The Touch of the Master's Hand
This painting came together by about 5 students during the musical program. They all took turns drawing was beautiful!
This past weekend at Oklahoma Academy was a little different then usual...the theme revolved around the "Master's Hand." But what made this weekend extra special is that the whole weekend was a celebrating how God has lead and blessed through the years....thirty years now, to be exact that OA has been in existence! I have attended many events and concerts with Oklahoma Academy through the years...and yet I have to say, this was one of the nicest and most touching weekends I've ever attended... I wanted to cry a lot... but it wasn't because anything was sad. It was all just soooo beautiful!!! (And made me want to go to Heaven.)
I probably wouldn't have attended this event as I've been on the road quite a bit the last few months. However, when they asked me to come and speak for the Divine Hour and focus on the "Master's Hand in Prayer" - I couldn't help but accept the invitation. And I'm soooo glad I did. I was blessed so much!
A number of us shared....and when it came time for church, I shared. This is not the first time either for me to speak on OA's stage. Off and on through the years, for Alumni weekend, for different meetings, or what-have-you, I've gotten to share. However as I was preparing for this weekend, I remembered the "first time" I ever spoke at OA. And I was amazed when I remembered, I had spoken on the topic of prayer.... In fact, the more I thought about it, the more in "awe" I became.... Can you imagine what God must have been thinking 20 years ago when I spoke for the very first time about "Prayer." He must have been smiling....and thinking... "Melody... if only you knew the plans I have for you!"
Some think it strange, but I have about 15+ albums at home, all organized with every card, every momento, and every program that I've ever participated in over the years....and so when I started thinking about this weekend, I realized I probably had the program from this first time I talked about prayer. We looked, and can you believe, we found it in less then 15 minutes. (How many of you could find an old program you had participated in 20 years ago in less than 15 minutes?!) Yes, I was amazed.... and here it is... 1991!!! Doesn't God have a great sense of humor.... :-)

What was also amazing to me though was how God worked out everything, even our times of sharing during the weekend. Sabbath morning one person spoke about "The Master's Hand in the Past" - another spoke about "The Master's Hand in the Present." And without any of us communicating, I spoke about "The Master's Hand in Prayer - in the Future." Isn't God amazing.... it all fit perfectly!!!!
Here we are above, singing the old alumni favorite, "The Blessed Hope." Yes, God really blessed and He is good. It was good to see some old friends, make some news ones, share united prayer, and just see how the spirit was leading. God is good....
Here I am below with Beaver ('95) and Becca's baby - Zoe! She and I got to be friends for the first time a few weeks ago when I visited them at Southern.

So thanks to OA for the memories... Hard to believe that of the 30 years they've had... I've been part of over half of them. And seriously, as I shared this weekend....I don't think I would be where I am in life and in my walk with God if I had not attended Oklahoma Academy. God is sooo good, and He knew what He was doing when He sent me to OA many years ago.
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