Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jesus loves the little children, and I do TOO!!!!

Loving on all the little Eller kiddos reminds me of years in the past, when I was helping look after MY three little brothers. I was just an early teen, but what fun I had playing "mom." Later I worked in Oklahoma Academy's Daycare, sometimes taking care of upwards of 10-12 kiddos at a time. What fun we had! Now I have fun playing "Auntie" to all my friends kids. And I love it.... :-) As soon as they misbehave, I can give them back! (Above I am pictured pushing Fawna's kids, Sierra and Andy. I'm holding Zoe, Beaver and Becca's daughter, in my arms above and in the pictures below.)

"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14

(Nana is pictured above with Zoe before she died. You can tell she was great with all the kiddos! How we will miss her...)

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