that the feelings of hunger and need that I often feel are good! They show that my spiritual digestive tract is functioning properly, and that I still have room to be filled. If there’s no room, there’s no filling!
As we are told in Matthew five, "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled." Those that have stuffed themselves with the rich delicacies of the world though, aren’t going to fare so well when it comes to God’s kingdom. In fact, God will actually send them away empty. "He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away." Luke 1:53 Can you imagine standing before God’s throne and being turned away empty? I imagine (with horror, I might add) God saying softly with tears in His eyes, "I’m sorry my child...you haven’t left room in your life for me...you are already full with the cheap treasures of the world ...there’s nothing I can give you!"
Thankfully, as long as we keep seeking and searching and hungering for Him...those words will never be spoken to us. We are encouraged to "Taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him." Ps 34:8. "For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness." Ps 107:9 "The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but they that seek the Lord shall not want [lack] any good thing." Ps 34:10
We don’t have to have spiritual currency [good works or a perfect life] to exchange for this living food. We couldn’t afford it even if we did have the currency! Our greatest argument in favor of receiving God’s eternal food is because we are HUNGRY and we HAVE NEED to be fed! "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." Isa 55:1 God longs to fill us! He longs to pour out spiritual blessing and plenty upon us...but He can’t do it if we have no room.
As the verse goes on to lament, "Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? And your labour for that which satisfieth not?" You can hear Him with tears in His voice again... "My child, my child...why do you waste your time on that which will not keep you alive? Why do you waste your time on the superficial things of life that do not truly satisfy? When I own the spiritual gold on a thousand hills, and I long to make you rich with eternal treasures...why do you waste your time on things that will only make YOU fade away? Do you think I do not have enough to take care of your hunger and needs? Do you think I don’t know that of which I speak? If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. Ps 50:12 My child, let go of the food of the world...while it may look good on the outside, it will only bring you sickness and disease. Hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness." Isa 55:1,2 Notice - God doesn’t promise that your body will be fat, He promises that your soul will be fat! Now that’s the fat I’d really like to be! ;-)
So, as I learned in a fresh way today...Hunger is a good thing...as long as it keeps drawing me to feed more and more upon the bread of life. In fact, as long as we live in this world, we are going to continue to hunger. However, I’m encouraged to learn that one day...we wont hunger anymore. Why? Because we will live with the bread of life! How incredible is that? "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes." Rev 7:16,17
Just think...Not a Thanksgiving only one day out of the year...but a Thanksgiving every day...for the rest of our lives! "And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love, reverence and happiness increase..." Great Controversary pg 678
I imagine I could also safely add..."So will our spiritual stomachs also increase." While we will no longer feel lack or hunger, there will always be room for more!!!
Now that's a true reason for THANKSGIVING!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Got my schedule for my last 6 weeks at Parkview, and believe it or not, they not only gave me every Saturday off...they also gave me every Sunday off! I'm off every weekend!! What an incredible blessing!! Although I only have 5 weeks left to work now, (Today I just finished the first out of six) I am really beginning to count down the days until I'll be done and can take a breather. I'm also really looking forward to GYC and holidays with my family back home in the country and hopefully snow! (In California, you hardly ever notice a change in seasons...it's still warm and balmy!)
Has been such a fun joyful adventure to share my home with three other wonderful housemates and friends, and I realized the other day that probably many of my friends don't know my roommates. So I thought I'd share a bit more briefly about them here.
Sunny - of course, everyone should know my sweet little oriental sister Sunny. She and I share the same family in Oklahoma, as well as lots of other things, and she was an inspiration in my becoming a nurse, moving to CA (I never would have come to Loma Linda if she hadn't already been here!!), and in growing closer in my walk with God. When I first came out here, she shared her room and space with me...now I'm grateful to have her sharing my home. She works with the Loma Linda University hospital as a Nurse and is involved in ministry and leadership in our youth group. I'm dread the day that she will move on. (But I'll be happy for her too!)
Susy - is my Indian friend and was actually my first housemate here. She is a Bible Worker as well as a Registered Nurse. She is currently doing "Hospice Nursing" and I think it fits her very well as she has such a kind caring compassionate heart. When Susy is home we don't see her a lot, for she is always up in her room reading and studying her Bible.
Valerie - the newest addition to our household, is one of my best friends from childhood days in Arkansas. It's been our dream to live and work together for awhile. Valerie is currently working in the Loma Linda ER as a Registered Nurse and is enjoying making many new friends here in the area. It's been such a blessing to have her around as we share so many similar interest and dreams!
Then there's me....and everyone knows me, so that's our fearsome foursome!!! I just love living with a house of girls! And to be with a group that sincerely love God and are seeking His will in their lives is such a daily inspiration and blessing. Also gives me a taste of what Heaven may be like as we share and live and laugh and love together! So, as I come to the end of another busy, hectic, harried and stressful week....I just want to say, "Thank you Lord for not only great friends, but for three great housemates!!" God is good!!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Bible times Sanctuary comes to town...
This past week, the life-size model of the Mosiac Sanctuary (otherwise known as "Messiah's Mansion") came to Ventura CA, about 2 hours away from Loma Linda. Since my Mom and Dad Holland were part of the tour team, I was extra motivated to go see them, as well as taking a bunch of our friends from Advent Hope up on Sabbath. As you can see by the pictures, it was a real blessing!
It was also good to have some time with just Mom and Dad and Sunny and Tim and I. We went out to eat, talked, and had fun trying on Mom's new glasses and taking pictures. The sanctuary will be out here for another week, so I'm still promoting it to everyone. However, Mom had to fly back to OKC today, so she's gone now. I took her to the airport this morning! I would have really cried hard, except I know it will only be a month before we'll all be together again for the Holidays. Although brief, our time together was such a blessing!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Is Hollywood Paradise in Jeopardy??
"A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small Tennessee town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world a few months later.
As I grew up I never questioned his place in our family. In my young mind, each member had a special niche. My brother, Bill, five years my senior, was my example. Fran, my younger sister, gave me an opportunity to play 'big brother' and develop the art of teasing. My parents were complementary instructors-- Mom taught me to love the word of God, and Dad taught me to obey it. But the stranger was our storyteller. He could weave the most fascinating tales. Adventures, mysteries and comedies were daily conversations. He could hold our whole family spell-bound for hours each evening.
If I wanted to know about politics, history, or science, he knew it all. He knew about the past, understood the present, and seemingly could predict the future. The pictures he could draw were so life like that I would often laugh or cry as I watched.
He was like a friend to the whole family. He took Dad, Bill and me to our first major league baseball game. He was always encouraging us to see the movies and he even made arrangements to introduce us to several movie stars. My brother and I were deeply impressed by John Wayne in particular.
The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to mind-but sometimes Mom would quietly get up-- while the rest of us were enthralled with one of his stories of faraway places-- go to her room, read her Bible and pray. I wonder now if she ever prayed that the stranger would leave.
You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions. But this stranger never felt obligation to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our house-- not from us, from our friends, or adults. Our longtime visitor, however, often used four letter words that burned my ears and made Dad squirm. To my knowledge the stranger was never confronted. My dad was a teetotaler who didn't permit alcohol in his home - not even for cooking. But the stranger felt like we needed exposure and enlightened us to other ways of life. He offered us beer and other alcoholic beverages often.
He made cigarettes look tasty, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (too much too freely) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing. I know now that my early concepts of the man-woman relationship were influenced by the stranger.
As I look back, I believe it was the grace of God that the stranger did not influence us more. Time after time he opposed the values of my parents. Yet he was seldom rebuked and never asked to leave.
More than thirty years have passed since the stranger moved in with the young family on Morningside Drive. He is not nearly so intriguing to my Dad as he was in those early years. But if I were to walk into my parents' den today, you would still see him sitting over in a corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.
His name? We always just called him TV."
Quite a convicting story, wouldn't you say?! But is it convicting enough? The same website that I found this story at, I also found the following excerpts which I will share here verbatim.
The American Family Association reported that the top four networks aired, on average, 45.58 incidents of sex, violence and profanity each hour during prime-time viewing ...
This broke down to 8.5 incidents of violence each hour, 14.15 of sex and 22.93 of profanity. A total of 91 percent of all sex was depicted outside marriage.
Projected over a period of one year, the networks air 14,313 sex incidents, 8,333 violence incidents, and 23,556 profanity incidents during prime-time .... [This is all from a statistical base from 1995 - over 10 years ago! Imagine what it is now?!! - Mel inserts]
We are naturally desirous of spending time with the thing, animate or inanimate, we love the most. Honestly ask yourself then, do you spend more time with the God of Heaven or the TV? [And now days, that could also be the computer! - Mel inserts]
How could we, as professing Christians, waste the free hours the Lord God has graciously given us to serve Him by spending countless hours with the filth of the world coming from the television? "Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Cor. 15:33). Is there any worse company than the junk of Hollywood?" (Excerpts from an article by Dan and Cheryl Corner)
Serious questions we all should think about!! I am sooooo thankful that for a large part of my childhood my parents did not even allow a TV in our home. However, I don't say this to boast, for later on we did get a TV...and although programs were scrutinized and filtered carefully, as I grew older, I went through a period of time where movies and what I saw on TV largely affected my life and thinking. And whatever lines my parents drew....well, I took those lines much further, as is usually the case. (If parents compromise at all...children always take the compromise further...which has made me vow that I will NEVER have a TV in my own home!!!) How much time I've wasted!! (Thankfully they've realized this as well now, and TV/movies/videos are no longer a controlling influence in our home or to any of us kids!)
Anyway, if no one is up on the news, the inspiration for this post is by the news on Television - which I've conveniently been watching at work - ha ha! Hollywood script writers are on strike!!! Imagine what a different moral atmosphere our nation would have if these writers went on strike FOREVER...!!! I know the devil has a lot more on his agenda then to give up this fight, but none the less...we can always pray for destruction to the enemies kingdom, right?! And I believe the capital of that kingdom is largely located in Hollywood!! (About an hours drive away from where I currently sit blogging! How ironic huh, considering my great love for Hollywood (not) as well as for the ministry I am currently very involved in!!) ;-)
Anyway, oh my....what interesting times we live in!!! ;-) For more fascinating food for thought...check out the three eye-opening poems below!
The devil once said to his demons below,
"Our work is progressing entirely too slow.
The holiness people stand in our way
Since they do not believe in the show or the play.
They teach that the carnival, circus and dance,
The tavern and honky-tonk with game of chance,
Drinking and smoking, these things are all wrong;
The Christians don't mess with the ungodly throng.
They are quick to condemn everything that we do
To cause unbelievers to be not a few.
They claim that these things are all of the devil;
That Christian folks live on a much higher level.
Now fellows, their theology, while perfectly true
Is blocking the work we are trying to do.
We will have to get busy and figure a plan
That will change their standards as fast as we can.
Now I have a vision of just what we can do.
Harken, I'll tell this deception to you.
Then find ye a wise, but degenerate man
Whom I can use to help work out this plan.
There's nothing so real as the things that you see;
The eyes and the mind and the heart will agree.
So what can be better than an object to view?
I say, it will work and convince quite a few.
The home is the place for this sinful device;
The people deceived will think it quite nice.
The world will possess it, most Christians can't tell
That it is all of the devil and plotted in hell!
We'll sell them with pictures of the latest news;
While they're still looking, we'll advertise booze.
At first it will shock them; they'll seem in a daze;
But soon they'll be hardened and continue to gaze.
We'll give them some gospel that isn't too strong,
And a few sacred songs to string them along.
They'll take in the ads, with the latest of fashions,
Soon watching the shows that will stir evil passions.
Murder and love-making scenes they'll behold
Until their souls will be utterly cold.
The old family altar which once held such charm
Will soon lose its place without much alarm.
Praying in secret will also be lost
As they look at the screen, not counting the cost.
Compromise preachers, who don't take their stand
Will embrace this new vision and think it is grand.
They'll help fool the people and cause them to sin
By seeking this evil and taking it in.
Influence is great and this you can see;
Just look at my fall and you'll have to agree.
It won't take too long, my demons, to tell
That the vision of Satan will populate Hell!
Divorce will increase, sex crimes will abound;
Much innocent blood will be spilled on the ground.
The home will be damned in short order I say
When this vision of mine comes in to stay.
Get busy, my cohorts, and put this thing out;
We'll see if the church can continue to shout.
The holiness people who stand in our way
Will soon hush their crying against show and play.
We'll cover the earth with this devil vision.
Then we'll camouflage it with the name television.
The people will think they are getting a treat
Till the Antichrist comes and takes over his seat.
He'll rule the world while the viewers behold
The face of the beast, to whom they were sold.
We'll win through deception, this cannot fail;
Though some holiness preachers against it will rail."
-- Author Unknown
The 23rd Channel
The TV is my shepherd, I shall not want.
It makes me lie down on the sofa.
It leads me away from the faith.
It destroys my soul.
It leads me in the path of sex and violence for the sponsor's sake.
Yea, though I walk in the shadow of Christian responsibilities,
There will be no interruption, for the TV is with me.
Its cable and remote control, they comfort me.
It prepares a commercial for me in the presence of my worldliness.
It anoints my head with humanism and consumerism.
My coveting runneth over.
Surely, laziness and ignorance shall follow me all the days of my life,
And I shall dwell in the house watching TV forever.
-- Author Unknown
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide
On the table side by side:
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide.
One's well worn but cherished with pride
(Not the Bible, but the TV Guide).
One's used daily to help folk decide,
Not the Bible, it's the TV Guide.
As pages are turned, what will they see?
Oh, what does it matter, turn on the TV.
Then confusion reigns, they can't all agree
On what they will watch on the old TV.
So they open the book in which they confide
(Not the Bible, it's the TV Guide).
The Word of God is seldom read --
Maybe a verse e'er they fall into bed,
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be
(Not from reading the Bible: from watching TV).
So then back to the table, side by side,
Are the Holy Bible and the TV Guide.
No time for prayer, no time for the Word.
The way of salvation is seldom heard.
Abiding in Christ so full and free
Is found in the Bible, not on TV.
-- Anonymous
Selected from a fascinating collection of thoughts on the damaging effects of Television! Obviously Hollywood wont be hiring me to do their Promotionals! ;-)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Another social skill training session! (Ha ha!)
This Sabbath was a real special blessing...in more ways than one! We had an awesome guest speaker in town, which I will blog more about next time I'm off work, so stay tuned! In the meantime, I just wanted to share a few pictures from our Sabbath evening social! It was kind of a last minute affair, but we all had a great time...and there was still smoothie left over! (I actually drank it on the way to work this am! ;-) Yumm yum!)
Thanks guys! I'm soooo blessed to have such a great group of friends to hang out with and encourage me in my social skill development! ;-)
Friday, November 02, 2007
Thru the Fog...
It seems that I've been in this "fog bank" a bit more than usual lately. And the question is often on my mind, "What direction should I be walking...?? Am I still on the right path?"
"He that walketh in darkness and hath no light, let him trust in the name of Jehovah and rely upon His God." Isaiah 50:10
"What shall the believer do in times of darkness - the darkness of perplexity and confusion? Times of darkness do come to the faithful and believing disciples who are walking obediently in the will of God; seasons when He does not know what to do, nor which way to turn. The sky is overcast with clouds. The clear light of heaven does not shine upon his pathway. One feels as if he were grouping his way in the darkness.
The first thing to do is nothing....When you run into a spiritual fog bank, don’t tear recklessly ahead, slow down the machinery in your life.....and simply trust God. While we trust, God can work. Worry prevents Him from doing anything for us. We must quietly trust and wait. He knows the way out of the woods..." From Streams in the Desert Oct 7th
Yes, thankfully, although we cannot see the big picture, God can, and He knows the way through the wilderness...and through the fog!! What peace and joy that brings! While I may not always see what I'd like to see, I know who is before me...and thus, I will not be moved, but will trust and wait on Him!! As another favorite verse goes, "I have set the Lord always before me, because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Ps 16:8
Another interesting insight, along the topic of "Life's journey," came to me as I was reading Psalms 23 recently. Maybe I'm just slow...or maybe I've been running too fast all these years that I haven't ever really thought to stop and think about it. But as Psalms 23 indicates, there are many different sequences of life that God walks with us through.
- Sometimes He makes us to lie down in green pastures...but we're not sure if we like this certain shade of green! (Didn't He make it a better green on "so&so's" journey?)
- Sometimes He leads us beside the still waters..."It's a little too quiet around here" we may wonder! "Did we miss the boat or shouldn't there be more activity and direction around here??"
- He ever seeks to lead us in the paths of righteousness - We want righteousness, but yet...do we really? What a sting to our soul as these paths aren't always popular or condoned by our friends and sometimes even our own family. :-(
- He even leads us through the valley of the shadow of death (maybe the death of a loved one, maybe the death of a vision or dream...) yet even there, we are to fear no evil for He ever walks beside us! Wow! That's pretty heavy God...are you sure you can trust me to stay beside you even through this??
- Sometimes He prepares a table for us in the presence of our enemies - Now, wouldn't this be the time to be proud and boast? But that's not the kind of "table of blessings" we are receiving here! While our enemies (or those that disdain the things of Heaven) scurry and worry about in distraction and dissension, we are blessed with true peace and joy, not based on outward externals. What a priceless gift! Yet, how easy it is, to throw even this gift away!
- Sometimes we are blessed with the anointing of His holy oil - and our cup does run over! (And I believe this is the ultimate gift of the journey!) Yet how often are we too distracted, from having just walked through the valley of the shadow of death, to truly receive that anointing. So sometimes we just complain that our cup is empty...and don't realize why!
- Yet despite it all - He promises that goodness and mercy will follow us all the days of our life... "For God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance..." II Pet 3:9 "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy, He saved us..." Titus 3:5
- He promises (for those that have successfully completed this walk through the path of life's joys and sorrows...beside the green pastures and through the dark and perplexing valleys) that we will dwell in His house forever. It's not because of anything we have done, but because we TRUSTED HIM...and we kept walking...wherever He lead!!
Yes, as God continues to teach me day by day, life doesn't always make sense. It doesn't always come with a pretty clean easy to read map..."Do this, do that, go here, go there, take this path or that"...and often along the journey, there are times of question and sometimes even confusion. Yet, that doesn't mean that God has abandoned us...nor does it mean that we've been doing something wrong! He leads us both through the calm and through the storm, both beside the quiet waters and along the raging sea...both where the road is straight (And we can see ahead) and where the road is crooked (and we know not what will come next). Yet, He leads us!!
While I don't always understand where He's taking me, or which way to turn...my heart overflows with gratitude and praise for His faithfulness along the journey!! No, I can't always see where I'm going...and that's a bit hard sometimes for "Miss Melody" to take...yet, there is one thing I am sure of and one thing I've found to be faithful and true for many years now...
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Praise the Lord - I still have a job!!
Lots more to share as well....but been running too fast to talk much, and had too much smoke around to breath! Thankfully the air is clearing again (literally) and the smoke has blown away. Yes, all the fires in our area are out, and around the state, I think they are all under control now too. So we praise the Lord for that as well.
More updates and sharing to be posted soon......I think....I expect....I hope.....I plan! ;-)