"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Earlier in the fall, I blogged about our considering the possibility of buying a TV station. We learned a lot through the negotiation process, but in the end, decided that we didn't feel that God was leading us to step forward in that direction at that time. However, we have continued to move forward...organizing our resources, talents, and programming. Currently we are working on re-doing the website, and catching up on all our back-log of editing that has been stacking up for a few months. The most exciting thing though is seeing how God has continued to provide for our needs and encourage us along...It's almost like He is impatient for us to get to work and get busy.
Yes, time is short....you see the instability of the times around us and you know that as it shares in Matthew 24, Jesus coming really is drawing near! Are we ready to meet Him??
Back to the amazing things that have been happening with CCBN: A little while back we did a summary on our donations and realized that we have received over $70,000 so far for the project - camera equipment and various expenses and needs. And all of that was unsolicited (we never have done any fund-raising, but only prayed to God about our needs). Each of the donations have been timely, arriving at strategic times of need.
God says, "Before you call I will answer, and while you are yet speaking, I will hear." Isa 65:24
The most recent miracle came just a few weeks ago as members of our team were praying for the resources to buy a Web Server. This is a $20,000 piece of equipment and would enable us to have a full professional Internet TV web site. Just like other channels. And as most young adults are on the Internet now, it's a huge step towards reaching the masses with the love of Christ. Miraculously, an anonymous $20,000 donation came in....just as we were praying about this need. Isn't God incredible??!
So, step by step, we are preceding to move forward by faith as God directs. As one of my fellow teammates said "I think God is telling us to think bigger.... and maybe we need to think outside the bank account too." As she encouraged all of us, her paraphrased Bible verse went like this:
"For if you budget based solely on the money that is already in your hands and limit God's work by waiting for more money to come in before moving forward, what reward do you have? Do not even the worldly businesses do the same? And if you continue on with business as usual, thinking only in human perspectives despite the fact that the world is about to end; what more do you do than the others? Do not even the Wall Street stock brokers do the same? Rather, attune yourself so closely to Your Father's will, that your business becomes His, and His methods become yours." ~ Matt. 5:46-48 (paraphrase)
All I can say is, Wow!! Do we trust what God says in His Word or not??
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isa 55:8-9
If His ways and thoughts are really so much higher....shouldn't we be dreaming, praying, and thinking higher...??
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us." Eph 3:20
Wow!! What precious promises we have been given to hold on to! I pray that God will lead me to trust Him in even deeper ways...and that we will all learn to truly take him at HIS WORD!!!
One exciting miracle happened just a couple days ago to one of our team members. She's taken the call of God very seriously in her life and has been seeking to put her all on the line for him. She's working full time ministry (partly CCBN and partly other ministries), and has not had a job for awhile. Well, her bank account was getting low and a bill came in the mail that she was not expecting this last week. It was $200 more than she could afford. She wasn't sure what to do, but one of our team members encouraged her to hang on and pray and just trust God.
The next morning she had run out on an errand. Ten minutes later she returned and found a couple bags of groceries and an envelope with $200 cash on her front door step. No idea where it came from or how it happened!! Was it an angel?? Was it someone else? The only person that she'd confided in about her need had no idea either....as he didn't even know where she lived. Isn't that incredible?? Truly God does take care of His own....what miracle!!
So I ask again, partly for myself, and partly for all of you readers...Are we willing to take God at His Word?? Are we willing to trust and see for ourselves what a Great God we serve??
"For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him." II Chron 16:9
Monday, January 28, 2008
So it may be that God is dealing with you and I. Loving us better than any Harper ever loved his harp, He finds us a mass of jarring chords. He wrings our heartstrings with some torturing anguish; He bends over us tenderly, striking and listening; and hearing only a harsh murmur, strikes us again, while His heart bleeds for us, anxiously waiting for the strain - "Not my will, but thine be done!" This strain is melody sweet to His ears as angel's songs. He will not cease to strike until our chastened soul shall blend with all the pure and infinite harmonies of His own being.*
What more can I add to such profound thoughts...except...
"It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes..." Ps 119:71
*Courage for the weary soul from "Streams in the Desert" - Jan 28th
Sunday, January 27, 2008
On the other hand, God sometimes also waits for us! We fail many times to receive the blessing He has ready for us, because we do not go forward with him. There are many divine promises that are conditioned upon the beginning of some action on our part. When we begin to obey, God will begin to bless.
Great things were promised to Abraham, but not one of them could have been obtained by waiting in Chaldea. He must leave home, friends, and country, and go out into an unknown country with unfaltering obedience in order to receive the promises. The same is often true with us...*
Are we rushing ahead of God....blindly, recklessly, impatiently?? Or is God ahead of us....trying to get us out of our comfortable recliners and out of our daily routines and moving toward the land of promise?? Some serious thoughts worth thinking over... :-)
This last week has been a busy one for all four of us roommates. Sunny just got back from attending the South East Youth Conference at Southern with Tim and Adrian. They've been busy working on editing all those programs for Audio Verse. Suzy is packing and preparing for her 3 week mission trip to Cambodia! (I'm envious!) Valerie has just started her new job in a GI lab in Highland (about 15 minutes away). And I've been busy planning programs for CCBN, as well as filming with Jen and editing with Dave! I spent most of this afternoon starting to edit our most recent "True Love" episode....and got all of 2 minutes finished by this evening. Wow - you just can't imagine how much time these things take to put together just right! (But I'm on the roll now, so things should go much much quicker!!)
This weekend we all were pooped though. So Sabbath afternoon, Val and I convinced TJ and MaryAnn to help us get away from Loma Linda for a breather. (Actually, they didn't need much convincing!!) They took us up to the mountains which were just covered in another 2+ feet of snow this last week. It was beautiful!! (Thank goodness they had 4-wheel drive!!) It was a real adventure. We ended up at Lake Arrowhead village and after sundown worship, went looking for a place to eat. But a las, our favorite "Belgian Waffle" restaurant was closed. Incidentally, while we were up there walking around....the electricity went out in the whole village. Thankfully I had brought my flash light along at the last minute.....thinking that just in case we got stuck in the snow and had to walk, it'd be a good thing to have!
We had fun spinning around in the snow a bit, and then headed back down the mountain to a warm restaurant closer to home. After a large cup of hot chocolate....the evening was complete!
The contrast in California continues to amaze me. Here, right outside my window, the grass and trees are green....the flowers are blooming, and it almost seems like spring. But up in the mountains, it is the dead of winter....and everything is ice and snow. I guess maybe that's why sooo many people like it here. You can have either the beach or the mountains in a very short amount of driving!
I look forward to heaven when we'll have the same beautiful contrast....minus the bitter temperatures, fires, floods and storms....and minus all the traffic to get there. Well, maybe I shouldn't be selfish, but hope that there will be LOTS OF TRAFFIC to get there. But then, there we will fly....so we wont have to sit in line on little narrow winding mountain roads....
Hooo hummmm.....enough musings for now! Time to get back to work! (Or maybe it is time to get ready for bed....)
*Thanks to "Streams in the Desert - Jan 26th" for more inspiration!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I know when I stop to think about it, I don't praise God far enough....
In Psalms 100:4, It talks about "entering His gates with thanksgiving and entering His courts with praise." It doesn't say, "enter with complaining," it doesn't say "enter with your big wish list of requests!" Of course, God wants us to make great request of Him!!! He even promises, like in Psalms 2:8 "Ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance." Talk about a pretty big request. But before we enter His gates...we should be praising Him for what He has already done and is doing in our lives!!!
A song by Steve Green that has become especially meaningful to me lately, goes like this:
"You are good....always....
And in all ways,
You are working all things together for our good.
You are good....always....
In big and small ways,
I know I can trust you, in everything you do!
With the hard winds of life blowing out of control, it can feel like I’m all on my own, But you’ve given me your Word, and I know you’ll never leave, And I’ve never faced a single storm alone....
You are good....always....
And in all ways,
You are working all things together for our good
You are good...always....
In big and small ways,
I know I can trust you in everything you do!
I can’t say it’s always been a smooth open road, or turned out the way I’d prefer, But one thing I’m sure of, you’ve been faithful to me,
And I live to give you all that you deserve....All that you deserve...
You are good..... always....
And in all ways,
You are working all things together for our good.
You are good.....always....
In big and small ways,
I know I can trust you in everything you do!
Yes, I know I can trust you in everything you do!!"
I will close with this timely quote...
"We have nothing to fear for the future except that we forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history..." Life Sketches pg 196
Isn't that beautiful? Oh that we could more fully praise and trust God in everything that He does! And that we would not forget the way He has led us in the past...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Lots has been happening since I came back...
- Praising the Lord for yet another $20,000 donation to CCBN for a much prayed for video server - now we can have a real professional style Internet TV site. Keep praying for us as we seek to organize and mobilize our time and resources.
- I'm seeking to learn a new editing program that I have yet to master
- On a sad note, good friend Jonathan just lost his dad unexpectedly last weekend. Dr. Zirkle had been a substantial influence in the community as he was a well respected doctor, the one that got the Helicopter Ambulance going for Loma Linda University, and he also started the fire dept here as well as contributing to many other needs.
- One day Val and Jonathan needed to get away from all the commotion and funeral planning for a bit, so I was there chauffeur and drove them up into the mountains to a peaceful lake. The grave side funeral was Thursday, and I have to say it was the biggest I have ever attended. Although I never knew Dr. Zirkle, I can tell that this man was really loved!!!
- Had a special outdoor picnic and prayer of dedication Sabbath in honor of several Advent Hope members that will be leaving us: Our roommate Susy going on a mission trip to Cambodia, two members moving out of the community to new locations, and two members going to AFCOE - Marzanna (one of CCBN's volunteers) and Dave (an attorney friend that has decided to change his career to that of "evangelism and ministry.")
- Sabbath night we did a smaller get together and going away party for Dave. Had an awesome sundown worship with TJ leading, played some games, and just enjoyed visiting.
- Today Val and I hiked our favorite "La Montaña de Corazón" for the first time in probably a couple months! I had some interesting spiritual insights during this hike which I'll share later...
So...that's the news in a nutshell as I jump back into the fast lane! Will post more soon...so stay tuned! :-)
"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Later as I was looking over my picture collection, it made me think of how similar that experience is to what is happening in our world. God has given us a map and a picture album, you could say...showing us our position in the world and what is to take place as the time draws near for His second coming. "Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass [see road map and picture album Matthew 24 & Luke 21], know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." Luke 21:29-31
However, despite what God has given us in His Word to help us prepare, we continue to play on the edge of the precipice...naive so it seems, to the danger below. "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Prov 14:12
As I’ve been contemplating my life, the times in which we live, and the calling that Christ has given each of us to a more full surrender to Him, I’m excited and scared at the same time. For it is very evident that we are living not just in the last days, but in the last seconds of earth’s history. We are on the edge of eternity! Very soon, we will either be sealed for eternal life or sealed for eternal death. The choice is up to us...
If you are on a ship that is sinking, you conduct your life a little differently than if you are sailing in smooth waters, don’t you? There is just a bit more urgency to your actions. As one of my favorite speakers figuratively puts it, "You don’t worry about making the bed anymore, or dusting the shelves. You don’t worry about soaking up a tan in the sun, you don’t worry about arranging your life with the latest gadgets or fashions. You don’t worry about putting more gold in your safe. No! All that is meaningless...your entire world is soon to be buried in a flood of water. And any gold or savings you possess will soon be at the bottom of the ocean. Your only worry is to find a life-jacket and get on a life-raft...and help others do the same!!!!" Interesting how a simple change in circumstance can change one’s priorities sooo drastically, huh?!
The scary thing about this illustration though is that it’s not just a figure of our imagination. It is real...and it’s beginning to take place right now in this world and in our lives! And yet, most people have a deaf ear to the warning signs all around, and even if they do hear them...they aren’t taking them seriously! They are going on with life as usual...as if they'll be around many more years to come.
I can understand the reluctance to believe and act, for I’ve struggled with it myself most of my life. No one wants to rock the boat, right! No one wants to be thought of as a "fanatic" or as "weird" by yelling "Wake up! Watch out! Go get a life-jacket! Get prepared!!" After all, every other catastrophe that has hit our ship has always turned out ok before. Surely this wouldn’t be the time that our safe, solid, unsinkable ship would go down.
But think...and think again!
Just as the "unsinkable Titanic" from long ago went to it’s watery grave, so our world and most of the masses are preparing to do the same. Is it any accident that our world is at war, that natural disasters are occurring with increasing frequency and severity, and that our nation is on the brink of an economic collapse ?? No, it’s no accident...Jesus is preparing to come!!
At the recent GYC in Minneapolis, there was a variety of wonderful inspiring messages. But I have to point you to one series that stands out above most of the rest. Someone is daring to rock the boat! Someone is daring to cry, "The ship is sinking!! Grab life-jackets, start launching life rafts!" These seminars are powerful...and if you want to be prepared for what is soon to come, I beg you (my family, friends and recreational blog readers) to listen and be motivated to action like never before!! I suggest we too may want to get off our "ledge" before it breaks off (whatever that ledge may be) and start grabbing life-vests...and spending whatever assets we do have to help others get life-vests.
There's one difficult part to this action!! It will cost us all we have and all we are...
But the reward will be eternal life!!!!
*For more exciting reading on what is happening RIGHT NOW in earth’s history, check out the book Maranatha chapter 251 & 252. I have many more exciting thoughts to share as God has been speaking to my heart and motivating me to follow Him down deeper paths of surrender. But for now....one thought at a time!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
What do you know?? More pictures...
Here's a few more pictures of our fun adventures! It's been so much fun to hang out with my family again for a bit. Mother and daddy are as alive and vivacious as ever, and my brothers are growing up to be quite the men! On one of our hikes, Homer was behind me walking rather quietly, which is unusual. "Whatcha thinking about Homer?" I asked. "Oh not much!" he replied. "I was just reviewing some of the chapters in Matthew that I've memorized!" (Can you believe it...I have a brother that could be off watching movies or playing video games (like the rest of the world) but instead, he chooses to use his spare time memorizing the Bible. He has the entire book of Matthew memorized as well as many other verses! That's called laying up treasure in your heart for sure!) Daniel is doing the same, and they are such sweet gentlemen to be around. I'm soo proud of my brothers!!
Hope you enjoy a bit more of a tour as you visit the Ozarks in my slide show! If you ever want a personal tour, I'd be happy to show you around... ;-)
Friday, January 11, 2008
It's been wonderful to be back home in the country with my family. What a beautiful haven of peace and quiet we have here...some 50+ miles to the nearest grocery store, and more to the nearest shopping outlet. No sounds of traffic anywhere (except when the UPS or neighbors comes to visit) and no smog to blind our view or fill our lungs with poison. Just the gentle breeze rustling through the oaks and pine in our yard, and the serene view of our lake. Every time I come back to the old farmstead to visit, I'm more and more convinced that I grew up on one of the most beautiful pieces of "heaven on earth."
This week we did something extra special! Since it was my dad's birthday, and also my parent's 36th wedding anniversary, Mom rented a cabin for us (yes, all of us!) to go stay in close to some beautiful scenic hiking spots a couple hours Northwest of us. Now as far as I'm concerned, just coming back to the farm is a peaceful vacation enough...but mother wanted to do something extra special to "get-away" (from the phones and the routine). She'd thought of taking us camping, but since it's only the beginning of January and the dead of winter, she thought it might be better to get a place that would keep us warm while we played outside. ;-) I told her that since it was their anniversary, they should "get-away" on their own...but she said, "No no! It's much more fun with all my kids along!!" I laughed and then told her she's been married far toooooo long!!! (Although if I raise such "great kids" I'll probably be inviting them along someday as well! Ha ha!)
The cabin was warm and cozy, and the famous Ozark scenic overlooks (that I've never been to in all my years in Arkansas) were beautiful as well!! We had a wonderful time. (I've shared a few of my favorite photo's above.)
I have to tell you about one special hike we took though. It was the hike to "Lost Valley" which, incidentally, we were thankful we found.
It was almost dark when we got to this trail head, and it was getting chilly. So we donned our coats and packs and flashlights and headed off up the trail. Mom said there were some really neat caves up by the stream that had water flowing through them that we just had to see. Since it would be dark inside the caves anyhow, it didn't matter that we were hiking to them in the dark. As it grew darker, our lights only shown on the trail just ahead. We could hear the sound of flowing water, but there wasn't much we could see. Higher and higher we climbed as we followed the stream up into the canyon.... "Isn't this getting a little dangerous?" I ventured. "Just keep coming! We're almost there!" my mom encouraged.
Finally we made it to the entrance of the cave. I ventured inside. It seemed large enough. My mom, having been here before, again took off ahead of us as she encouraged us along the way, deeper and deeper into the cave. Soon we had to bend down to keep from scraping the ceiling, then we had to get on our hands and knees, then we had to start crawling...almost on our stomach. My brothers and I had to take off our packs and leave them behind. I don't like tight spaces and yelled ahead to my mom, "How much farther?! I don't like this!" "We're almost there!" she encouraged. "Just stay focused and keep crawling!" I began to sweat...not from the workout, but from the extra adrenaline racing through my veins. Finally we crawled through a little hole and down into a beautiful open room with a 50 foot ceiling where a beautiful water fall was pouring through the rock. It was worth the trip!
Later, as I headed back thru the dark to the van along with my family, I thought about how our hike so closely parallels what we shall have to go through in our experience with God.
For one, as we learn to let go and walk more and more by faith, we aren't going to be able to see the road ahead. We may hear sounds that give us an indication of our location in the journey, but we have to rely on the light that God has given us for that day. He doesn't promise to show us what lies ahead (and it's probably for our best, for all I can handle are the trials of today!), but He is faithful at being a light to our path today...one step at a time! "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path..." Ps 119:105
For two, as we get closer to God and closer to His sooooon return...we are going to have to let go of more and more of our worldly dreams and worldly possessions. In fact, one day, everything will have to be released and cast aside...just as I had to leave behind more of my things as the cave got tighter and tighter. But the end result will be far grander than a beautiful waterfall, it will be life eternal in a glorious heavenly home of peace and joy. In fact, it kind of reminds me of a dream that a certain woman named "Ellen" once had about 100 years ago. The dream went like this:
In the dream Ellen was traveling with a large group of people. Some of the people had their wagons loaded with all their things. The road they were traveling on was steep, and on one side was a big drop-off and on the other side was a high white wall.
The road got narrower and narrower so they had to leave their wagons because there was not room enough for them. Some of the people tied their luggage on the horses and rode the horses. The path kept getting more narrow, so the people were all crowded near the wall. When their luggage hit it they would sway toward the edge. They were afraid they would fall off the edge, so they cut the luggage from the horses and it fell off the side. When the road became so narrow that they were afraid they would lose their balance, they got off the horses. Finally they left their horses behind and followed each other, walking in each other's footsteps.
Just then small white ropes came down the wall and they grabbed them to keep their balance. The ropes moved as they moved. Finally the path became so narrow that they had to take off their shoes and stockings. Even then it was difficult to stay on the narrow and dangerous path. Many people who were not used to such hard traveling had already stopped climbing. But the people who were used to things being hard kept traveling and wanted to reach the end of the road.
Because the road became so narrow they could not walk on it they had to hold on tight to the ropes saying “We have to hold on from above! We have to hold on from above!” Each person said these words to the next person on the path.
Suddenly the people on the path heard all kinds of noises from below the cliff. They heard swearing, and profanity, loud music and cruel laughing. They also heard loud crying. The people holding on to the ropes on the wall were more determined than ever to keep going up the narrow path.
As the path got narrower, the ropes got bigger and stronger. In the dream Ellen saw that the white wall had blood on it. It made her sad to see the beautiful wall stained with blood. Then she realized that when people came up the path and saw the stains they would know that others had been there before them, and even though they suffered a lot of pain they had kept on going up the path. This would encourage them to keep on going, too.
Now the people came to a big cliff below them and the path ended. There wasn’t anywhere to put their feet. They must trust the ropes, which had become very thick. Some of the people wondered where the ropes came from and what was holding them.
Then in her dream Ellen looked across to the other side from the cliff and saw a beautiful field of green grass about six inches high. She could not see the sun, but bright beams of light like fine gold and silver rested on the field. It was more beautiful than anything she had ever seen on earth. But would they reach the field? What if the ropes broke?
Again the people whispered the words “What holds the ropes?” Then someone said, “Our only hope is to trust in Jesus. The ropes have held us safely all this way; they will still hold us.”
While they were waiting they heard the words, “God holds the ropes. We need not fear.” Then Ellen’s husband James swung himself over the cliff and landed in the beautiful field. Ellen then took the rope and swung across. Then the rest of the people did the same. They felt so relieved and happy and thankful. They had made it safely by faith through Jesus Christ.*
Isn't that an incredible dream? I don't know about you, but I don't want anything to hold me back from going higher as I journey towards God's kingdom. I don't want any worldly dream, selfish longing, or treasured possession to risk pulling me over the edge of the cliff to my destruction. May God give each of us strength to "LET GO" and to keep pressing higher...
*Adapted from The Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Stories, vol. 2, pp. 59-62
Thursday, January 03, 2008
I'm finally posting some of my BEST pics from our Christmas and New Years. (Just be thankful I'm only posting my best...not the other some 500 I took!) It's been good to be home with my Oklahoma family...and now I am preparing to go to Arkansas to spend some time with my family there. I'm still coughing and chasing a running nose...and have just been feeling pretty lousy these last two weeks, so I plan to take some extra time out to fully re-coop and get back on top of things health wise and otherwise.
Been reading through the book "Escape to God" by Jim Hohnberger. I know it's been out for a few years now, but this is the first time I've read it. Very inspiring and insightful!! It's also encouraged me in my need to get away from the hustle and bustle and busyness of life for a bit to have some more time with God and to refocus my tired brain on what's really important. I'm grateful to have a home in the country to go back to...so this will be a blessing! Even if it is the middle of winter and the most miserable time to try to hike in the Ozarks. ;-) At least there is fresh air and plenty of space...
Before I close this brief note, I must share some exciting news! Remember the friend that I mentioned from GYC that became paralyzed and spent GYC in the ICU?? Well, God has been working in amazing ways...and He has slowly been recovering. Praise God!!! He started walking again within the first week after the anointing, and last Sunday he was able to use his fingers enough to type his own blog post. Today I was even surprised by a personal e-mail from him. And tomorrow he flies back to Loma Linda with his family. (He'll be in the Rehab there which is right behind where we live there in Loma Linda!) What an amazing guy, despite his circumstances, he continues to think of blessing others. To read more about his amazing story and progress check out his blog at: http://aloha2002.blogspot.com/
Well...it's hard to believe that 2007 is now just History! I don't know what 2008 has in store, but I pray that whatever new adventures lie around the corner, that God will continue to increase my faith and my trust in Him! Undoubtedly He will do that whether I ask for it or not, right? So I might as well buckle in and look forward to the ride. ;-)
I praise God for this New Year of life, and another year ahead of opportunities to serve Him. I just pray that He will help me serve more effectively this New Year than ever before!!! Time is sooo short, and so precious, and I'm afraid that I've wasted far too much of it in the past...
"Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good; lead me into the land of uprightness. Quicken me, O LORD, for thy name's sake: Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto thee." Ps 143:8,10,11