"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Thursday, February 26, 2009
God continues to answer prayer...from California to Texas!!
Well, here I am finally in Texas...exhausted, tired and trying to catch my breath, but feeling very very very blessed! I have a job, a roof over my head, family not far away, and my life continues to be over-filled with blessings and answered prayers....more than I can count!!
Yes, as most of you know, I've spent most of the last 6-7 months doing various ministry projects and working with my Advent Hope ministry team in Loma Linda, CA: Very fulfilled, lots of adventures, but no job and no money! Since the economy has gotten tighter, getting another "Travel Nursing job" has become more difficult than I imagined. I started praying for another job back in November...but even after several months, there was no hope on the horizon. So.....I just kept doing the daily tasks and projects that I knew God was calling me to do, and amazingly, He supplied my needs and kept taking care of me. (Even to paying for over $600 in mechanical problems that I've had with my car the last two months! I didn't have the cash, but He always sent it right when I needed it.)
Well, at the last minute, towards the end of January (just after I'd invited Amanda to come stay with me for a couple weeks) I got a call that my Nursing Agency had an opportunity for me to go work in Texas for a few months! "Texas!?" I exclaimed... "Would God lead me back to Texas?? I'm all settled here in Loma Linda." Of course I forgot that I had also been praying for some time that He'd help me move OUT of Loma Linda and start to get out of the big city environment of Southern California..... "Maybe this is His way of doing that?" I mused.
I was deep into editing "Set-Apart Life" sessions for the Ludy's, preparing for Amanda to come, and now....NOW, I had to start thinking about packing for Texas!!
Not long after, as you've seen in the previous posts....Amanda came to visit, and what a great time we had. But I was also beginning to really feel the pressure. As she and I swamped our bodies with fresh fruits and veggies, watched Nedley lectures, and studied the Bible, after she went to bed, I stayed up nights trying to get my first round of edits completed on the Ludy videos, and began to mentally plan and pack for my soon coming move to Texas. I would have to leave for TX only 2 days after Amanda went home....that didn't give me hardly ANY time!!!!
My friend Season was preparing for her 26 mile Marathon in Huntington Beach and I felt like I was preparing for the mental marathon of the decade!! I didn't think I could do it...it all seemed sooo impossible, so fast, so last minute, so overwhelming. But one day at a time, one night at a time, with God by my side and lots and lots of prayer....I made it through!
Finally....tearfully....after Celebrating Season's 26 mile Marathon Victory, my early birthday, and many answered prayers with Amanda, I said goodbye to my Loma Linda friends and I hit the road....headed over 2,000 miles for Texas....all alone in my Honda car, packed to the gills! (I was sooo tight on space, I even packed food around my spare tire, and prayed the whole way I wouldn't have a flat!) I didn't try to make the trip in one day though...I stopped the first night in AZ to visit my childhood best friend Heather and her family. Then I spent Sabbath in OK with my Holland family. Grandma Hiner was in the hospital and struggling with her health, so it was kinda sad. Mom and Dad also made me a cake and brought it to the hospital where we were congregated to be with Grandma. But they couldn't light the candles for fear they'd set off the sprinkler system in the whole hospital....so they just sang, and I didn't get to make my wishes. (I thought it might have been kinda fun to set the sprinklers off, but no one else thought so!)
Then the next day, on my actual birthday, I headed for Temple TX. (It's kinda funny, because when I started travel nursing, three years ago, my first day as a travel nurse was on my birthday, and it was on a job in East Texas!!)
All the drive from California to Oklahoma, I had either listened to sermons, music, or prayed. One particular prayer was for a place to stay. "God, I've been soooooo busy I haven't had time to even look for a place to live in Texas! I don't have the slightest idea even where to begin!? So far when I've gone to my nursing jobs you've always provided the perfect place to stay with a church family or friends....but I don't know anyone in Temple, TX....could you find someone for me again??" It was a big prayer of faith. And to make it bigger, I added "And God...If possible, could you provide a furnished apartment, separate from someone's home so I wont be in their way...in the country a bit, and at a low price so I can save as much possible for paying my bills?"
A few hundred more miles down the road I would pray again, "I know this may seem like a selfish request, because beggars can't be choosers they say, but please....a furnished apartment....surely you know of someone down there who has one available they would let me rent? I know this is a small thing for you, and you delight to have us share the desires of our hearts." (God was smiling upon me I know and I can just imagine Him thinking.... "Oh Melody, how I am going to bless you! Just you wait...")
But time went on and I knew and heard nothing. My mom had tried to contact some friends she knew in the area, but no word. Then Sunday morning came and I was to leave Oklahoma and make the final leg of my journey to Texas. I still didn't know where I was to stay. I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably just need to rent a motel.
Right before I left home, I looked on the Internet for church phone numbers and stumbled across one, not only the church number but also the Pastor's number. When I called, the Pastor pleasantly answered. I told him I was a "Travel Nurse" looking for suggestions on a economical place to rent or stay, was single, and wanted to be close to a church family, and did he know of anyone? (I didn't tell him what I'd asked God for.) Well, he and his wife talked things over and they called me back. "We have an apartment, fully furnished," he said. "We built it for our daughter, but she doesn't live with us anymore. It's open right now. We're a ways out in the country, so it may be farther then you care to drive, but you can use it if you want, and we'll even give you a good deal on rent!" I was speechless....it sounded exactly like what I'd been praying for. Privacy, furnishings, in the country, economical....I could hardly dare believe. They gave me directions and told me I could go ahead and come that night.
Once I got on the road, I had another surprise. Another lady called me....the Pastor had given her my name and number and she also wanted to welcome me to Temple and help in anyway she could. It turned out we'd met about 6 years before, and while I hadn't stayed in touch, she and my mom were still friends. When I did arrive in Temple, she and her husband met me and escorted me out to meet the Pastor. They told me I could come live with them in their home if I wanted, as well! I was speechless at the love and welcome. However, when I got to Pastor Harbour and his wife's home, I knew that....at least for now....this was the Oasis I had prayed for and it was exactly what I needed!
How could God be sooo good and answer my prayer sooo specifically!!!! My heart was aglow and my mind filled with amazement. I don't deserve such tender love!!
Yes, God is good, and treats us better than we deserve. That first night back in Texas, as the sun set on yet another birthday, I sunk into a warm comfortable ready-made bed, and my heart danced with happiness. I hadn't needed to rent a motel after all. And I had found some more loving Christian friends. I would miss my old ones from California, but for now I had found my resting place...and my marathon...at least for now, was finally over!!
Follow Up Notes:
Here I am...three weeks later...still getting into my routine, but still glowing with amazement at how God always provides. I miss my roomates dearly, and find it strange to have a room (much less a apartment) all to myself, but the refreshment of having time alone with God has been a blessing from Heaven.
Work is fast-paced and rough at times, but going well. I thought I was going to be working 3p-3a (a very difficult grave-yard schedule), but without my asking, they changed me to 11a-11p!! The perfect schedule. "Before you call, I will answer...before you speak, I will hear!" Again, God knew what I needed!
The first four hours of my shift they usually have me make rounds on all the patients, and help the nurses with admissions and various needs. I love it!! I've already gotten to talk to many patients about Christ, pray with people when I saw a need, and help one man even learn how He can make peace with God before He dies. (He cried and cried!)The rest of the shift I have my own patient load and get to juggle all their needs, plus try to chart and grab a lunch/supper break somewhere.
My first day on the floor I actually met a Nurse who was a former SDA who hadn't been to church in years. I told her about the church here in Temple and that it was a really friendly church and she should come visit. Then I added under my breath, "I haven't been there yet, but if you come to visit, I'll be friendly!" She laughed. :-) I am still praying that she will come!
The local church has turned out to be friendly and has welcomed me with open arms. I look forward to making better friends and being involved. They put on a beautiful Valentines Banquet, and although I was just barely here, they invited me to attend....an opportunity I would never miss as I love Valentines.
The Pastor and his wife are wonderful Christ centered, Bible centered people, and we've been having an incredible time getting acquainted. We're on the same wave-length, and have a lot in common, so I look forward to working with them. Carla and her husband (my old friends) have also been a blessing, showing me around and giving me rides in their "Arctic Cat" on their country property. They just exude the love of Christ to everyone.
It's nice to be only a few hours drive away (in contrast to 2 days drive away) from both my families (Arkansas and Oklahoma) and I plan to visit them both as much as I can.
Grandma Hiner continues to struggle with her health. She's been in the hospital for 2 weeks, come home, gone back to the hospital and come home again. She has CHF and her heart is slowly failing. We are praying that a recent surgery will help her get back on top again. Please join me in this prayer.
Oklahoma Academy has asked me to help with a Week of Prayer for their students, so I've been organizing materials together for that. Much of this I've already put together for Advent Hope. OA's also asked me to help with filming a "Sanctuary Concert" they are doing in Oregon this spring with the life size model of the Messiah's Mansion. Pray that God will bless this endeavor.
Amanda is continuing to study the Bible and grow and flourish. She's hitting all the deep Bible doctrine topics hard....I tell her sometimes, "You don't have to worry about that right now...just focus on your walk with God!" But she's got a sharp mind and is willing to dig, and I know God will continue to bless her for it.
I'm still not done with the Ludy videos.....in fact, I haven't touched the project since I left CA, I've been sooo busy!! But with God's help, I pray to get back on track with this soon. They have been soo gracious and understanding. On an extra special note, Leslie asked me to help write for her online girl's magazine, read by young women all around the world. My first article "My Perfect Valentine" went in this February issue.
And my newest big ministry project is an exciting ministry called "ArMe Bible Camp Ministries" that some friends and I are developing. The name is meant to represent our need to be equipped, trained, and "armed" with the Word of God for all battlefield fronts of life! This is still just getting off the ground, but we're hoping to host our first training camp this summer. The retreats will be intensive training trageted at helping youth and young adults with specific areas of the Christian walk. While we hope to host "Training camps" in a number of Spiritual disciplines and topics, our first camp will focus on teaching people how to study the Bible and really get into the Word for themselves. I'll share more details as things come into place, but please pray for this upcoming venture!!! We're really excited about it!!
In closing, and on a humerous note...since I was just talking about being "armed".....while I'm living in a rural area in the country (about 30 mins from my work) there's no need to be afraid of anything. Only a few miles away lies one of the biggest military bases in the whole United States....Fort Hood, Kileen TX. (I had no clue!!) There are army helicopters flying overhead, or men in uniform going through the check-out lines with me when I buy groceries....so I am well protected. (Smile smile!) But even if I wasn't....I wouldn't worry....I'm willing to go where-ever my Lord leads me, for when He leads, I know He will provide, and as long as I wear His armor, I know I have nothing to fear. (Eph 6)
A friend once shared this quote.
"How come a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor when a commission by our Heavenly King is considered a Sacrifice?"
Hmmm....goood question!! I pray that however God commissions me, or however He answers my prayers or does not answer my prayers, I will consider living in His "Special Service" an honor, not a sacrifice!!
Yes, as most of you know, I've spent most of the last 6-7 months doing various ministry projects and working with my Advent Hope ministry team in Loma Linda, CA: Very fulfilled, lots of adventures, but no job and no money! Since the economy has gotten tighter, getting another "Travel Nursing job" has become more difficult than I imagined. I started praying for another job back in November...but even after several months, there was no hope on the horizon. So.....I just kept doing the daily tasks and projects that I knew God was calling me to do, and amazingly, He supplied my needs and kept taking care of me. (Even to paying for over $600 in mechanical problems that I've had with my car the last two months! I didn't have the cash, but He always sent it right when I needed it.)
Well, at the last minute, towards the end of January (just after I'd invited Amanda to come stay with me for a couple weeks) I got a call that my Nursing Agency had an opportunity for me to go work in Texas for a few months! "Texas!?" I exclaimed... "Would God lead me back to Texas?? I'm all settled here in Loma Linda." Of course I forgot that I had also been praying for some time that He'd help me move OUT of Loma Linda and start to get out of the big city environment of Southern California..... "Maybe this is His way of doing that?" I mused.
I was deep into editing "Set-Apart Life" sessions for the Ludy's, preparing for Amanda to come, and now....NOW, I had to start thinking about packing for Texas!!
Not long after, as you've seen in the previous posts....Amanda came to visit, and what a great time we had. But I was also beginning to really feel the pressure. As she and I swamped our bodies with fresh fruits and veggies, watched Nedley lectures, and studied the Bible, after she went to bed, I stayed up nights trying to get my first round of edits completed on the Ludy videos, and began to mentally plan and pack for my soon coming move to Texas. I would have to leave for TX only 2 days after Amanda went home....that didn't give me hardly ANY time!!!!
My friend Season was preparing for her 26 mile Marathon in Huntington Beach and I felt like I was preparing for the mental marathon of the decade!! I didn't think I could do it...it all seemed sooo impossible, so fast, so last minute, so overwhelming. But one day at a time, one night at a time, with God by my side and lots and lots of prayer....I made it through!
Finally....tearfully....after Celebrating Season's 26 mile Marathon Victory, my early birthday, and many answered prayers with Amanda, I said goodbye to my Loma Linda friends and I hit the road....headed over 2,000 miles for Texas....all alone in my Honda car, packed to the gills! (I was sooo tight on space, I even packed food around my spare tire, and prayed the whole way I wouldn't have a flat!) I didn't try to make the trip in one day though...I stopped the first night in AZ to visit my childhood best friend Heather and her family. Then I spent Sabbath in OK with my Holland family. Grandma Hiner was in the hospital and struggling with her health, so it was kinda sad. Mom and Dad also made me a cake and brought it to the hospital where we were congregated to be with Grandma. But they couldn't light the candles for fear they'd set off the sprinkler system in the whole hospital....so they just sang, and I didn't get to make my wishes. (I thought it might have been kinda fun to set the sprinklers off, but no one else thought so!)
Then the next day, on my actual birthday, I headed for Temple TX. (It's kinda funny, because when I started travel nursing, three years ago, my first day as a travel nurse was on my birthday, and it was on a job in East Texas!!)
All the drive from California to Oklahoma, I had either listened to sermons, music, or prayed. One particular prayer was for a place to stay. "God, I've been soooooo busy I haven't had time to even look for a place to live in Texas! I don't have the slightest idea even where to begin!? So far when I've gone to my nursing jobs you've always provided the perfect place to stay with a church family or friends....but I don't know anyone in Temple, TX....could you find someone for me again??" It was a big prayer of faith. And to make it bigger, I added "And God...If possible, could you provide a furnished apartment, separate from someone's home so I wont be in their way...in the country a bit, and at a low price so I can save as much possible for paying my bills?"
A few hundred more miles down the road I would pray again, "I know this may seem like a selfish request, because beggars can't be choosers they say, but please....a furnished apartment....surely you know of someone down there who has one available they would let me rent? I know this is a small thing for you, and you delight to have us share the desires of our hearts." (God was smiling upon me I know and I can just imagine Him thinking.... "Oh Melody, how I am going to bless you! Just you wait...")
But time went on and I knew and heard nothing. My mom had tried to contact some friends she knew in the area, but no word. Then Sunday morning came and I was to leave Oklahoma and make the final leg of my journey to Texas. I still didn't know where I was to stay. I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably just need to rent a motel.
Right before I left home, I looked on the Internet for church phone numbers and stumbled across one, not only the church number but also the Pastor's number. When I called, the Pastor pleasantly answered. I told him I was a "Travel Nurse" looking for suggestions on a economical place to rent or stay, was single, and wanted to be close to a church family, and did he know of anyone? (I didn't tell him what I'd asked God for.) Well, he and his wife talked things over and they called me back. "We have an apartment, fully furnished," he said. "We built it for our daughter, but she doesn't live with us anymore. It's open right now. We're a ways out in the country, so it may be farther then you care to drive, but you can use it if you want, and we'll even give you a good deal on rent!" I was speechless....it sounded exactly like what I'd been praying for. Privacy, furnishings, in the country, economical....I could hardly dare believe. They gave me directions and told me I could go ahead and come that night.
Once I got on the road, I had another surprise. Another lady called me....the Pastor had given her my name and number and she also wanted to welcome me to Temple and help in anyway she could. It turned out we'd met about 6 years before, and while I hadn't stayed in touch, she and my mom were still friends. When I did arrive in Temple, she and her husband met me and escorted me out to meet the Pastor. They told me I could come live with them in their home if I wanted, as well! I was speechless at the love and welcome. However, when I got to Pastor Harbour and his wife's home, I knew that....at least for now....this was the Oasis I had prayed for and it was exactly what I needed!
How could God be sooo good and answer my prayer sooo specifically!!!! My heart was aglow and my mind filled with amazement. I don't deserve such tender love!!
Yes, God is good, and treats us better than we deserve. That first night back in Texas, as the sun set on yet another birthday, I sunk into a warm comfortable ready-made bed, and my heart danced with happiness. I hadn't needed to rent a motel after all. And I had found some more loving Christian friends. I would miss my old ones from California, but for now I had found my resting place...and my marathon...at least for now, was finally over!!
Follow Up Notes:
Here I am...three weeks later...still getting into my routine, but still glowing with amazement at how God always provides. I miss my roomates dearly, and find it strange to have a room (much less a apartment) all to myself, but the refreshment of having time alone with God has been a blessing from Heaven.
Work is fast-paced and rough at times, but going well. I thought I was going to be working 3p-3a (a very difficult grave-yard schedule), but without my asking, they changed me to 11a-11p!! The perfect schedule. "Before you call, I will answer...before you speak, I will hear!" Again, God knew what I needed!
The first four hours of my shift they usually have me make rounds on all the patients, and help the nurses with admissions and various needs. I love it!! I've already gotten to talk to many patients about Christ, pray with people when I saw a need, and help one man even learn how He can make peace with God before He dies. (He cried and cried!)The rest of the shift I have my own patient load and get to juggle all their needs, plus try to chart and grab a lunch/supper break somewhere.
My first day on the floor I actually met a Nurse who was a former SDA who hadn't been to church in years. I told her about the church here in Temple and that it was a really friendly church and she should come visit. Then I added under my breath, "I haven't been there yet, but if you come to visit, I'll be friendly!" She laughed. :-) I am still praying that she will come!
The local church has turned out to be friendly and has welcomed me with open arms. I look forward to making better friends and being involved. They put on a beautiful Valentines Banquet, and although I was just barely here, they invited me to attend....an opportunity I would never miss as I love Valentines.
The Pastor and his wife are wonderful Christ centered, Bible centered people, and we've been having an incredible time getting acquainted. We're on the same wave-length, and have a lot in common, so I look forward to working with them. Carla and her husband (my old friends) have also been a blessing, showing me around and giving me rides in their "Arctic Cat" on their country property. They just exude the love of Christ to everyone.
It's nice to be only a few hours drive away (in contrast to 2 days drive away) from both my families (Arkansas and Oklahoma) and I plan to visit them both as much as I can.
Grandma Hiner continues to struggle with her health. She's been in the hospital for 2 weeks, come home, gone back to the hospital and come home again. She has CHF and her heart is slowly failing. We are praying that a recent surgery will help her get back on top again. Please join me in this prayer.
Oklahoma Academy has asked me to help with a Week of Prayer for their students, so I've been organizing materials together for that. Much of this I've already put together for Advent Hope. OA's also asked me to help with filming a "Sanctuary Concert" they are doing in Oregon this spring with the life size model of the Messiah's Mansion. Pray that God will bless this endeavor.
Amanda is continuing to study the Bible and grow and flourish. She's hitting all the deep Bible doctrine topics hard....I tell her sometimes, "You don't have to worry about that right now...just focus on your walk with God!" But she's got a sharp mind and is willing to dig, and I know God will continue to bless her for it.
I'm still not done with the Ludy videos.....in fact, I haven't touched the project since I left CA, I've been sooo busy!! But with God's help, I pray to get back on track with this soon. They have been soo gracious and understanding. On an extra special note, Leslie asked me to help write for her online girl's magazine, read by young women all around the world. My first article "My Perfect Valentine" went in this February issue.
And my newest big ministry project is an exciting ministry called "ArMe Bible Camp Ministries" that some friends and I are developing. The name is meant to represent our need to be equipped, trained, and "armed" with the Word of God for all battlefield fronts of life! This is still just getting off the ground, but we're hoping to host our first training camp this summer. The retreats will be intensive training trageted at helping youth and young adults with specific areas of the Christian walk. While we hope to host "Training camps" in a number of Spiritual disciplines and topics, our first camp will focus on teaching people how to study the Bible and really get into the Word for themselves. I'll share more details as things come into place, but please pray for this upcoming venture!!! We're really excited about it!!
In closing, and on a humerous note...since I was just talking about being "armed".....while I'm living in a rural area in the country (about 30 mins from my work) there's no need to be afraid of anything. Only a few miles away lies one of the biggest military bases in the whole United States....Fort Hood, Kileen TX. (I had no clue!!) There are army helicopters flying overhead, or men in uniform going through the check-out lines with me when I buy groceries....so I am well protected. (Smile smile!) But even if I wasn't....I wouldn't worry....I'm willing to go where-ever my Lord leads me, for when He leads, I know He will provide, and as long as I wear His armor, I know I have nothing to fear. (Eph 6)
A friend once shared this quote.
"How come a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor when a commission by our Heavenly King is considered a Sacrifice?"
Hmmm....goood question!! I pray that however God commissions me, or however He answers my prayers or does not answer my prayers, I will consider living in His "Special Service" an honor, not a sacrifice!!
Monday, February 02, 2009
God is soooo good....
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