"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
This Sabbath Val and I got together with a couple of our girlfriends and just had some good quality "girl time." It was a blessing, to laugh, to share and to just have fun being girls.
Girlfriends are much cheaper than therapists and a whole lot more fun.
A girlfriend knows your deep dark secrets, but likes you anyway.
Girlfriends are no farther away than the phone, even if it's 4 am in the morning.
A good girlfriend is hard to find, impossible to replace and never forgotten.
I thank the Lord for my girlfriends!!! :-)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
CCBN is recording the entire series, so my days are gonna be pretty full for the next couple weeks. Tuesday bright and early I jogged down to the University at 7am to help Curtis and Jen unload and set up all our video and audio equipment. (I didn't get back home to eat breakfast and get out of my jogging suit til 10am and was starting to get worried that I might end up getting stuck there directing the filming in my un-sightly get-up!) However, I did get away to change and get more presentable, then came back at 11:30, and the meetings started at noon. The projector didn't work, so Matt ended up sharing some of his testimony. But it was powerful and I think it was all providentially God ordained.
Then we had to take everything down and get it out of the meeting hall in like 10 minutes, because there was a lecture happening there right after. Wow! It was crazy. We just lugged everything into the lobby and then tried to sort out the mess of wires and cables. ;-)
The evening meeting was at a different location, so at 4pm we headed over to the Filipino church were we started the whole process all over again. (Each noon meeting, evening meeting, and all the weekend meetings will be at a different location, so that makes for lots of put up and take down time with all the equipment! But one thing is sure, by the time this series is over, we will definitely know our stuff, if we don't already!!) I praise the Lord for such a great team of CCBN volunteers to work with!!!
We've already had some answered prayers and miracles, and I will share more as time goes on!
Here's an inspiring quote I was just reading this morning:
"We may have as much of God as we will. Christ puts the key of the treasure chamber into our hands, and bids us take all that we want. If a man is admitted into the bullion vault of a bank, and told to help himself, and comes out with one cent, whose fault is it that he is poor? Whose fault is it that christian people generally have such scanty portions of the free riches of God?" From Streams in the Desert - February 21st
John 16:24 says, "Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full."
Do we really realize what an incredible God we serve???
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Being a incurable romantic since the time I was five, I can tell you that I too have dreamed. And what beautiful dreams they have been! Yet, while I haven’t always gotten what I asked God for, I have to admit that I’ve gotten so much more than I imagined possible.
Let me tell you about my perfect Valentine...my prayers, and the love that has come true!
- I prayed for a man committed to God. Jesus smiled, "I and my Father are one." (John 10:30)
- I prayed for a man that would be a spiritual leader. Jesus unashamedly declared, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)
- I prayed for a man of high standards and integrity. Others testified, "He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth." (I Pet 2:22)
- I prayed for a man responsible, and a man of the Word. Jesus opened up His arms with love as He whispered, "How can you not believe in me, for I am the living word, and I came to live with you." (John 1:14)
- I prayed for a man that knew how to be a servant. Then I heard others whisper with amazement, "But [Jesus] made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men." (Phil 2:7)
- I prayed for a man that was growing, and alive spiritually. He smiled again, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
- I prayed for a man of faith and prayer. Then I realized it is because of Him, that we call His house, the house of prayer. However, not only was He a man of prayer, but He was a man of faith, living each day according to the will of His father. (Jn 8:2) And he lived his faith in practical every day life. (Another prayer of mine!) He not only fed the five thousand long ago, He also feeds me today! (Mark 6:41, Phil 4:19)
- I prayed for a man that would be the head of the home and a leader. Someone I could look up to and respect intellectually and spiritually. I was gently rebuked as I realized, not only had Jesus been knocking on my door begging to be allowed to be the head of my home, but he was so far ahead of me intellectually, I would have all eternity to learn to see as he saw and to think as he thought. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa 55:9)
- I prayed for a man of steel and velvet...someone that could be strong but also tender at the same time. Then I remembered Jesus’s words as the nails were driven into his hands, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) And how, when dying upon the cross, some of his last thoughts were to make sure his mother would be cared for. (John 19:26) I also remembered how that when even a little sparrow fell, he noticed and cared. (Matt 10:29)
- I prayed for a man that knew how to love others...even the unpleasant outcasts. Jesus replied, "In that while you were all yet sinners [the lowest outcast], I died for you." (Rom 5:8)
- I prayed for someone that I could share my deepest thoughts and dreams with, someone who would walk with me through joys and through sorrows. Someone that would not only hold my hand, but would hold my heart. Someone that I could stand behind, love, respect and serve with all my heart. Someone that would help me walk closer to God. I looked up in awe as He not only began to walk beside me and hold my hand (Isa 41), but also to share with me hidden riches and secrets...heart companionship and beauty that I had never had with another. (Isa 45:3, Ps 34:8) He was someone that I could not only love, but stand behind and serve for the rest of my life! And the more I got to know Him, the closer I came to knowing God. (Ps 23 & Matt 6:33)
- "I know this may be frivolous God and it's a small thing, but could you also send me someone romantic," I had prayed. Someone that will love me so much, that he'll want me and only me! That he'll be willing to do whatever it takes to win me. And once he's won my heart, nothing will be able to break that bond or separate us . Jesus said nothing as He lay down His heavenly honor to come to earth to win me. Although I fought His love and rebelled against His advances at first, He slowly, sweetly, tenderly won my heart and love. Then He led me to His great banqueting house, and the banner He put over me was LOVE. (Song of Sol 2:4) And as He looked deep into my heart, I knew that nothing would separate us...not tribulation, not distress, not persecution, not famine, or peril or sword. (Rom 8:35-39 ) I was speechless...why had I not realized that the inventor of romance would know how to be romantic...and not only romantic, but He would know how to keep my heart forever!
- Last, but not least, I prayed for a man that would not be afraid of pain or trials. Then it was that I realized it was He, Jesus, that was carrying my cross and making the ultimate sacrifice of love...for not just anyone, but for me! (Matt 16:24 & Heb 2:9) Tears rolled down my cheeks as I stood in awe. And my heart melted...
No, Jesus is not just any man...He is all this and sooooo much more. My Judge, my Lord, my Savior, my Creator, and my Redeemer! Truly He is my all in all...the true love I still have yet to really understand and know!
And yet, just as He made every young girl, He also made me....with dreams, and with a heart that longs to love. A heart that longs for human companionship and partnership. I don’t believe these desires are wrong...they were placed in our hearts for a reason. And someday, if He sees best, I know He will bring these prayers and dreams to reality in human form. But if He doesn’t...I will still be content, for I have come to learn that truly, Jesus Christ is my ultimate bridegroom...and He does fulfill the desires of my heart more than any earthly love ever could or ever will!!
"For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called. " Isa 54:5
"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame BEFORE HIM IN LOVE." Eph 1:4
So you see, while a human heart or human hands may not be holding mine, I’ve found my perfect Valentine, and I am happy! In fact, I wouldn't trade Him for the world...
Though God’s way isn't always my way, His way truly is perfect... II Sam 22:31
Valentine's Day Out with Friends
For Valentine's this year, Val and I decided we would take the tram up the mtn above Palm Springs. We really looked forward to the adventure together...but then when Valentine's dawned, it was rainy and looked like it might be snowing up in the mtns. So much for those wonderful plans. What next?
How about we go to the Aquarium in Long Beach? We could even have a reunion of the "Apple Dumpling Gang" and take some friends along! So we called Doug and Dave, and sure enough, they were game. Amanda was also available, so we were excited to have her join us as well.
As you can see by the slide show, we had a good time and got to see many beautiful fish! Over and over I am astounded at the variety and beauty of God's creation. I guess we just need to wait for Heaven to see the real beauty...for we are told, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." I Cor 2:9
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
So...finally this last weekend, I fulfilled that promise! Elizabeth couldn't come, but I saw Junior (who was visiting his cousins) and Vanessa and I, and her baby son Ruben, had a wonderful time! And the cookies that Vanessa made turned out delicious as well...
Vanessa and I talked about more than just baking cookies too. She's quite a gal whose been through quite a lot.
Reflecting back on the experience, I started thinking about how our spiritual life is a lot like cooking...
If we put the proper ingredients together, follow the directions, and have baking experiences for just the right amount of time (as instructed in God's word)...we will reap the rewards of a satisfying and fulfilled life. But, if we don't make any plans or use the right ingredients, just haphazardly throw things together....don't follow the instructions...well, just like any not-followed recipe, our lives will also turn out to be one big sticky mess! How important it is to follow the recipes of God's word...and not get impatient and try to speed up the cooking process, or drag it out! God knows best...and after all, He is the master Chef!!
Thankfully, He's also the master Healer....unlike all of us cooks, when the recipe of our lives gets all messed up, if we give the ingredients back to Him, He can still make it into something beautiful and tasty.
Now that's one miracle I haven't learnd how to perform yet in my kitchen!!
"If any man be in Christ He is a new creature...old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new." II Cor 5:17
Last week I turned another year older...or maybe another year younger. Some friends aren't sure! ;-) I thought this year I would manage to slip by the day without too much adooo...but I guess I should have thought again. When one has so many great friends...there's no missing a birthday!
The special remembrances started with cute e-cards from my little friends Sebastian and Rebecca (Gabriela's kids from Norway), then more cards and thoughtful notes from Gabe and Luther (some of the faithful few who never let me forget) as well as calls from Mary, my family and others. Sunny made me a special birthday breakfast of pancakes and potatoes and tofu. I was sooo stuffed, I didn't want to eat the rest of the day! Sabbath night, Season and Vanessa hosted a friendly get-together at their place and threw in a surprise birthday party for me as well. (I'm quite difficult to surprise and actually had inklings something was up, but it was still fun!)
In fact, I think this birthday will go on record as being one of the most special I've ever had...Not sure why. Maybe it's because I'm in California...or maybe it's because I have realized in a more real way that I'm one year closer to meeting Jesus...OR maybe it's because of all the great friends God has given me. Whatever the case (probably all of the above), I felt very very loved! Thanks everyone!! You all know how to throw one radical party...much more special than anything I could have thought or imagined! (So then again...I guess I was surprised!)
The Getty Villa with Tim and Sunny...
This last week Sunny's mom from Korea visited. Although we can barely say "hello" or "goodbye" to each other (I haven't learned much Korean yet!), it's always good to see her. And it was kinda fun to be "mothered" for a few days...as she made us some yummy food. (My favorite was "kimchee pizza" - it's really good! And that's saying a lot, because I never liked Kimchee before!!) You could also tell she enjoyed mothering Sunny (and those of us nearby) as she worked around our "bachelorette" kitchen. (As you can tell, I kinda like that word - bachelorette - MaryAnn got me into using it this last week! But that's another story...)
Anyway, on Thursday Sunny and Tim took her mom and I down to LA to the Getty Villa along the coast near Malibu. (I've never been there before!) Then we also toured the main Getty Museum up above Santa Monica. It was beautiful! We took our picnic lunch and made a day of it.
Also, as we were driving along the interstate, I saw the famous white "Hollywood" billboard sign up in the distant hills. I had never seen it before in person...it was kinda weird. Especially when I thought about how the name "Holly wood" comes from the type of wood that ancient witches used in a brew to cast spells on people. The effect was that it put people to sleep..... Kinda ironic, because isn't that what Hollywood has done to our society? Made people go to sleep....spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically! (For more eye-opening Biblical insights, check out Ivor Myers and his series "Escape from the black Hole" and "The Spell.") Yes, what can I say? I'm guilty, just like most of society, for contributing to Hollywood's sleeping sucess...but by God's grace...I am coming out of my sleep, and can hopefully help others wake up as well!
Despite the chilling reminder of my nearness to Hollywood...the day was beautiful, and we made some more fun special memories together. Sunny and I both love to take pictures, as you will see by the slide show...and I laugh as I realize that whoever each of us marrys will definitely have to be patient with lots of posing!! It looks like Tim might be a good candidate for Sunny...but only time will tell! ;-) I am soooo thankful to have such special people a part of my life!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I'm still here....
"Happy is that people whose God is Lord..." Ps 144:15
Sunday, February 03, 2008
The Road less Travelled...
Reminds me of what happens when God's Word is planted and begins to take fruit in our lives. We too begin to blossom and spring to life. Some verses I was reviewing recently portray this very vividly.
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season. His leaf shall not whither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." Ps 1:1-3
When the days are sunny, Val and I have taken ourselves back to our mountain hikes. It's always so refreshing to get up in the hills away from the cars and noise. However, there was an interesting observation that struck me when Val and I were up hiking in the green mountains the other day that I wanted to share. It went like this:
Here we were out in the beautiful hills, on the high road/path. We had taken the more difficult trail route up to the top of the mountain and were walking along the ridge. It was beautiful, and although a workout to get to the top (especially since I haven't been hiking that much lately) it was well worth the effort. But we were ALONE up on the hillside, looking down on Loma Linda and the San Bernadino Valley. We didn't meet one other soul up on the high trail of the mountain. (Sometimes we do, but it actually is quite rare!) Yet, looking down into the valley, we could see thousands of cars zooming back and forth along the interstate and roads that criss cross along the valley. And we could see a few hikers down on the lower path in the foot hills. But we were the only ones up on top...
The spiritual application that God brought to mind as I looked down into the valley was this: The closer and closer that we get to the end of time, the less people will be willing to leave their comfortable valleys for the high road....the road less traveled. It takes effort, it takes work, sweat and determination to walk a different path, a path different then the rest of the world. The path that leads to eternal life will slowly become more and more unpopular. (It already largely is in fact, if we just look around us!) So sadly, fewer and fewer people will be willing to attempt to make that climb.....
"Wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at. But straight is the gate, and narrow the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." (Matt 7:13,14)
However, that's where our part comes into the picture, as God has given us the awesome priviledge and responsibility of spreading the WORD...to encourage people to step out of their comfort zone and make the climb to the high road. Although it will take a lot of work, it is not work that we do alone...for God promises to take our hand and walk beside us giving us strength. But it is a hike that we must take, if we want to SAVE OUR LIFE!!!
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10
So my challenge to myself this week, and to any readers that may happen by: Step out of your comfort zone, whatever God is calling you to do....don't let the entanglements of life or busyness or the distracting pleasures of life pull you away from what is really important - and that is developing a one-on-one intimate walk with Christ....on the High Road!!