Thursday, November 01, 2007

Praise the Lord - I still have a job!!

Well, believe it or not...after it seemed that my extending a few more weeks (till GYC) at Parkview Hospital looked hopeless...God opened the doors! They have decided to renew my contract afterall (after they told me they wouldn't) for 6 more weeks! Just found out today...and after next week I would have been without a job again if something hadn't come through! So I'm just really praising God for His intervention!!!! In fact, I was sooo excited this afternoon when I found out, that I sent all my family and friends a text message to tell them. "Guess what guys!!!!"

Lots more to share as well....but been running too fast to talk much, and had too much smoke around to breath! Thankfully the air is clearing again (literally) and the smoke has blown away. Yes, all the fires in our area are out, and around the state, I think they are all under control now too. So we praise the Lord for that as well.

More updates and sharing to be posted soon......I think....I expect....I hope.....I plan! ;-)

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