A little history: This past week has been one of the most difficult of my entire life. Why? Because my dear Nana has gone to her rest. (She is pictured above when she and Yvonne came to visit me on my layover as I headed to South Africa last Nov.) She wasn't mine by blood....but has been mine by heart for many many years. Of course, the Ellers and my family go a looooong ways back! Yvonne (Nana's daughter) and my mom happened to be good friends as children, and then Jerry and my dad happened to be good friends as teens, and they all were friends when they got married (pictured below).... long before any of us kids were thought of.

Then one by one, us kids started coming along...like pieces fitting together in a family puzzle. First Bucklee, then two years later me, then 6 months later Beaver, then 3 years later Fawna, then years (emphasis on years) later, my brothers and Phoebe and Shama. Although not officially family, we've been a part of each other's family reunions for years. So Eller's have been part of my life in a very VERY big way! (Here we are below at a family get-together when I was 11.)

So it's only natural that "Nana" became mine as well. Dear sweet Nana...full of love, full of laughter, and full of priceless wisdom and advice. No one could ever replace our dear sweet Nana.
However, this past Wednesday, May 4th, our dear Nana went to sleep in Jesus! She was active and well one day and then got a urinary tract infection and before we knew it was taken to the hospital with what we figured would be a short stay. However, her infection had gone "septic." In other words, the infection had spread throughout her blood stream and body. She faded quickly. Her last coherent actions were Monday evening.... by Wednesday morning she was gone. (In fact, she died while I was on phone with my ARME teammates having a prayer call.) And that's the way she wanted things to be... she wanted to go quickly so that no one would be burdened looking after her. When Nana prayed, God always answered her prayers. So we believe, one last time, God answered her prayers....
Below is what I wrote in honor of my Nana. (The picture below was taken 2 weeks before Nana died.)
My Dearest Nana,
How can I put into words what you’ve meant to me? You have always known I loved you…but I don’t think you ever realized how much. The years have gone by and you have always been there…in fact, I’m not sure where we even began. All I know is that as years have gone on…I’ve come to appreciate and value your presence in my life even more.
It’s funny, but I never really realized you were getting older….you always seemed the same…ever young and vivacious in heart and spirit, ready for an adventure or a good girl heart to heart, a shared ice-cream cone, a late night prayer. I just assumed you’d always be here. I didn’t think you’d get old and leave us… (Yes, when I tell my friends you were 91 when you left us, they just sigh and say, “Wow – she was old, I guess it was time!” But I’m like, “No she wasn’t old! You don’t know our Nana! She may have slowed down a little, but she was young as ever!”)
I remember your encouragement in my young adolescent and teen years… “Melody – I’m praying for you…. I know God has a special plan for your life!” (You said that over and over again through the years, and when you did….I had faith that it was true….even when at times I got discouraged and couldn’t see the way….I saw God answer your prayers time and time again. What a comfort that was to know that "YOU" were praying for me. And when at times I was struggling, I never forgot that you were praying for me….and that you knew “God had a plan!” Since you believed it, I knew it had to be true….and it has given me strength to go on….)
When we’d meet, when you and Ellers came to visit us kids at Oklahoma Academy, or when I’d come and spend some of my summer out with you all in Montana, you were always there….eager and ready to hear the latest of what was happening in my life. It didn’t matter how many dozens of other people were around, you always made me feel like I was (at the moment) the most important person in the world. You didn’t just want the superficial chit-chat either….you wanted the details…every juicy detail. You cared….you loved….and you always made me feel like one of your own. In fact, I knew I was….I never doubted it.
As the years have gone on, I’ve realized that’s just the way you are… you love and you treat everyone like they are your own…. Because they are. You adopted us all. Every academy friend, college friend, or missionary friend…if they entered your presence – they were LOVED and they were yours!

Nana, you don’t know how this generous love has impacted me through the years… how your unselfish care has touched my life, how your prayers have gone deep into my heart. There’s so much to say, I don’t even know where to begin… I’m overwhelmed at the thought of losing you. And I know I am not alone. You have taken such a big spot in all of our hearts that it leaves a huge void for you to go away. Something is not complete anymore… and with you goes a part of all of us. With you goes a big part of me…
Like I said….there is not words enough to describe how much you have meant to me, and how much you will be missed.
As the years have gone on…our times together have been more distant and spread apart, yet whenever we were together…it was always the same. You dear Nana, wanted to get right to the heart of things… and we’d pick up right where we left off.
I’ll never forget the special time we had together this past November as I was on my way to Africa. Then just three weeks ago, when you came with Yvonne to ARME Bible Camp…how much it meant for me to have you there. It didn’t matter that there were many others there….it mattered to me that YOU were there. I often looked back through the audience to see what you were thinking, if you were enjoying the talks, the singing or the sharing. And as I did, I was thinking in my heart, “If it weren’t for Nana…and if it weren’t for Ellers….I probably wouldn’t even be here myself!” I only regret that I did not stop running about more, I only regret that I didn’t sit and talk more…. I only regret that I didn’t tell you these things then more. Of course, how could I know that it would be the last time we all would be together?? (Nana, Yvonne and Phoebe are pictured below while at ARME Bible Camp in Cohutta GA - April 10th, 2011.)
Yet, really, I do not have regrets. Your life has been full….and you have helped to make mine full as well. And while no one could ever replace your spot in my heart, even through this heartbreak and loss, I am strengthened to look forward with HOPE for the time we will be reunited again….
So Nana – this isn’t really goodbye – it’s just…. "I love you until I see you again!" And thankfully, by the grace of God (1st Thes 4:13-18), we know there will be a "Next time!"
[The picture above was taken with Ellers at the memorial for Nana that we had on the 7th of May. (One week before we were all laughing and having fun at Oklahoma Academy's 30th!) I wasn't sure if I could make it out for this service, but at the last minute things worked out and I flew all night from Portland OR to Atlanta GA to be there for this service, and I am sooooo glad I did. It was amazing because as I observed at the memorial, a large majority of those in attendance were youth and young adults. And many shared. It's obvious that Nana was a "grandmother" to all! Hearing how she touched sooooo many lives was such an inspiration, and it has challenged me, what I should strive to be as a woman of God. Truly, she has left a "legacy" for all of us...a legacy that we with God's strength must seek to carry on! For those f you that will never know our Nana...you are missing out...but thankfully, we can introduce you in Heaven.]
*To see Shama's tribute visit her blog by clicking HERE.
What a blessing to love so deeply. You are in my prayers, and I appreciate yours for me. I look forward to seeing her again soon!
I guess that it is useless to tell you that I shed tears. I am so happy to know you had such a great women in your life... you were really blessed! You made me want to meet her in heaven! Praying!
I know we don't know each other..and that I have only been reading your blog for a while now. But this one touches me.. I want to be a woman of God like her! Your tribute is beautiful!
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