Pink Lady
Originally uploaded by EchoHisLove.
As the spring breeze gives way to Summer magic and heat, I am reminded that no matter my life surroundings, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." not just circumstances!
"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
As the spring breeze gives way to Summer magic and heat, I am reminded that no matter my life surroundings, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." not just circumstances!
Was reading this morning some verses on the Trinity and how God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together in our lives. Anyway, in the process I was re-reading John 3:16-18 and how it talks about God sending His son to the World...not to condemn the world, but that the World through Him might be saved! Wow...how easy it is to see God just as a big judge out there waiting to catch me doing something wrong, waiting to condemn me! And yet, that's not it at all! He's waiting to save me...He wants to save me! But how often, as verse 17 and 18 show, we choose darkness and love darkness (our own selfish and evil desires) rather than light! But where His light is, there can be NO DARKNESS...so am I choosing to live in His light, or hide myself away and continue being a child of the world??? It just gave me a greater appreciation for His love, his purpose in correction and trials and His ultimate goal for me! Not to get me in trouble or catch me every time I go astray but to deliver me from all of that and draw me close to Him. I'm sooooo thankful I serve a patient and loving God that does not give up on me as I learn and grow each day!! ;-) I love you Lord...thanks for all things you have put into my life to point me to YOU!!