Today, June 14th, we find ourselves at Exodus 9, and many of the bloggers are discussing the different plagues that fell on Egypt, and how they relate to us today. Lots of powerful thoughts being shared.
Yesterday, the reading was Exodus 8. And yesterday, the RBHW official commentator made a profound statement that really impacted me. The plague of frogs was upon Egypt, and Moses when talking to Pharaoh asked "when" he (Pharaoh) wanted the frogs to be removed. Pharaoh's response was "Tomorrow!"
As I've been reflecting on how Pharaoh PUT OFF deliverance from the frogs ONE MORE DAY, it has struck a chord in my heart as I've realized some things that I've PUT OFF allowing God to deliver me from, little compromises that I've been reluctant to surrender and let go. I keep telling myself, "It's not a big deal. I'll do something about it later." In fact, it's easier to put it off and do something about it later, because the "sins of my heart" are not a nuisance to me like the frogs of Egypt probably were to Pharaoh. But God has convicted me… "Mel, although these sins seem little and inconsequential….these things are eating away from my relationship with you. You must do everything in your power to take action TODAY and put away every sin I convict you of NOW!!! Don't be like Pharaoh and put off til tomorrow the deliverance you need today!"
Here's what our commentator on Exodus 8, Kenneth Matthews Jr, wrote regarding this:
"In verse 9 & 10, a remarkable and all-too-human aspect of humanity is seen in Pharaoh’s response to Moses’ question: when shall I ask God to remove the frogs from your palaces, homes and kitchens? Pharaoh answers like the defiant sinner he is. “TOMORROW!” Can you believe it? Christians today (Pharaoh) would rather wallow in sin one more day than to ask God to remove the sin IMMEDIATELY! We should not be too hard on Pharaoh of old, when we are apt do the same thing he did."
As I've been reflecting on how Pharaoh PUT OFF deliverance from the frogs ONE MORE DAY, it has struck a chord in my heart as I've realized some things that I've PUT OFF allowing God to deliver me from, little compromises that I've been reluctant to surrender and let go. I keep telling myself, "It's not a big deal. I'll do something about it later." In fact, it's easier to put it off and do something about it later, because the "sins of my heart" are not a nuisance to me like the frogs of Egypt probably were to Pharaoh. But God has convicted me… "Mel, although these sins seem little and inconsequential….these things are eating away from my relationship with you. You must do everything in your power to take action TODAY and put away every sin I convict you of NOW!!! Don't be like Pharaoh and put off til tomorrow the deliverance you need today!"
Wow. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about it. I will not procrastinate anymore on what God is asking me to do. I will obey today. As I was tossing in my bed last night, God brought to mind some passages from inspiration that speak to this very thing:
"Even one wrong trait of character, one sinful desire cherished, will eventually neutralize all the power of the gospel. The prevalence of a sinful desire shows the delusion of the soul. Every indulgence of that desire strengthens the soul’s aversion to God. The pains of duty and the pleasures of sin are the cords with which Satan binds men in his snares. Those who would rather die than perform a wrong act are the only ones who will be found faithful." 5th Testimononies, p. 53
"However trifling this or that wrong act may seem inthe eyes of men, no sin is small in the sight of God. Man’s judgment is partial, imperfect; but God estimates all things as they really are." Steps to Christ, p. 30
I shared these thoughts with my RBHW family, and I also told them the following:
I could keep what God is doing in my heart to myself, but I was just thinking to share with all of you, because isn't this the whole purpose of WHY we need to be REVIVED by His WORD??? These aren't just cool stories we are studying, or lessons for the people of long ago. They are for us as a people TODAY! And they are to change and transform our hearts today, so we don't make the same mistakes as those long ago. Let's listen to whatever the Holy Spirit is telling us today and not harden our hearts any longer! Let's not rationalize away the petty sins of our lives any more!
"Wherefore then do YE HARDEN YOUR HEARTS as the Egyptians and Pharaoh hardened their hearts?...While it is said TODAY, if you will hear his voice, harden NOT your hearts..." 1 Sam. 6:6; Hebrews 3:15