In the 1700's there lived a German man named Count Zizendorf, who realizing what Christ had done for him on Calvary became convicted of what he must do for Christ. He began to minister and provide shelter for Moravian refugees, who were streaming into the country at the time, and soon they had established their own little community under his watchful care. After experiencing discord and division, which often springs up wherever people live and work closely together, in answer to Count Zizendorf's earnest prayers and efforts on their behalf, the community was moved to repentance and as a result they experienced a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this a 24 hour prayer chain was organized that lasted for over a 100 years. And while there had initially been fighting and discord, the Moravians became known as "God's happy people." Why were they happy? Because they prayed and as a result, God blessed.
We are facing a stupendous crisis on many levels: financially, physically, spiritually, politically, and morally, our world is in upheaval and caus. Already God's judgements are falling and natural disasters are occurring in rapid succession, one right after another as His nearing approaches. (And this has all been foretold in His Word. See Matthew 24 for more!) While the devil and his agents are working with increased effectiveness, God is also working and His Spirit is being poured out in greater and greater degree. However, we haven't received that full outpouring yet, and until we do, we need to KEEP ASKING FOR MORE!!!!
Listen to what is happening to us: This was written over a 100 years ago, but how true it is even today!
"Minor matters occupy the mind and soul, but divine power which is necessary for the growth and prosperity of the church, which would, if possessed, bring all other blessings in its train, is lacking, although it is offered to us in infinite plentitude. Just as long as the church are satisfied with small things, they are disqualified to receive the great things of God."Did you catch that?? As long as we are satisfied with where we are, we will NEVER receive more!! But we are to ask for more and keep asking until we receive.
The passage continues…
"But why do we not hunger and thirst after the gift of the Holy Spirit, since it is the means whereby the heart may be kept pure? The Lord designs that divine power shall cooperate with human effort. It is all-essential for the Christian to understand the meaning of the promise of the Holy Spirit just prior to the coming of our Lord Jesus the second time. Talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it; for the Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit than parents are to give good gifts to their children."—
The Review and Herald, November 15, 1892
“The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it.” The Review and Herald, March 19, 1895.
“Let Christians ... ask in faith for the promised blessing, and it will come. The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the apostles was the former rain, and glorious was the result. But the latter rain will be more abundant.” The Signs of the Times, February 17, 1914.
It just hit me! We could have had an ongoing prayer meeting for the last 100 years, like the Moravians, but we haven't. However, just because we've failed in the past doesn't mean we need to fail in the future!!! And I don't think we have 100 years left to pray anyway…
At the General Conference they've started the
777 prayer initiative. This stands for believers praying 7 days a week at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This initiative is so exciting, because as a result we now have a prayer circle going around the whole world. And so many lives have been impacted as a result.
But what if we started praying, not just at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. but for specific extended time throughout the week, or in specific periods of time each day (even through the night) simply on behalf of seeing God's Spirit poured out and our unsaved loved ones returning to the Lord before it's too late?? (Not just 10 minutes here, or 15 minutes there, but for as long as God leads.)
I realize it would be difficult to orchestrate such a thing, and we all have a life, job, kids, families, and we cannot neglect these things, but think about it: How much time do we waste each week in the modern world on non-essentials (surfing the Internet, watching T.V. programs, browsing Facebook, browsing fashion stores, listening to music, working on hobbies, playing sports) when we could consolidate our time and devote MORE hours throughout our week to pray. And not just to pray randomly, but determinedly, until God hears and answers. What if we said, I'm going to dedicate 2 hours every week to pray during this specific time until God's Spirit is poured out. I'm going to, in God's strength, dedicate this much time each day, to pray until my unsaved loved ones are brought into the Kingdom. (Is their soul worth this much? It is to God, but what about to us???)
In the compilation on prayer, author Ellen White writes:
“It was because Elijah was a man of large faith that God could use him in this grave crisis in the history of Israel. As he prayed, his faith reached out and grasped the promises of Heaven, and he persevered in prayer until his petitions were answered. He did not wait for the full evidence that God had heard him, but was willing to venture all on the slightest token of divine favor. And yet what he was enabled to do under God, all may do in their sphere of activity in God’s service… Faith such as this is needed in the world today—faith that will lay hold on the promises of God’s word and refuse to let go until Heaven hears.” Prayer, p. 138
As I already stated, I'm no expert in the school of prayer. I believe in prayer, but I'm just a child in faith myself with much to learn. However, I know that when we pray, God works, and not one prayer is lost. And although I cannot pray 24 hours a day, or even 8 hours a day every day, I am choosing to dedicate my life to prayer for increasing amounts of time as God leads and directs until I see God's Spirit being poured out as He promised, and until I see the fruit in my own life that He has promised to bring, I will not let go! And if other brothers and sisters around the world were willing to make the same commitment, we could form a continuous 24 hour chain that would circle the World.
How many "unborn" are there in your life? Are you willing to stand in the gap, whatever it takes, to see them brought to life? Listen to what Christ says in the Scriptures:
"How think ye? If a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." Matt. 18:12-14,11
There are soooooo many unborn in need…let us put away the complacency of our hearts and pray without delay! Let's not waste another day!
[Updated July 20th 2013 - as a result of this appeal, we've started a 90 day prayer challenge, where intercessors from all over the world are unitedly lifting up the names of all our church leaders, praying for greater revival and reformation in our church. I prayed for 50 prayer partners, however at this point we have 95! Obviously God's plans are much bigger than mine! If you are interested in learning more or being part of this prayer team circling the globe, please e-mail me:]