Sunday, October 24, 2010

Angel choirs join our own...God at work in the Philippines!

As I mentioned in my previous post, one of our ARME Prayer leaders, Melissa, is currently in the Philippines holding all-day prayer rooms, and training different groups there in what we are doing. She is also meeting with conference officials and leaders as plans are being laid for ARME to come to the Philippines in May 2011.

She was going into one meeting on Friday were the leadership seemed to be a bit skeptical of what ARME is all about. Then the Union President (who was there) piped up.... "Oh, weren't you guys just at the GC annual council meetings in Maryland?" Melissa just smiled.... "Yep!" And she had the endorsement she needed, as the officials agreed ARME would be a good event to support in the Philippines. Praise the Lord, He is already paving the way for us and opening doors....He is sooo good!

Melissa called me this morning and told me the following four testimonies. I asked her to write them out so I could share them with our team on the prayer call this morning....And they are soo powerful, I have to share them with all of you as well.

1) A young girl named Jules has only been a Christian for 2 years, and a SDA for the past 6 months or so. A few months ago, she started having dreams about Jesus returning, and different Bible themes. She had a dream where she saw four angels holding back the four winds of destruction. She said they were really strong angels, and were holding things back just a little bit longer so God's people could get ready. She had another dream about two paths, one was a broad way and another the narrow way, and she had to choose which path she was going to take. She started on the narrow way, as she felt that was what God was calling her to take. But as she did, many were grabbing on to her and trying to pull her back down to the broad path. She was struggling to walk the path, and it was slippery, then she cried out to God, "Please help me! I can't do this alone!" And strong arms came down and pulled her up to a safe place. The pulls of those from below were gone. Then she had a dream that there were many young people in army uniforms, being instructed by older people. She saw the same colors that is on our ARMe's fllyer in her dream, the camaflouge colors. She heard a strong voice say "TRAIN YOURSELVES SOLDIERS!" She told me "This is it (as she excitedly pointed to the post card flyer of ARME Bible Camp that I, Melissa, held in my hands). This is of God! I dreamed about it!"

(These dreams occurred months AGO....before this girl ever knew anything about ARME....She even dreamed about the narrow way before she knew the story was biblical!! She was never brave enough to tell anyone her dreams until she met Melissa this past week at the camp in the Philippines....)

2) A Professor of Theology was speaking to me, Melissa, at lunch and as I shared with him prayer room testimonials he said that he was very skeptical, he said that maybe this was "sensationalism." I told him that there was nothing sensational about this and that it was very simple, people praying together. I told him to come by the prayer room. We began to pray for him for a few days. Then I bumped into him and reminded him and he said he would come. Sabbath morning he came by and at first he just sat on a chair with his eyes opened observing. Then the next hour he kneeled. There were 5 young girls praying, I think that melted his heart. When confession part came, his heart was broken, he cried out to God to forgive him for bitterness that he had held in his heart against a family member. I saw how his heart get softer and softer as the hour passed. Afterwards he told me, "If you ever have anyone who is skeptical about this, tell them that you had a professor of Theology that was very skeptical but then afterwards he was convicted THIS IS OF GOD! He was skeptical no longer..."

3) We were impressed to have an all night prayer room the last couple days here in the Philippines. The first night we had 140 people come through and the second night we had 184 people!! We were having MORE people come through the night than during the day! Here is one testimony of someone who prayed all night:

"I challenged God that if I was going to pray all night, that I would not receive any headaches or tiredness the next morning so that I could listen to the Sabbath sermon. I went to the prayer room at 10pm. I never prayed like that before, there were many people praying unitedly. I had a big burden to confess but I didn't want to confess in front of people. But the Holy Spirit guided me to confess. After I did, I had so much peace in my heart. I prayed until 6am. I was able to listen to the sermon in the morning, then the afternoon with no problems, I was not sleepy at all and I had no headaches! I had so much energy in my body! One of the things that we prayed about was that many people would come to the prayer room during Sabbath and our prayers were answered, I noticed many coming to pray!" Saisavanh, Laos student at Mountain View College, Philippines

[Note from Melody - this is my favorite....and occurred just a couple days ago!]

4) At the beginning of a prayer hour session, there were a few people inside the prayer room. When they reached the end of the prayer hour, they closed with the song "Thank you LORD." Usually as the hour of prayer goes by, more people come in and join. So they may start small, but then the group gets bigger. They thought there were already a lot of people that entered the room during the hour, (their eyes were closed during the whole hour) because as they sang the closing song they heard MANY voices singing the song and were beautifully harmonizing together. The song was sooo beautiful, it echoed all around the room. In fact, it was so loud inside the room that the people outside heard the wonderful music and wondered at it. At the end of the song, they opened their eyes and stared in startled surprise at each other as goosebumps went over their bodies. There were only a few inside the prayer room, almost the same number that had started. The only explanation for the beautiful music of many voices? We believe angels were singing with them!

Endorsements for ARME...notes of thanks and appreciation from church leaders

Dear Melody and Arme Prayer Team Partners,

Those of us here at the General Conference want to thank you and the team for what you let the Lord do through you during our Annual Council last week! We saw the answers to prayer throughout the week as the Lord moved on all our hearts in major ways. The cover of intercessory prayer and the opportunity for our delegates to come and pray and be prayed for made a major difference in these meetings. We won't know until eternity what the Lord was able to do because of those of you who spent so much time running the prayer room for us!

We saw the difference made in the responses of the delegates to the call for Revival and Reformation, the Appeal Document and testimony times and messages presented in His power. The meetings which had such a lengthy agenda, some feared they could not be finished, were actually completed nearly a day early leaving time for sharing testimonies at the end of the meeting! From our previous experiences at Soquel Camp meeting with the "Prayer Room," and from when we worked in the Central California Conference, we have found this kind of "united prayer" very reverent and have seen over and over again that "God led prayer" makes an immeasurable difference in meetings to His glory.

Thanks again, and we will be praying for you and want your continued prayers for us all as we seek "our greatest need," "a revival of true godliness among us." We will be wanting to have you help us in the future as the Lord opens the doors. We can highly recommend you for this ministry to other groups and know they too will be richly benefited.

Your Brother in Jesus,
Jerry Page
General Conference Ministerial Association Director


I’m glad for the chance to share a testimony regarding the spiritual blessing that Martin, Melody and their prayer team were to us here at the Pioneer Memorial Church. We had just concluded a 40 Days of Prayer journey here at Andrews University and Pioneer. Lee Venden was to begin a nine-night revival series. And we sensed the need for intense prayer cover. When Martin and Melody offered to coordinate and conduct a Ten Days of "Prayer Room" here in the church, we seized the opportunity. The designated room was open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. for ten straight days—and what a blessing it turned out to be. Over 1,300 individuals joined in collective prayer during those days—and we could sense the Holy Spirit’s responding. Our evening revival meetings were filled. Jesus was lifted higher and higher—and the decisions for baptism and rebaptism, along with prayer requests and requests to join a small group are all evidence of the Spirit’s mighty response to our prayer team’s ministry. Martin, Melody, and their team are passionately committed to Christ and His longing to revive the church and reach the world before he returns. I heartily and earnestly recommend such a "Prayer Room" in churches across the land and around the world.

Pastor Dwight Nelson, Senior Pastor of Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University


I was so blessed by the experience I had in the Prayer Room at the GC Annual Council, lead by the ARME Prayer team. I went to the prayer room as many times as I could, and was very inspired. It was a reviving, refreshing experience! We are actually doing similar prayer efforts (we call it "The Epaphras Ministry" based on Col 4:12) in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, and we have seen God work in mighty ways. So I was happy to enjoy the same prayer experience when I came to the GC.

I was so inspired with the ARME Prayer team and their ministry, during this last General Conference Annual Council, that I have invited Melody and the team to come and work with us in our year-end meetings in South Africa, where our church leadership from 23 countries will be gathering together. What this ARME Prayer team is doing is not new, or part of some new “emergent movement.” It is very Biblical...remember the story of Joshua's victory over the Amalekites when Aaron and Hur held up Moses arms during the battle? (Ex 17:8-16) This united prayer is also evidenced in the life of Moses, Abraham, Daniel, Esther and others in the Bible. This kind of earnest, fervent, united prayer, (if experienced) will bring great blessings to every church and every conference around the world, and as a result, God’s Spirit will be poured out, and Jesus will come back as He has promised!

Paul Ratsara, President of Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (fastest growing division in the SDA church with 2.5 million members)


I found ARME Bible Camp to be an incredible experience!! It was renewing for my spirit, energizing, exciting and very inspirational. The prayer room and having the opportunity to pray with others was truly a blessing as well. I highly recommend ARME Bible Camp to anyone who is seeking to learn how to take their Bible study deeper and have a closer walk with God. I am so glad that my wife Cindy and I got the opportunity to experience it for ourselves!

Robert Carmen, President Adventist Health Systems (An organization with 17,000 employees in SDA institutions)


On behalf of my family, and myself - I'd like to extend our heartfelt thanks for being included in the ARME experience. Truly it was a mountain top experience for my family and for myself. The children are still singing the songs they learned in the children's programs. They learned a lot. I have met with my staff at AFCOE and shared with them the wonderful experience - as well as "lessons learned" while at ARME. Each of the presentations I was able to hear were a blessing - thank you. We are planning to let everyone on the Amazing Facts mailing list know about your upcoming events. Thank you again!

Don Mackintosh, AFCOE Director


And to top it all off, Doug Batchelor, director and speaker of Amazing Facts, and listened to by thousands on the radio and television, featured us in his letter "The Pastor's perspective" in this month's magazine edition of INSIDE REPORT. God is getting the word out! We aren't hardly even trying ourselves...Praise the Lord!!!!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Big Dipper blessings...Our God is Greater!

Where do I even begin...This last month has been a flurry of activities...

After our last ARME Bible Camp, we've had a flood of invitations and requests, for more camps, for more locations...and especially for the Prayer team, to come and assist with different events around the country. Andrews University with Dwight Nelson's team at Pioneer Memorial Church collaborated with us to assist them in hosting a 10-day (all day) Prayer room during Lee Venden's revival series, "It's all about Jesus." Then after we started planning that, we got a request from Jerry and Janet Page (Jerry is now Ministerial Association Director at the GC), to come and do a Prayer Room during this year's GC annual council. At the same time, we also got a request from Amazing Facts to assist them with their MIQ Youth Revival series that Doug Batchelor was doing.

To back up and give some history, our ministry team has just been blown away as we are seeing God's spirit poured out more and more as we've bonded together in united prayer. We're seeing marriages healed, people freed from years of bitterness, children falling in love with God and with prayer, parents praying for their children and seeing answers...and on and on. It's just like the flood gate of Heaven has opened and there is not room enough to contain the blessings!

Anyway, several weekends ago - Oct 2nd to be exact - my friend Kim and I were attending some meetings in Southern Oregon. In a break between sessions, I started talking to Kim about prayer and about the amazing things we've been seeing happen in the prayer room at ARME. "Kim!" I said, "Wouldn't it be sooooo amazing and wonderful if we could get our entire church into this kind of united prayer...where they made it a part of every church service, and a part of every prayer meeting! Just imagine the blessings God would pour out..."

Well 2 days later I got a call from Janet Page at the GC, my friend and prayer mentor that has hugely impacted my life over the last few years. It was all rather last minute by now, but she said she felt impressed by God to ask anyway! So she asked if there was ANY way our team could come lead a prayer room at the GC. (And it wasn't just her that was wanting it, even Ted and Nancy Wilson - our current GC president, had said they wanted us to come!) She had asked our team earlier, but at that point, it was unclear on the dates, or we thought it might be the same time as the Andrews event we were already scheduled for, and we didn't think we could send anyone. However, as she called again, expressing the need, and that she needed people NOW - I knew it was something we had to make work. So, the plan was formed, tickets were purchased, and within 24 hours I was on a plane to Washington DC to our church's world headquarters. What I didn't realize was, that these meetings she was asking us to help with, were NOT just normal church meetings. They were the yearly Annual council where the leaders of the entire SDA church from all over the world come together! (About 300 delegates, presidents, and conference officials all in all! We are talking about the top leaders of our church!) She wanted us to lead a joint morning prayer time for about 40 minutes before each morning session, and then host a prayer room that would be open all day. So, still very naieve and not comprehending the full scope of things, I arrived and set to work to organize and help her get things going.

The first morning prayer session, we had over 80 people in attendance for the prayer time. And while people didn't flood the prayer room (after all, they had many important meetings going on), they did come. Leaders, presidents, church officials, even the local janitor and GC staff. Sometimes they stayed for the full hour, sometimes only a few minutes, but there was much confessing, weeping, and pleading for the Holy Spirit. It was beautiful! Some came back again and again!

On top of this, I was asked to interview with Mark Finley on Sabbath and share about how God had been blessing the prayer room. This was Sabbath morning, right before Elder Ted Wilson gave his Sabbath address. I not only got to share about the miracles God had been doing, but I got to share our vision for the leaders to be united in was amazing. Afterwards, many told me how much they'd been touched...even Mrs. Paulson. However, it wasn't until it was all over that the reality of what had just happened sunk in...and I realized that the "vision" I had shared with Kim the week before, about getting our church excited about prayer, was actually taking place before my very eyes! Though Elder Wilson's desire for more prayer, through Jerry and Janet Page's testimony and desire for more prayer, and through their invitation to come and share and pray, God was opening the doors. It was hard to comprehend, and it was even more hard to understand why God had allowed us to be part of the process.... I may be in my 30's already, but I still feel like such a kid when it comes to all this ministry stuff. But God is so good. Even when we don't have everything figured out, He sees the desire of our hearts and He still can work when we give ourselves to Him. 

As the meetings continued we all got to witness as Ted Wilson's Revival and Reformation team shared a document that I believe will forever change the church. It was a document calling people back to repentance, back to true humility, and back to the original purpose God has given all of us in His Word. As Elder Wilson kept saying, this is not to criticize leadership that has been before, but the simple truth is....Jesus has not come back yet. It's time we did something different and really got serious about putting ALL on the line for Him!!!!

I couldn't stay for the entire event, but God blessed us with a wonderful prayer team. Sarah Rouse and her mom, plus my friend Kim (who I mentioned earlier) were able to join me and were a huge support as part of the prayer team at the GC. Dave Steward joined as well. Unfortunately, I could not stay to see the event finish, but after being at the GC for 5 days, I had to leave and fly to Andrews to assist with the 10 day prayer event that was already taking place there. Martin and Melissa and their team had already been doing a wonderful job, but Melissa had to fly to Philippines to start more Prayer Events I took her place. one prayer room to another, across the country we go! (Below is a picture of our prayer team at Andrews.)

Andrews was a great experience as well. We had the prayer room open 14 hours a day, and each hour we would start a new session. Many stayed for hours at a time. One girl, Kandi, we saw changed from a spirit of absolute enragement at God to actually praising Him and seeking Him. She was a complete miracle!!! Many other miracles occurred, as people joined together in prayer, praising, confessing, and seeking God with all their hearts. Over the course of this event we saw over 1,300 people come through the prayer room....and many decisions for Christ were made by the young people. All the glory to Him!!!!

Finally, it was over. There were tears as many did not want to see the prayer room closed. We didn't want to leave. But most of our team lives all around the country, so it has to lay in the hands of the Andrews Community to keep things going. And as a result, we did see other prayer groups and teams formed. Praise the Lord!

I thought I was coming back to Oregon, to finally catch my breath, be available for my famiLEE, and actually enjoy living in my new apartment. But while in Chicago, mid way home, I got a call from Paul Ratsara, the president of the Southern-Africa Indian Ocean division. His is the fastest growing division in the SDA church with already 2.5 million members. And it's no wonder because he and his team are people of prayer!!!!! Anyway, we had met at the GC, and he was really excited and supportive of what we are doing with the prayer team as they have been doing similar things in his division. But he wants MORE of it! And so he was calling to ask me if I and a prayer partner, could come to South Africa to do the same thing we had done at the GC for their year end meetings. Evidently they have the leadership representing about 23 countries coming together to make decisions and plans, and he is in earnest that prayer be even more a part of things. As he talked, I knew it was a great opportunity with the possibility of impacting MANY more people with the importance of united prayer. However, the hitch was...the meetings are next week!!! Gulp, swallow..."God, I don't know if I can afford to take off again so soon! I need strength, I have obligations and needs I should be here for, I'm already behind on so much with ARME....I haven't worked in weeks, I need money to pay bills!" At first I told Pastor Paul that I didn't see how I could do it, but I told him I'd pray about it. After talking with our team, and a prayer mentor, I felt convicted, regardless of my personal needs, plans or inconveniences, we needed to put these things aside and just go!!! Deep breath!!

So….in less than 3 days, I will be flying with my partner team for Johannesburg South Africa. With travel time, I will be gone almost 2 weeks...

I can only shake my head and marvel...and I'm reminded of my teammate Melissa's words from a few weeks back, "Melody - God is telling us... Catch up to me, catch up to me! You are on the right track, but I have so much for you to do! You are behind, catch up to me!" Wow - what more God?! Where are you taking us, where are you taking me?

The Big Dipper!

On the flight from Chicago back to Portland, after we got out of the city lights, I looked out my airplane window and was awe struck to see the constellation of the "Big Dipper" right out my window over the airplane's wing. It was HUGE, it was as if sitting on the airplane's wing! Bigger than I had ever seen it before. It was I looked in amazement, a shooting star came out of the sky overhead and shot right into the big dipper. It was such a beautiful site, I continued to stare...and as I did, it's as IF I heard God's voice in my ear... "Melody...if you trust me...if you keep walking with me, if you and your team continue to follow me with surrendered hearts and on your knees in prayer...I have heaven's blessings that I will pour out upon you. You see how much this Big Dipper holds? It's only a small portion of what I want to pour out of heaven upon you!"

My mind ran wild with what this means to God...cause if you think about it, if you hold up one finger against the night sky, you are shutting out "supposedly" about 10 billion galaxies. Just imagine the billions and trillions and qua-trillions of galaxies contained in the spanse of the Big Dipper...?? It's un-comprehendable...

My mind went back to a couple of my favorite verses:

"Ah Lord God, behold thou hast made the Heaven and the Earth by thy great power and stretched out thine arm, and there is nothing too hard for you." Jer 32:17

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. For as the the heaven's are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isa 55:8,9

"Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it." Mal 3:10

The whole 4 hour flight back to Portland, I kept resting, then pressing my face back to the window to see if the Big Dipper was STILL there. I couldn't mind was so filled with worship and praise to my King. The Big Dipper stayed there over the right wing, unmoving, the whole flight home! It was amazing...'s been three weeks now since I made that simple statement, sharing my vision (God's vision) with Kim to get the church into united prayer. And in these past three weeks God has opened the doors for us to work with the entire church leadership at the GC, with Andrews University, and is now opening the doors for us to work with multiple countries and conferences all over the world. Even as I type this...our own Melissa is in the Philippines leading prayer rooms and seeing many lives changed!

It's only been a little over a year since ARME began, and 6 months ago that we started the "all day Prayer Room" - and our prayer team has spent this past summer traveling to churches, camp meetings, done training at Amazing Facts, and worked with youth groups all over...God truly is saying, "You think you are going fast, but actually you are slooooow! Catch up to me! Catch up!"

Honestly, I don't even understand WHY He's giving us the honor to be used in such ways for Him. We are nobody's in human perspective, just young Christians on a journey...seeking to get people into the Bible and into prayer...and yet I feel like we have touched fire to dynamite! And I'm realizing our God is big...and He is up to something BIG...much bigger than us...much bigger than any of us dreamed, envisioned or planned!!! And why? Because He is coming soon...

I'm just so thankful to be on this journey with Him! "HOW GREAT is our GOD!"

*Endnote: As you might have noticed, we weren't able to get a team together to assist with MIQ, but are hoping as we get more prayer partners on board, we will be able to send out multiple prayer teams all over the country at the same time in the future. So continue to pray for us. And pray for me and Shanter, my prayer partner, as we travel to South Africa. And pray for Melissa and her partners, as she continues to reach people in the Philippines!

To see more pictures of our Prayer team's time with the GC and Andrews, please click HERE! To see my interview at the GC with Mark Finley sharing about the prayer room, click HERE! :-)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've moved AGAIN...

[JUST CLICK the "X" on the right corner so the PETS disappear! Also, if you hold your mouse over a picture, you will see a CAPTION with it!]

Well...I've moved again! This time it wasn't to another state is just closer to town. In fact, I'm only a block away from one of the hospitals that I take calls for here in Portland....but there's sooo many trees between me and the hospital, it really seems like I'm still way out in the country! Thankfully, I'm still only about 20 minutes (15 miles) from the Lee's (my Korean family that gave me a home for the last 6 months - minus my time in Colorado) so I can still go and help them, or spend time with the kids easily.

Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for right now! In fact, as I get ready to spend my FIRST night here in my new little cozy apartment, I can't believe my good fortune. Actually, it's not "good fortune" - it's the providential workings and blessing of God. I've been praying He would give me just the place I needed, at the price I could afford. And while looking for apartments awhile back, I accidentally (again, providentially) stumbled on to this privately owned FULLY furnished apartment. (Remember, everything I have, I brought to Oregon in my car - so I don't have any furniture with me.) But believe it or not....despite beautiful furnishings, a plush queen bed, and was close to the same price as other regular unfurnished apartments in the area. Ummm.....Wow!!!! This is amazing! God is good! But He wasn't done with me....besides that, it's nestled right up against a beautiful little mtn covered in hiking 5-6 miles worth of trails! The trail entrance is literally 30 feet from my back door!!!! (Only God knows how much I treasure a quiet serene peaceful place to walk/jog and spend time worshipping Him away from the eyes of others. So He has provided. I went walking up on the mtn tonight, and it was beautiful! So I already know, this mtn is going to be my haven and refuge...)

When my housemate Susy and I moved into our place in Loma Linda almost 4 years ago...we felt a "sanctity" about our new home. And so before we started setting up housekeeping or moving in, we stopped and prayed and dedicated our home to God. It was really special! The interesting thing is, I can't begin to count the people that came to spend time in our home (whether for an evening get-together or for a few nights) that told us, "This place is special. I really sense Peace here...and the presence of God." I was so touched by the different well as the many blessed experiences God gave us in that home. (A miracle story all in itself!)

Well, I'm on my own again roommates, no family by my side...but once again, I've felt God's voice speaking to my heart... "While just a tiny little apartment, this is to be my home Melody, dedicated to my purposes and for my bless others." (Oh my, it gives me chills up my spine just thinking about it.) So Sunday...after Obba helped me unload stuff and then after he went home, before I started moving in, or getting things organized...I knelt and dedicated this little apartment to God. Again, I felt such a sweet spirit and peace flood over me and the place. It was very special.

And so I pray, as God has promised, that He will truly bless this place and all that enter...that when they come, they will see Jesus here...and they will feel at peace. Yes, God is good....all the time!!!! All the time, God is good....

So, I'm all moved in now and organized (more organized then I've been in months)! I had my first meal (Raisin Bran and soymilk with Toast on a kiddo "Tonka plate") this morning, and then late this afternoon, I had rice and "keem" seaweed! (Yep,'s my favorite!) While the apartment only has minimal kitchen supplies, and I only have with me a few things of my own....I do have a rice-cooker (compliments of Lee's) and I have my own chopsticks that I got in Korea last I figure I am all set! Since I haven't worked all summer until just a couple weeks ago, I'm basically broke after paying rent and deposit to get started here...and my cupboards are kinda bare...but it's weird, because I don't feel stressed about this at all. I actually feel like a millionaire! (I guess I am....cause my Father owns the world...and just as He watches out for and cares for the sparrows, He's also caring for me.) However, although some may roll their eyes at the things I'm thankful for, I honestly couldn't be happier! I just stand in AWE and PRAISE.....because once again....God has proved faithful, and answered my prayer and requests even more beautifully than even I could have hoped or imagined...all I can say is WOW!!!!! (And....if you keep in perspective, that in third world settings, 5 families would be crammed into the space I'm going to be renting alone...well, that helps me realize even more how "rich" I am.)

So, if you are ever in the area....come and visit! I may only have 700 square feet of room, but whatever I have, I will share gladly.

"Blessed to be a blessing..."

Blessed to be a blessing
Blessed to live your love
Blessed to share with others every blessing from above
Blessed to walk in mercy
Blessed to light the way
Oh, Blessed to be a blessing every day

Verse 1
Oh my Jesus, you have blessed me
You died for me to take my sin away
Now you live your life in me
And the love received is love I give away

Verse 2
Oh my Jesus, make me a blessing
In my work and play, in everything I do
Oh let your blessing flow through me
That in seeing me, may others see you

Friday, September 24, 2010

Introducing the NEWEST Set-Apart Girl!

Yep...once again, Annie and her team have done a simply spectacular job! I just spent this morning reading through the entire magazine, and learned even more inspiring tips about how to live a Set-Apart poured out life for Christ!

If you haven't seen it, you gotta read it! I have two articles in this month's in the relationship section and one in inspiration. Enjoy...and be blessed!

AND....don't forget to share with your's time we girls (and guys too) reach for a higher standard!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Love being in the ARME!!

Wow...I know you guys are all waiting for a report on ARME Bible Camp, but I hardly know where to begin! God has been soooo good!

Just to say in brief summary, we saw sooooo many lives turned around, people set free from years of bondage, and people catching on fire with a love and passion for the word and for Prayer.

This last ARME was hosted in Leoni Meadows, CA in August of 2010 was once again a God-given success. We worried if we would get enough people for the conference, as once again, we did very little advertising. But our team prayed, and as God always does...He brought the people. Over 500 were in attendance at this camp, including the whole Weimar Academy and staff who came to ARME to start off their school year. And this time around we beat our previous record in "Scholarship Give-aways." Our policy (I probably shouldn't say this too loudly, or everyone will be asking for a free scholarship) has been to NOT turn anyone down that came to us and showed genuine financial need. So this time around, 75 scholarships were awarded. That's about $15,000 in loss of Camp fee expense, because basically we only charge people the bare minimum of what we have to pay the camp, as we've been trying to keep things as affordable as possible! But God more then re-payed...for at the end of the camp, when we took an offering, we received over $100,000 in donations! Unbelievable! Part of that money was to go to pay the tuition of some of our attendees (some College students that gave their life fully to God during ARME....and we wanted to help them get a more solid Biblical footing.) The rest will be to help us put on many more ARME Bible Camps and give away more scholarships! And maybe to do our first overseas ARME training for a poor country that cannot afford our services. All I can say is, God is good...all the time, God is good!

Leoni Meadows was a beautiful location to have a camp! The beauty of the country setting, the variety and yet unity of the messages, along with the delicious food and friendly accommodations made this one of our favorite camps so far! Yet, as always, the best part was the Prayer time! We are all seeing the beauty and power of prayer in greater and greater degrees. In fact, the “All day Prayer-Room” lead by our Prayer team was a constant beehive, and over 600 people came through the room spending at least an hour of their day with us in prayer, and many stayed longer or returned. At this camp our trainers included: Jeffrey Rosario, Don Mackintosh, Ivor Myers, Martin Kim, Peter Gregory, Dr. Isaac Olatunji, and Dale Leamon. At the end, after our traditional "Testimony Banquet," there were more testimonies. I think it's our staff's favorite part as we see and hear how ARME is impacting the lives of those that came!

Here's a few of my favorite testimonies from the weekend I copied off our website from the weekend:

ALL GLORY TO GOD! It's not us! It's for His glory! Ps. 115:1
"ARME Bible Camp was “Incomparable” to any camp I’ve ever been to! I received abundant blessings from Heaven. Thank you!" ~ Juan A.

"I have been through our Bible worker training schools, attended numerous camps and conferences, and been part of ministry for years. Even now my husband and I work in full time evangelism ministry. However despite all this, it was not until attending the first ARME in 2009 that I finally learned how to have deep purposeful fruitful Bible Study for MYSELF. It was not until then that I experienced the power possible in prayer. ARME has totally revolutionized my devotional life! I just praise the Lord for this ministry that is truly doing a work like no other camp, conference or training program! Thank you!" ~ Anonymous Ministry Leader

"I was raised in the church and have always attended meetings and Bible camps. I grew up knowing our doctrines and professing to have a relationship with God. However something was always missing, it was never real for me. After coming to the prayer room I realized why I had no power in my life. I was missing prayer; I was missing a genuine and powerful prayer life. After experiencing this in the prayer room it made me want MORE. I went from a 5-minute prayer life one day to spending one hour of prayer on Thursday and then to 8 hours in the prayer room the next day on Friday. I was so inspired by it that I decided to email my youth pastor and tell him what I had experienced. Now I am starting not one but two prayer groups in my area. I love the prayer room because there I am able to experience what I have lacked for so many years and being there encouraged me to make this a daily part of my life.” ~ Allison K. - Junior in high school" - Paradise, CA

"I first learned about Arme Bible Camp on 3ABN in early March 2010. I had been praying that God would show me how to go into a deeper study of the Bible and I felt that this was an answer to my prayer. So I arrived at Canby Grove in May 2010 and met Melissa who invited me to what they called the prayer room. It instantly caught my attention. I was so impressed at how the Holy Spirit moved in that room and in the morning prayer devotions I just had to come back for more and be a part of this movement to bring God’s people back to the Bible. So I am now here at my second Arme Bible camp at Leoni Meadows CA (August 2010) to learn more about prayer, fellowship, and the study of God’s word. I have been so blessed by Arme and I praise the Lord for His mercy on us that He answers our deepest needs and longings of our hearts. I will definitely go home and share what God has taught me here at Arme!" ~ Raquel R, Fort Meade, FL

"Some of the things I liked most about ARME was the lessons from the speakers, the 6:15 am group prayer time, and the love of Jesus I felt in the Prayer room. The enemy tried to distract me and get me to leave, but I stayed, and I am so glad I did. Now I am going to Bible School for more training!" ~ Angel M. Hawaii

“I’ve never had an experience like I had at the Prayer Room. Wow! God be Praise. You’re together with other prayer warriors, coming together before the King of the Universe. I’ve always wondered how Jesus could have prayed for so long when he was on earth. Not anymore, the time passes quickly. There is such a special unity of bonding, of hearts just praising, requesting and pleading for the miracles of God. Also praying over other peoples request, and feeling and understanding what others are going through. You really sense that you are not alone in your battles. God’s Heart must ache so much for his children who are hurting. This has been such an encouragement for my life. I will never, ever be the same. Prayer has now become such a major impacting part of my life. I just want to Praise God!” ~ Robert V. - Sunnyvale, CA

"Prayer truly is power. If you doubt that the Holy Spirit is real, if you are in a lull, if you don’t know what it feels like to have the Holy Spirit so near to your heart… come to the prayer room. I was born and raised in the church and sometimes church felt routine; but PRAYER, oh how prayer has changed my life. What a humbling, breaking, life shattering kind of spectacular blessing to be in the Prayer Room with like minded brethren growing and crying and breathing earnest pleas to God. I love this place. God is in this place. I believe EVERY church should have a prayer room that is in constant prayer arming the believers with words of empowerment. “Thank you Lord for this experience today… you are more than good… you are indescribably awesome & I’m humbled you allowed me to have this blessing.” Go Prayer team! ~ Florencia T. Student & Copy Editor, South San Francisco, CA

"I came across the prayer room while in Canby OR. During the ARME Bible camp, I frequented the room whenever I could. I was so blessed that I could not refrain from returning back again and again. I felt the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit every time. I felt my heart softened by the Spirit of God. In addition the Lord delivered me from the spirit of bitterness during the camp meeting in Soquel where the group was conducting a prayer room. Immediately after sharing my request before the group, I felt the seeds of bitterness being pulled out of my heart. Tears of joy were streaming down my face as the Lord lifted me from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh. Praise God for prayer and victory through the prayer of brothers and sisters of like faith." ~ Carol R, MD, Carlton, Oregon

"As my mother constantly reminded me to go to the prayer room, I would constantly forget. But this morning my older sister wanted to pray with me and my other cousins, so I felt like it was finally time to feel the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Praying here today was one of the best experiences of fellowship I have ever had in my life. Often as a youth we are discouraged to go to things such as these, but the Lord has worked great wonders in just a short period of time!! I thank the Lord for this prayer room and for great fellowship." ~ Anthony T, a recent high school grad & freshman college student, South San Francisco, CA

Finally, in an e-mail from a friend just yesterday morning: Good Morning! It’s 2:52am… As I woke up a few minutes ago - this thought came to mind and I am struggling to put it into the right words at this hour. The experience at Leoni - it was like a small Pentecost. There were people there from a great diversity of places and each one going home has not been able to contain their experience or their joy of the time spent at Leoni with Jesus in prayer. He has lit a fire, that will not be soon quenched, but will continue to grow and light the whole earth. Jesus is coming soon! You talk of doing 4 camps next year! Are 4 camps next year going to be enough as the fire spreads? :) I am here looking up toward heaven with that awestruck "Wow Lord," and sitting in wonder before praying and talking with the Lord until day break. What a time to be living! Going back to Acts. Acts 2:42 talks about how they kept the fire going. As I was reading this, one of the last emails that David Gates sent out came to mind - he spoke about how people would soon be giving everything to share Jesus. Praise God! ~ Kim G. Nurse, McMinnville, OR


As you can see, the power of prayer was evidenced as we witnessed chains broken, hearts healed, and lives empowered with the Word. And by the end of ARME, our team was even more convicted that God wants us to take this camp world-wide. Already we have so many invitations we cannot keep up, but PRAISE the Lord!

As a result of this camp, God has opened a number of doors and opportunities...specifically in the area of Prayer. Our Prayer team has been asked already to come and lead All-Day Prayer rooms at several conferences, evangelistic series and different schools. We are going to Andrews in October to be part of a Lee Venden Series. So we are excited! However, there are only a few of us.....We need God to multiply our team, so we can be deploying PRAYER teams all over the world!!! Of course, as a result of God's blessing, we have some other big plans on the horizon as well! But for now, I shall keep you in suspense...

To LEARN more about ARME, you can visit the website that we just re-launched tonight! Dean and I were up all night working on it...and have been spending every free moment on it for the past numerous weeks! Such a task, but praise God, it's done! So stop in for a visit and check it out!

My family and friends keep asking me, when are you going to have time to slow down...obviously you know I've had NO FREE time since even my blog is out-dated! But while it doesn't look like any moss will be growing under my feet anytime soon (after all, I'm in the ARME and they keep you busy in the ARME), God is blessing beyond measure and I'm so excited for what He has in store for us around the next corner!

So keep me and our team in prayer! And we will continue to press forward, FORWARD on Our KNEES!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

ARME Leoni Meadows - More stories to come...

ARME BIBLE CAMP was once again beyond our expectations! God tells us when we make Him first, He will open the windows of Heaven soooo wide that we wont be able to receive all the blessings. And that's what I feel like right now....not enough room to hold or contain all the blessings....

WHY was God sooo good?? The picture above explains it all...because of the power of PRAYER! We have been seeking to surrender and make Him first...and lives are being broken and transformed through Him as they kneel in humble submission and prayer! Praise God!

More report and details coming soon! :-)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My Declaration...

"I'm a part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I'm a disciple of His and I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still. My past is redeemed. My present makes sense. My future is secure. I'm done and finished with low living, sight walking, small planning, smooth knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, cheap living, and dwarfed goals. I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, plaudits, or popularity. I don't have to be right, or first, or tops, or recognized, or praised, or rewarded. I live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, lift by prayer, and labor by Holy Spirit power. My face is set. My gait is fast. My goal is heaven. My road may be narrow, my way rough, my companions few, but my guide is reliable and my mission is clear. I will not be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice or hesitate in the presence of the adversary. I will not negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity. I won't give up, shut up, or let up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and preached up for the cause of Christ.I am a disciple of Jesus. I must give until I drop, preach until all know, and work until He comes."

[Adding significance to this "Declaration" is knowing who wrote the first part of it! As the amazing and sad story goes, in 1980 a young man from Rwanda was forced by his tribe to either renounce Christ or face certain death. He refused to renounce Christ, and he was killed on the spot. However, the night before he had written the above commitment which was found in his room. As we step forward to serve Christ, some of us too may be called to be Martyrs...OR...we will be called to be "living sacrifices!" Either way...the Calling is a privilege and honor!

It's interesting to note that most of the world, even Christianity...when commissioned by an earthly King considers the call an honor. But when commissioned by the Heavenly King, they consider the call a sacrifice. May it not be a sacrifice to us, but truly an Honor of the highest degree!!]

Saturday, August 07, 2010

The Daniel CHALLENGE...

[What is the DANIEL CHALLENGE?'s something exciting, something that is changing lives...but first, let me share my testimony!]

It's funny, but there's one question that I get asked almost MORE than any other besides my height and if IF I play basketball! This one question has followed me across continents, through public and private universities, and through many different work environments. The question: "What do you eat?" You'd think judging by the question that I don't eat hardly anything....or what I do eat is really strange wild locust and honey, or some other weird oddity. But honestly, I don't think I eat that strange. I'm a vegetarian...along with about 8 million other Americans and many more millions world wide! The second question, after they find out that I’m a vegetarian, is usually – “Well, do you eat fish or chicken?” I don’t understand why these things aren’t thought to be meat in many minds. The simple point in my mind is, if it’s a animal that has a face produces babies, I don’t eat it! So I repeat, “No! I don’t eat fish or chicken! I’m a vegetarian!” The more appropriate question should be: "Why do you eat the way you do!" And this one I love to answer. You see...I'm not just an "animal rights activist" - (though it's true, I don't believe it's right to kill animals unnecessarily for food when we have plenty of food available without killing!) But I believe that the more closely we can follow God’s plan for our lives – including our diet – the better off we will be. (Just as we seek to follow His ten commandments, wholly and completely!)

So in a NUTSHELL this is WHY I eat the way I do.

In Gen 1:29, 30 it says:

“And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.”

You see, in the beginning God created ALL creation – man and animal to be vegetarian. Their meat was NOT each other, it was the plant life of the kingdom. This is what He gave to be their meat. WHY? Because this is what was best.

However, after the fall and when sin brought about the world wide flood, it was THEN and ONLY THEN that permission was given to eat meat. In Genesis 9:3 we see meat-eating allowed for the first time. At the same time, God put the fear of men upon the beast (kinda like a self-defense and protection). It was a sad day…but with sin comes death, death that another may live.

There is a lot of commentary regarding clean and unclean meats – In Leviticus as well as other places in scripture, but I’m not going to into that at this time. The point I want to make is, God’s original plan was that there be no death – and this means we ALL (man & animals) were to be vegetarians!

Now we live in a world of sin – meat has been allowed (with guidelines). However, even yet I have to wonder, where there is a world of food and plenty even now, is this what God would like? Or might His desire even now be that we eat of the seed of the land and not kill animals to eat?

In Revelation we are told that the lamb will lie down with the lion. We are told there will be no more death. So, I think it’s pretty clear that in the end, we will return to the “garden of eden” diet. And if the plan is for us to return there in the future, why aren’t we seeking to return there NOW?

I don’t live as a vegetarian to WIN my way to Heaven by good works…I don’t live as a vegetarian just to spare a few animals…I live this way because I feel that the closer we can live to God’s ideal, the better off we are! People who have eaten meat their whole life can’t imagine what I eat…how do you live without a “meat entrée” every meal? But it’s simple…there are thousands of options, delicious options, options that don’t cause near as much cancer or heat attacks, or strokes, options that don’t raise cholesterol and clog arteries….options that have actually scientifically been proven to give greater longevity to my life! So why wouldn’t I desire these options. (Trust me, there are TONS of them...just come to my house for a meal and you'll be coming back for seconds and thirds - our food is healthy, but soooo good!) And I’m not alone, millions of others live this way too…

People don’t think they can go without their meat, or they aren’t willing to give up unhealthy addictions when it comes to rich fatty foods. However, I think it’s interesting to note that some of the most significant spiritual battles have been won or lost in regard to appetite. It started in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve gave in to the temptation of appetite. And where they failed is where Christ was first tested…his 40 day fast in the wilderness…and this is where He won!

Then think about Daniel and his three friends when they were taken captive to Babylon. At a time when it would have been perfectly fine to enjoy the delicacies of the kingdom (after all, they’d lost everything, they might as well take advantage of the rich luxuries that the King so bountifully offered!) – however it was at this time, that they saw the need more than ever to guard their bodies and minds in regards to appetite.

I love how Daniel dealt with the temptation of appetite:

“But Daniel PURPOSED in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King’s meat nor with the wine which he drank…” so he went to the chief captain of the Eunuchs and begged him, “Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days, and let them give us pulse to eat and water to drink.” The chief eunuch thought he would have his head chopped off, but he decided to honor these brave men. So they went on there “pulse and water diet.” (By the way, pulse means “Vegetables!”) And at the end of 10 days they were found to be fairer and fatter in flesh then all the children which did eat the portion of the King’s meat.” Daniel 1:8,12,15

Imagine that?! What a testimony!

In our day and age, meat isn’t offered to idols, it’s not put together in unsterile situations, it’s relatively safe…for the most part: Although there are significant studies out there that show the correlation of certain diseases with increased meat diets. See below…

A major study published in February 2005 reconfirmed the link between meat consumption and heart problems. The study, which was published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concluded that among the 29,000 participants, those who ate the most meat were also at the greatest risk for heart disease. The researchers also reported that a high intake of protein from vegetable sources like tofu, nuts, and beans lowers our risk of heart disease by 30 percent. Dr. Linda E. Kelemen, the scientist who headed the study, told reporters, “Not all proteins are equal”—while vegetable protein can help keep our hearts healthy, eating animal protein can put us in an early grave.

Here’s another interesting excerpt:

Vegetarians Live Longer and Healthier Lives

Most recently, medical research has found that a properly balanced vegetarian diet may, in fact, be the healthiest diet. This was demonstrated by the over 11,000 volunteers who participated in the Oxford Vegetarian study. For a period of 15 years, researchers analyzed the effects a vegetarian diet had on longevity, heart disease, cancer, and various other diseases.

The results of the study stunned the vegetarian community as much as it did the meat-producing industry: "Meat eaters are twice as likely to die from heart disease, have a 60 percent greater risk of dying from cancer and a 30 percent higher risk of death from other causes."

I don’t believe from scripture that we can show it is wrong to eat meat now…yet…I believe it is clear that it was not God’s plan in the beginning and it will not be God’s plan in the end….and if we learn to eat healthfully now, we will have more capacity in mind and body to serve God to the fullest NOW! As Christians with the high calling God has upon our life, I often question, “Why don’t we seek the highest standard possible…why don’t we seek to, like Daniel living in ancient Babylon, whom God was preparing for a special mission, seek to live with extra care and regard in relation to what we allow in our bodies! Why can’t we discipline our taste buds…??” Why?? The simple answer – because we don’t want to! We don’t feel like it, we don’t believe it’s that important…

However, will not the same God that honored Daniel and his three friends in ancient Babylon not honor us today as well when we seek to honor Him…even in our diet?

One of my favorite songs growing up was “Dare to be a Daniel.” Think on it now as you consider your own life and the choices you are making.

Standing by a purpose true,

Heeding God’s command,

Honor them, the faithful few!

All hail to Daniel’s band!


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Many mighty men are lost

Daring not to stand,

Who for God had been a host

By joining Daniel’s band.


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Many giants, great and tall,

Stalking through the land,

Headlong to the earth would fall,
If met by Daniel’s band.


Dare to be a Daniel,
Dare to stand alone!

Dare to have a purpose firm!

Dare to make it known.

Hold the Gospel banner high!

On to vict’ry grand!

Satan and his hosts defy,

And shout for Daniel’s band.

It wasn’t popular then, and it wont be now…but why not?! Let’s “Dare to be a Daniel.” Don’t just do it to save the world, or cause it’s the cool new-agy thing to do…do it to honor God!

"Whether therefore you eat or drink or whatsoever ye do, do ALL to the GLORY of God." II Cor 10:31

[NOW - WHY did I set out to write all this...well, it wasn't initially because I wanted to convince you to become a Vegetarian....I just wanted to explain WHY I am one! The real reason I shared what I did was because I want to introduce you to an amazing program called "The DANIEL CHALLENGE." Try it out - for 10 days...and see if your life doesn't change - for the better!]