Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wow - I can't believe it myself!! Only three entries in my blog since I've been back home here in the Midwest. That is a record low. :-) I guess it probably doesn't help that I haven't had real fast internet access anywhere I've gone...either that, or I haven't had time. Anyway, maybe the pictures will help make up for my lack of words.

As the pictures will show, the ASI conference trip (Which stands for "Adventist Layman's Services and Industries ~ "Sharing Christ in the Marketplace") was a real adventure, from starting out with a flat tire in the dark and only a couple hours down the road, to meeting lots of old friends and networking with lots of new ones. And the messages of course, were also very inspiring! My favorite was of a sweet little humble black missionary man from Africa that is planting hundreds of new churches. Since he's been working and praying, his members have gone from like 200 to 21,000!! It's incredible. But he said that the power comes from his relationship with God and prayer...he gets up every morning and prays from 2am to 6am - 4 hours!!!!! I was astounded. (For more details of this amazing story, I encourage you to read the post from August 16th, 2007 of my fellow friend and blogger Staci at: She shares a lot more details here that I did not remember!)

Here we've got another modern day Martin Luther or David Livingston right in front of us. Maybe there is more truth to that one verse than we think... "If my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray..." I for one was challenged and encouraged to put even greater priority and focus on my prayer life.

There were lots of other great things about ASI as well...but time and words fail me. So until next time...enjoy the photos. And take some extra time for God and prayer...who knows what things He is just waiting to do in our own lives and ministry!!

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