I have been really enjoying the "Revived by His Word" initiative hosted by the General Conference, which is seeking to get people back into the daily reading of the Bible. I've read the Bible through from cover to cover once before. (Like probably 15 years ago!) Since then, I've just focused on studying here and there focusing on one book at a time or a specific topic of interest. However, with this new initiative, I thought I'd take part and in the process seek to memorize the themes of each chapter as we go along.
Wow - what a blessing! I've been learning so much…anew…
However, when we covered Genesis 26, last week, I really appreciated some thoughts that my friends Pastor Morris, and Pastor Page shared. They were so good, I wanted to share them on my blog.
Read Genesis 26, then enjoy the commentary below!
"Water is essential for life. In this story, the enemies of Isaac are constantly trying to cut out his water supply--but God continues to provide life-giving water for His people. While I was reading this story in Genesis 26, I remembered the words of Jesus when He cried out in the Temple courts, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink" (Jn 7:37). Jesus will provide life-giving water for our souls. He will sustain us in a dry and thirsty land. But there's more. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water" (Jn 7:38). When we are connected with Jesus, the water of life will flow through us by His Spirit to bless the lives of those around us! What an amazing thought. The great God of heaven who provided water for Isaac and his family will provide life-giving water for our lives today! No wonder the prophet Isaiah cried out, "Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters!" (Is 55:1)." - Derek Moris
"Water is essential for life. In this story, the enemies of Isaac are constantly trying to cut out his water supply--but God continues to provide life-giving water for His people. While I was reading this story in Genesis 26, I remembered the words of Jesus when He cried out in the Temple courts, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink" (Jn 7:37). Jesus will provide life-giving water for our souls. He will sustain us in a dry and thirsty land. But there's more. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water" (Jn 7:38). When we are connected with Jesus, the water of life will flow through us by His Spirit to bless the lives of those around us! What an amazing thought. The great God of heaven who provided water for Isaac and his family will provide life-giving water for our lives today! No wonder the prophet Isaiah cried out, "Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters!" (Is 55:1)." - Derek Moris
And that is my prayer as well!
Lord, please clean out the well of my heart that your Spirit may flow freely in my life and out to others!