Saturday, November 01, 2008

I'm back, but WHERE am I??

This is the all too sobering question of the moment....I'm back home, in my snug little comfort zone again, with all my friends, and all those that I love, but WHERE am I?? Something seems amiss! Something seems wrong...

Could it be that God doesn't expect me to stay here...could it be that He opened my eyes in Bangladesh, not so I would SEE better....but so that I would become something MORE??

I'm still pondering this question, as I sort through the maze of my life....a life filled with trials and challenges, a life filled with joy. I've made my mistakes, and I've stumbled and fallen, yet with God's strength, I've picked myself back up, and I've moved on. My life has been filled, my life has been full. And it's been full of good things. This last month has been especially rewarding as I've focused my time around service and around ministry....around doing the least of these! I can surely be proud of that fact, right?!! Or can I?? Does it really matter what I've done?? With the billions lost and hurting on our planet, does my little feeble efforts really matter? Maybe they do...maybe they don't! Maybe it's not about ME anymore....maybe it's not about what I've done or where I've been....

Maybe WHERE I am is not where I am suppose to stay....maybe God is asking for MORE....

I just listened to an incredible sermon by my friend, Eric Ludy! And it's challenged me to the core, in a new never before...I encourage you to LISTEN and be challenged as well!

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Matt 16:24

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