Monday, January 28, 2013

Just sick or dying? Prepared or distracted?

At church this past week, a friend of mine was sharing prayer requests. She was asking that people continue to pray for my mother and grandma as she said, "They are still sick." Not even realizing what I was doing, I spoke up! "My mom's still sick, but my grandma's not sick." Everyone kinda chuckled and you would have too, if you knew the full story. Then the realization hit me of what I'd just said and how odd it must sound. "No…she's not sick, she's just dying!" I finished lamely…

The fact of the matter is, my grandmother isn't sick like my mom who has had the normal cold/flu. But what my grandmother has is much worse…she's dying of breast cancer, and it's terminal. She will not be living much longer. But since she's not got the same sickness my mom and I have had, I was quick to assert her health…when in reality, she is in much worse shape than any of us, and she does need much prayers. 

"How ironic!" I was thinking, as I reflected on this later. We live in a world that is dying spiritually, and yet...if we don't exhibit those normal signs of sickness (depression, discouragement, despair etc) everyone says you are in good health. If you've got a good job, a successful career, if you manage to pay the bills, and take a nice vacation…even if you are active in successful ministry, you would be pronounced by most as being in the most excellent of health. But are we truly? And what determines our true status of health?

In Ecclesiastes we are told:

"A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease." Ecl 6:2

Here we can see that God defines health as more then what you see on the outside…in fact, what you see on the outside could be nothing more then empty vanity.

As we watch the world around us, we all know that Biblical prophecy is literally being fulfilled before our very eyes. We are living in the last days, and Jesus is truly coming back very soon. So how can we prepare? How can we know that we have true health, so that we will not be caught sick, distracted, and off guard?

"Christians should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world as an overwhelming surprise, and this preparation they should make by diligently studying the word of God, and striving to conform their lives to its precepts.... God calls for a revival and a reformation."—Prophets and Kings, 626.

However, have you ever noticed how difficult it is to study the Word of God? Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to find time…I mean really find TIME to pray?

A friend of mine recently made this observation in a Facebook post. He states:


Iphones, Smartphones, Androids, Hundreds of thousands of phone 'Apps' to choose from, Cable, Satellite, DirectTv, etc.... hundreds of entertainment and sports channels to choose from, etc., Thousands of video games, online and offline, PlayStations, Xbox and such like…. Facebook, twitter, Myspace and all such like...

Well, you get the idea....

So here is my point... no, here is a word from Jehovah God to especially to the last day church:

"Satan well knows that all whom he can lead to neglect prayer and the searching of the Scriptures, WILL BE OVERCOME by his attacks. THEREFORE HE INVENTS EVERY POSSIBLE DEVICE TO ENGROSS THE MIND" Great Controversy, p. 519

Let us repent! Shall we?

Hmmm…. he has made a pretty good point there, wouldn't you say? Yes, I think so! (And not that using technology is wrong. But how much do we allow technology and all this stuff to distract us from what we are suppose to do to PREPARE?)

I may not be sick like my grandma, and maybe you aren't either. But let's remember that "true sickness - sin sickness" only God can define. "For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart." 1 Sam 16:7

Let our prayer be today, "Lord, make me whole and complete in You…and may I not be caught unawares. Teach me to watch and prepare by studying your Word and taking time with you!"

Still posting Daily Morning Sonshine - please stop by and say Hello! :-)