"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Monday, April 30, 2007
More good food with good friends!
After this posting, everyone is going to think that all I do in my free time is eat, make cakes and create Birthday parties, and play in the dirt! But such is not the case...today just happened to be a special festive occasion for several reasons.
For one, Shayna, a new friend that I made recently while attending the JCI conference in Dallas, happens to be in the area this week as she is speaking and meeting with youth groups and pastors as a representive for Insight magazine. (http://www.insightmagazine.org/) So, although her Itinerary is well packed, she was able to squeeze in time for lunch and a good heart to heart visit! We met at the Souplantation, one of my favorite healthy restaurants in the area. Usually I leave stuffed and overflowing (well, not literally, but you know what I mean), but today we were soooo occupied visiting, that I barely even got got any seconds. (And by the way, this was only the 2nd time I've eaten out at a Restaurant this month...and that's more than usual as I've been seeking to pinch pennies and live less affluently!)
However, it seems like we've had lots of friend over lately, or been to eat at other friends homes! And this evening was another such special occasion as Janine had arranged a surprise birthday party for Curtis!! And he was indeed surprised! He was thinking they were going out on a dinner date together. After all the excitement died down, I told him that I knew this wasn't as much fun as going out with Janine alone, but they could go out later if they wanted. It was fun to get together with different friends, and we all agreed that someone should have a birthday every week, so that we can meet and visit!! (Janine also made the cake by the way, not me, and Jen decorated it! Lovely job, I thought!)
After helping clean up a bit, I came home and finished planting the flowers in our back patio! Step by step we are getting the outside garden spots looking lovely...and although I know that someday...everything I have acquired in this life will burn (including my flowers and vegetable plants) it brings such sweet pleasure and simple satisfaction to work in the dirt and see things grow. In fact, I think it's one of the many "heaven on earth" experiences God gives us to stay close to him! (At least for me!) So I was refreshed and blessed.
Such was my Monday...now...before the day ends, to find my midnight snack! (Just kidding....just kidding!!!!!) Midnight snacks are out (except on special dates) and supper's are usually out too....except on special weekends or with friends! So, mom and dad, have no fears, Melody will not be getting in the cookie jar tonight!
The surprise party for Curtis!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
"God did me Wrong!!!"
As I've been learning over the years, "Be careful what you pray for, because you just might get it!" Usually when I'd get report and they would tell me all the horrors of the night, or that they had to call in security because "so and so" was so out of control...I would inwardly groan! "Why me, Lord?" But I've been coming to realize more and more that those are just the kind of patients I need...because they need me...well, they don't need me...they need God!!!! And while most of the nurses throw up their arms in despair, or resort to using restraints and drugs to keep things manageable....(and I have to admit, a little "Ativan" does go a long ways)...each day God is teaching me to see more than flailing arms or flying cuss words...He's teaching me to see bruised bodies which mask broken hearts and bleeding souls. How my heart cries out for the pain and suffering that so many of them are obviously experiencing...how my heart longs to help there be healing and wholeness. But only God can do the healing...I just keep praying that He'll guide my hands and my words...that they'll see Jesus in me, that they'll see someone who truly cares!
When you deal with soooo many people every day...People that do little more than cry and cuss and complain and some that even try to milk the medical system, it's easy to stop seeing the heart, but rather just see room numbers, or just more chores to tend to! (One day this last week, I took care of almost 15 patients, when you include what I started with, who I discharged, and who I admitted! Talk about getting dizzy...I would be like, "Now are we talking about 178 bed 1 or 188 bed 1?") Sometimes the amount of people we deal with daily can be staggering!!!
And so my constant prayer I have to keep praying is, "Lord, keep my heart tender! Help me to see as you see, help me to love as you love! Help me to look behind the actions and see the deeper spiritual needs of the heart! Open opportunties for me to share YOU!!!!"
Yesterday as I was tending to one non-compliant character who is slowly dying of AIDS, she was swearing at God, at how he could let "these circumstances" happen to her. "God loves you!" I told her softly. She began to cry...and the swearing slowly ebbed away. "He did me wrong! How could He love me...I can't ever trust Him...He did me wrong...." She cried harder... I just patted her hand gently as I bent over her and whispered again "God loves you...and He sent His Son to die to save you, He doesn't want to see you in pain....But we live in a world of sin..." But that was as far as the conversation got, as she began to swear again...
How my heart ached for her...ached for her to know and believe the truth! Yet, she is caught up in the lies...caught up in the belief that it is God who did her wrong. And she is not alone! How many people around the world today think that it is God who is causing them pain and suffering, it is God who broke up their lives or marriages (after all, if He'd wanted to, he could have intervened...but he didn't, so it's his fault!) It is God that betrayed them by letting a loved one be killed in a tragic car wreck, it is God that brought this sickness or disease...it is God that doesn't allow their dreams of marriage or a fulfilling career to come true, it is God's fault that their lives are such a painful mess! Oh how misunderstood God is...and the Devil has done his job well...at making so many believe that it is God that is at fault! (When actually, it is the complete reverse!)
Today as I was driving home...while there were bright spots in my time at the hospital, patients that were receptive to God's love, patients that did allow me to pray with them, patient's that believe that God does care, patient's that are searching...I still felt like crying...crying for all those that don't understand the truth...for those that don't know!! How dark the world is becoming...how far away from God we are straying! And yet, how longsuffering God is...He loves us sooo much, and He doesn't want ANY of us to perish!
Yes, while I've made the mistake in earlier years of blaming God for my heart-aches, I'm seeing more and more, that truly He is a God that can be trusted!!!! And I pray I can always say in the future, no matter what heartache, pain, or disappointment that lies ahead in my own life, God did not do me wrong! I may not always understand His workings...but I will trust Him!!!! I don't have to understand...I know, He is doing what is for my best good!!
"So thank you Father, for answering my prayer today...and bringing me the patient's you needed me to take care...even if they were a handful...you didn't leave me to carry the burden alone, and I praise you!"
"All things work together for good, to them that love God and are called according to His purpose." Rom 8:28
"It is good for me that I've been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes." Ps 119:71
Sunday, April 22, 2007
In honor of Sunny's Birthday!
This Sabbath was an extra bright sunshiny day (pun intended) for all of us, as we had our first large group over for pot-luck to celebrate Sunny's birthday! I wanted it to be a surprise...so Dafne and Gemali and Lorinda (who is in town visiting this weekend) kidnapped Sunny after the Advent Hope service so that we all could get lunch set-up and things ready! And what fun we had. Even though we lit the candles too soon and had to blow them out...and then re-light them when Sunny actually did show up, it all worked out beautifully, thanks to everyone's help and God's blessing!
In the afternoon, most of our group took off for Forest Falls to hike a little and enjoy the fresh air! I'm always amazed at the beauty of God's creation...and His majesty! Oh what will Heaven be like in comparison with this??!!!!
"O Come, let us sing unto the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In his hand are the deep places of the earth; the strength of the hills are his also. The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker." Psalms 95:1-6
Our maker...our Creator...our Lord!! Somehow the mountains bring out the majesty of God like nothing else on earth! They speak strength, they speak power, they speak love, they speak grace! I needed that this weekend...and I need it still!! How I long to get away from the hustle and bustle and scurry and worry of life and all it's entanglements and distractions. Yet, I realize that I wouldn't appreciate the mountain tops of life nearly as much, if it weren't for the work in the valleys. So, as I prepare to return to the work God has given me for today, I praise Him for the mountain tops of life that He gives!
Truly, I am humbled and refreshed...
"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; thy glorious creation...from the smallest delicate flower to the highest majestic mountain, I have to ask, who am I, that thou art mindful of me? And yet, you've made us as human beings...your masterpiece of creation just a little lower than the angels, and has crowned us with glory and honour...O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!" Psalms 8:3-5*
*Mel's personal paraphrase version
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Putting my "green muscles" to work again!
Well...I finally am getting some pictures up from my attack on the front flower bed! It was a mass of tangled weeds and shrubbery, and reminded my poor tired green muscles how long it's been since I used a hoe and shovel!! :-) But what an exhilarating feel it brought to succeed and conquer!! I've had a lot going on lately, and haven't always known how I was going to get everything done, so it was a good stress relief too! And as the tasks pile up and my brain tires out, I need the fresh air and hard work every once in a while to bring rejuvination and remind me what life is really all about!!
Yes, you may take the girl away from the country, but you can't ever take the country out of the girl! That's me...always a Country Loven' Girl at heart!!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Another day in Sunny Southern California...
Been trying out my "green thumb" a bit more...re-potting some plants and digging up our whole flower bed out front. It's not that it looked horrible, but there was just was no order to anything...it was a maze of vines and weeds and green shrubbery! Besides, I needed some fresh air and stress relief...so what better thing to do, then to go grab a hoe and forget all one's worries?! :-)
Things are continuing to progress, by God's grace, with CCBN. Just received another large donation!! It's always the God seems to work...just as we're getting close to running low on finances, He sends us more! We just praise Him!!! We're on internet TV now, but still trying to smooth out the rough edges. Can't wait to see what God has for us around the next bend. But one day at a time!!! I'm sooo thankful to be alive and have another day to serve Him!!! He is soooo good!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
The Bird Cage
"I was walking through town yesterday when I saw a young boy coming toward me, swinging this bird cage. On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there son?"
"Just some old birds," came the reply.
"What are you gonna do with them?" I asked.
"Take 'em home and have fun with 'em. I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fight. I'm gonna have a real good time."
"But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later. What will you do then?"
"Oh, I got some cats. They like birds. I'll take 'em to them."
The pastor was silent for a moment. "How much do you want for those birds, son?"
"Huh??!!! Why, you don't want them birds, mister. They're just plain old field birds. They don't sing - they ain't even pretty!"
"How much?" the paster repeated.
The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy and said, "$10?"
The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill. He placed it in the boy's hand.
In a flash, the boy was gone. The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spot. Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars persuaded the birds out, setting them free.
Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.
One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation. Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting. "Yes, sir, I just caught the world full of people down there. Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist. Got 'em all!"
"What are you going to do with them?" Jesus asked.
"Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other. How to hate and abuse each other. How to drink and smoke and curse. How to invent guns and bombs and kill each other. I'm really gonna have fun!"
"And what will you do when you get done with them?" Jesus asked.
"Oh, I'll kill 'em."
"How much do you want for them?"
"Oh, you don't want those people. They ain't no good. Why, you take them and they'll just hate you. They'll spit on you, curse you and kill you!! You don't want those people!!"
"How much?" Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your tears, and all your blood."
Jesus paid the price!
The pastor picked up the cage, he opened the door, and he walked from the pulpit.
1 Peter 1:18-19 (NLT)For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom He paid was not mere gold or silver. He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
-Author Unknown-
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Moving, Patience Lessons, Taxes, and More Cake making!
Well, I think this has turned into a "Picture blog" rather than a "Writing blog!" It's not that I have run out of words......oh my....believe me....I still have plenty to say....but just not enough TIME to say it!!! That's what it seems like I am always short on lately.....TIME, TIME, TIME!!! Where does it go? How can it go so quickly? How do I make the best use of what I have???
Sunny has finally started moving in!!! That's exciting! I'm sooo glad to have her around more, and I know she and Susy and I are going to have a lot of fun and blessings together.
Besides helping Sunny a little with her moving.....I've been in class for some serious review of the meaning of PATIENCE!!! I guess God decided it was time for some more growth again in this department!!
As the popular prayer goes, "Lord give me patience! And I want it right now!!!!" :-) All week has seemed like one big trial....as I struggled through computer problems.....first getting internet, then getting it to work properly.....then my computer froze up and after hours talking to "tech support" I finally had to do a complete system restore on my computer....which meant that ALL my old files and downloaded programs that I've purchased were GONE......zippo.....history!!!! I'm still trying to see what I can get back. Then, as disheartening as that was....even more trying on my patience has been trying to get my taxes figured out!! I decided to attempt them myself this year with a nice little online computer program called "Turbo Tax." My sister said it may take several hours, but it was an easy program!!! Well...since I've been working as a Travel nurse now....it was more than complicated.....and the whole process took me almost 3 days!!!!! I thought I was gonna pull all my hair out, I was sooo frustrated trying to get things figured out. The tax program would say that I made an "error" but it wouldn't tell me how to correct it!!!! And so forth and such and such......whew!! But praise the Lord, I got it done, and I just got e-mail that they accepted my electronic filing! So, hopefully I am DONE with that! (Next year I think it will be easier!)
Today I finally worked on something other than taxes!!! Did some more "True Love" filming with Jen and Curtis and Janine! I've been enjoying learning how to run the cameras and getting more involved in the creative side of things. (Thanks Matt for the great lessons!) Then I ran some errands and came home and planted my first tomatoes!!!! The name of the tomatoes I planted were "Arkansas Traveler." How's that for the Arkansas girl moved to California!!! I thought it was pretty cool. Then I decorated a cake (I'm going into the cake business, just in case anyone was wondering) for Moses Birthday part! Moses is the youngest member of the Maier family, and also a enthusiastic participant of our CCBN team. (And, as you probably already know....his mother Sheny turns out to be an old friend of my parents.) So the Maiers family are becoming even more special to me and us as the days go by!
Now...well...there's lots more I'd love to say, but it's after 10pm and I need to get to bed since I'm working at the hospital for the next solid 3 days!!! So...more next time!
PS: Welcome Home Mom and Dad!!!! So glad to hear your voices again and to know you are back safely from the mission trip to Hondurias!!!
Below will continue the best pics from my activities from today - April 10th, 2007!!
Prayer of Dedication
Monday, April 09, 2007
Welcome to Camp Cedar Falls
Just returned from a wonderful retreat up in the mountains with some of the leaders of our CCBN team!! What a blessing it was to get out of the city, out in nature, and to enjoy a time of prayer, communion and fellowship with each other and our Lord! I just wish that more of our team could have been a part of the weekend. I think that we are all energized and excited about how God blessed. And we are excited to see how He is going to continue to lead in the future!!
Enjoying the grandeur of nature
As soon as we'd gotten settled into our sleep quarters, after we arrived at the camp, Jen and I went exploring! And before I knew it, she had me running (slipping and sliding) down a steep mountain trail to investigate some water falls! Oh what fun she is...a grown-up "tom-boy." It reminded me of the fun I use to have crashing through the brush and woods at home in the Ozarks in my growing up years. Needless to say, I don't crash-thru stuff as easily now...especially with a foot that still brings me much pain! But...the experience was worth the little pain it caused. It was sooo good to be out in nature again!
Praying together for God's Spirit and blessing
The retreat was designed to be a special time of prayer and communion with God and each other, as we work so tightly together as a team! With more and more requests for filming various events or happenings, and with a live-internet broadcast already beginning to be built, we really need God's extra care and guidance in the coming days as we seek to uphold the standards He has set out for us in His Word. So this was a time to really think and pray and seek God in a more specific way. And what a blessing it was...for all of us!!
Looking at the fog in the valley below
All weekend it was dreary and overcast down in the valley. But where we were, up in the top of the mountains, all was clear and full of sunshine! I kept thinking of what it's like Spiritually when we come apart from the world and draw close to God...leaving the earthly distractions behind. It's just like being in the mountains...basking in the sunshine...and enjoying the warmth of God's presence!