"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas friends!!!
Can't believe another year is now almost History?! In place of sending Christmas cards or a Newsletter, I decided to post a "Christmas Card Newsletter" here on my blog. How's that sound? (At least all my electronically advanced friends can keep up with my life.) As you can see by the pics above, God has truly blessed me with a Wonderful Life filled with lots of love and lots of friends. Of course, life isn't all just fun and roses...I've had my hard knocks this year as well. (We don't take pictures of those times...) But through it all, God has been teaching me to Trust Him even more.
Some of the things I'm grateful for this year include:
But there's an even more important ADOPTION that has changed my life...and that is what I am most thankful for this Christmas. That is the adoption that God has given me. He chose me and loved me before I had the slightest idea what that love meant. (Just like my friends who adopted baby "Harper" - a little Korean girl handicapped and outcast in her culture, I was a babe, and I had no idea the gift He was giving me or the life He was preparing me for.) I struggled along, seeking to walk, seeking to win His love...but despite my best efforts, I kept failing. I was handicapped and hopeless. While my outward life may have seemed beautiful to the world, my inward heart was a mess...filled with pride and selfishness and sin! And just like the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh, it was impossible for me to fix, impossible for me to clean, impossible for me to heal alone. But even though I doubted God's love and power, and often pushed Him aside over the years as I sought my own stubborn way, He has STILL loved me and kept following after me, claiming me as His own. Yes, I still have much to learn about this LOVE, yet it is a LOVE that is becoming more and more real...and it is an "Adoption of Love" that has forever changed my life!! What precious precious LOVE, a LOVE that will not let me go!
"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him IN LOVE: Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." Eph 1:4-7
I pray that this IN LOVE experience with God can be real for all of us. Times are tough all around...we can see the signs of the end drawing closer. And we must know this LOVE and not only know it, but be sooo grounded in it, that nothing, no storm, no tempest, no economical crisis, no relationship, no worldy attraction, no earthly tie....can pull us away. Otherwise, we are going to be like the five foolish virgins, caught unprepared when Christ comes to take us home!
Sending Christmas Hugs and Greetings to you all.
My love and prayers are with you!
PS: To encourage you in your journey of building a "Faith that Endures," I invite you to listen to a recent talk I gave on this subject. Also - if you haven't done it recently, go back thru the last 13 chapters of the Great Controversary! It's powerful!! ;-) Merry Christmas everyone!
Can't believe another year is now almost History?! In place of sending Christmas cards or a Newsletter, I decided to post a "Christmas Card Newsletter" here on my blog. How's that sound? (At least all my electronically advanced friends can keep up with my life.) As you can see by the pics above, God has truly blessed me with a Wonderful Life filled with lots of love and lots of friends. Of course, life isn't all just fun and roses...I've had my hard knocks this year as well. (We don't take pictures of those times...) But through it all, God has been teaching me to Trust Him even more.
Some of the things I'm grateful for this year include:
- God's Grace amidst pain and trials
- Finding greater joy in deep soul-searching prayer
- Watching my sister Sunny's courtship and marriage to her True Love, Tim - the Love that was worth waiting for! (And yes, I will wait for mine as well.)
- Stepping out in Faith and watching God provide
- Visiting Bangladesh - an experience that broke my heart and also helped me see my heart for what it truly is - totally lost without a Savior!
- Enjoying the gift of FRIENDSHIP with some of the greatest people in the world
- Realizing there is more joy in "giving" then in "getting"
- Having incredible books and resources constantly within my reach to help me grow. (Check out my previous blog post about the book "Intercessor" by Rees Howells, or get the newest book by my friend Eric Ludy "The Bravehearted Gospel")
- Seeing God answer prayer...and personally knowing His LOVE!!
But there's an even more important ADOPTION that has changed my life...and that is what I am most thankful for this Christmas. That is the adoption that God has given me. He chose me and loved me before I had the slightest idea what that love meant. (Just like my friends who adopted baby "Harper" - a little Korean girl handicapped and outcast in her culture, I was a babe, and I had no idea the gift He was giving me or the life He was preparing me for.) I struggled along, seeking to walk, seeking to win His love...but despite my best efforts, I kept failing. I was handicapped and hopeless. While my outward life may have seemed beautiful to the world, my inward heart was a mess...filled with pride and selfishness and sin! And just like the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh, it was impossible for me to fix, impossible for me to clean, impossible for me to heal alone. But even though I doubted God's love and power, and often pushed Him aside over the years as I sought my own stubborn way, He has STILL loved me and kept following after me, claiming me as His own. Yes, I still have much to learn about this LOVE, yet it is a LOVE that is becoming more and more real...and it is an "Adoption of Love" that has forever changed my life!! What precious precious LOVE, a LOVE that will not let me go!
"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him IN LOVE: Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." Eph 1:4-7
I pray that this IN LOVE experience with God can be real for all of us. Times are tough all around...we can see the signs of the end drawing closer. And we must know this LOVE and not only know it, but be sooo grounded in it, that nothing, no storm, no tempest, no economical crisis, no relationship, no worldy attraction, no earthly tie....can pull us away. Otherwise, we are going to be like the five foolish virgins, caught unprepared when Christ comes to take us home!
Sending Christmas Hugs and Greetings to you all.
My love and prayers are with you!
PS: To encourage you in your journey of building a "Faith that Endures," I invite you to listen to a recent talk I gave on this subject. Also - if you haven't done it recently, go back thru the last 13 chapters of the Great Controversary! It's powerful!! ;-) Merry Christmas everyone!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Mel's Version ~ T'was the Night before Christmas...
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Mel’s house
Everyone except Mel was dreaming, even the pet mouse.
The Christmas lights were shining and soft music filled the air,
It was warm and cozy and Mel wished her family could be there.
The rabbit was nestled all snug in its bed,
While visions of carrot sticks danced in its head.
And Susy in her ‘kerchief, and Cristy in her cap,
Had just settled down for a short night’s nap.
When out in the driveway there arose such a clatter,
Mel sprang from the computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window she flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the wet grass green
Gave the lustre of mid-day like never before seen.
When, what to Mel’s questioning eyes should appear,
But people unloading gifts and wishing each other "Christmas cheer."
Mel went back to thinking as she returned to her task.
"God, I want to give you something special this year...but my heart, is this all you ask?"
But God just smiled at Mel as He prepared to send His gift, the Morning LIGHT,
And Mel realized, it was His gift, not hers, that made Christmas Eve such a special night!
"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12
"Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you." John 12:35
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." II Cor 4:6
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." I John 1:7
Everyone except Mel was dreaming, even the pet mouse.
The Christmas lights were shining and soft music filled the air,
It was warm and cozy and Mel wished her family could be there.
The rabbit was nestled all snug in its bed,
While visions of carrot sticks danced in its head.
And Susy in her ‘kerchief, and Cristy in her cap,
Had just settled down for a short night’s nap.
When out in the driveway there arose such a clatter,
Mel sprang from the computer to see what was the matter.
Away to the window she flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the wet grass green
Gave the lustre of mid-day like never before seen.
When, what to Mel’s questioning eyes should appear,
But people unloading gifts and wishing each other "Christmas cheer."
Mel went back to thinking as she returned to her task.
"God, I want to give you something special this year...but my heart, is this all you ask?"
But God just smiled at Mel as He prepared to send His gift, the Morning LIGHT,
And Mel realized, it was His gift, not hers, that made Christmas Eve such a special night!
"Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8:12
"Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you." John 12:35
"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." II Cor 4:6
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin." I John 1:7
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
GYC was powerful this year...at least from what I did hear. Between helping with Registration or late nights at the booth, I had a hard time getting in on many of the seminars. I did enjoy Justin Kim's morning devotionals though, and I managed to catch a couple of Nathan Renner's seminars on The Three Angel's Messages - very powerful! But otherwise....I missed out. Thank God for audioverse!! (Yes, I love you guys...and you know it!!)
Since I've been back here in Loma Linda, besides catching up on some much needed sleep, I've been on AudioVerse listening to a few that I had heard were really good. I could jot down a bunch of notes here...but for now, I want to share about two seminars that have not only blessed my life, but I believe will be a big encouragement for many of my friends. They revolve around the topics of "Prayer and Faith" and "Dating and Romance." Ahhhh....now you can't wait to see what I have to say huh? I can just see the curiosity growing...
Well, what I think or have to say does not matter....and believe me, I could say a bit. But let me share the highlights of what these two seminars have given me....
GYC Seminar by Pastor Jerry and Janet Page ~ A Life of Prayer
- We must not only pray in Christ name, but by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
- Our greatest need - a revival of primitive godliness. This revival can only be expected in answer to prayer...1Sm121
Pastor Jerry and Janet shared story after story of how God has answered prayers and worked in their lives. From their own conversion experiences, to watching others lives grow and change.
Janet talked about how she doesn't teach any new method or doctrine, just that we must take time to spend with God in prayer.
- God says, "Will you just be STILL in my presence?"
- Start your day, not pouring through the testimonies or heavy topics, just take your Bible and stay there until you get Happy with God....let God lead you!
- Praise God, confess your sins, pray for guidance...Pray scripture...
She shared about a women that was wanting to get a divorce, but how she began to pray with this woman and encourage her...don’t complain about his faults, praise God for what He has done in your lives. Look for ways to praise your husband....and the more she did, the more she loved her husband! Their marriage was saved and turned around!
Then she talked about pain and trials and how....even in these, we must learn to praise God. She lost her first husband (also a Pastor) to a drowning accident....and didn’t know how she could go on, but although she cried, she sought to praise God in the trial and despite her pain. And she had such peace. She went on, "There is power unleashed when we choose to praise God in our trials! God needs people that will surrender their pain and trials to Him, and let His name be glorified."
"In the future life, we shall see that some of our seemingly unanswered prayers and disappointed hopes have been among our greatest blessings." MH 474
Her husband shared about how, often we think we are awake when actually we are asleep. Of course, none of us think we are asleep...we think we are awake....but most of us are just sleep walking. Then he shared secrets of prayer that their team has learned...
1. Power of united prayer - pull together
"Where two or three are gathered together, God is in the midst"
2. Pray much, preach little
Early apostles....Prayed for 10 days, preached for 10 minutes and thousands converted
Today, we pray for 10 minutes, preach for 10 days, and hope someone gets converted.
"At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole host trembles..."
3.Claim the Promises, and expect Great things
"It’s part of God’s plan to grant us in answer to the prayer of faith that which he would not bestow did we not thus ask..." GC
4. Be earnest in Prayer...
God answers every earnest prayer
Power given proportionate to the unity of the members and the faith expressed
Their personal testimony of prayer for their conference and church over the last 10 years has seen offerings go from less than $100,000 a year to over 3 million a year at SoCal campmeeting....
II Chron 16:9 - God wants to shew himself strong on behalf of them whose hearts are perfect towards Him.
Janet encouraged everyone to Journal God’s blessing....the more you remember what God has done for you, the more He will do! The more you remember, the more He pours out his blessings upon you!!
And finally, if you are praying with a sincere heart, God is working...you may not see evidence of this right away....but HE IS WORKING!!!!
[I love Jerry and Janet and hope to get them down here to Advent HOPE to help with a prayer weekend in the future. Janet has already told me she will come....if we can find a time where both our schedules fit!]
The second seminar I am going to share about here is by Dr. Mills on relationships. I haven't listened to all of the series, but this one I heard, really had some insightful concepts that I wanted to share with all my single friends. So enjoy... ;-)
GYC Seminar by Dr. Phil Mills ~ Love and Friendships
"God wants you to have a match made in Heaven...But if you are looking to others for the happiness only God can supply, you will be disappointed in marriage. Once you have found fulfillment in God, then you can be happily united with another."
Things to Watch for as you look for a potential marriage partner:
- Observe those that are faithful
- Note those that take responsibilities and fulfill them
- Don't miss those that see what to do and do it
- Become better acquainted with those who are studying the Bible and have a genuine prayer life - Watch those who are always thoughtful to clean-up after themselves and helpful with others
- Take note of those that seek out the lonely and befriend the strangers
- Watch how people interact, watch for those that are humble and teachable
- Be guarded with those that don't work well with others or have difficulty with authority
- Note those that are upbeat and positive when life is difficult
- Note those that are adaptable and uncomplaining with an unexpected load
- Learn to appreciate those that are happy and content no matter their situation
- Look for those well adjusted people who are not restless but at peace with life
- Look for those that are courteous and thoughtful to old and young alike
- Listen to conversations, see who are supportive or critical
- Pay attention to those who know how to economize without being shabby
- Look for those that have spiritual insights and promote the spiritual growth of others
- Take note of those that are concerned with health and lifestyle
- Take note of those that are tidy, attractive, yet modest in their dress
- Do they seek to please the Lord in their dress, or are they slaves to fashion
- Watch for those that are not argumentative about their beliefs, but just quietly live their convictions
Become a student of human nature! People SHOUT out what they are really like if you just watch and observe...
Alan & Nicole Parker also talked last GYC on how to know if you've found THE ONE. They brought up some really profound thoughts that I've never forgotten that go right along with what Dr. Mills was talking about this year.
If you think you've found the ONE.....Pray pray pray!!!
(The following is from Adventist Home pg 45)
- Weigh every sentiment, watch every development of Character, know someone over time...
- Ask yourself "Would married life be happy with this person?"
The three MOST IMPORTANT Questions to consider
- Will this union help me Heavenward?
- Will it increase my love for God?
- Will it enlarge my sphere of influence/usefulness in this life?
If the answer seems to be yes, make haste slowly! Study the character...are they Selfless to others? (See questions above that Dr. Mills mentioned.) How much is this person like Jesus? The more you have in common, the better off you are.
- After 5 years we don’t even know what our spouse looks like, we only know how they act!!
- True Love is based on qualities not passion
How much does this person and I have in common?
- Spiritually
- Socially
- Intellectually
- Habits
- Good fit, enjoy same things
- Lifestyle
- Doctrine
- Integrity, truth
- Trust
- Personality - Can you work well together personally and in ministry?
- Friendships
- Goals and dreams
- Communication
- Ability to say "I am sorry" and work out problems
- Promote each other to positive growth and closer walk with Christ
God warns us of following our hearts in the choice of a marriage companion.
Just because someone is a baptized SDA, does not mean they are a safe person to marry!
Wow...lots of powerful concepts there!!! So for all my dear friends out there that are "Looking for True Love," involved in what they think is "True love," or like me "Waiting for True Love"....let's keep these things in mind.
Marriage is the second most important decision (after that of choosing to follow Christ) that we will ever make. Let's make this choice wisely!!!!
To hear more great seminars and talks from GYC - click on the following link: GYC 2008 on AudioVerse
Since I've been back here in Loma Linda, besides catching up on some much needed sleep, I've been on AudioVerse listening to a few that I had heard were really good. I could jot down a bunch of notes here...but for now, I want to share about two seminars that have not only blessed my life, but I believe will be a big encouragement for many of my friends. They revolve around the topics of "Prayer and Faith" and "Dating and Romance." Ahhhh....now you can't wait to see what I have to say huh? I can just see the curiosity growing...
Well, what I think or have to say does not matter....and believe me, I could say a bit. But let me share the highlights of what these two seminars have given me....
GYC Seminar by Pastor Jerry and Janet Page ~ A Life of Prayer
- We must not only pray in Christ name, but by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
- Our greatest need - a revival of primitive godliness. This revival can only be expected in answer to prayer...1Sm121
Pastor Jerry and Janet shared story after story of how God has answered prayers and worked in their lives. From their own conversion experiences, to watching others lives grow and change.
Janet talked about how she doesn't teach any new method or doctrine, just that we must take time to spend with God in prayer.
- God says, "Will you just be STILL in my presence?"
- Start your day, not pouring through the testimonies or heavy topics, just take your Bible and stay there until you get Happy with God....let God lead you!
- Praise God, confess your sins, pray for guidance...Pray scripture...
She shared about a women that was wanting to get a divorce, but how she began to pray with this woman and encourage her...don’t complain about his faults, praise God for what He has done in your lives. Look for ways to praise your husband....and the more she did, the more she loved her husband! Their marriage was saved and turned around!
Then she talked about pain and trials and how....even in these, we must learn to praise God. She lost her first husband (also a Pastor) to a drowning accident....and didn’t know how she could go on, but although she cried, she sought to praise God in the trial and despite her pain. And she had such peace. She went on, "There is power unleashed when we choose to praise God in our trials! God needs people that will surrender their pain and trials to Him, and let His name be glorified."
"In the future life, we shall see that some of our seemingly unanswered prayers and disappointed hopes have been among our greatest blessings." MH 474
Her husband shared about how, often we think we are awake when actually we are asleep. Of course, none of us think we are asleep...we think we are awake....but most of us are just sleep walking. Then he shared secrets of prayer that their team has learned...
1. Power of united prayer - pull together
"Where two or three are gathered together, God is in the midst"
2. Pray much, preach little
Early apostles....Prayed for 10 days, preached for 10 minutes and thousands converted
Today, we pray for 10 minutes, preach for 10 days, and hope someone gets converted.
"At the sound of fervent prayer, Satan’s whole host trembles..."
3.Claim the Promises, and expect Great things
"It’s part of God’s plan to grant us in answer to the prayer of faith that which he would not bestow did we not thus ask..." GC
4. Be earnest in Prayer...
God answers every earnest prayer
Power given proportionate to the unity of the members and the faith expressed
Their personal testimony of prayer for their conference and church over the last 10 years has seen offerings go from less than $100,000 a year to over 3 million a year at SoCal campmeeting....
II Chron 16:9 - God wants to shew himself strong on behalf of them whose hearts are perfect towards Him.
Janet encouraged everyone to Journal God’s blessing....the more you remember what God has done for you, the more He will do! The more you remember, the more He pours out his blessings upon you!!
And finally, if you are praying with a sincere heart, God is working...you may not see evidence of this right away....but HE IS WORKING!!!!
[I love Jerry and Janet and hope to get them down here to Advent HOPE to help with a prayer weekend in the future. Janet has already told me she will come....if we can find a time where both our schedules fit!]
The second seminar I am going to share about here is by Dr. Mills on relationships. I haven't listened to all of the series, but this one I heard, really had some insightful concepts that I wanted to share with all my single friends. So enjoy... ;-)
GYC Seminar by Dr. Phil Mills ~ Love and Friendships
"God wants you to have a match made in Heaven...But if you are looking to others for the happiness only God can supply, you will be disappointed in marriage. Once you have found fulfillment in God, then you can be happily united with another."
Things to Watch for as you look for a potential marriage partner:
- Observe those that are faithful
- Note those that take responsibilities and fulfill them
- Don't miss those that see what to do and do it
- Become better acquainted with those who are studying the Bible and have a genuine prayer life - Watch those who are always thoughtful to clean-up after themselves and helpful with others
- Take note of those that seek out the lonely and befriend the strangers
- Watch how people interact, watch for those that are humble and teachable
- Be guarded with those that don't work well with others or have difficulty with authority
- Note those that are upbeat and positive when life is difficult
- Note those that are adaptable and uncomplaining with an unexpected load
- Learn to appreciate those that are happy and content no matter their situation
- Look for those well adjusted people who are not restless but at peace with life
- Look for those that are courteous and thoughtful to old and young alike
- Listen to conversations, see who are supportive or critical
- Pay attention to those who know how to economize without being shabby
- Look for those that have spiritual insights and promote the spiritual growth of others
- Take note of those that are concerned with health and lifestyle
- Take note of those that are tidy, attractive, yet modest in their dress
- Do they seek to please the Lord in their dress, or are they slaves to fashion
- Watch for those that are not argumentative about their beliefs, but just quietly live their convictions
Become a student of human nature! People SHOUT out what they are really like if you just watch and observe...
Alan & Nicole Parker also talked last GYC on how to know if you've found THE ONE. They brought up some really profound thoughts that I've never forgotten that go right along with what Dr. Mills was talking about this year.
If you think you've found the ONE.....Pray pray pray!!!
(The following is from Adventist Home pg 45)
- Weigh every sentiment, watch every development of Character, know someone over time...
- Ask yourself "Would married life be happy with this person?"
The three MOST IMPORTANT Questions to consider
- Will this union help me Heavenward?
- Will it increase my love for God?
- Will it enlarge my sphere of influence/usefulness in this life?
If the answer seems to be yes, make haste slowly! Study the character...are they Selfless to others? (See questions above that Dr. Mills mentioned.) How much is this person like Jesus? The more you have in common, the better off you are.
- After 5 years we don’t even know what our spouse looks like, we only know how they act!!
- True Love is based on qualities not passion
How much does this person and I have in common?
- Spiritually
- Socially
- Intellectually
- Habits
- Good fit, enjoy same things
- Lifestyle
- Doctrine
- Integrity, truth
- Trust
- Personality - Can you work well together personally and in ministry?
- Friendships
- Goals and dreams
- Communication
- Ability to say "I am sorry" and work out problems
- Promote each other to positive growth and closer walk with Christ
God warns us of following our hearts in the choice of a marriage companion.
Just because someone is a baptized SDA, does not mean they are a safe person to marry!
Wow...lots of powerful concepts there!!! So for all my dear friends out there that are "Looking for True Love," involved in what they think is "True love," or like me "Waiting for True Love"....let's keep these things in mind.
Marriage is the second most important decision (after that of choosing to follow Christ) that we will ever make. Let's make this choice wisely!!!!
To hear more great seminars and talks from GYC - click on the following link: GYC 2008 on AudioVerse
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I have just finished reading a mess-up-your-life kind of book: Rees Howells "The Intercessor." This biography of Rees Howells was written by Howells’ friend and colleague, Norman Grubb (in cooperation with Howells' widow, son and secretary, and having at his disposal Mr. Howells' letters and the transcribed talks where he told many of the stories in the book). If you haven’t ever read it, you should. Well, maybe not. If you’re happy with the way you are, don’t. Because it might stir things up.
Born in South Wales October 10, 1879, Rees was always a good boy. As a youngster he loved to be in church "under the influence of God." When he was 22, he left Wales for America with the ambition to see the world and make money. When he got to America, he got a job with his cousin Evan Lewis and continued living the religious life he had lived in Wales. Thus when his cousin asked him one day if he was ‘born again,’ he was miffed. "My life is as good as yours," he said.
However over the next weeks, his cousin kept at him. After a time of seeking, an illness and hearing the testimony of a converted Jew, he saw himself for the sinner he was, and personally accepted Jesus into his life.
Shortly after he returned to Wales in 1904, the Welsh revival broke out. He became involved in it and worked at discipling new converts. However, he and his friends sensed spiritual needs in their own lives. And so in the summer of 1906 they spent their summer holiday at the Llandrindod Wells convention (a Welsh equivalent to the English Keswick Conference) where Howells made a pivotal decision.
From the first meeting, Howells was deeply moved. The realization dawned on him that the Holy Spirit was meant to be more than just an influence in His life. In his words:
He said to me, "As the Savior had a body, so I dwell in the cleansed temple of the believer. I am a Person. I am God, and I am come to ask you to give your body to Me that I may work through it. I need a body for my temple but it must belong to Me without reserve for two persons with different wills can never live in the same body. Will you give me yours? But if I come in, I come as God, and you must go out. I shall not mix Myself with your self."
This precipitated a five-day struggle in Mr. Howells. From the first, he realized it was an unconditional surrender, of which he said:
"I had received a sentence of death, as really as a prisoner in the dock. I had lived in my body for twenty-six years, and could I easily give it up....I wept for days. I lost seven pounds....Nothing is more real to me than the process I went through for that whole week. The Holy Spirit went on dealing with me, exposing the root of my nature which was self, and you can only get out of a thing what is in its root. Sin was canceled, and it wasn’t just sin He was dealing with; it was self...the root of all sin!"
Some of the things he came to a point of surrender over:
1. His love of money: "The Lord told him that He would take out of his nature all taste for money and any ambition for the ownership of money."
2. His choice in making a home: "I saw I could never give my life to another person, to live to that one alone. Marriage would be given as a gift to assist my work for God, not as a selfish gift just to please my own body."
3. His ambition:"Supposing he had a mission in a town and another mission opened in the same place; if there was jealousy between the two, and it was better for the town only to have one, then it would be his which would have to go."
4. His right to a good reputation: "As he was thinking of men of the Bible who were full of the Holy Ghost, and particularly John the Baptist, the Lord said to him, "Then I may live through you the kind of life I lived through them."
Finally on Friday of that week he came through. The book continues with stories of how God worked through this man teaching him faith and intercession as he prayed for the sick, prayed for the salvation of friends and acquaintances, gave up raising his own son to work as a missionary, traveled without any money in his pocket, bought estates, established a Bible school, and prayed for international events, especially during the World War II. And all the while God also continued to deal with his self-life.
Does this ring familiar to you as it did for me? I wonder if it isn’t on exactly this issue – the surrender of the self-life to the Holy Spirit – that we who have come to Jesus are most radically sifted. It determines whether we grow or remain stunted, are useful to God or detoured from completing His assignments because of our own agendas, will someday see our life’s efforts pay off or will see everything we have done go up in smoke because it was done through self.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20
"Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12:1
"Jesus takes us over for His enterprises, His building schemes entirely and no soul has any right to claim where he shall be put." Oswald Chambers
"Being filled with the Holy Spirit means that I am willing to live the life that Christ would have lived if He were in my place..."
Ouch....this thing called "Surrender" is not easy! It's a slow painful crucifixion...a dying process. Yet, if we are to be ready to meet Christ when He comes, it must happen. For self, nothing of self can be alive and face Christ. Self is sin, and all sin will be consumed.
This book "The Intercessor" has been hugely challenging to me. And it is powerful, not just about praying for others and seeing miracles and answers to prayer, but about an inner heart change, and living a life set-apart, filled with the Holy Spirit, and patterned after Jesus Christ. I have friends that have encouraged me to read this book for several years now, but I put it off. I only wish I'd read it sooner.
I encourage you to read it, read it NOW, and I pray that it can be the same encouragement for YOU!
Born in South Wales October 10, 1879, Rees was always a good boy. As a youngster he loved to be in church "under the influence of God." When he was 22, he left Wales for America with the ambition to see the world and make money. When he got to America, he got a job with his cousin Evan Lewis and continued living the religious life he had lived in Wales. Thus when his cousin asked him one day if he was ‘born again,’ he was miffed. "My life is as good as yours," he said.
However over the next weeks, his cousin kept at him. After a time of seeking, an illness and hearing the testimony of a converted Jew, he saw himself for the sinner he was, and personally accepted Jesus into his life.
Shortly after he returned to Wales in 1904, the Welsh revival broke out. He became involved in it and worked at discipling new converts. However, he and his friends sensed spiritual needs in their own lives. And so in the summer of 1906 they spent their summer holiday at the Llandrindod Wells convention (a Welsh equivalent to the English Keswick Conference) where Howells made a pivotal decision.
From the first meeting, Howells was deeply moved. The realization dawned on him that the Holy Spirit was meant to be more than just an influence in His life. In his words:
He said to me, "As the Savior had a body, so I dwell in the cleansed temple of the believer. I am a Person. I am God, and I am come to ask you to give your body to Me that I may work through it. I need a body for my temple but it must belong to Me without reserve for two persons with different wills can never live in the same body. Will you give me yours? But if I come in, I come as God, and you must go out. I shall not mix Myself with your self."
This precipitated a five-day struggle in Mr. Howells. From the first, he realized it was an unconditional surrender, of which he said:
"I had received a sentence of death, as really as a prisoner in the dock. I had lived in my body for twenty-six years, and could I easily give it up....I wept for days. I lost seven pounds....Nothing is more real to me than the process I went through for that whole week. The Holy Spirit went on dealing with me, exposing the root of my nature which was self, and you can only get out of a thing what is in its root. Sin was canceled, and it wasn’t just sin He was dealing with; it was self...the root of all sin!"
Some of the things he came to a point of surrender over:
1. His love of money: "The Lord told him that He would take out of his nature all taste for money and any ambition for the ownership of money."
2. His choice in making a home: "I saw I could never give my life to another person, to live to that one alone. Marriage would be given as a gift to assist my work for God, not as a selfish gift just to please my own body."
3. His ambition:"Supposing he had a mission in a town and another mission opened in the same place; if there was jealousy between the two, and it was better for the town only to have one, then it would be his which would have to go."
4. His right to a good reputation: "As he was thinking of men of the Bible who were full of the Holy Ghost, and particularly John the Baptist, the Lord said to him, "Then I may live through you the kind of life I lived through them."
Finally on Friday of that week he came through. The book continues with stories of how God worked through this man teaching him faith and intercession as he prayed for the sick, prayed for the salvation of friends and acquaintances, gave up raising his own son to work as a missionary, traveled without any money in his pocket, bought estates, established a Bible school, and prayed for international events, especially during the World War II. And all the while God also continued to deal with his self-life.
Does this ring familiar to you as it did for me? I wonder if it isn’t on exactly this issue – the surrender of the self-life to the Holy Spirit – that we who have come to Jesus are most radically sifted. It determines whether we grow or remain stunted, are useful to God or detoured from completing His assignments because of our own agendas, will someday see our life’s efforts pay off or will see everything we have done go up in smoke because it was done through self.
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20
"Therefore I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual worship." Romans 12:1
"Jesus takes us over for His enterprises, His building schemes entirely and no soul has any right to claim where he shall be put." Oswald Chambers
"Being filled with the Holy Spirit means that I am willing to live the life that Christ would have lived if He were in my place..."
Ouch....this thing called "Surrender" is not easy! It's a slow painful crucifixion...a dying process. Yet, if we are to be ready to meet Christ when He comes, it must happen. For self, nothing of self can be alive and face Christ. Self is sin, and all sin will be consumed.
This book "The Intercessor" has been hugely challenging to me. And it is powerful, not just about praying for others and seeing miracles and answers to prayer, but about an inner heart change, and living a life set-apart, filled with the Holy Spirit, and patterned after Jesus Christ. I have friends that have encouraged me to read this book for several years now, but I put it off. I only wish I'd read it sooner.
I encourage you to read it, read it NOW, and I pray that it can be the same encouragement for YOU!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A "Giving" Christmas...

Tis the Season to be jolly...and this year has been no exception! Since I can't make it home for the Holidays (sniff sniff), I decided it was time to create my own joy. So Dayana and I went shopping for the perfect Christmas tree...and we found it! (Believe it or not, it was the cheapest on the lot, and all 8 feet of it I managed to stuff in the trunk of my little Honda!) Then we invited a few of our favorite girlfriends over to help decorate it. We made popcorn and cranberry strings, and had a glorious riot....as usual! Then one morning soon after, as I was praying, God impressed me with the idea of making this a more "GIVING" Christmas. Instead of the usual White Elephant Party that we usually have, I decided to ask everyone to put their $5-10 dollars towards helping needy children around the world. I put together "stories" and "scenerios" (thankfully, I have lots of Missionary friends), and wrapped these projects, then put them under the tree. Then people took turns drawing a child or project to support! It was awesome.... To see pics from this fun Christmas, click on the following Facebook links.
"It is more BLESSED to GIVE than it is to receive." Acts 20:35
Truly this is the best kind of Christmas!! Now I'm off to GYC. ;-)
Monday, December 15, 2008
Prayer Inspiration Weekend
This last Weekend, Dec 6th, Advent HOPE hosted a "Prayer Inspiration Weekend" with visiting friend and guest speaker, Dave Steward. Above are a few pics of the afternoon retreat we took that finished with an "Agape Banquet." God really blessed! To enjoy some of the inspiration from this weekend, click on the following AudioVerse link! Prayer Weekend Talks
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