Well, I think this has turned into a "Picture blog" rather than a "Writing blog!" It's not that I have run out of words......oh my....believe me....I still have plenty to say....but just not enough TIME to say it!!! That's what it seems like I am always short on lately.....TIME, TIME, TIME!!! Where does it go? How can it go so quickly? How do I make the best use of what I have???
Sunny has finally started moving in!!! That's exciting! I'm sooo glad to have her around more, and I know she and Susy and I are going to have a lot of fun and blessings together.
Besides helping Sunny a little with her moving.....I've been in class for some serious review of the meaning of PATIENCE!!! I guess God decided it was time for some more growth again in this department!!
As the popular prayer goes, "Lord give me patience! And I want it right now!!!!" :-) All week has seemed like one big trial....as I struggled through computer problems.....first getting internet, then getting it to work properly.....then my computer froze up and after hours talking to "tech support" I finally had to do a complete system restore on my computer....which meant that ALL my old files and downloaded programs that I've purchased were GONE......zippo.....history!!!! I'm still trying to see what I can get back. Then, as disheartening as that was....even more trying on my patience has been trying to get my taxes figured out!! I decided to attempt them myself this year with a nice little online computer program called "Turbo Tax." My sister said it may take several hours, but it was an easy program!!! Well...since I've been working as a Travel nurse now....it was more than complicated.....and the whole process took me almost 3 days!!!!! I thought I was gonna pull all my hair out, I was sooo frustrated trying to get things figured out. The tax program would say that I made an "error" but it wouldn't tell me how to correct it!!!! And so forth and such and such......whew!! But praise the Lord, I got it done, and I just got e-mail that they accepted my electronic filing! So, hopefully I am DONE with that! (Next year I think it will be easier!)
Today I finally worked on something other than taxes!!! Did some more "True Love" filming with Jen and Curtis and Janine! I've been enjoying learning how to run the cameras and getting more involved in the creative side of things. (Thanks Matt for the great lessons!) Then I ran some errands and came home and planted my first tomatoes!!!! The name of the tomatoes I planted were "Arkansas Traveler." How's that for the Arkansas girl moved to California!!! I thought it was pretty cool. Then I decorated a cake (I'm going into the cake business, just in case anyone was wondering) for Moses Birthday part! Moses is the youngest member of the Maier family, and also a enthusiastic participant of our CCBN team. (And, as you probably already know....his mother Sheny turns out to be an old friend of my parents.) So the Maiers family are becoming even more special to me and us as the days go by!
Now...well...there's lots more I'd love to say, but it's after 10pm and I need to get to bed since I'm working at the hospital for the next solid 3 days!!! So...more next time!
PS: Welcome Home Mom and Dad!!!! So glad to hear your voices again and to know you are back safely from the mission trip to Hondurias!!!
Below will continue the best pics from my activities from today - April 10th, 2007!!
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