Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Oak Glen Apple Outing

This afternoon, Valerie and I joined a couple friends (Doug and Dave) for an outing up to Oak Glen. As you will see by the slide show, Oak Glen is well known for it's many apple orchards and "quaint" (my favorite word today) little shops and homey farms. We also got to walk on some beautiful trails and enjoy a little bit of peaceful nature scenery. It was a breath of fresh air! (Literally!) The afternoon ended with us sharing an apple pie together. (Although it was a little higher on the sugar content than I prefer, I'd only had a granola bar and some fruit since breakfast, so I was starved!) However, I got some apples to bring home so I can make my own pie! :-)

Seeing sooo many apples all in one place reminded me of the "apple season" at home that I usually share with my family. (Ahhhh....yes, I have to admit, I'm a weee bit homesick!) And then it also reminded me of what Grandma use to always say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" (In other words...eat healthy, so you don't have to go see a doctor!) The funny thing is, my grandpa was a doctor! ;-)

All in all, it was a fun afternoon and wonderful to get out of the city for a bit. And I look forward to going back with our Advent Hope group in a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Melody, you put those photos up quick. I like your blog, lots of good pictures and thoughtful reflections - I had to force myself to stop reading. So it's your fault I'm getting to bed late. :) Dave