"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Friday, March 28, 2008
-Sing into your hairbrush.
-Walk barefoot in wet grass.
-Play a song you like really loud, over and over.
-Dot all your "i"’s with smiley faces.
-Read the funnies...skip past the boring stuff!
-Dunk your cookies.
-Play a game where you make up the rules as you go along.
-Step carefully over sidewalk cracks.
-Change into some play clothes.
-Try to get someone to trade you a better sandwich.
-Eat ice cream for breakfast.
-Blow the wrapper off a straw.
-Cuddle with your teddy bear.
-Have someone read you a story.
-Dream about your knight in shining armor.
-Find some pretty stones and save them.
-Wear your favorite clothes even if they don’t match.
-Take a running jump over a big puddle.
-Go run in the rain.
-Get someone to buy you something you really don’t need.
-Hide the food you don't like under your napkin.
-Stay up past your bedtime.
-Eat dessert first.
-Call your mommy and tell her you need her!
-Fuss a little, then take a nap.
-Put way too much sugar on your cereal.
-Make cool screeching noises every time you turn a corner.
-Laugh til you cry.
-Give someone you love a flower.
-Give yourself a gold star for everything you do right today.
If "being a kid again" is reflected in the above...I guess I never grew up!!!! Cause I still do it all!!!!
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones!" Prov 17:22
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Then sometimes I want to complain... "How come I was sooo cursed...? Cursed to love those that are free but do not choose to love me. (The irony of free choice...it can't be forced!!) Cursed to have loved ones that do not understand my family nor the God we seek to serve? (Of course most families suffer with this same agony as well!) Cursed by my table of plenty with fat stores that do not want to go away. (Is that God's curse or my intemperance?) Cursed to serve a God that doesn't always give me what I want...but often allows hardship, loss and pain. (Or maybe He's doesn't always give me what I want, but is seeking to build me and prepare me for something better?)
Hmmm....Blessings....Cursings....which are they??
I am reminded of the verse that we all know, but like to forget...
"It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes..." Ps 119:71
"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
A devotional I was reading recently in "Streams in the Desert" again rings close to my heart.
"And Moses drew near unto the thick darkness..." Exodus 20:21
First of all I have to wonder, WHY would he draw NEAR unto the thick darkness?? Isn't that like a curse? A curse to be avoided at all cost? Shouldn't he try to get as far away from that darkness as possible?? But the words of one unknown yet very wise author go like this:
"Do not be afraid to enter the cloud that is settling down around your life. God is in it! The other side is radiant with His glory. Think it not strange considering the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings. When you seem loneliest and most forsaken, God is near. His is in the dark cloud...under the shrouding curtain of His pavilion, just like Moses, you will find God waiting for you."
Hast thou a cloud?
Something that is dark and full of dread;
A messenger of tempest overhead?
A something that is darkening the sky;
A something that is growing darker bye and bye;
A something that thou fear'st will burst at last;
A cloud that doth a deep long shadow cast?
God is in that cloud!
Hast thou a cloud?
A trial that is terrible to thee?
A black temptation threatening to see?
A loss of some dear one long thine own?
A mist, a veiling, bringing the unknown?
A mystery that unsubstantial seems:
A cloud between thee and sun's bright beams?
God cometh in that cloud.
Once, standing on a high peak in the Rocky Mountains, a man overlooked a terrible storm in the valley brewing below. Then, out of that storm flew the most beautiful eagle. The water droplets on his back glistened like diamonds in the sunlight. Had it not been for the storm below, the eagle would have remained in the valley.
Yes, more and more I realize, just as God is in the storms...He also brings us storms to draw us up out of the valley and closer to Him. If our hearts are surrendered to Him...He too can help us rise above the sorrows of life to soar with the eagles above!! But sometimes He has to allow the storms to bring us UP and out of the valley..."
Hmmm....maybe my biggest curses...my biggest complaints...are actually my biggest blessings! Maybe I need to walk into the cloud...and get out of the valley!
"And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them." Isa 42:16
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A Valentine may play a love song for you, but God sings you the sweetest love song in the universe.
"The Lord your God...will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing!" Zeph 3:17
A Valentine may give you flowers, but God sent you the most beautiful rose of all. Jesus!
"I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys." Song of Solomon 2:1
A valentine may take you out to dinner, but God has invited you to the most amazing feast ever given.
"Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the lamb." Rev 19:9
A Valentine may bring you chocolates, but God provides you with something even sweeter. His Word!
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" Ps 119:103
A Valentine may be far away, but God is always with you!
"I am with you always!" Matt 28:20
A Valentine may give you something, but God gives you everything!
"God gives us richly all things to enjoy!" I Tim 6:17
A Valentine may love you for what they see in you now, but God loves you despite what He sees in you, despite what you've done, despite where you've been, and despite the mistakes you've made. He see's in you someone that is worth the price that He paid on calvary...
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom 5:8
A Valentine may love you for a lifetime, but God loved you before you were born and will love you for all eternity. His is a love that will never fail...
"Yea, I have loved you with an everlasting love...with loving kindness have I drawn you!" Jer 31:3
Monday, March 24, 2008
Introducing "The Sensational Six"...

And boy are they sweet!! ;-)
Well, I don't know about the "sensational part" but it makes for a fun title!! And I'd like to hope we're sweet...at least to each other!
As you can see we had fun with the camera up in the hills the other day! Just wish that some of the rest of my favorite girlfriends (Sunny, Jennifer, Janine, Aimie, Julie, Wendy, Joy...[did I miss anyone?] could have also been along!!)
What would life be like WITHOUT GIRLFRIENDS??? I don't even want to know...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Surprises for Valerie...
"A picture is worth a thousand words..."
So I'll spare the words and continue to share the pictures...although I believe a brief dictation would be helpful! ;-) Valerie went home to be with her family for her REAL birthday, which took place, March 15th. (Just so everyone knows!) But when she returned, we planned the ultimate "Girl's Party" to celebrate. However, knowing Val, she was suspicious. (Most girls are, you know!) So to throw her off, we had people over for pot-luck Sabbath, and sang her Happy birthday then. Later I kinda felt bad, because it wasn't a real party...and I could tell she was kinda disappointed. But we didn't let her disappointment last too long. For that evening, at sundown, all the girls congregated at our place for worship, food, and fellowship. And it really was the ultimate party...For not only did we have an awesome Bible study, but we could all eat ice-cream right off the platter community style (it was Tofutti Soy dream!!!), and we could talk and laugh and cry and share...without worry of what anyone thought....for we were all laughing and crying and talking and sharing together!!! It may have been in honor of Val's birthday, but it was one of the most FUN EVENINGS I've had in a long time!! So, through the pictures, I hope you enjoy it too!!!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Let us be challenged to go out of our way (and out of our comfort zone) to brighten someones day this week...maybe a friend, maybe a complete stranger!
Then...let's share the stories!
I'll be waiting to hear... ;-)
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine..." Prov 17:22
*Thanks Esther for sharing this beautiful picture of care!
Even in the Whirl-wind of storms...there is beauty!!
Decided I wanted to take on another short-term Travel nurse contract. I've been off work since early December, and although things have been really tight, God has blessed and provided. Yet, while I desire to work full-time youth evangelism and ministry, I believe that bed-side nursing is a ministry too! Also, after all the work it took to become a nurse, I don't want to loose my skills, and I still have a couple small loans I am trying to pay off. So after much thought and prayer, I finally decided to take on another contract. (I've been working on getting debt free far too long, but believe it or not...I am really almost there!!! What a great feeling that will be!) So I started work again this last week at my same favorite hospital in Riverside. They have been very gracious to me and allowed me to have off every Sabbath and every Wednesday. So I am very thankful!!
My first couple days back were just as hectic as ever...and believe it or not, two of my first patients were teenage girls that had over-dosed on drugs. (For those of you that have read my blog experiences over the last couple years, you know these are my favorite type of patients. I'm not being sarcastic, by the way!) So I thought it was kinda funny or maybe providential that these were the patients I got on my first couple days back.
Regardint these girls: Day one they were still hallucinating and partly incoherent, so had to be restrained or have one to one attention as they were fighting anything and everything we did. It was pretty wild!! By day two they were thanking God they were alive and scared about the close call they'd had. They hadn't been trying to kill themselves, just get "high." When I discharged one of the girls (the other one had to leave too quickly), I took time to really talk straight to her about her life and how God loves her too much to let her go and He has a plan for her life. She just nodded and cried and we prayed together. Then she hugged me when she left. She has a sister that is a Christian and trying to reach her. Her sister and I had a really good talk, so I just pray that this near-death experience will be a turning point for her.
So as you can see, my first days back were hectic, but with God's strength I was able to jump right back into the swing of things, deal with some pretty tough patients, as well as help some of the other nurses with their questions and problems, and at the end of the day I actually felt like I'd accomplished something worthwile. This may sound surprising....but I am actually thankful to be back working as a nurse for several more months.
Sabbath, our dear friend Alistair (the guy that was suddenly incapacitated during GYC) started a new class on Revelation which I really enjoyed. (He and Norman will be sharing this class I understand!) He also preached an incredible sermon. The topic was "WHY BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE." It was such a powerful sermon and probably ranks up there as one of my favorites that I've heard since I've been here at Advent Hope. He went through seven reasons why God allows bad and painful things to happen in our lives...and included part of his testimony and the miracles God has been working in his own life the last several months. I will share one verse from his sermon that we all should be reminded of.
"All who will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." II Tim 3:12
And then one of my favorite verses...
"But I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom 8:18
I don't want to spoil the impact though, so I encourage you to go listen to the sermon yourself on Audioverse. (Just click here...if you didn't already click above!)
Here's to another grand glorious, crazy, and adventuresome week, which I expect will also be just as busy and whirl-winding! But thankfully I don't need to fear the "whirl-wind" for my Savior walks with me through it...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The mother looking down at the girls shoes spoke up, "Darling - you need to tie your shoe laces!" "I don't want to." The girl replied without hesitation as she continued to watch the people around her. "I don't care if you want to or not...you need to." the mother spoke up, still using normal conversation tone. "I don't want to mama! I like them this way." "But you might fall and hurt yourself, and that would be bad!" The mother spoke again. "Oh no, I will be ok." the little girl replied. "Do you remember that lady we saw on the ground today that the ambulance picked up?" the mother asked. "Yes, I remember..." the little girl replied, unconcernedly. "Do you know what happened to her?" Now the girl sat in rapt attention.... "No, what happened?" she asked. The mother allowed there to be a pause for effect, then came the awful truth.... "She didn't tie her shoe laces, and she tripped and fell!" There was silence. "And the same will happen to you to if you don't tie your shoe laces...."
I was sitting right next to them and about burst into laughter, but somehow, I managed to contain myself. If only "not tieing our shoe laces" was the worst of our problems!!! ;-)
Later when coming out of Wal-Mart I watched a young mother struggling with her children. She had a girl in a wheel chair with cerebral palsy and toddler. She looked tired and worn. Yet there was love in her voice as she spoke to the children, there was patience in her touch. I had to admit I admired her...admired what she was doing.
Sometimes I struggle with love in my voice when I speak to my roommate, sometimes I struggle with love in my touch when I help a friend...what would it be like to care for a child, (maybe two or three of them) that demanded my every minute and offered no gratitude....no thanks...no reward. (At least not in this life!) What if there was no "growing up" and getting past this stage....day in and day out...for the rest of my life...
Could I serve with love?? I hope that I could...and if God someday gives me my own children to love, whether they be of my own body or cast aways from someone else...whether they are healthy or deformed, I pray that I will!!!
But maybe I should work a little more on developing love now...with the people God has given me!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
To view some or all of the above mentioned meetings, please visit: http://www.videoverse.org/ and click on the series "Restoration 2008:Ignite" (There was a daily noon meeting at the student visitor center on the Loma Linda University campus. This was about prophecy and why we can trust God and His Word. Then there were evening meetings at a local church 4 nights of the week. These were more about personal application and how to get our lives right with God. These were my personal favorites. Even though I didn't always get the whole message as I was often directing the filming from a side-room, I have been enjoying going back and watching these meetings myself on Videoverse! Thanks Curtis and Jen for such fast work in getting these posted!!)
It was amazing how God worked...from helping us pull the little details together, to things that didn't work til 30 seconds before we were to start a meeting, and then magically (or more likely, by God's blessing) they would start working just on time! Our volunteers were all young adults, but our youngest (as you will see in the photo) was about 4years old!! She's a real director in the making - and I imagine in a few more years will be taking over our control room!
In the beginning of the 3 week event, our volunteer team usually began set-up of the cameras, lights, control room, and audio equipment 3-4 hours before a meeting would begin. Then since we had a different location for the evening meetings, we would have to tear down and pack up all the equipment again as soon as the meeting was over. (This usually took another hour!) So, all in all, the process could take up to 5 hours, and this happened twice a day! By the end of the 3 weeks though (minus the weekend event), we had things down to a science and could usually get set up within an hour and a half or less. Of course, there were always "bugs" it seemed that would pop up here or there! But none the less, God blessed, and things always seemed to turn out!! Often we'd see people crying of raising their hands in accent to what Matt would be sharing. It was evident that God was working!!
Thanks to the RESTORATION team for hosting the event, for our volunteers with CCBN for filming the event (this wouldn't have happened without all Jen and Curtis's hard work and many hours of time and dedication), and for the many others that were involved! I am honored to work with such a great group of people that love to serve God! What a blessing!!!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Sunny & Tim are Engaged!!!!
Ok ok ok.....so it's time I finally end the silence and SAY SOMETHING!!!! (I know this is not usual, but TRUST ME...lots has been happening around here lately!!)
Needless to say, I am quite excited!!! ;-) But more than excited, I am just plain inspired and encouraged to see how God has led in Sunny and Tim's relationship the last four+ years. No, it hasn't all been candle light and roses....there has been challenges as well. (See previous post!) Yet, even through the difficult times, God worked and brought out an even more beautiful love.
It seems as I look at the beautiful things in life, and the rare sacred love that only a few have discovered, I realize that those gifts that really mean something did not come without sacrifice. Those gifts did not come without pain. It's like, each had to go through their own separate "Lazarus experience" or a death to a dream/vision before God brought about His reward and His plan!! (Of course His plan is always more beautiful than what we would have chosen!!)
So....now to the fun stuff!! As you've probably already read in Sunny and Tim's post - last Monday (Feb 25th) was the special day!! Tim asked his parents, Sunny's mom, and our parents for their blessing and then plans proceeded forward. (I had previously joked with Tim about the fact that when the time came, he needed to ask MY permission too!) He didn't quite do that, but I was honored and surprised when, about a week or so before the special day, he brought me into his confidences to help him in research and planning to orchestrate the perfect moment!! I have to give Tim credit....He really put a lot of creative thinking and time into making this day turn out so special for Sunny! (I was amazed! And Sunny was too....which is what really counts!!)
It was great fun to part of Tim's "under-cover agent team." However, the Thursday before the event Sunny began to wonder if something might be up. He'd already asked her if she'd like to spend the day snow skiing. That was a no-brainer, as Sunny had been begging him to do that for months. So he figured it would be the perfect decoy to keep Sunny unsuspecting. He even allowed her to help plan the day! However...she became suspicious something might be up since he'd told her he was gonna pack a picnic lunch. Sunny's shared a lot of the exciting details and steps of growth all through their relationship with me.....from the moment he asked to "re-evaluate their relationship" last October, until now. So I wasn't surprised when she confided in me once again. "He says it's a belated Valentine's Day date, but I think he might propose!"
I, of course, knew that he was going to, because He'd already told me!! But how could I help keep her unsuspecting?! I knew Tim dearly wanted this to be a SURPRISE!!! So, I replied nonchalantly.... "That would be soooo cool if he proposed! (Little did she know how COOOL!!) But do you really think he has talked to mom and dad yet??? You probably shouldn't get your hopes up too much because you don't want to be disappointed!" (Of course, again I knew that he had talked to our parents. But she had confided in me, a little disappointingly I might add, after their Valentines trip home to Oklahoma that she didn't think he had talked to them yet! So I built upon that point!) I encouraged her not to get her hopes up too much and be disappointed. She agreed that was probably best....
Of course, afterwards, I went right back to Tim and told him, "You gotta do something!! She's suspicious...." Tim was a quick thinker though, and through some more maneuvering, managed to throw her off his trail!! When the big moment came, she was totally surprised!!!!
The night before the "skiing trip/proposal day," Tim and I were both scurrying around making last minute preparations, trying to keep Sunny unsuspecting. I had delivered something to his home that he'd asked me to pick up, but had to hide it outside as he wasn't home yet, but was with Sunny. So later, after he'd told Sunny goodnight, I called to tell him where to find it. In that last conversation he admitted that he was excited, but also nervous. Nervous that something might not work out right! I told him, "Tim....it's gonna work out perfectly, just you wait and see!! As for God, His way is perfect!!"
Later I asked my sister.... "How was the moment in comparison with your dreams and hopes?" She replied with peaceful happy eyes and heart.... "It was soooooo much better than anything I ever imagined or dreamed!!"
Now if that doesn't sound like perfect, I don't know what is!!! All I can say as I smile and chuckle is...."God's way truly is perfect!!" Ps 18:30
Tim - You don't just get Sunny, you know! You get a whole family! ;-) (I know you aren't too sad about that either as we've all gotten along quite nicely since we first met!!) But I just want you to know once again, I am soooo thrilled that you and Sunny are together. And I am sooo blessed and inspired to see how you've allowed God to work....and allowed Him to write your love story even when you didn't understand what He was doing!!! (If all young lovers could follow that example, things would definitely turn out happier!)
Sunny - it's been an honor to be at your side and watch your life and love unfold....both for God and for Tim, through these experiences! As your "American sister" and friend for many years, someone who has tested your patience (as true sisters should), someone who has been your roommate and walked all over your personal space (as true sisters shouldn't), someone who has shared both laughter and tears, and someone who has been challenged by your walk with God and your dedication, I can say with all honesty, Tim is truly going to get an "honorable" wife in you!! I am sooo happy for you!!
Congratulations on your Engagement guys!!!!
To celebrate...when Sunny and Tim came back down the mountain, we surprised them by fixing up our living room like an "Italian Restaurant" and had a small group of friends here waiting to celebrate! (Good thing she said "Yes!" huh?) Of course, Tim knew he was bringing Sunny home for a special dinner, and had requested this, but he didn't know what type of dinner it would be....so it was a surprise for him too!! These are the pictures depicted in the slide show above! It was a wonderful evening, and hopefully one that Tim and Sunny will never forget. (I know I wont forget it!)