Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Pink Lady

Pink Lady
Originally uploaded by EchoHisLove.

As the spring breeze gives way to Summer magic and heat, I am reminded that no matter my life surroundings, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..." not just circumstances!

To Condemn or Rescue?

Was reading this morning some verses on the Trinity and how God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together in our lives. Anyway, in the process I was re-reading John 3:16-18 and how it talks about God sending His son to the World...not to condemn the world, but that the World through Him might be saved! Wow...how easy it is to see God just as a big judge out there waiting to catch me doing something wrong, waiting to condemn me! And yet, that's not it at all! He's waiting to save me...He wants to save me! But how often, as verse 17 and 18 show, we choose darkness and love darkness (our own selfish and evil desires) rather than light! But where His light is, there can be NO DARKNESS...so am I choosing to live in His light, or hide myself away and continue being a child of the world??? It just gave me a greater appreciation for His love, his purpose in correction and trials and His ultimate goal for me! Not to get me in trouble or catch me every time I go astray but to deliver me from all of that and draw me close to Him. I'm sooooo thankful I serve a patient and loving God that does not give up on me as I learn and grow each day!! ;-) I love you Lord...thanks for all things you have put into my life to point me to YOU!!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

My rags for His Royal Robes!

Was reading in Isa 64 and it says our "righteousness" is as Filthy rags. In other words, no matter how "good" we think we are...or how many right things we do...(eat healthy food, don't fight with our family, send money to church missions, listen to good uplifting music instead of rock'n'roll, do good instead of evil behind our neighbors back etc), it doesn't matter! Oh yes, all these things are important and make a difference in our closeness to Christ, ability to appreciate Him and Hear Him and live wholly surrendered to Him, but as far as saving us...the best of our works are just TRASH!! That's why realizing there is NOTHING I can do to attain salvation and the robe of righteousness is soooo inspiring! I can never be good enough! (I don't have to be!) I can never live up to the "Jones"...or the spiritual giants I respect in my life! (I don't have to!) All I have to do is realize Christ died to give me "his robe." And it's free!! And because of that, if I choose to accept it, I have the gift of eternal life!

Eph 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast." Praise the Lord! Now...because I accept that gift and love my God and want to make Him honored and happy by my life...I choose to do what He asks...live healthfully, put in my mind only what will uplift and bring honor to Him, and love my neighbor as myself! Is that always easy? No! But by his strength and His grace it is possible!

Eph 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto Good works...which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them..." Thank you Lord for another day to live and honor you...by your strength, this is what I will strive to do!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The offering...

I was reading this morning in the first book of Leviticus, how when Sacrifices were made, the sinner had to do the actual killing of the animal, so he knew how dreadful sin actually is to God! I thought about it in my own life...If I were actually having to kill an innocent animal every time I had to ask forgiveness of God, would that make me stop and think more before I did something I knew better of? Now, when I sin, no animal is being killed...instead, as Ellen White says, I am crucifying Christ afresh! How much more awful is that?! Oh Lord, help me to live to honor you and realize just how abhorent evil is...and how it hurts you when I turn away! I have soooo far to go, but I thank you for your grace and your righteousness which covers my filthy rags!!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

With my sunshine sister!

With my sister Sunny...a few springs ago!

The sunshine family!

My sunshine family...overlooking the Illinois River in the Ozarks!

The Stubborn Camel

Me and my stubborn Camel! Oh my...Egypt was quite the awesome adventure, in more ways then this Camel! :-)

Pyramids again...

The Pryamids...to think THESE were around when Jesus lived!

On a Sphinx in Cairo

Hollands and I on a Sphinx in Cairo. This one is a genuine...see the broken nose! More on that later...

Riding Camels in Egypt

Riding Camels in Egypt...it really was this dusty!

Mission Nurse in the Making

Mission Nurse in the making! Whether tromping through the jungles of South America, or working in a Modern Magnet Status Hospital here in OKC, being a Nurse is how I serve...

God's Country

This is God's country...Glacier Natl. Park...Probably my favorite park on the whole planet! :-)

Oklahoma Buffalo

Oklahoma Buffalo...they roam still here! (Pun intended!)

Baby Kosha

Me and my baby Kosha, whose not such a baby anymore!

My life...

Just thought I'd check this thing out! :-) Thanks, Sunny, for introducing me to the idea.

We've just finished a very busy last two weeks here at OA. But graduation is over now, and the Seniors (sniff sniff) have moved on! I'm excited though, because a couple of them might come back here to Campus next year to work or go to Public college, so that would be cool and we could hang out more then.

Work as a Nurse is going great...I'm working double-shifts right now, and so my days are looooong, but then I have a couple days off before I have to work again! So it is a blessing. It's so wonderful to feel like you are helping people and making a difference in their lives....even if all I am doing is giving them pills or sending them off to different tests. I look forward to the day though, when there will be no more pain, tears, or poop to clean up! ;-)

The summer looks like it will be a busy one....here or there for friends weddings, GC, then Eric and Leslie Retreat Weekend, then to California to be with Sunny and go to ASI! What fun! And in between, I should catch at least a couple days of work...

Well - that's the news for me right now....I thank God for each new day, and look forward to the Adventures it will hold!