And there are many more where these came from... :-)
"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Korea Summer Camp - Updates
Can't believe we've been in Korea almost a week...time is going sooooo quickly, and we are having sooooo much fun!!! 150 kids joined us this past Tuesday, and since then we've had a full schedule of classes, art, fun and games...with lots of singing and stories in between. We have a great group of kids...infact, they say it is the best group they've had at this camp. (I think it's because we prayed sooo much for the kids before they came!!!) We also have a great team of leaders. I'm going to miss them when we separate. I'm soooo busy I don't have time to write more details now, but just wanted to share a few pictures! God is blessing and we are having such a good time!!!! Keep praying for us!!!
Love from Korea, Melody
PS: Hope you enjoy the PHOTOS....I've taken almost 600 so far!!! My teammate Sue thinks she has me beat, but I'm not so sure?? Anyway, as you'll probably figure out, the pics are of the school and the area here (It's beautiful) as well as my wonderful teammates (Sue, Bryan, Kindra, Keeler, Sherri, Megan, Marlena, Chris, Julie, Dave, John, Monica, Mitchell, Michelle) and our directors/leaders family. (Thanks director Jed and Irene and little ones! It's sooo great working with you here!) Stay posted for a slide-show that will be coming!!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Korea - Here we come!!!
In the sixteen years since, I've continued to enjoy missions. Amazing God has opened the doors for me to live or serve for short periods of time in Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, and even Northern Europe. (Yeah, I have to admit, Norway was a pretty upper class experience!) And my blessings from God and experiences have been multiplied many times over. But I have never forgotten the miracles God worked on that first mission trip many years ago, and now...over 16 years later...I have returned to Korea. To help a team lead a summer camp (language school) vacation Bible school for about 150 junior high kids. This trip too has been a God provided my way and has opened the doors....
We've just barely arrived, and I still haven't got my land legs yet, but I am looking forward and expectant for what God is going to do!
Watch out Korea, because here we come!!!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
A call to Anguish...
Just listened to another powerful stirring call...a call to
"anguish"...yes...a call to be broken with the heart of Christ!
I encourage you to watch with PRAYERFUL HEART!
I'm reminded of the Hymn...
Let Your Heart Be Broken
Let your heart be broken for a world in need
Feed the mouths that hunger,
soothe the wounds that bleed.
Give the cup of water, and the loaf of bread.
Be the hands of Jesus, serving in his stead.
Here on earth applying principles of love.
Visible expression, God still rules above.
Living illustration of the living word,
to the minds of all who've never seen or heard.
Blest to be a blessing, privileged to care,
challenged by the need, apparent everywhere.
Where mankind is wanting, fill the vacant place.
Be the means through which
The Lord reveals His grace.
Add to your believing deeds that prove it true,
knowing Christ as Savior, Make Him Master too.
Follow in His footsteps, go where he has trod;
In the worlds great trouble risk yourself for God.
Let your heart be tender and your vision clear;
See mankind as God sees, serve Him far and near.
Let your heart be broken by a brothers pain;
Share your rich resources, give and give again.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
The more I seek Him, the more I find...
"And ye shall seek me and find me, when you search for me with ALL YOUR HEART!" Jer 29:13
The more I find Him.
The more I find Him,
The more I love Him!
I want to sit at your feet
Drink from the cup in your hand
Lay back against you and breath
Feel your heartbeat
This love is so deep
It is more than I can stand
I melt in your peace
It's overwhelming...
The more I seek Him
The more I find Him
The more I find Him
The more I love Him!
This love is so deep
It's more than I can stand
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming...
And it's Beautiful!!! I love you Lord!!!
Friday, July 03, 2009
Joys forever more...

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: In thy presence is fullness of Joy. At thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Psalms 16:11
Had the wonderful joy of SURPRISING my family last weekend!! It was all rather last minute. I was thinking about all I had to do, and the stuff I had to move home (which has multiplied) and wondering how I was going to manage it all in only one trip. Then I talked to my mom on the phone and she told me about how they were having a big canoe trip and weekend with friends and how sad she was that I would miss the weekend (Since I still had 2 wks to work!) After I hung up the phone, I was like, "Why don't I just drive home and surprise them! It's only 10 hours (ha ha), and I can drive all night after work Thursday and be home for a full weekend before I have to work again on Tuesday!!"
So......that is exactly what I did! Thursday am I got up early and packed, loaded down my Honda with as much stuff as I could cram, and then left for work. When I got off work at 11:45pm, I headed North on I-35. I arrived at "Country Loven' Farm" at 9:30 am...almost 10 hours later!!! You should have seen the look on my parents and brothers faces when they saw me. (I snuck into the kitchen where everyone was, but my mom had her back to me and didn't see me. What made it more funny is, she was TALKING ABOUT ME to some friends. So I got in on the conversation. Initially everyone else saw me, but they kept quiet. When she finally turned and saw me standing at the foot of the stairs, her jaw about hit the floor. It was GREAT!!!!!)
So we all had a wonderful weekend together, and had a blast canoeing the Buffalo!! I've grown up on this famous Ozark river, but have been out West for the past few summers, so it was great to get in on the family fun again!
Now I'm in Texas for my last few days of work....then heading home one more time before I leave for CA, Korea, and more adventures. God is good...and I am sooo blessed!!
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