Saturday, August 07, 2010

[What is the DANIEL CHALLENGE?'s something exciting, something that is changing lives...but first, let me share my testimony!]

It's funny, but there's one question that I get asked almost MORE than any other besides my height and if IF I play basketball! This one question has followed me across continents, through public and private universities, and through many different work environments. The question: "What do you eat?" You'd think judging by the question that I don't eat hardly anything....or what I do eat is really strange wild locust and honey, or some other weird oddity. But honestly, I don't think I eat that strange. I'm a vegetarian...along with about 8 million other Americans and many more millions world wide! The second question, after they find out that I’m a vegetarian, is usually – “Well, do you eat fish or chicken?” I don’t understand why these things aren’t thought to be meat in many minds. The simple point in my mind is, if it’s a animal that has a face produces babies, I don’t eat it! So I repeat, “No! I don’t eat fish or chicken! I’m a vegetarian!” The more appropriate question should be: "Why do you eat the way you do!" And this one I love to answer. You see...I'm not just an "animal rights activist" - (though it's true, I don't believe it's right to kill animals unnecessarily for food when we have plenty of food available without killing!) But I believe that the more closely we can follow God’s plan for our lives – including our diet – the better off we will be. (Just as we seek to follow His ten commandments, wholly and completely!)

So in a NUTSHELL this is WHY I eat the way I do.

In Gen 1:29, 30 it says:

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”

You see, in the beginning God created ALL creation – man and animal to be vegetarian. Their meat was NOT each other, it was the plant life of the kingdom. This is what He gave to be their meat. WHY? Because this is what was best.

However, after the fall and when sin brought about the world wide flood, it was THEN and ONLY THEN that permission was given to eat meat. In Genesis 9:3 we see meat-eating allowed for the first time. At the same time, God put the fear of men upon the beast (kinda like a self-defense and protection). It was a sad day…but with sin comes death, death that another may live.

There is a lot of commentary regarding clean and unclean meats – In Leviticus as well as other places in scripture, but I’m not going to into that at this time. The point I want to make is, God’s original plan was that there be no death – and this means we ALL (man & animals) were to be vegetarians!

Now we live in a world of sin – meat has been allowed (with guidelines). However, even yet I have to wonder, where there is a world of food and plenty even now, is this what God would like? Or might His desire even now be that we eat of the seed of the land and not kill animals to eat?

In Revelation we are told that the lamb will lie down with the lion. We are told there will be no more death. So, I think it’s pretty clear that in the end, we will return to the “garden of eden” diet. And if the plan is for us to return there in the future, why aren’t we seeking to return there NOW?

I don’t live as a vegetarian to WIN my way to Heaven by good works…I don’t live as a vegetarian just to spare a few animals…I live this way because I feel that the closer we can live to God’s ideal, the better off we are! People who have eaten meat their whole life can’t imagine what I eat…how do you live without a “meat entrĂ©e” every meal? But it’s simple…there are thousands of options, delicious options, options that don’t cause near as much cancer or heat attacks, or strokes, options that don’t raise cholesterol and clog arteries….options that have actually scientifically been proven to give greater longevity to my life! So why wouldn’t I desire these options. (Trust me, there are TONS of them...just come to my house for a meal and you'll be coming back for seconds and thirds - our food is healthy, but soooo good!) And I’m not alone, millions of others live this way too…

People don’t think they can go without their meat, or they aren’t willing to give up unhealthy addictions when it comes to rich fatty foods. However, I think it’s interesting to note that some of the most significant spiritual battles have been won or lost in regard to appetite. It started in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve gave in to the temptation of appetite. And where they failed is where Christ was first tested…his 40 day fast in the wilderness…and this is where He won!

Then think about Daniel and his three friends when they were taken captive to Babylon. At a time when it would have been perfectly fine to enjoy the delicacies of the kingdom (after all, they’d lost everything, they might as well take advantage of the rich luxuries that the King so bountifully offered!) – however it was at this time, that they saw the need more than ever to guard their bodies and minds in regards to appetite.

I love how Daniel dealt with the temptation of appetite:

“But Daniel PURPOSED in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King’s meat nor with the wine which he drank…” so he went to the chief captain of the Eunuchs and begged him, “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days, and let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink.” The chief eunuch thought he would have his head chopped off, but he decided to honor these brave men. So they went on there “pulse and water diet.” (By the way, pulse means “Vegetables!”) And at the end of 10 days they were found to be fairer and fatter in flesh then all the children which did eat the portion of the King’s meat.” Daniel 1:8,12,15

Imagine that?! What a testimony!

In our day and age, meat isn’t offered to idols, it’s not put together in unsterile situations, it’s relatively safe…for the most part: Although there are significant studies out there that show the correlation of certain diseases with increased meat diets. See below…

A major study published in February 2005 reconfirmed the link between meat consumption and heart problems. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that among the 29,000 participants, those who ate the most meat were also at the greatest risk for heart disease. The researchers also reported that a high intake of protein from vegetable sources like tofu, nuts, and beans lowers our risk of heart disease by 30 percent. Dr. Linda E. Kelemen, the scientist who headed the study, told reporters, “Not all proteins are equal”—while vegetable protein can help keep our hearts healthy, eating animal protein can put us in an early grave.

Here’s another interesting excerpt:

Vegetarians Live Longer and Healthier Lives

Most recently, medical research has found that a properly balanced vegetarian diet may, in fact, be the healthiest diet. This was demonstrated by the over 11,000 volunteers who participated in the Oxford Vegetarian study. For a period of 15 years, researchers analyzed the effects a vegetarian diet had on longevity, heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases.

The results of the study stunned the vegetarian community as much as it did the meat-producing industry: "Meat eaters are twice as likely to die from heart disease, have a 60 percent greater risk of dying from cancer and a 30 percent higher risk of death from other causes."

I don’t believe from scripture that we can show it is wrong to eat meat now…yet…I believe it is clear that it was not God’s plan in the beginning and it will not be God’s plan in the end….and if we learn to eat healthfully now, we will have more capacity in mind and body to serve God to the fullest NOW! As Christians with the high calling God has upon our life, I often question, “Why don’t we seek the highest standard possible…why don’t we seek to, like Daniel living in ancient Babylon, whom God was preparing for a special mission, seek to live with extra care and regard in relation to what we allow in our bodies! Why can’t we discipline our taste buds…??” Why?? The simple answer – because we don’t want to! We don’t feel like it, we don’t believe it’s that important…

However, will not the same God that honored Daniel and his three friends in ancient Babylon not honor us today as well when we seek to honor Him…even in our diet?

One of my favorite songs growing up was “Dare to be a Daniel.” Think on it now as you consider your own life and the choices you are making.

Standing by a purpose true,

Heeding God’s command,

Honor them, the faithful few!

All hail to Daniel’s band!


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Many mighty men are lost

Daring not to stand,

Who for God had been a host

By joining Daniel’s band.


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Many giants, great and tall,

Stalking through the land,

Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel’s band.


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Hold the Gospel banner high!

On to vict’ry grand!

Satan and his hosts defy,

And shout for Daniel’s band.

It wasn’t popular then, and it wont be now…but why not?! Let’s “Dare to be a Daniel.” Don’t just do it to save the world, or cause it’s the cool new-agy thing to do…do it to honor God!

"Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do ALL to the GLORY of God." II Cor 10:31

[NOW - WHY did I set out to write all this...well, it wasn't initially because I wanted to convince you to become a Vegetarian....I just wanted to explain WHY I am one! The real reason I shared what I did was because I want to introduce you to an amazing program called "The DANIEL CHALLENGE." Try it out - for 10 days...and see if your life doesn't change - for the better!]

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