Can you see the circle in the grass above? It's not just any circle, worn by some wild creature around a's a prayer path, worn through by a man passionate as Jacob, wrestling and pleading for His God to come and dwell among us, pleading for the blessing. Yes indeed....this very path worn through on the front lawn as a testimony to my heart of what it means to tread the earth all hours of day and night, interceding for the salvation of those we love...
Prayer is one of those spiritual gifts that I have always loved...yet I've come to realize how little I know of this gift. I'm learning to love it more...more than I ever have before...and yet, I'm realizing, I've only barely begun to taste of this great JOY...
Recently, I finished another little manuscript on prayer. Much of it was your typical standard devotional...good, but not extra-ordinary. However, amongst all the usual thoughts were a few things that stuck out to me. So I share the following, some in my own words, and some directly quoted from the book:
Why do I have so little victory over sin. Why do I win so few souls to Christ? Why do I grow so slowly into the likeness of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? And God answers in the words of our text, "Neglect of Prayer. You have not because you ask not."
We do not live in a praying age. I think it would be perfectly safe to say, that the church of Christ was never in all its so history so fully and skillfully organized as it is today. Our machinery is wonderful, and it is just perfect; but alas it is machinery without power; and when things do not go right, instead of going to the real source of our failure, our neglect to depend upon God and to look to God for power, we look around to see if there is not some new organization that we can set up, some new wheel that we can add to our machinery. We have altogether too many wheels already. What we need is not new organization, not some new wheel, but the "Spirit of the living creature in the wheels" which we already possess. Prayer has as much power today, when men and women are themselves on praying ground and meeting the conditions of prevailing prayer, as it ever had. And seems the very last thing we turn to!
Your growth and mine into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be in EXACT proportion to the time and heart that we put into prayer. "Take time to be Holy" - I wish we sang this hymn more in these days. It takes time to be holy; one cannot be holy in a hurry! And for sure, one cannot become holy without time with God in prayer.
John Welch put in on record before he died, that he counted that day ill-spent that he did not spend seven or eight hours in secret prayer. [What, seven or eight hours??? And most of us can barely do ONE?]
As he quoted: "I pray for as long as the Holy Spirit leads me to pray, not for a certain amount of time!" [What a model for all of us. What is probably a big problem with us though, is that we have soooo many breaches in our lives, that the Holy Spirit isn't allowed full access. So, it isn't He that is directing our prayers, but our own heart of of course, there's only so much you can pray about while living in the flesh.]
Four aspects necessary in true prayer:
1. Unto God
The prayer that gets what it asks for is unto God. Stop a moment and think. It is not often the case when men stand up to pray in public, or kneel down to pray in private, that are thinking far more about what they are asking for than they are of the great God who made Heaven and earth, and who has all power. We may be making requests, but our minds are wandering, and we have no real conscious approach to God in our hearts. We have to really come into the presence of God. We should not utter one syllable of prayer, either in public or private, until we are definitely conscious that we have come into the presence of God and are actually praying unto Him.
Question: How to get into the presence of God.
Hebrews 10:19, "Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the the blood of Jesus." This is the first part of the answer. We come into the presence of God by the blood of Jesus....and we can come in by no other way. Secondly, in Ephesians 2:18 it says, "For through him we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father." So we come not just through Christ, but we come in One Spirit. But not just ANY spirit, His Holy Spirit. It is the work of the Holy spirit, when you and I pray, to take us by the hand as it were and lead us into the very presence of God and introduce us to Him, and to make God real to us as we pray. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to literally INTRODUCE us to God....
2. With Intense Earnestness
"Without ceasing" - "fervent" - "Persevering" - all descriptions of the tenacity and persistence that we must pursue God in prayer if we desire answers. Acts 12:5 tells about how the believers prayed without ceasing for Paul. The word "without ceasing" comes from the Greek word "ektenos" - which literally means "stretched-out-edly." Not so much as a extended period of time, but praying with a soul stretched out in the intensity of its earnestness toward God. It's not something we muster up to appease God, it's not a work of the flesh. It's the deepest soul cry of a genuine heart seeking after God. And He promises us that those that seek Him WILL find Him!
3. Of the Church
A prayer that God particularly delights to answer is that of UNITED prayer. "If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my father which is in Heaven." God delights in the unity of His people, and He does everything in His power to promote that unity. But it must be real unity. Typically someone comes and asks you to pray with them for a topic, and you do. You are agreed in praying, but you are praying because they asked you to. The real unity comes when BOTH of you feel the burden together "as touching" what you other words, both of you are in like heart because the Holy Spirit has put the same burden and longing upon both of you for this request. Then it is you are United and together!
Now, the last part of the four aspects of prayer.
4. For Him
Definite and for Him. Oh how general and vague many of our prayers are. They are pretty and charmingly phrased, but they ask no definite specific thing, and they get no definite specific answer which would be for His glory. When you pray to God, you should have a definite clear-cut idea of just exactly what it is you want of God. And then when He answers, the glory will be to Him.
In all these phases, there is only one way to reach them according to God's the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the only one that enables us to pray "unto God," it is only the Holy Spirit who leads us into the presence of God and makes God real to us. It is only the Holy Spirit who gives intense earnestness in prayer that prevails with God. Still again, it is only the Holy Spirit that can bring about true unity, and it is only the Holy Spirit that shows us the definite things we should pray for that would be for His glory! In short - we must have the Holy Spirit!
Hindrances to prayer!
Ever feel like your prayers are just hitting a ceiling. Going no where? If that is the case, there are several factors that could be prohibiting your prayer.
1. Wrong motive in prayer. "Ye ask and receive not because you ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." So, the first thing that hinders our prayers is praying from a selfish motive. As it says in Cor 10:31, all that we do must be to the glory of God, not our self. Self must get out of the way.
2. The second big thing that hinders our prayers is sin in the heart and life. "Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that it cannot save, neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." Isa 59:1,2 The problem is not with God. The problem is with us!
3. This goes along with the second, but is on a larger scale, and that is, we have "idols" in our heart. Ezekiel talks about this. "Then came certain of the elders of Israel unto me, and sat down before me. and the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, these men have set up their idols in their heart, and put the stumbling-block of their iniquity before their face: should I be inquired of at all by them?" 14:1-3. The elders had come to Ezekiel for him to pray over them...but it was very clear that because of their idols, they could not entreat the Lord, even through Ezekiel. Idols are more then petty sins, idols are objects that take the affections and throne of our hearts. They are ultimately what we put all our thought, focus and passion towards. They could be our husbands or wives, our children, our job, a position or status...anything. Worst of all, they could be OUR-self! The idols and altars must be torn down.
4. Another roadblock to prayer is an Unforgiving Spirit. "And when you stand praying, forgive, if ye have aught against any: that your father also which is in Heaven may forgive your trespasses." All of God's answering of our prayers is upon the basis of God's dealing with us as forgiven sinners, and God cannot deal with us as forgiven sinners while we are not in return forgiving those that have wronged us. I believe "bitterness of heart" is one of the single most destructive things to an open and fruitful prayer life.
5. Another roadblock to prayer is "Stinginess of our giving." Prov 21:13 says, "Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard." Those that are stingy and niggardly in their giving cannot be mighty men of prayer. The Bible tells us, "Withhold not good to them in whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it." Prov 3:27. Another powerful verse says, "To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin." James 4:17 In other words, even if someone doesn't ask us...but we know they are in need or struggling...whether financially, physically, or spiritually...if we know and we hold back our hand to give what God has freely given us (For all our might, wisdom, gold and riches are His), then we have blocked the channel of open communication with our King. [Ouch! No wonder there is so little answers to prayer in our homes and churches! We hold on too tightly to what God has given us to be freely shared.]
Great men of prayer are all great givers, givers according to their ability. George Mueller of Bristol England was, as far as we know, one of the greatest men of prayer of the last generation. He obtained the English equivalent of more than $7,200,000.00 by prayer alone. For about sixty years he carried on a most marvelous work in supporting and training the orphans of England, oftentimes housing two thousand or more orphans at one time, feeding them three meals a day. Yet God supplied every penny which came for the support of the orphans, and for the support of the other work which he felt responsible. No appeal was ever made to anyone, no collections or offerings were ever taken, and yet the money never failed. Sometimes it seemed up to almost the last minute that it would fail, but it always came. He would ask God for a hundred pounds of sterling, and it would come, and he would pass it on. He would later ask for sixty thousand pounds sterling, and it would come and he would pass it on. In all, as already stated, he asked for over $7,200,000.00 and it came and he passed it on. That was the reason why it kept coming, because he kept passing it on. None of it stuck to his fingers. When he died he barely had enough money to pay for his funeral expenses. But isn't this the way it should be...?? Too often, we ask, we get, and then we keep...and so God ceases to give.
Many a professedly Christian woman spends every year of her life focusing more on investing in a few single items of vanity or fashion then she does in giving away to missions or those in need. And men the same. They invest in the latest technology, the top-of-the-line name brands, while just outside their doors, people are struggling to pay their bills, and starving for more of Christ. And we wonder why God doesn't answer our prayers??
6. Other roadblocks in prayer have to do with how we treat our family members. The scripture specifically mentions those in the marriage covenant. "Likewise, husbands, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." Of course, as the author shared, the same goes to the wives. "How many a professedly Christian woman today is sweet as summer morn, as winsome and alluring as a June breeze when she is in church fellowship, or at a public gathering, or with friends, or even out doing errands and business...but how different she is at home - cross, peevish, nagging, moody. She does little to serve or encourage her husband or family, but instead focuses on herself and her own whims and desires. Yet, when facing the world, she is all sweetness. This too will create a wall in prayer."
The author continues: "Again, how many woman will fix themselves up and make themselves beautiful when entertaining guest or going out with friends, but when home alone with her husband or family, she pays no thought, for after all, it is only her husband at home with her, it is only her children...what is the big deal? The husband too has forgotten the little courtesies and kindness in which he won his wife's heart...and he treats strangers with more respect and gentleness then he treats his wife. How are we as Christian families, christian husbands and wives to expect God to answer our prayers when we don't take our christianity into the daily details and interactions of our home life. If our prayers are to be answered, the home life must be sweet, our interactions a taste of heaven, our marriage alive and thriving as "lovers and best friends." How long should the honeymoon last? Most people says it fades after a few months or years. But if we live according to scripture, and have communion with God, it should never end, but only get deeper and more sacred as time goes on. Every year the married life and family life should be more loving and tender and thoughtful than the year must be this way if we are to have real power in our prayers."
So - if there are hindrances, and every other way is clear, then look into your home life. How are you living as a Christian at home?!
Now let's talk about revival...This is what the book shared as the results of true revival?
1. The first results are seen in the ministers of the gospel.
In times of true revival the minister has a new love for souls. We in general have no such love as we ought to have, for such love only comes from above.
When in true revival, the minister gets a new love for God's Word and a new faith in God's Word. Revivals make minister who are loose in their doctrines orthodox.
Revivals bring to ministers new liberty, new joy and new power in preaching.
2. Now let's look at the results in revival to general Christians.
In times of revival, Christians come out from the world and live separated lives.
In times of revival, Christians get a new spirit of prayer.
In times of revival Christians go to work for the lost with a new zeal.
In times of revival, Christians have new joy in the Lord Jesus.
In times of revival, Christians get a new love for the Word of God.
3. Now let's look at results of revival on the lost world.
Revival brings a genuine deep conviction of sin.
Real revival brings about conversions and regeneration.
Beyond a doubt, one of the great secrets of the unsatisfactoriness and superficiality and unreality and temporary character of many of our modern, so called revivals, is that so much dependence is put upon man's machinery, and so little upon God's power, sought and obtained by the earnest, persistent, believing prayer that will not take no for an answer. We live in a day characterized by the multiplication of man's machinery and the diminution of God's power. The great cry of our day is work, work, work, organize, organize, organize, give us some new society, tell us some new methods, devise some new machinery. But the great need of our day is prayer, more prayer, and more persistent earnest prayer.
Brothers and sisters, let us STOP talking about prayer and LET US PRAY!!!!
This post has taught me soooo much! Thank you. :)
That precious prayer plot. :)
Love you
Chelsea M
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