Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've moved AGAIN...

[JUST CLICK the "X" on the right corner so the PETS disappear! Also, if you hold your mouse over a picture, you will see a CAPTION with it!]

Well...I've moved again! This time it wasn't to another state though...it is just closer to town. In fact, I'm only a block away from one of the hospitals that I take calls for here in Portland....but there's sooo many trees between me and the hospital, it really seems like I'm still way out in the country! Thankfully, I'm still only about 20 minutes (15 miles) from the Lee's (my Korean family that gave me a home for the last 6 months - minus my time in Colorado) so I can still go and help them, or spend time with the kids easily.

Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for right now! In fact, as I get ready to spend my FIRST night here in my new little cozy apartment, I can't believe my good fortune. Actually, it's not "good fortune" - it's the providential workings and blessing of God. I've been praying He would give me just the place I needed, at the price I could afford. And while looking for apartments awhile back, I accidentally (again, providentially) stumbled on to this privately owned FULLY furnished apartment. (Remember, everything I have, I brought to Oregon in my car - so I don't have any furniture with me.) But believe it or not....despite beautiful furnishings, a plush queen bed, and more....it was close to the same price as other regular unfurnished apartments in the area. Ummm.....Wow!!!! This is amazing! God is good! But He wasn't done with me....besides that, it's nestled right up against a beautiful little mtn covered in hiking trails....like 5-6 miles worth of trails! The trail entrance is literally 30 feet from my back door!!!! (Only God knows how much I treasure a quiet serene peaceful place to walk/jog and spend time worshipping Him away from the eyes of others. So He has provided. I went walking up on the mtn tonight, and it was beautiful! So I already know, this mtn is going to be my haven and refuge...)

When my housemate Susy and I moved into our place in Loma Linda almost 4 years ago...we felt a "sanctity" about our new home. And so before we started setting up housekeeping or moving in, we stopped and prayed and dedicated our home to God. It was really special! The interesting thing is, I can't begin to count the people that came to spend time in our home (whether for an evening get-together or for a few nights) that told us, "This place is special. I really sense Peace here...and the presence of God." I was so touched by the different testimonies...as well as the many blessed experiences God gave us in that home. (A miracle story all in itself!)

Well, I'm on my own again now...no roommates, no family by my side...but once again, I've felt God's voice speaking to my heart... "While just a tiny little apartment, this is to be my home Melody, dedicated to my purposes and for my glory...to bless others." (Oh my, it gives me chills up my spine just thinking about it.) So Sunday...after Obba helped me unload stuff and then after he went home, before I started moving in, or getting things organized...I knelt and dedicated this little apartment to God. Again, I felt such a sweet spirit and peace flood over me and the place. It was very special.

And so I pray, as God has promised, that He will truly bless this place and all that enter...that when they come, they will see Jesus here...and they will feel at peace. Yes, God is good....all the time!!!! All the time, God is good....

So, I'm all moved in now and organized (more organized then I've been in months)! I had my first meal (Raisin Bran and soymilk with Toast on a kiddo "Tonka plate") this morning, and then late this afternoon, I had rice and "keem" seaweed! (Yep, sigh....it's my favorite!) While the apartment only has minimal kitchen supplies, and I only have with me a few things of my own....I do have a rice-cooker (compliments of Lee's) and I have my own chopsticks that I got in Korea last summer.....so I figure I am all set! Since I haven't worked all summer until just a couple weeks ago, I'm basically broke after paying rent and deposit to get started here...and my cupboards are kinda bare...but it's weird, because I don't feel stressed about this at all. I actually feel like a millionaire! (I guess I am....cause my Father owns the world...and just as He watches out for and cares for the sparrows, He's also caring for me.) However, although some may roll their eyes at the things I'm thankful for, I honestly couldn't be happier! I just stand in AWE and PRAISE.....because once again....God has proved faithful, and answered my prayer and requests even more beautifully than even I could have hoped or imagined...all I can say is WOW!!!!! (And....if you keep in perspective, that in third world settings, 5 families would be crammed into the space I'm going to be renting alone...well, that helps me realize even more how "rich" I am.)

So, if you are ever in the area....come and visit! I may only have 700 square feet of room, but whatever I have, I will share gladly.

"Blessed to be a blessing..."

Blessed to be a blessing
Blessed to live your love
Blessed to share with others every blessing from above
Blessed to walk in mercy
Blessed to light the way
Oh, Blessed to be a blessing every day

Verse 1
Oh my Jesus, you have blessed me
You died for me to take my sin away
Now you live your life in me
And the love received is love I give away

Verse 2
Oh my Jesus, make me a blessing
In my work and play, in everything I do
Oh let your blessing flow through me
That in seeing me, may others see you


Lindsay said...

This is wonderful, Melody! What a HUGE blessing. Aaahhh...I SO enjoy hearing stories about how He lavishes life and love on His children. Not only did you get what you needed (a place to live), but what you wanted too (fresh air, trails, etc.) The Lord is so good to us! He does great things, and we are filled with joy!

Sunny Arakawa said...

Looks like an awesome place for you. Praise the Lord for providing such a perfect place. I like it! Wish I can come visit. :)

Emo said...

Greeting. It is nice to be close to the mountain.