This picture sums up my life right now....not only in the fact that I am in mad pursuit of the perfect place to live...but also in the fact that I feel like my body and time is on "rent" to a dozen different projects, jobs, people and plans! (I'm not my own! My job owns my time now, Creator's Call owns my time....and most importantly, God owns my time!!! But keeping things in proper perspective and priorities in line is rather difficult when you are being pulled in a 100 directions at once!)
My new Travel Nurse position, although hectic, is going well, and as I settle more into the routine and flow of things, I enjoy it more! It's definately not an LTAC facility, and that is nice.
Our week of "Restoration" meetings and filming went well here at Loma Linda! Pasot Ivor Myers had an awesome testimony and many fresh inspiring things to share...which I will expound upon more later, if my time ever catches up with my body!
And then the latest time filler and intensity of thought has been in seeking a place to stay!
Suzy and I (a missionary Bible worker and Registered Nurse) are going to be renting together, and we've found a beautiful house that I just adore!!! But it's 4 bedrooms, so we need at least 2 more roommates!! So I'm praying that if it's God's will that we get this place, that He'll open the doors. We've looked at many others as well.....and almost settled on a smaller (but very cute) 3 bedroom Condo. But I didn't feel at complete peace about things, so we let that go! We're going to look at smaller 2 bedroom cheaper places, but also keep praying that if we should get the bigger place, that God could bring together a team of us girls that could really use the space and place for His honor and glory!! I'd like a place to settle more permanently, as I work here with the CCBN ministry...but God knows just what we need, so I'm determined to trust Him!!
So in a nutshell....that's my life and week...and it's almost midnight now, so I need to go to bed, because I'm back to the hospital for another 12 in the morning!!!! Don't have a lot of time to think about more than what I've got to do TODAY!!!
Thankfully our precious Lord only gives us what we can handle..."One day at a time."