As I mentioned in my previous post, one of our ARME Prayer leaders, Melissa, is currently in the Philippines holding all-day prayer rooms, and training different groups there in what we are doing. She is also meeting with conference officials and leaders as plans are being laid for ARME to come to the Philippines in May 2011.
She was going into one meeting on Friday were the leadership seemed to be a bit skeptical of what ARME is all about. Then the Union President (who was there) piped up.... "Oh, weren't you guys just at the GC annual council meetings in Maryland?" Melissa just smiled.... "Yep!" And she had the endorsement she needed, as the officials agreed ARME would be a good event to support in the Philippines. Praise the Lord, He is already paving the way for us and opening doors....He is sooo good!
Melissa called me this morning and told me the following four testimonies. I asked her to write them out so I could share them with our team on the prayer call this morning....And they are soo powerful, I have to share them with all of you as well.
1) A young girl named Jules has only been a Christian for 2 years, and a SDA for the past 6 months or so. A few months ago, she started having dreams about Jesus returning, and different Bible themes. She had a dream where she saw four angels holding back the four winds of destruction. She said they were really strong angels, and were holding things back just a little bit longer so God's people could get ready. She had another dream about two paths, one was a broad way and another the narrow way, and she had to choose which path she was going to take. She started on the narrow way, as she felt that was what God was calling her to take. But as she did, many were grabbing on to her and trying to pull her back down to the broad path. She was struggling to walk the path, and it was slippery, then she cried out to God, "Please help me! I can't do this alone!" And strong arms came down and pulled her up to a safe place. The pulls of those from below were gone. Then she had a dream that there were many young people in army uniforms, being instructed by older people. She saw the same colors that is on our ARMe's fllyer in her dream, the camaflouge colors. She heard a strong voice say "TRAIN YOURSELVES SOLDIERS!" She told me "This is it (as she excitedly pointed to the post card flyer of ARME Bible Camp that I, Melissa, held in my hands). This is of God! I dreamed about it!"
(These dreams occurred months AGO....before this girl ever knew anything about ARME....She even dreamed about the narrow way before she knew the story was biblical!! She was never brave enough to tell anyone her dreams until she met Melissa this past week at the camp in the Philippines....)
2) A Professor of Theology was speaking to me, Melissa, at lunch and as I shared with him prayer room testimonials he said that he was very skeptical, he said that maybe this was "sensationalism." I told him that there was nothing sensational about this and that it was very simple, people praying together. I told him to come by the prayer room. We began to pray for him for a few days. Then I bumped into him and reminded him and he said he would come. Sabbath morning he came by and at first he just sat on a chair with his eyes opened observing. Then the next hour he kneeled. There were 5 young girls praying, I think that melted his heart. When confession part came, his heart was broken, he cried out to God to forgive him for bitterness that he had held in his heart against a family member. I saw how his heart get softer and softer as the hour passed. Afterwards he told me, "If you ever have anyone who is skeptical about this, tell them that you had a professor of Theology that was very skeptical but then afterwards he was convicted THIS IS OF GOD! He was skeptical no longer..."
3) We were impressed to have an all night prayer room the last couple days here in the Philippines. The first night we had 140 people come through and the second night we had 184 people!! We were having MORE people come through the night than during the day! Here is one testimony of someone who prayed all night:
"I challenged God that if I was going to pray all night, that I would not receive any headaches or tiredness the next morning so that I could listen to the Sabbath sermon. I went to the prayer room at 10pm. I never prayed like that before, there were many people praying unitedly. I had a big burden to confess but I didn't want to confess in front of people. But the Holy Spirit guided me to confess. After I did, I had so much peace in my heart. I prayed until 6am. I was able to listen to the sermon in the morning, then the afternoon with no problems, I was not sleepy at all and I had no headaches! I had so much energy in my body! One of the things that we prayed about was that many people would come to the prayer room during Sabbath and our prayers were answered, I noticed many coming to pray!" Saisavanh, Laos student at Mountain View College, Philippines
[Note from Melody - this is my favorite....and occurred just a couple days ago!]
4) At the beginning of a prayer hour session, there were a few people inside the prayer room. When they reached the end of the prayer hour, they closed with the song "Thank you LORD." Usually as the hour of prayer goes by, more people come in and join. So they may start small, but then the group gets bigger. They thought there were already a lot of people that entered the room during the hour, (their eyes were closed during the whole hour) because as they sang the closing song they heard MANY voices singing the song and were beautifully harmonizing together. The song was sooo beautiful, it echoed all around the room. In fact, it was so loud inside the room that the people outside heard the wonderful music and wondered at it. At the end of the song, they opened their eyes and stared in startled surprise at each other as goosebumps went over their bodies. There were only a few inside the prayer room, almost the same number that had started. The only explanation for the beautiful music of many voices? We believe angels were singing with them!
It is such a blessing to follow where the Lord is taking you..through your blog and through the magazine articles on setapartgirl.
Just wanted to let you know that your "readers" enjoy your writing!
:) Sari
I bet you are busy because you haven't blogged in a while! Can't wait to see what has been going on in your life and what He has been up to! :)
Sari :)
Sari, you guessed that right! I have been sooo busy....but I'm trying to get back into it again....lots of blessings to share!
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