Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Keys to Powerful Prayer!

Just wanted to share a recent program I had the privilege of recording with Janet Page for HOPE TV's "Ministry in Motion." We filmed two programs: one on how to grow your personal prayer life, and one on how grow a community through united prayer. The second program has not aired yet. But for now, here's the first! Click on the picture below to VIEW THIS PROGRAM and enjoy! And if you are blessed, please share with others.

"Ask and ye shall receive…" Matt. 7:7

“Our heavenly Father waits to bestow upon us the fullness of His blessing. It is our privilege to drink largely at the fountain of boundless love. What a wonder it is that we pray so little. God is willing and ready to hear the sincere prayer of the humblest of His children.” Steps to Christ, p. 94 

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