After this posting, everyone is going to think that all I do in my free time is eat, make cakes and create Birthday parties, and play in the dirt! But such is not the case...today just happened to be a special festive occasion for several reasons.
For one, Shayna, a new friend that I made recently while attending the JCI conference in Dallas, happens to be in the area this week as she is speaking and meeting with youth groups and pastors as a representive for Insight magazine. (http://www.insightmagazine.org/) So, although her Itinerary is well packed, she was able to squeeze in time for lunch and a good heart to heart visit! We met at the Souplantation, one of my favorite healthy restaurants in the area. Usually I leave stuffed and overflowing (well, not literally, but you know what I mean), but today we were soooo occupied visiting, that I barely even got got any seconds. (And by the way, this was only the 2nd time I've eaten out at a Restaurant this month...and that's more than usual as I've been seeking to pinch pennies and live less affluently!)
However, it seems like we've had lots of friend over lately, or been to eat at other friends homes! And this evening was another such special occasion as Janine had arranged a surprise birthday party for Curtis!! And he was indeed surprised! He was thinking they were going out on a dinner date together. After all the excitement died down, I told him that I knew this wasn't as much fun as going out with Janine alone, but they could go out later if they wanted. It was fun to get together with different friends, and we all agreed that someone should have a birthday every week, so that we can meet and visit!! (Janine also made the cake by the way, not me, and Jen decorated it! Lovely job, I thought!)
After helping clean up a bit, I came home and finished planting the flowers in our back patio! Step by step we are getting the outside garden spots looking lovely...and although I know that someday...everything I have acquired in this life will burn (including my flowers and vegetable plants) it brings such sweet pleasure and simple satisfaction to work in the dirt and see things grow. In fact, I think it's one of the many "heaven on earth" experiences God gives us to stay close to him! (At least for me!) So I was refreshed and blessed.
Such was my Monday...now...before the day ends, to find my midnight snack! (Just kidding....just kidding!!!!!) Midnight snacks are out (except on special dates) and supper's are usually out too....except on special weekends or with friends! So, mom and dad, have no fears, Melody will not be getting in the cookie jar tonight!