Monday, November 06, 2006

I'm an Orphan!

Ok, so I'm really not, but it's kinda lonely around here since my sister Sunny deserted me to go to India! Lucky girl! How I wished I could go with her, but I couldn't even go to the airport to see her off as I had to work on Sunday. But I know it's going to be an awesome experience for her, and it's so exciting to see how God has worked all the details out! This is going to be one mission trip I'm sure she'll never forget.

Now...that she's away...the mice will play! :-) Well, not really, but since there have been some new exciting things happening in my life recently in the area of a ministry, it's looking like I'm going to be moving up here to Loma Linda to work for awhile. So while she's gone, I'll be moving in...until God works out the rest of the details for me here in this community. I find it ironic that I am once again doing something that I said I would never do! Coming to live in the surrounding cities of LA!! The last place on earth I ever wanted to be...God must be chuckling right now, or maybe it is me that needs to see the humor! Ho hum...I am trying to remember what else I said I would never do...cause I'm sure, it's probably about to come true! :-)

Well, on a more serious note, I just praise the Lord for blessing and giving me strength this past Sunday at work. My shifts have been long and difficult lately, and already being tired, since Sunny and I were up til almost 1am getting her ready to go, plus getting up at 4am to start driving down to San Diego to work, did not make things easier. But the day went beautifully, and everyone was good. What a blessing! You don't realize how big a blessing that was, until you realize the patients I was taking care of for three days in a row last week. One man's greeting reached my ears before I could even finish getting report. "Mama, mama" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. He'd done it all night, and was reportedly one of the most difficult on the floor. I got him calmed down, with God's help, but I was at his side most of the shift to keep him that way. Another lady had the most incredible C-diff I have ever seen. She was a constant swimming pool of brown mush (don't you love me for sharing) and I thought we'd never get her clean. Bless her heart. On and on it went...Then there was the lady that was nasueated and having chest pain....hmmmm, is this just indigestion or a more serious heart issue?! you can imagine, having a calm day for a change was a real miracle. Praise God! Now, whatever awaits me when I get to the floor tomorrow - I'm recooped and ready! So watch out Continental, because here I come.

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