Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The text message proposal...

Recently a young man (who shall remain nameless and faceless) texted me out of the blue and told me that he was dreaming of marrying me. Since he is a few years younger than me and had never given any indication of this thought previously, it was quite a surprise. I wasn't quick to jump on board though. In fact, quite the opposite. Knowing that he is not converted and we would not be a compatible match, I gently encouraged him to dream about someone else. (Boy aren't I accumulating the crazy text stories? Last summer a complete stranger starts texting me and in the end decides to give his heart to God, and now a marriage proposal text…sorta)

Anyway, I told my team about what happened since I've been praying for this man's conversion, and I was encouraged to at least hear SOMETHING from him, even if it was an "dreaming of marrying you" text. I laughingly also mentioned to my team, that it made me feel kinda good to know that I was "still ok enough" that even a younger guy would think of such. Smile smile!! I was only half serious... Yet I know the reality that when you've been single your whole life (short as it's been, it seems like forever), and you've never really dated, those you cared about looked the other way, and time keeps passing, it IS easy for the devil to plant little seeds of doubt in your mind… "You know, something must be wrong with me! I must NOT be ok!"

However, I had no idea how many girls would identify with my joking remark…many on my team wrote back saying that they'd felt the same way - like something was WRONG with them and they weren't ok! But they weren't the only ones that wrote back. The guys wrote back as well...

One encouraged: "You're a 10 cow woman at least. Don't settle for less cows!" (From the Johnny Lingo movie!) I thought that was so sweet. However another wrote: "10 is considered above average, but a royal wife can be in the hundreds. I would say since you're the bride of the heavenly King, there would not be enough cows on earth for any of you girls."

Not enough cows for any of you girls!!!!

Did you catch that? So beautiful, so profound, and so true!!! And He is right. How could any of us entertain such doubts and such thoughts when we are more valuable then all the cows on this earth and more! We are so valuable to God that He sacrificed His Son. And His Son willingly gave His life to win our love!

So while my comment was all said in fun, it was a good wake-up call for me and hopefully it will be for all of you girls out there that may be having second thoughts about "waiting for Mr. Right." Mr. Right may still be out there and he might not be, but I know ONE MR. RIGHT that has already fallen in love with you…and before you give your hand to any man, be sure to send that man to the bargaining table with Him first.

You are worth loving and you deserve a prince - Not because of any goodness in yourself but because Your prince already gave His life for You!!!!!


Gary and Toni Lewis said...

God is always so kind and faithful. He provides for our needs even before we realize our need sometimes!

Kourtney Ann said...

Aw, Mel! Thanks for the reminder! So sweet and such an encouragement! We truly are God's and if He is for us than what more do we need to know?
If He loves us who elses opinion matters?
If He died for us, what does it mater what others will do or not do for us?
He is enough!
Thanks again for that sweet reminder! It was timely and quite a blessing!

Cami Martin said...

And I'm so glad that we can always count on that One who has always been in love with us! =) Thank you for the wonderful lesson; it is appreciated. :)