If anyone wonders why the loooong silence….well….as usual, it means I've been on the road! AGAIN!
This time, my friend Raluca and I drove from Arkansas to California for our 10th ARME Bible Camp which was held at Pacific Union College in Northern CA. Since this was Raluca's first time to visit the USA (she's from Romania), I wanted to show her around a bit. So besides showing off the famous Ozarks (where I live now), on our way to ARME Bible Camp, I took her by the Grand Canyon, to the Pacific Ocean, to Yosemite, to the Sequoia's, and on the way home by Arche's National Park, and the Colorado Rockies. (To see more pictures from our adventurous road trip - click HERE!)
Can't believe we've been hosting ARME camps for over 3 years now and we just had our 10th camp. Pictured below is our staff picture for ARME PUC. Also below is prayer time from one of our staff worships! What a great team we have. Every day I praise the Lord for sending such great people to work with in this ministry.

By the time it was all said and done, this past camp (at PUC) was our largest yet with between 1,200-1,500 in attendance. Over 5,000 joined us at some point via our online web streaming which was running throughout camp. Of course, our goal is not for high numbers but for transformed lives. But as Pastor Ratsara, Division President for the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, keeps encouraging us….we are seeking to make this available to a larger audience so more people can be impacted.

"Eye-opening, mind-blowing, and hopefully life-changing! Life-long Seventh-day Adventist who has learned so much while being here!"
"This was the best conference I've ever attended - amazingly inspiring, and organized. The enthusiasm and passion of the staff is contagious. The presentation content was refreshing, enlightening and powerful. And the courtroom scene encouraged me to realize that defending my faith doesn't have to be overwhelming."
"Heir Force program was excellent. My children learned so much. Thank you!"
"ARME has changed my life. Any doubt of Adventism is long gone. The sanctuary message has given me an understanding of the Bible that I never thought possible! Also learning the importance of prayer and how to pray…"

"I'm a 3rd generation SDA, home-schooling mom, living in a small community. Never experienced anything like this before in my life. I feel revival. I made it through the all-night prayer - it was incredible. So much healing! I am convicted to take this home to my family, church, and dark community. I'm excited to be SDA again. My heart was so hard. I feel it softening. Heir Force program was excellent. Thanks to the leaders for all their hard work. I felt 100% safe leaving my children with the Heir Force staff. And my two children made decision to follow Jesus during this camp. Praise God!"
"I loved how caring the ARME staff is and how they truly build a family atmosphere at this camp. I've learned how to study my Bible deeply and how to see Jesus in everything. I prayed and asked God if he wanted me to come to ARME if he would provide the funds. He did. I've suffered from various medical conditions for over 4 years and the Lord has healed me physically, however I believe he brought me to ARME because He also wanted to heal my heart and mind. I'm so blessed and I have heard his voice. Thank you!"
"I have a long testimony…it wont fit here…" ;-))))
"Felt like I missed the "boat/ark" when I missed attending the two PSR ARME's, I am so relieved to have finally made it!"
"I saw Jesus shining through the lives of the staff and presenters. It has surpassed my expectations. I have been blessed and am overflowing. I pray this weekend will continue in my heart as I return home and share and inspire others. I will be encouraging everyone I know to attend."
"I came here confused, lost and lacking Jesus, but now I have him back and I am revived. Keep up the good work!"

"Eye-opening and life changing experience. Took for granted the mountains of gold I've been sitting on as an SDA."
"ARME has blessed me by giving me the tools as well as the messages to study, witness and pray. Wow! I am forever changed. Thank you ARME team! You have blessed many. Prayers are lifted up for the team as you continue to equip us to further the Kingdom of God and finish the work. He is coming soon!"

Although ARME is targeted at bringing revival and reformation to sleeping Seventh-day Adventist, people from all walks of faith were in attendance and many made decisions to surrender their lives to Christ and become baptized. It was so thrilling to see the hope and joy coming to so many hearts. (And equally as thrilling to see those who have been sleeping for years….wake up!)
Of course we think that too, that's why we are so passionate for what we do….to help people once again fall in love with Christ, with the Word, and with prayer and take this message far and wide.
I could go on and on, but let me share with you what some of what our attendees wrote on surveys. I sent this to our ARME teammates after we got back from California, but these testimonies are so inspiring I have to share. If you haven't yet experienced ARME….maybe this will convince you….YOU NEED TO COME! ;-)

One young teen came into the room where I was interviewing attendees toward the end of camp. It was the evening of our "all-night prayer meeting" and he was in shock. He's like… "have you been in the all-night prayer room yet?" I responded, "Not at this camp…but I'm headed there in a bit." He was like, "I feel like I'm watching the upper room pentecost! I've never seen people pray together like this and be so unified and in harmony! It's amazing! I think Jesus is going to come back soon!"
I could go on and on, but let me share with you what some of what our attendees wrote on surveys. I sent this to our ARME teammates after we got back from California, but these testimonies are so inspiring I have to share. If you haven't yet experienced ARME….maybe this will convince you….YOU NEED TO COME! ;-)
Here's some specific testimonies:
"I thought ARME would be just another Bible camp, but ARME was way more than I expected! I praise God for ARME."
"I was raised in the SDA church, but being here provided MORE clarity on our doctrines than my entire SDA education and my parents teaching - combined."
"I truly had the greatest experience of my life here at ARME!"
"ARME has rekindled my faith and trust in God and just blessed me and motivated me to give my life back to Him and finally to get baptized."
"I was raised in the SDA church, but being here provided MORE clarity on our doctrines than my entire SDA education and my parents teaching - combined."
"I truly had the greatest experience of my life here at ARME!"

"This was the best conference I've ever attended - amazingly inspiring, and organized. The enthusiasm and passion of the staff is contagious. The presentation content was refreshing, enlightening and powerful. And the courtroom scene encouraged me to realize that defending my faith doesn't have to be overwhelming."
"Heir Force program was excellent. My children learned so much. Thank you!"
"ARME has changed my life. Any doubt of Adventism is long gone. The sanctuary message has given me an understanding of the Bible that I never thought possible! Also learning the importance of prayer and how to pray…"

"I love that ARME is REAL….no fake stuff. The Lord provided for me to come…and it's perfect just the way it is!"
"The church is dying for want of the Word and this is one of the answers to this big problem. Thank you ARME!"
"No suggestions, just a huge THANK YOU to the ARME staff for their sacrifice, dedication, patience, and cheerfulness in all situations. You live what you are preaching. That is a powerful witness. This was the most amazing spiritual blessing. I needed this revival. I was raised SDA but never learned how to study my Bible. I am excited to apply the knowledge I have learned here in my personal devotions at home. I praise God for your ministry!"
"I have been an Adventist since I was 11 years old. I have never understood the old testament like I do now. I always read it because of it's history. I was dried bones when I got here, but I leave with "HeartBurn!" Praise the Lord for ARME Bible Camp. May the Lord keep blessing you with all you do!"
"God was obviously here! There are few places where so large a percent of the presenters, staff, and attendees are committed to Him. Keep this up."
"The church is dying for want of the Word and this is one of the answers to this big problem. Thank you ARME!"
"No suggestions, just a huge THANK YOU to the ARME staff for their sacrifice, dedication, patience, and cheerfulness in all situations. You live what you are preaching. That is a powerful witness. This was the most amazing spiritual blessing. I needed this revival. I was raised SDA but never learned how to study my Bible. I am excited to apply the knowledge I have learned here in my personal devotions at home. I praise God for your ministry!"
"I have been an Adventist since I was 11 years old. I have never understood the old testament like I do now. I always read it because of it's history. I was dried bones when I got here, but I leave with "HeartBurn!" Praise the Lord for ARME Bible Camp. May the Lord keep blessing you with all you do!"
"God was obviously here! There are few places where so large a percent of the presenters, staff, and attendees are committed to Him. Keep this up."
"The Mock trial was sobering and I was convicted not only to study, but to share what I learn, to begin giving Bible studies. I was also convicted to improve my prayer life."
"I came looking for new methods, but I found Christ. I was renewed in my relationship with the Savior. The messages were spirit-filled, the prayer, and music so good. I have been revived in my soul!"
"The Blueprint has changed my life. I want everyone in my sphere of influence to know that God's way is in the sanctuary. ARME has confirmed my calling to ministry! All the speakers (listed them all by name) were amazing and had empowering messages."
"I came looking for new methods, but I found Christ. I was renewed in my relationship with the Savior. The messages were spirit-filled, the prayer, and music so good. I have been revived in my soul!"
"The Blueprint has changed my life. I want everyone in my sphere of influence to know that God's way is in the sanctuary. ARME has confirmed my calling to ministry! All the speakers (listed them all by name) were amazing and had empowering messages."
"I loved how caring the ARME staff is and how they truly build a family atmosphere at this camp. I've learned how to study my Bible deeply and how to see Jesus in everything. I prayed and asked God if he wanted me to come to ARME if he would provide the funds. He did. I've suffered from various medical conditions for over 4 years and the Lord has healed me physically, however I believe he brought me to ARME because He also wanted to heal my heart and mind. I'm so blessed and I have heard his voice. Thank you!"
"I have a long testimony…it wont fit here…" ;-))))
"Felt like I missed the "boat/ark" when I missed attending the two PSR ARME's, I am so relieved to have finally made it!"
"I saw Jesus shining through the lives of the staff and presenters. It has surpassed my expectations. I have been blessed and am overflowing. I pray this weekend will continue in my heart as I return home and share and inspire others. I will be encouraging everyone I know to attend."
"I came here confused, lost and lacking Jesus, but now I have him back and I am revived. Keep up the good work!"
"The united prayer and spiritual food was from the Lord. Pastor Ratsara was God sent, and I finally understand God's will for my life. Pastor Myers message "the Blueprint" has challenged me and I will strive to study and share it. I understand more clearly the plan of salvation. The choice of songs with the music, and the children's participation with Heir Force was commendable. Praise the Lord."
"Thank you so much for live-streaming. Because of live-streaming, friends and church members were able to attend."
"ARME was a wake-up call that I needed. Testimony of Soon Hoon (sp?) was powerful. Need to have him in main session!"
"I've heard the Blueprint message before, but each time I hear it, I still gasp and sit there with the widest eyes ever. I want to thank you Pastor Myers for all that you've done for God and for the church."
"Thank you so much for live-streaming. Because of live-streaming, friends and church members were able to attend."
"ARME was a wake-up call that I needed. Testimony of Soon Hoon (sp?) was powerful. Need to have him in main session!"
"I've heard the Blueprint message before, but each time I hear it, I still gasp and sit there with the widest eyes ever. I want to thank you Pastor Myers for all that you've done for God and for the church."
"Eye-opening and life changing experience. Took for granted the mountains of gold I've been sitting on as an SDA."
"ARME has blessed me by giving me the tools as well as the messages to study, witness and pray. Wow! I am forever changed. Thank you ARME team! You have blessed many. Prayers are lifted up for the team as you continue to equip us to further the Kingdom of God and finish the work. He is coming soon!"

What more can we say except, TO GOD BE THE GLORY! GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE!
To learn more about ARME, visit our website or click here:
ARME Schedule Coming up this fall and coming 2013:
-Aug - Bali Indonesia
-Sept - Indiana
-Dec - Hawaii
-Feb 2013 - Texas
-April 2013 - NY NJ
-June 2013 - British Columbia Canada
-August 2013 - Colorado
-October 2013 - Germany
-December 2013 - Florida