Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Let me be a Servant...

“Hundreds of people push and shove their way forward as they clamor their way towards the gate entering our medical clinic and compound. Each one has been given a ticket with a number, and each one will be seen at some point in the day by our medical team, but each one still struggles to be first. Each one is sure they are number #1. In fact, as I triage and register the patients we’ve called thru the gate, I am constantly called away from my task…back to the gate by the guards. “Madam…this person has a very special case, we must let them through first.” Or “Madam, this person is a very important official in this community…even though he came late and does not have a number, we need to let him in first.” (Granted there are hundreds of more urgent and critical cases in line begging to be seen, this “important official” is convinced that he deserves to be first.)

Then there are the areas of religious prestige. “Madam, I’m Muslim or Hindu, so you should see me first.” Or “I’m Christian like you, so you should see me first.” (As if either are more deserving of help then the other.) And on and on the request go. Even the policemen, who are suppose to be helping us with crowd control, push and shove their own way to the entrance, begging to be seen by our doctors and dentist...FIRST! It is mayhem…all pushing and shoving, and all feeling that THEY of ALL PEOPLE, should receive our special services FIRST. It is only a bit of concrete and metal that keeps the mob from stampeding forward and crushing us all…”

Thankfully, the above scenes are now only a memory. Yet, amazingly, during our five days of medical work in Jalchatra, Madhupur Bangladesh…we did not get stampeded, and we saw over 3,000 patients – a number breaking the record of the last 3 years. While our medical team was smaller this year, most of the care‐givers were much more experienced and efficient…and this truly paid off in the long run.

However, as I reflect back on the scenes that took place before me just a few brief days ago, I realize that while we were in a struggling third‐world country, filled with poverty and despair…the actions of those around me really weren’t all that “third-world”after all. No, in fact, they are rather akin to our own…even back in the land of freedom, plenty and prosperity (or at least what is prosperity in comparison with this.) Yes, even back in the homeland of the good old USA, it’s all about the “ME FIRST”mentality. And we have just as many reasons and a thousand excuses for why WE of ALL PEOPLE should be receiving the special treatment we deserve…FIRST!!

It could be, “I'm a doctor,”or “I'm a lawyer”…"I'm a celebrity,” or “I'm a high‐ranking official”…or “I can pay whatever is required, so treat me accordingly.” Or “I’ve made a large donation to your organization so I should receive extra perks.”Or on the flip side it could be, “I’m a struggling single mom, I’m a poor student,” or even… “I’m a missionary, I’m a conference president, I’m the head deacon,”or “I’m part of the leadership of such and such an organization...if anyone deserves special treatment, I do!” Status is such a huge thing…even if it’s negative status…but especially if it is “Religious status” and the list goes on and on and on…

In fact, even in Christ’s time…the same struggle was taking place…not just in the heathen mobs around him, or within the obvious pride of the pompous Pharisees, but among his very own disciples. “Who is going to sit next to Christ on the throne? It has to be ME…I deserve to be FIRST.”

Yet, how contrary to Christ whole nature and mentality this struggle is. In fact, it makes me wonder…If this is our mentality, are we truly surrendered to Christ, even now??

Christ has left us a very clear pattern and example…and yet we always seem to be looking for “exceptions”or reasons why WE should not have to follow it.

“Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Matt 20:27‐28

“Let this mind be in you, which also was in Christ Jesus. Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant…” Phil 2:5‐7

The FORM OF A SERVANT!!!!! Wow…what a concept! How many of us are seeking to pattern our lives after the “form of a servant”?? Can you just imagine the latest breaking news from Hollywood Boulevard, “Celebrity clash over who gets to pick up the trash and feed the homeless!” or "Celebrity does not want to accept Oscar award, but pushes for it to be given to another!" Or what about from our own comfortable church pews…“Conflict at Central SDA over who gets to wash everyone’s feet!”In fact, we could even make headline news from our own homes. “Family members fight over who gets to clean the house, wash the dishes, take out the trash, be last in line to eat…and on and on!”The above scenarios are so unheard of, they are comical. (Of course, if “true servant hood”was practiced as God ordained it, there would be no fighting either… it would be a team spirit of give and take and working together in unity and peace for the betterment of all involved!) And yet, how we struggle with this whole concept of “servant hood”as people and as Christians. In fact, sadly if we are acting the part of “servant”we often stumble over “pride in our service”and if not pride, then feelings of “martyrdom”or something else…

As I contemplate these concepts and our need of “true Servant’ spirit formed by a surrendered heart,” I’m reminded once again…“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything of ourselves, but our sufficiency is of God.”II Cor 3:5

Only GOD…HE ALONE can give us this HEART!!!!!

“What is man, that thou art mindful of Him…?” Heb 2:6

“For ye see your calling brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. And the base things of the world, and the things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea and the things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence. But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. That according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.”I Cor 1:26‐31

And Paul continues in the next chapter, with what I believe should be the summary and sole focus in all that we breath, live, and do:

“For I am determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” I Cor 2:2

So simple, and yet so profound…yet I think this is the KEY to true “Servant hood”…the servant hood that Christ asked that we embrace.

For we are nothing apart from Christ, we can glory in nothing apart from Christ. But when we have Christ, we have everything…and through Christ, we can do what the carnal man cannot do. We can be a servant!! But the key is Christ!! Not I and Christ, or Christ and I, but CHRIST!!!

The following quote sums it up precisely I think, and gives all of us a convicting challenge.

“You may have left much to follow Christ…you may have believed on him, and worked for Him, and loved Him, and yet may not be like Him. (Ouch!! Really??) Allegiance you know, and confidence you know, but not yet union….There are two wills, two interests, two lives. You have not yet lost your own life that you may live only in His. Once it was I and not Christ; then it was I and Christ; perhaps now it is even Christ and I. But has it come yet to be Christ only, and not I at all?” The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life, by Hannah Whitall Smith p. 156‐157

As I have once again experienced a few short weeks of service in Bangladesh, I am again reminded of the inadequacies and weakness of my flesh, the struggles of my will, the sin of my own heart…and my prayer for CHRIST and only CHRIST grows stronger.

Live out Thy life within me,
O Jesus, King of kings!
Be Thou Thyself the answer
to all my questionings;
Live out Thy life within me,
in all things have Thy way!
I, the transparent medium,
Thy glory to display.

The temple has been yielded,
And purified of sin;
Let Thy Shekinah glory
Now shine forth from within,
And all the earth keep silence,
The body henceforth be
Thy silent, gentle servant,
Moved only as by Thee.

“There is no limit to the usefulness of one who, by putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God.” Desire of Ages, p. 250

So my inspiration for today ends as it began

“But he that is greatest among you
shall be your SERVANT!” Matt 23:11

May we learn to truly be…His Servants!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Please break my heart...

"Please break my heart!!"

That doesn't sound like a good prayer to be praying, does it? No, not really from our world's perspective. But it has been my prayer recently!! My prayer to God...

"Please break my heart with the things that break your heart...please don't let me heart grow cold!"

The faster life goes, the more I realize my need of Him, and I crave to be filled...completely filled with His passion, His love, His power and Holy Spirit zeal. How easy my heart grows hard and cold...

I'm preparing to leave on yet another mission trip tomorrow...this time to Bangladesh. I will be returning to the same location I visited last year, and having experienced the utter poverty and despair that this country holds, I realize I do not have the strength to be who God has called me to be...at least not on my own!!! For as I have shared previously...the call is beyond Human compassion, and it is beyond Human strength! Only through HIS STRENGTH can I reach out to the hurting, only through HIS LOVE can I truly care.

I was sooo touched and moved by the following short video clip, as well as the quotes I've included here, that I just had to share them with all of you!!!!! Please take time to WATCH and LISTEN...and if your heart has grown a bit calloused, too occupied with non-essential matters, tied up with treasures or things of the world, or just plain turned to stone, as you WATCH and LISTEN....pray that God will change your heart...and give you a new heart, focused on priorities that are truly eternal!

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also...so lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven..." Matt 6:20,21

A powerful video clip: The call to Serve

"By all that has given us advantage over another, be it education and refinement, nobility of character, Christian training, religious experience, we are in debt to those less favored and, so far as lies in our power, we are to minister unto them. If we are strong, we are to stay up the hands of the weak." Ministry of Healing page 105

"Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your concience, obcures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may seem to itself" - Susanna Wesley (mother of John & Charles Wesley)

"Perhaps if there were more of that intense distress for souls that leads to tears, we should more frequently see the results we desire. Sometimes it may be that while we are complaining of the hardness of the hearts of those we are seeking to benefit, the hardness of our own hearts and our feeble apprehension of the solemn reality of eternal things may be the true cause of our want of success." -Hudson Taylor

Let Your Heart Be Broken*

Let your heart be broken for a world in need,

Feed the mouths that hunger,

soothe the wounds that bleed.

Give the cup of water, and the loaf of bread.

Be the hands of Jesus, serving in his stead.

Here on earth applying principles of love.

Visible expression, God still rules above.

Living illustration of the living word,

to the minds of all who've never seen or heard.

Blest to be a blessing, privileged to care,

challenged by the need, apparent everywhere.

Where mankind is wanting, fill the vacant place.

Be the means through which

The Lord reveals His grace.

Add to your believing deeds that prove it true,

knowing Christ as Savior, Make Him Master too.

Follow in His footsteps, go where he has trod;

In the worlds great trouble risk yourself for God.

Let your heart be tender and your vision clear;

See mankind as God sees, serve Him far and near.

Let your heart be broken by a brothers pain;

Share your rich resources, give and give again.

* I realize I just shared this song a few posts back...but I think we need to be reminded again. At least "I" need to be reminded again!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

~ Time with Fami-LEE and Friends up North ~

Hold mouse over photos for captions!
And THANKS SUE for all the great photos!!!

So...if you can't guess by the pics above...I have had an awesome vacation in the beautiful North West this summer. (Specifically, Oregon, WA, Montana, & Idaho!) In fact, I liked it up there sooooo much that I am thinking of moving there to live. Now wouldn't that be a change from Southern CA?!

After helping host our first ARME BIBLE CAMP in Central CA (which I shared about below), I headed North with my Asian friend and twin Sue. Since we spent a mission trip in Korea together this summer (you can also read about that below) we have become permanently attached I think, a little like Siamese twins! (We have either talked or texted each other at least once every day since we came back from Korea!! Like I said, "Siamese twins." I think Sue is the "twin" I always dreamed of, but never had...truly my "Harmonious Joy.") She is overflowing with energy (relax Sue!) and loves people, but also is personable and down to earth. While a Speech Pathologist by training, she has a heart for serving and looking out for the underdog and those less fortunate. The more we get to know each other, the more we find in common...even to our shoe size. And our personalities have really clicked. We both thank God for allowing our paths to FINALLY cross. Sue has become a true friend, sister, and inspiration...and adds so much laughter to my days.

Actually, the whole Lee family (or "Fami-LEE" as I like to call them) has taken a very special place in my heart. I told them whether they like it or not, I am adopting them! I think they are still deciding IF they like that. Ha ha...) Anyway, I have been privileged to get a peek into their lives and who they are, and being in their home was such a blessing. Let me share a little below:

Dr. Harold Lee is the patriarch of the family, and a very godly one at that. He specializes in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, and has a heart for ministry and service. He's especially in tune with prophecy and the signs of the times, and helping people get ready for Jesus coming. And he speaks and shares as God gives him opportunity. His wife Sylvia (who incidentally has the same name as my own mother) is a sweet home-maker and caregiver for her family. She's also a retired nurse. I really enjoyed getting to know her some in Korea, and then while visiting a relative in Loma Linda, she got to stop by my place and we visited more. Sadly, she was not in Oregon during my visit, so could not be part of our adventures together while I was there. Dr. Lee and his wife Sylvia have two adult children, Jed & Sue. (Sue was mentioned above, and I will continue with Jed's family below.)

Jed (who was the director of our Korea team) and his wife Irene are also an incredible godly couple. He is an excellent teacher and enjoys giving Bible studies, mentoring young people, and sharing the Biblical message of Creation as well as many other inspirational Biblical insights. (I am already trying to book him more speaking engagements!) There's lots more I could say about Jed, but he's very humble and doesn't like my public appraisals, so suffice it to say, just as Sue has become my "Ssang-doong-Eee" (or twin), Jed has become my "Obba" or big brother. And we'll leave it at that!

Irene (or Kyung for short) is Jed's beautiful wife. My respect for Irene has been high right from the beginning because she was brave enough to go with us all the way to Korea with their 2 year old and 8 month old, even though Jed was busy most of the time with the school and program. Yes, Irene is a real trooper, and cheerfully followed us here and there in our busy schedules. Back here in Oregon, I have observed her to be an awesome homemaker and mother, and an incredible VEGAN cook. She has a great sense of humor and made me laugh so many times. She also did so much to make me feel accepted and welcome while I was visiting.

Theophilus Harold TaeHo Lee & Helaine Serenity HeeSun Lee are Jed and Irene's two adorable little ones (as you can see by the pictures above). TaeHo is 2yrs old and loves to look at books, ride his little truck, spend time with his daddy, love on his sister, and even take walks and pick berries with Auntie Mel. And he really likes pretending to drive Auntie Mel's car!! HeeSun is 9 months now and even while I was away from her for only a week, when I came back, I could tell she had grown. She loves her mommy, but even goes to sleep for Auntie Mel...that is if I take her walking. She has the cutest grins, and loves putting things in her mouth, especially paper. I expect that before they know it, she will be walking as she is sooo strong already. Jed and Irene are great parents and have much to be proud of in their children.

The Lee's all share one large home together...as is very much the Asian culture to do. And while it may not be typical "American" as most of us are used to, as I saw the peace and the tranquility of the home, and how they all work together, eat together, worship together, play together, and work things out together...it made me think of what our true home in Heaven will be like. Living, loving, giving, and sharing together.

"Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." Ps 133:1

So, as is probably obvious in the photos...my first and longest stop on this road-trip was in beautiful Portland Oregon, at the Lee's. While I only planned to spend a couple days, I ended up spending like practically a whole week...and would have stayed longer if I could. As they live out in the country with a beautiful view of Mt. Hood, it was such a breath of fresh air to be able to rest and relax and just be with the little ones. It was also an extra treat to catch up with several other Korea teammates that go to their church...Mitchell, Michelle, Keeler and Megan.

Seattle WA was my next stop...although brief, I was blessed there as well. As I had promised my friend Calvin for some time that I'd come speak at their church, I drove up for the weekend to be with them! (He's one of my fellow teammates in ARME.) His family spoiled me royally, and I enjoyed the fellowship with their group. I also had the privilege of connecting with several more Korea teammates as Monica, Chris & Julie also live in the Seattle area. To make my Washington stay complete, a new friend, Dawn, went with me to spend a day hiking around the slopes of the beautiful Mt. Rainer.

From Washington, I drove over to visit childhood friends in Montana, the Ellers. Having spent a lot of my summers on their blue-berry farm, it brought back many memories. We enjoyed great fellowship, and even a little huckleberry ice-cream. As I've decided to be Vegan 100% now (thanks to Obba's logic), I can say at least that my last indulgence was a memorable one!

Then as my time was starting to run short, I headed back to Idaho for a night at Beav & Becca's. They are expecting their first child in October, and as she will be a little girl, I can't wait to meet her. They are missionaries to Mongolia, so it's a real treat to see them as much as I have this summer. (Both in Phoenix, and now in Idaho.)

My final Sabbath up North was spent back in Portland at the Lee's. This time, my stay was only for 2 days, and it was sad to have to say goodbye so soon. But as my mommy always says, "Leave while you are still welcome," so it's probably best I moved on! ;-) Before I left though, we had some awesome fellowship with their church family, I got to help them with a presentation on the Korea trip, we had a great Sunday breakfast out at a Vegan restaurant, I got a tour of Portland, we barely missed getting in a wreck, and had tea and goodies with Mitchell and Michelle while we watched "Animals are Beautiful" back at home. But alas, all good things come to an end eventually...and I had to say goodbye.

The drive back South was long and tiring...as most long drives are. But I was able to take a relaxing breather in Placerville (central CA) on the way back to Loma Linda, and spend a few days with my good friends Joy and Daryl. They just had a baby this past July, and she is a little doll as well. There's something I love about little "Asian babies" I think. (I keep teasing my sister Sunny and telling her, IF she and Tim will hurry up and have kids, maybe I will come live in their neighborhood again!!) Anyway, my time with Joy was a blessing as we got to talk and catch up on life...and she helped with Bangladesh plans. Yep, you heard right...I can't sit still for a second...I am taking off again soon....in only 2 days now. And this time it's on a long awaited return to visit my Orphan kiddos back in Bangladesh. (Along the way I'll also be assisting the Loma Linda University Medical Team and teaching at some of Dr. Moskala's schools in the slums in Dhaka!)

So....that's my last three weeks....in something a bit larger than a nutshell. I've been back in Loma Linda, all of 2 days now. My tongue is hanging out, and I'm tired of living out of a suitcase. But ready or not...here I go...AGAIN! ;-p

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Are you ready for the ARME???

No...most of us aren't ready to join the ARMY...much less, go to WAR!! Yet we are told in the scriptures that we are to "endure hardness as good soldiers" and we are in a war...a spiritual war!

This past 6 months, a group of us have been on a thrilling journey as God has paved the way for the development of a new ministry...a Bible boot camp you could say, a ministry that we have decided to call: "ARME BIBLE CAMP." In other words, "Arm or Equip me - with the WORD of GOD!"

In II Tim 2:15 it says:

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

However, before this verse comes the solemn admonition:

"Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." II Tim 2:1-4

Our war is against SELF...and against the things that entangle us to the world. But we can only be victorious through the GRACE that is in Christ Jesus. Thus as we press forward as soldiers, our one goal and aim is clear - To please God, who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light...and to entangle ourselves with the things of Heaven!

Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures from our first ever ARME BIBLE CAMP. (We thank Lawrence Rupsas for his awesome photography skills.) After the pics, I will have a few brief testimonies to tell.

From start to finish, this Bible camp/conference was a complete miracle. We got the dates, the speakers we wanted, (which in it self was a miracle - as they were Stephen Bohr, Emanuel Baek, Taj Pacleb, Ivor Myers, & Doug Batchelor), and we got the perfect facilities that we needed. We decided we would take a max attendance of 300, so we could keep it small enough to be personable. Well, 1 month before we only had 45 registered even though we had advertised extensively. Some of our team questioned whether we were pushing too much and if we could really get a group together sooo quickly that was passionate about studying the word of God...but we continued to pray and plan. 2 weeks before we had almost 200 registered. Progress was being made...but still, to cover expenses and meet our goal, we needed more. While we were tempted to prepare for less, we decided to "pray for rain and prepare for rain!" We would plan for 300!!

By the time the conference started, we had almost 260 in attendance, and over 300 registered. And sure enough...they came. In fact, by the weekend, our numbers swelled to 350-360 and we wondered if we had enough room. But God provided. Our attendee's came from all over the West coast, and as far away as from South Carolina, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ontario Canada, Fiji and Indonesia. (That's right, several people flew all the way from Fiji and Indonesia to be part of this event!!)

Sabbath evening I had the delights of planning an "Agape Banquet" - and we told everyone that whether they had purchased meal tickets or not, they were invited to come. After all, God wants ALL to be a part of His great feast. And so, as special ending on the Sabbath, everyone lined up to enter the banquet hall. We had scrambled and had seats for 370, but as I saw the line, I wondered... "Can we all really fit?? Oh God, help us all to fit!!!" As the room filled up, I prayed and prayed...and amazingly, we all fit. We had 5 seats left over, and no one was turned away. I cried with relief and gratitude for God's provision...

The most impacting part of the whole conference though...I think everyone would agree...was the times of Prayer and deep Bible study. And this is, after all, why we hosted this conference. To get people deep into the WORD of GOD. But you can't go deep without the Holy Spirit, so each morning at 6:15 we'd start with a group prayer time. Some people wept, others cried out their praises, as we all opened our hearts to God in prayer. It was such a powerful unifying experience, and you could feel the Holy Spirit's presence. Oh for more time of such powerful group prayer...

In answer to our prayers, the lectures were powerful, and many people responded (50 at one call) to surrender their lives to God. The speakers shared some of their own secrets of how they dive into the WORD of GOD, and then hosted small break-out sessions for people to practice what they'd been taught. It was powerful to watch the lives being changed, and made me humbled to realize how hesitant at times our team had been to trust the provisions of God to fill the great need.

As our last morning together drew to a close...Taj shared his amazing testimony, and practically everyone came forward in the closing prayer and appeal. It was sooo incredible to see the way God worked, and the hunger and thirst people had for what was being shared. Afterwards, we had many people talk to us about hosting Bible camps all around the country...and it was obvious that our work had just begun...

Thank the Lord, despite our slow faith and our many weakness...His strength was made perfect. Again I am reminded... "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to shew himself strong in behalf of them whose hearts are perfect toward him." II Chron 16:9

As a end note I must not leave out: We gave away many scholarships for this conference and we're determined that we didn't want anything to come in the way of someone attending, if they desired. However, to make up for the extra costs and expenses, we took up an offering. Initially our director said, "Let's pray for $10,000." Then he felt convicted of the Holy Spirit and said, "No...let's pray for the offering that God would have us to receive to move forward. Whatever He wills is best..."

Well the offering was taken...and we had received over $34,000. We were all in awe!! And it was obvious to all of us on the team that ARME BIBLE CAMP is to move forward...forward, as we like to say, ON OUR KNEES!!

Survey results from those who attended our first ARME Bible Camp:

- My experience here was BEYOND WORDS. God is getting His soldiers in line with Heavenly agencies to finish the work!

- This was an eye-opening start to my journey of Bible study and devotion to the time spent alone with my Lord.

- God has incredibly blessed and renewed my love for His Word through this conference. I love Him so much.

- Through Pastor Myers (and the others) my heart and mind has been transformed and equipped to see Christ in ALL of the Scriptures. Praise the Lord.

- An awesome experience packed to overflowing of vital spiritual food that I will have to digest for many months. The emphasis of the morning prayers were so powerful!

- It has opened my eyes to all I have been missing in not truly having a close relationship with Jesus, and has given me tools to grow this relationship to be strong. Also made me want to share this with others.

- This was an amazing, life-changing, and eye-opening event that has changed my life and the way I do "business."

- Loved Stephen Bohr's presentations, Pastor Myers, Emanuel Baek, Doug Batchelor, & Taj Pacaleb as well. Everything was so convicting, and yet practical. The morning prayer sessions with Melissa Miranda and Martin Kim were powerful, and I loved all the testimonies. The vegan food was excellent.

- The personal atmosphere, love of everyone towards each other, the agape banquet, and the deep Biblical messages shared. My eyes have been opened. Thank you!

- I am so excited to take this back home to share with my church. I learned so much about personal Bible study. It's exciting!

- I cannot express the blessing received here.

- This conference has been an answer to YEARS of PRAYERS!!!!

- Was impacted so much by the deep quality of the speaker's messages, the atmosphere of reverence and the prayer times. I am going to cross the Jordan and stop sending spies!!!

- It has rejuvenated me tremendously. I've never experienced anything so impacting in my walk with God!

- Powerful presentations from each speaker with no competition between ministries, great break-out sessions, powerful prayer time. My mind and life has been revolutionized. Keep doing this PLEASE!!! The godly unity of the staff and speakers was inspiring.

- You need to take this camp to every Union and globally!! We need this everywhere.

- For 20 years I have believed that God would raise up an ARMY of YOUTH rightly trained...I see it happening, praise God!

*I have in my possession almost 300 surveys, all with these kinds of comments and testimonies. It's amazing...we are amazed, and we just PRAISE THE LORD!!!! Pray that He will continue to guide us, our direction, our future, and where to host the next ARME BIBLE CAMP!!!