This past winter I went to Bangladesh/Nepal and what was suppose to be a few weeks turned into almost 2 months as I extended my stay. What an amazing experience, teaching my kids Bible classes, and continuing to mentor and love on these precious children. It was very hard to leave, especially my two adopted girls.
When I returned to the USA, I was only home a few days before leaving for our next ARME in California. This was our 20th event! Wow, how the last five years have flown.
After that, I got to spend time with friends at Weimar before taking a speaking appointment in Northern California. And that's how my spring has been. Traveling, speaking, oh…and don't forget writing! One of my biggest jobs this spring was editing my book Daring to Ask for More, which Pacific Press has agreed to publish.
As of June 6th, the editing process was officially completed and now Pacific Press is working on the final details. A true miracle how all this has come together. My book will be released sometime this coming October 2014. (More on that later!)
In the meantime, travels continue. Just got back from 10 days in Romania where I gained the inspiration for my NEXT book. LOL! You think that after having just completed one it would be enough. However, I was at a friends wedding and during this trip read a book on single hood that some friends had recommended. It was LESS than inspiring though, and so I got inspired that maybe (after over 20 years of waiting on God) it was time to start writing my own book on the topic of single hood for my fellow single sisters. So we will see where this new project goes. (Stay tuned for more updates on this project!)
This next week we will be hosting our 21st ARME event here in the Ozarks of Arkansas. Another huge answer to prayer to have this in my home state. After that, I'm off to Colorado and then Idaho and possibly Canada once again for more speaking appointments. God is blessing and the adventures don't stop, but God is leading me one day at a time. All I can say is God is good, all the time, God is good! I have so much to be thankful for!
So that's my updates in a nutshell! ;-)