Monday, November 06, 2006

Musical Rapture

This past Sabbath was a real blessing, for a couple reasons.

1. I've recently started reading a book called "Why I left the Contemporary Christian Music Movement." (Before you jump to conclusions or judge too quickly, you should check it out!) It's awesome on helping us understand the meaning behind the music and why it makes such a difference what we listen to. I've been thinking about this for awhile, but just so happened to start reading the book this weekend. And at Advent hope, we had a speaker, Eric Walsh, that was speaking on this very topic!!! It was very interesting and incredibly inspiring. Check it out at

I will have more to say on this topic when I finish the book. It's already underlined like crazy, so watch out world!

2. The second highlight of my weekend was after the Sabbath sermon. Had lunch at a friends place and then in the afternoon, we got into a Bible study on the rapture and how from the Bible you can show people that's it's not a true teaching. It wasn't so much the topic that we studied, but just the refreshing atmosphere of being with people that were digging into the Bible for truth. How I have missed that since I left Southern. I still don't have all the answers on the tip of my tongue, nor do I understand all the prophecy's in revelation completely, but I love to study the Bible, and I want to continue to grow in my ability to share my faith with others, so the study was encouraging. I would say that I'm looking forward to AFCOE, but now with some new ministry developments beginning to take place (more on that later) I'm not sure I am going to be going North afterall. :-((((( But, I know God will continue to help me as I seek Him, wherever I am. So I give my plans and dreams to Him.

Next week for Advent Hope, we are going to the Mountains!!!! Yeah!!! I'm looking forward...

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