The following are the times and reasons we should sing!
- We should sing to Praise God & to testify to others - Ps 40:3
- We should sing in the night - Ps 42:8
- We should sing in the day of trouble - Ps 46
- We should sing when surrounded by the heathen - II Sam 22:50
- We should sing to proclaim His wonders - I Chron 16:9
- We should sing with creation to our King - I Chron 16:23
- We should sing because the Lord is coming to judge the earth (Thats good news!) - I Chron 16:33
- We should sing to root out the enemies of our soul - II Chron 20:22
- We should sing when God has blessed us - Ps 13:6
- We should sing of the attributes of God - Ps 59:16
- We should sing when He has delivered us - Ps 59:16
- We should sing for all He is and what He does for us - Ps 59:17
- We should sing forever, that we keep our vows to Him - Ps 61:8
- We should sing to lift up Honor and glorify His name - Ps 66:2
- We should sing to each other - Eph 5:19
- We should sing to grow in grace and exhort each other - Col 3:16
- We should continually find new ways to sing before God - Ps 33:3
- We should sing in the congregation with the saints - Ps 149:1
In summary, I'm not sure when there is a time NOT to sing...for even in the day of trouble, we are encouraged to sing!
"The Lord is my strength and my song...and He maketh my way perfect!" Ps 118:14 & II Sam 22:33
I agree! That is what I've learned about worshiping the Lord!!! YES! We are called to rejoice and sing at ALL times and make music unto Him in our hearts! FOR HE IS WORTHY! Excellent post! Thank you for sharing! A great resource with all the scriptures on hand. I'd like to use it as a resource for any worship teaching, if the Lord even leads me to use other resources and this one comes to mind, if that would be okay. Let me know, sister! Love you!
I like it! Thanks for the all of the Biblical references, Melody!
Feel free Christine! It's not my words but the scripture! :-)
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