Saturday, May 02, 2009

You're NOT GUILTY anymore...

“It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, doesn’t matter what you’re coming from, it doesn’t matter where you’ve been. Hear me tell you, I forgive.

You’re not guilty anymore. You’re not filthy anymore. I love you, mercy is yours. You’re not broken anymore, you’re not captive anymore. I love you, mercy is yours.

Can you believe that this is true. Grace abundant I am giving you. It’s cleansing deeper than you know. All was paid for long ago.

You’re not guilty anymore. You’re not filthy anymore. I love you, mercy is yours. You’re not broken anymore, you’re not captive anymore. I love you, mercy is yours.

There is now therefore no condemnation for those who are in Jesus. You’re not guilty anymore. You’re not filthy anymore. I love you, mercy is yours. You’re not broken anymore, you’re not captive anymore. I love you, mercy is yours.

You are spotless. You are holy. You are faultless. You are whole. You are righteous. You are blameless. You are pardoned. You are MINE! You’re not guilty anymore. You’re not filthy anymore. I love you, mercy is yours. You’re not broken anymore. You’re not captive any more. I love you, mercy is yours.”

Praise the Lord, IN HIM who is our judge, lawgiver, and King....our Righteousness...we stand NOT GUILTY anymore!!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Announcing the GREAT THINGS of THIS month of MAY!!!

To read some powerful articles, go to

Wow...for the month of May, where do I begin???

With this month comes my sister Sandra's graduation from Nursing, my brother-in-law Tim's graduation from Medical School (He will now be a MD/PhD), one of my closest friend Vanessa's dream wedding to her best friend Dave, and my preparations for the big move with Sunny and Tim to Ohio. Besides these big monumental events though, there are lots of little things that make a difference in each and every day...

Yesterday it was delivering a warm banquet of Spring flowers to someone I appreciate, today it was spending some of the midnight hours in prayer and then waking up to discover the latest issue of SET-APART GIRL ready to read! Today it was also getting the routine "Happy May First" message from my college friend Mary, and having a good talk with one of my childhood best friends Val. These are blessings I just cannot keep to myself, but must share!!! Big things are exciting...but it's also the little things that make a big difference!
Happy May everyone...and remember...
"Happy is that people whose God is Lord..." Ps 144:15