Monday, July 20, 2009

Korea - Here we come!!!

It's hard to believe that it was over 16 years ago now that I took my first mission trip! It was a very last minute affair. Some of my high school classmates were headed off to Korea and Thailand to do a musical ministry mission trip...and I was to be left behind. However, at the last minute some friends stepped forward and put up the funds so I could go. I was ecstatic, but I had no Passport. So we sent off my application.....RUSH!!!! And we purchased my tickets. My passport and papers came back like the day before we were to leave. Wow....that was close! But God had worked it out, and I couldn't believe it. I was off for my very first over seas mission experience...the beginning of many!

In the sixteen years since, I've continued to enjoy missions. Amazing God has opened the doors for me to live or serve for short periods of time in Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, and even Northern Europe. (Yeah, I have to admit, Norway was a pretty upper class experience!) And my blessings from God and experiences have been multiplied many times over. But I have never forgotten the miracles God worked on that first mission trip many years ago, and now...over 16 years later...I have returned to Korea. To help a team lead a summer camp (language school) vacation Bible school for about 150 junior high kids. This trip too has been a God provided my way and has opened the doors....

We've just barely arrived, and I still haven't got my land legs yet, but I am looking forward and expectant for what God is going to do!

Watch out Korea, because here we come!!!

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