A couple weeks or so back, we were having our weekly Friday night "Bible study group," and while we were talking, we realized that each one of us in our group was being hit with very similar spiritual attacks. (Tiredness, difficulty concentrating during sessions, health struggles, family issues etc!) It was amazing when we all compared notes...and even more convicting of the supernatural battle that we are were in. So while we were sharing and then praying for each other, I was convicted that we should be in much more earnest and serious prayer - and the thought came to my mind of starting a 24/7 prayer week - where we prayed around the clock day and night all week long. We would all write out our prayer requests and then attack them together in prayer. So I shared my idea and I was shocked to learn that others had been convicted of the same thing - doing a 24/7 prayer vigil! (I was sooooo excited to hear that, for it just confirmed in my mind how the Holy Spirit was impressing all of us together of the same thing....and none of us had had any conversations about the idea!)
So that night (it was Sabbath now), our group, plus others, gathered together in one place, and we prayed - and prayed and prayed. For ourselves, for purity of heart, for lost loved ones...there was weeping and anguish and tears and earnest fervency among everyone. The prayer time lasted several hours... In the mean time we took down requests from everyone. (I had already put together a form the night before right after I was inspired!) So everyone gave up to three requests and then they signed their names up on a schedule. It was exciting! I took the 3-4am slot as I have already been getting up at 4am and decided I'd try to stay up the rest of the night rather than breaking up the sleep cycle. (I know that was a selfish excuse, but I figured 3-4am wouldn't be too popular of a prayer slot!) Funny thing is though, all the girls wanted the middle of the night slots....it's like when you pray in the middle of the night when you have no strength, it's truly a SUPER-NATURAL experience and you realize God is doing this in you and through you, and it's NOT of yourself. I think everyone really realized that, so they coveted the position.
Anyway we finished our evening prayer time, and then the prayer 24/7 started at midnight.
And ALL week long it went.....I fought tiredness all week, but was determined to not let the enemy succeed in getting me down. Praying in the night was soo beautiful. We had over a hundred requests to pray for, but believe it or not.....it took usually a whole hour for my partner and I to just get through 8-10 of those requests. We would always start by praying that God would give us His heart for these requests and that we would pray in "His Spirit" and not our own flesh. (I've learned that this is crucial in prayer! We can't just sit down and start babbling....we need to make sure we are listening and in tune with the Holy Spirit.) Anyway, my partner Marlene and I had such a beautiful time together! Whenever the next prayer team would come on, we would show them where we had left off and they would pick up.
It's interesting, because when I've been in those times of drought spiritually or been feeling "burned out" due to playing "Martha" too long, I've struggled having the heart to pray for those I don't know, or situations that seem impossible. But it's exciting now because I can tell that God's been giving me fresh and living waters and He's growing in me a greater heart and passion for others - even those I don't know! As time went on through the week, I found myself even during the day just longing to get away and battle for the many requests at hand. It was beautiful. It was like I didn't want to stay inside, or do stuff on the computer or anything, all I wanted to do was go pray. I just praise God for this...and the supernatural strength He supplied!!
By the time the 24/7 week was over we had seen numerous prayer requests answered - from non-Christian friends (that had been prayed for - for years) decide to give their life to Christ, to victories spiritually, to clarity of thought and on and on and on!!!! There were soooo many battles won during this week - it was awesome!!!!
Another amazing testimony I have to share, happened a week or so later! Also in regards to the POWER of PRAYER!
This lady (who has not been a professing Christian, but was in desperate need of help) brought her demon possessed 5 year old daughter to our church to be prayed for. (And when I say "demon possessed" - I'm serious! From stories told, this girl was wild and completely out of control, and even growled like an animal when provoked. It was crazy! The mother had run out of options how to deal with her, but had heard God was working with us and she hoped we could help! Well, there is nothing in US, but we could point her to God!)
Anyway, so a group of us (I wasn't part of this group as I was away this weekend), spent time talking with her and praying and trying to help her realize that before she can help her daughter, she needs to break the strong-holds in her own life - and surrender to Christ. She did. She was set free from anger and bitterness and years of resentment and other things that had held her captive. Then the staff and students began to train her how to stand on the Word of God and claim His promises for deliverance. The whole meeting and intercession for her and her daughter lasted several hours from what I understand....and she went home. Progress had been made, but the battle wasn't won yet!
However on Tuesday - when she was home, her daughter had another episode of being out of control and manifestations of demon possession. She was refusing to obey her mom and started growling like an animal totally out of control! So the woman sent her non-believing husband and other son out of the house, and she grabbed her daughter as she claimed the promises, she yelled at the evil spirit within her daughter - "No! You cannot have possession of my daughter anymore! BE GONE! Out! You cannot live here!" Suddenly the chandeliers in the room began to shake, and the door burst open (there was no one there) and then it slammed shut again shaking the house. The mother said it was the most violent slam she'd ever heard! And as it shut, the 5 year old girl fell limp in her arms! The evil spirit had gone....
She called us crying and telling us that she was now FOR SURE a believer and would never be the same again! God had answered her prayer, even though she didn't even know to say "In Jesus Name" - the demon had no power, because she was speaking with the faith of God in her heart.
God proved faithful! Isn't that amazing! I still get goose bumps thinking about it all!!!
Just think the power over the enemy God has given us, if only - IF ONLY we will believe!!!!!!
"Go, preach, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give!" Matt 10:7,8
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