"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Friday, September 28, 2007
First off, the word "pain" occurs 25 times in the Bible. 9 of those times it is in comparison with a women about to deliver a child. When referring to woman about to deliver - it is intense pain, agony, sorrow, a writhing, anguish. Over and over we see this comparison with what people have had to go through as they experience some hardship or trial or testing. But how many emerge from this "pain of birthing" experience with a sweeter spiritual experience?
In the birthing of something precious/valuable in our lives and characters, there is almost always pain! It began when Eve ate the fruit of the tree in the garden of eden, and it will remain until the end of time. (Both when the men till the soil seeking for increase and when women give birth to children...and lots of other things in between!) Only when the earth is made new will there be no more pain in this process.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more pain..." Rev 21:4
But we still live in a world of sin and pain...so how does one cope today? How does one become "better" and not "bitter" from these experiences. I think, as I read these verses, it becomes easier if we can see the "greater good" and the "greater purpose" behind it all.
A very enlightening verse on pain goes as follows:
Job 33:19-20 "He is chastened also with pain upon his bed, and the multitude of his bones with strong [pain]. So that his life abhorreth bread, and his soul dainty meat. His flesh is consumed away, that it cannot be seen. Yea, his soul draweth near unto the grave, and his life to the destroyers"
At first glance, this verse sounds pretty morbid. But look at it more closely! It actually got me really excited. Through this verse I see that the purpose of pain is to draw us to the eternally important. We need to not be so much worried about the physical bread of life, but more concerned about the spiritual bread of life. We should abhor dainty meat...we should abhor the the temporal things of this world!
Most of all, the purpose of pain is to consume the FLESH, that it be destroyed and no longer seen in the life! Isn't our own "flesh" what so often gets in the way of our spiritual walk? Isn't our own flesh what constantly battles and wars within our soul to keep us from God?
Gal 5:17 "For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would."
Pain is to bring about a "death experience" in that flesh and in our lives. Death to self and the old ways of living, death to sin! We are to die that Christ may live!
So when we read verses like,
Ps 34:18 "The LORD [is] nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit."
Ps 51:17 "The sacrifices of God [are] a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
We can know that God does not wound us to break us but to make us. He does not kill the flesh to destroy our lives, but to give us new life! Pain is part of the "birthing process" that He uses to bring something more precious than we have yet experienced into our relationship and walk with Him. It doesn't have to make sense, and we don't always have to understand. (In fact, usually we wont!) But ultimately the question is, "Are we willing to be broken so that He can save us...for if any flesh yet remains, we will be lost!"
Deep gulp! Ahhhhhummmm..... "Ok God...chisel away!" ;-)
Climbing "La Montaña de Corazón"
Since Valerie has been with me, we've made it a regular part of our exercise routine to go climbing in the hills up behind Loma Linda. TJ and MaryAnn are the first ones that introduced me to the bike paths and trails, but since they finished the "John Muir Trail" they usually prefer to run rather than hike, and I don't like to hike alone. But then God sent me Valerie... :-)
Now we've even convinced some friends to join us on our morning trek up the mountain that we have affectionately decided to call, "La Montaña de Corazón" Or the mountain of the heart! Why the name? For one because of the good cardiovascular workout that we get climbing up the hills. And two because we've had such good heart to heart talks about life and God while on these hikes!
This morning was another such day as Valerie and I, Season (a new friend we've recently made) and Rebecca Eller (visiting for the weekend) decided to go climb the mountain! As you can see, we had great fun!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
When we face these precious facts, and believe them because God says they are facts, God will take care of our feelings. God never gives feelings to enable us to trust Him. God never gives feeling to encourage us to trust Him. God never gives feeling to show that we have already and utterly trusted Him.
God gives feeling only when He sees that we trust Him apart from all feeling, resting on His own Word, and on His own faithfulness to His promise. Our feelings may be as uncertain as the sea or shifting sands. God's facts are as certain as the Rock of Ages, even Christ Himself, who is the same yesterday, today and forever.
"When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace.
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil
On Christ the solid Rock I stand...all other ground is shifting sand..."
Thoughts from Streams in the Desert - Sept 26th
Monday, September 24, 2007
The same has been true in my personal life! While I consider myself to be pretty carefree and easy to get along with, I'm not one to float through life on the boat of indecision. Tell me what you want done, and I'll tell you how to do it. Tell me where you want to go, and I'll tell you the fastest way to get there. Ask me what my goals are or where I'll be in 6 months or 2 years, and I'll tell you what I'm planning! (Infact, people that fence-sit or wallow about in indecision have actually been hard for me to relate to. More on this later!)
Plans are a good thing...and I'll probably be making them for as long as I live on this earth. (How else would a fun-loving choleric melon like me stay entertained?) But I have to admit, I don't look at "Plans" with the same intensity that I use to, for I've learned that God's plans are not always our plans! In fact, as it's playing out in my own life, His Plans are BETTER!!!
When I was a Student Missionary in Guyana, back in 2001, I learned pretty quickly that I had to hold "my plans" with a loose grip. For there, things never went as planned! The Amerindians were always on a different time schedule than I was, the children always had other agenda's in school than I had, and the rainy season definately didn't cooperate with my plans. I realized first-hand that it's true when they say "The greatest skill a missionary needs is adaptability!" If you don't have that skill, or don't quickly learn to develop it, you WILL loose your mind! :-) Looking back, my time in Guyana, while full of challenges of faith and wit, has been one of the highlights of my life. And it was a major stepping stone in the journey that I'm on today. But, you don't have to be in some remote jungle village to continue to learn about being "flexible" and "adaptable" to God's call. And so God continues to teach me!
Yesterday, although small on the scale of "spiritual feats," was just one such learning day! And it was kinda a comical one at that! I was suppose to be working. I woke up and was just washing my face when the phone rang. "Melody, you've been called off today, so don't come to work!" "What? Really?" Ok...that was a surprise...and being a Contracted travel nurse, rarely happens. So now what? Hmmmm......
Valerie got up and went to start her "quiet time," and I began mine...with a little more leasure and carefree spirit since I was no longer rushed by a timeframe. Then the thought hit me, "Let's go climb a mountain today!!" We'd been talking about doing more climbing in the surrounding mountains, as I want to show Valeries some of the "scenic beauty" of this region. And I've been itching to go conqueor some more summits, but it seems like we never have enough time! Now it suddenly occurred to me that this would be the perfect opportunity. I enthusiastically went and told my great plan to Valerie. Valerie seemed willing and ready for adventure, although she wasn't as into the great plan as I. We talked for a bit, and I started researching options. We talked about taking the tram out of Palm Springs, and then hiking to Mt. San Jacinto, but then I discovered the tram had been closed recently for annual maintenance, so we weren't sure if it was open again or not. I began looking at other good hiking options in the area. Then Valerie brought up the idea of going to the beach.
Now to me, beaches are no big deal! It's almost like, "If you've been to one, you've been to them all!" They are fun to visit every now and then with friends, and I enjoy watching sunsets over the ocean. But just walking through the waves, and playing in the sand gets boring to me after a little while. And if there are lots of people around (which there are in Southern California!) it's actually kinda draining to me. I'd much rather get away to the peace and quiet of the mountains. But Valerie really wanted to go. Hmmmm....what was I to do? I knew she'd be adaptable with whatever plan I pushed for, yet at the same time, I knew that going to the beach was a real treat and special experience for her. So after a little deliberation, it was decided that we would go to the beach.
But then from there on out, this boat of indecision hit me. "Which beach were we going to go to, or would we drive down the coast and stop at several?" This one really perplexed me. "What was I to wear?" I tried on 3 or 4 outfits before I was satisfied. "What were we going to eat or take with us?" I mulled over that for awhile. "Should we invite another girlfriend to come with us or should we go alone?" I couldn't make-up my mind about anything...and when we finally drove away, about 15 minutes late, I was still feeling perplexed and unsettled. "What is the deal with you?" Valerie asked with worry in her eyes. "This is sooo unlike you?" I had to laugh. "I think my train got derailed and I'm struggling to get back on it! We should pray that God will give me an attitude adjustment."
The day at the beach, along with our wonderful friend MaryAnn, turned out to be great! We visited and sang to my bed-ridden Great-uncle along the way. We showed Valerie some scenic beach spots she hadn't been before. We talked about what it means to truly know and understand God, along with being inspired by a powerful sermon by CD Brooks. We had time to browse some touristy shops we could never visit on Sabbath's, and even treated ourselves to some gourmet sandwiches and treats. While it wasn't the quiet refreshing get-away that I'd envisioned or hoped for, it was better, for God taught me some new lessons about being a friend.
Yes, my goal (once I knew I had a free day) was to get up and go conqueor a mountain...and when that wasn't happening, it was difficult to re-group! (Hilariously so!) But I think that God's goal was that I have a little more sympathy to those that struggle with indecision, while at the same time, I learn to conqueor a mountain of another kind...the mountain of making the best of something that I don't necessarly enjoy! (I think He's still got a bit of work to do in this department...but I'm thankful He hasn't kicked me out of school yet!)
One day at a time..."For I have learned that in whatsoever state I am (whether Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, California, or on a mountain or at the beach), therewith to be content." Phil 4:11
Saturday, September 22, 2007
"The Joy of the Lord is my strength!" Neh 8:10
For the last several months, while I know God has been growing my heart and building my character, I've struggled feeling like my heart is getting a little "numb" to the plight and pain of the world around me. It's not that I don't know what pain is...I've been through my own share in my life, and I still deal with it every day....with one broken spirit after another in the hospital ward, in the mission stories of those I love, or in watching one sad story of disaster after another on the news. But the problem is, while these situations are "heart-breaking," it seems my heart has gotten a little "crusty and calloused" around the edges...and my heart has not been breaking as it should for the world around me! (I hate to admit this...yet, it is reality!)
However, once we realize our "helplessness and hopelessness" and cry out to God, thankfully He does not leave us there! For several months now, one of my prayer request has been, "God....break my heart with the things that break the heart of Jesus. Soften me, mold me, make me into the person YOU would have me be!" And God is answering my prayer...in a path of pain that I would never have imagined or expected, but in a way that is utterly beautiful and cleansing to my soul! And I just have to smile as I say again, God is soooo good!
Let me share a few words from some inspirational reading I had this morning, and it will more clearly portray some of the amazing lessons God is teaching me.
"I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus, my Lord." Phil 3:8
"This is the happy season of ripening cornfields, of the merry song of the reapers, of the secured and garnered grain. But let me hearken to the sermon of the field. This is its solemn word to me. You must die in order to live. You must refuse to consult your own ease and well being. You must be crucified (there's a reason Mel, for every cross I give you), you must be crucified not only in desires and habits which are sinful, but in many more which appear innocent and right.
If you would save others, you cannot save yourself. If you would bear much fruit, you must be buried in darkness and solitude. His Calvary (referring to Jesus) blossomed into fertility, and so shall yours. Plenty out of pain, life out of death. Is not this the law of the kingdom?"
"And the Lord said, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not." Luke 22:31-32
Isn't it ironic that in God's kingdom, so many things are like backwards from what the world sees as good? If we want to live, we must first die. If we would be elevated in God's eyes, we must be humbled, if we would abound we must first be abased, if we would truly receive we must first truly give. And most of all, if God would make something of us, we must first become nothing...for only from nothing can God create something. (See Gen 1 & 2!)
Yes, by sharp and sometimes drastic measures, God is working in each of our lives and hearts, preparing us for the Kingdom to come! And while I don't always understand His ways or His workings, and......I have to admit, I still don't like pain.....I'm learning that it is for my good, and I can rejoice.
"The fact that we are called upon to endure trial shows that the Lord Jesus sees in us something precious which He desires to develop. If He saw in us nothing whereby He might glorify His name, He would not spend time in refining us. He does not cast worthless stones into His furnace. It is only valueable ore that He refines! He has a song to teach us, and when we have learned it amidst the shadows of affliction, we can sing it ever afterward." Ministry of Healing 471,472
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
There's been some amazing reading's from the book "Streams in the Desert" that have made monumental impacts during my journey in the past, and as I've read over them recently, they've encouraged me again. I wanted to share another such reading today, in case any of you my friends, have also struggled to carry "the cross, the trial, the pain" that God has given you to carry.
"He answered her not a word." Matt 15:23
It may be a child of God is reading these words who has had some great crushing sorrow, some bitter disappointment, some heart breaking blow from a totally unexpected quarter. You are longing for your Master's voice bidding you, "Be of good cheer," but only silence and a sense of mystery and misery meet you - "He answered her not a word."
God's tender heart must often ache listening to all the sad, complaing cries which arise from our weak, impatient hearts, because we do not see that for our own sakes He answers not at all or otherwise than seems best to our tearblinded, shortsighted eyes.
The silences of Jesus are as eloquent as His speech and may be a sign, not of His disapproval, but of His approval and of a deep purpose of blessing for you.
"Why art thou cast down, O soul?" Thou shalt yet praise Him, yes, even for His silence.
Listen to an old and beautiful story of how one Christian dreamed that she saw three others at prayer. As they knelt, the Master drew near them. As He approached the first of the three, He bent over her in tenderness and grace, with smiles full of radant love and spoke to her in accents of pursest, sweetest music. Leaving her, He came to the next, but only placed His hand upon her bowed head, and gave her one look of loving approval. The third woman He passed by almost abruptly without even stopping for a word or glance.
The women in her dream said to herself, "How greatly He must love the first one, to the second He gave His approval, and the third must have grieved him deeply, for He gave her no word at all. I wonder what she has done, and why he made such a difference in how He treated each of them."
As she tried to account for the action of her Lord, He himself stood by her and said: "O woman! How wrongly thou hast interpreted Me."
The first kneeling woman I spoke to, needs all the weight of My tenderness and care to keep her feet in My narrow way. She needs My love, thought, and help every moment of the day. Without it she would fail and fall.
The second has stronger faith and deeper love, and I can trust her to trust Me however things may go and whatever people do.
The third, whom I seemed not to notice and even to neglect, has faith and love of the finest quality, and her I am training by quick and drastic processes for the highest and holiest service. She knows me so intimately and trusts Me so utterly, that she is independent of words or looks or any outward intimation of My approval. She is not dismayed nor discouraged by any circumstances through which I arrange that she shall pass; she trusts Me when sense and reason and every finer instinct of the natural heart would rebel - because she knows that I am working in her for eternity, and that what I do, though she knows not the explanation now, she will understand hereafter.
I am silent in my love, because I love beyond the power of words to express, or of human hearts to understand, and also for your sakes that you may learn to love and trust Me in Spirit-taught, spontaneous response to My love, without the spur of anything outward to call it forth."
Oh what a profound lesson for us today! Can God trust us, to continue to love Him and believe Him...even when our finer intincts and senses want to rebel?? One day all will have to pass this huge monumental test, as the Great Controversary comes to a close! We are told that only those who are rooted and grounded in the Word of God will pass through this last great conflict, for everything about them will be pointing them to disbelieve God and to go another way. It's hard to comprehend that it could be that bad...but it will.
"To all the testing time will come. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such a crisis cling to the Bible and the Bible only?
Satan will, if possible, prevent them from obtaining a preparation to stand in that day. He will so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way, entangle them with earthly treasures, cause them to carry a heavy, wearisome burden, that their hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life and the day of trial may come upon them as a thief...
When the testing time shall come, those who have made God's word their rule of life will be revealed. In summer there is no noticeable difference between evergreens and other trees; but when the blasts of winter come, the evergreen remains unchanged, while other trees are stripped of their foliage. So the falsehearted professor may not now be distinguished from the real Christian, but the time is just upon us when the difference will be apparent. Let the opposition arise, let bigotry and intolerance again bear sway, let persecution be kindled, and the halfhearted and hypocritical will waver and yield the faith; but the true Christian will stand firm as a rock, his faith stronger, his hope brighter, than in days of prosperity." Great Controversy pg 625 & 602
So, as I read over the allegory of the three women yet again, as well as the warnings to prepare from the Bible and Great Controversy, I'm reminded, while I don't like the pain of carrying "my cross," I'm glad that He's giving me a head start in my training for the final test to come.
"Whoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me." Mark 8:34
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Anyway, since then I started thinking about how "short cuts" apply to our spiritual life! I know, I know, this is crazy...how do you learn something about God from a hair cut? But, give me a second to explain. I believe that in every aspect of our lives, God is seeking to teach us spiritual lessons and draw us closer to himself, and this is profound! So hang with me a few moments...
Most of us are going through life with goals...goals that when fulfilled will bring us greater happiness. Maybe it's a better paying career, or a more elevated position of honor. Maybe it's a higher degree or the achievement of climbing some mountain of excellence. Maybe it's marrying that godly man of our dreams, or the beautiful industrious woman of Proverbs 31. Maybe it's having a stable home and family, building a ministry that will touch thousands of people, or leading yet another soul to know God. Maybe it's going to work full time in the mission field, or adopting a needy child. Maybe it's having our kids grow up so they can take care of themselves, and at the same time realize with gratefulness all the sacrifices we've made for them!
Goals are a good thing...and it is a Biblical principal to have goals that keep us pressing forward and upward. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Prov 29:18 Yet, how many of us today, desire to have success....in our career, in our relationships, and in our ministries without all the hard work it takes to get there. If we could, and most of society does, we'd actually prefer to take the "short cuts."
- We want that elevated position of work or ministry, yet we try to bypass the little details of diligence along the way. Yet God says, until you have proven yourself faithful in the "little things" of life...don't expect me to trust you with the big things!! "He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much." Luke 16:10
- We want to be someone special in the eyes of others and often work to get people to look at us and think highly of us, yet God says, "Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." James 4:10 Don't worry about what others see in you, instead worry about what I see in you. What do I see in your heart and life when no one is looking? What do I see in your heart and life when no one is around to give you credit or pat you on the back?
- We want that godly companion who will fulfill all our desires and sit at our feet in service waiting to fill our needs. Yet we often aren't willing to be that person ourselves, the person that genuinely and sincerely seeks the good of others "above our own desires and longings." But God says, Delight yourself in ME, find your fulfillment in ME...Fill your life with service for ME...only then can you find fulfillment and true happiness...and only then might I possibly consider giving you the gift of a partner. "For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45 As many say... "Marriage is a life of sacrificial servanthood...and most joyously...if you have first learned to be Christ's servant."
- We want a stable home and to have obedient godly children that will some day rise up and call us blessed. Yet, how often are we tempted to take the short-cuts in education....turn the TV on as a babysitter, or worse yet...send our kids off to Daycares while we continue to pursue our own dreams thinking, "They'll still turn out! I'm a good parent." But that doesn't work! God gave children parents to educate them...He didn't intend for them to be trained by the careless world. "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Prov 22:6 When the disciples tried to keep the children away from Jesus, He gives us an example loud and clearly of the value of children... "But when Jesus saw it [that the children were turned away as unimportant], he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Mark 10:14
- We want to be used of God, maybe to go as a missionary to some remote location, or maybe to adopt a needy child. Yet we struggle to even give God a few minutes of our daily time to listen to His voice. We get impatient when we have to wait in traffic or on the phone, or for a friend. (We have no idea how much "waiting" occurs in the missionfield or in raising a needy child!) We get frustrated when someone is inconsiderate or steps in front of us in line, when the food we ordered isn't what's delivered, when we get hot and sweaty cleaning up someone elses mess, or when someone doesn't seem to get it on the first Bible study. Yet God says, "Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered." Heb 5:8 God wants to teach us patience...He wants us to have peace...here and now...and in every detail of our lives. And until we have learned this monumental lesson in the little things, without taking short-cuts, how can He trust us with a greater work? "Great peace have they which love thy law and NOTHING shall offend them." Psalms 119:165
Yes, short-cuts are so much easier...and it seems like they get us to our goals faster. Yet I've been learning more and more over the years...God isn't in the business of "short-cuts." Oh yeah, a short-hair-cut may be ok now and then ;-), but short-cuts in life....Nope, they don't contribute to a quality product or accomplishment. Even as I'm working out at the gym, or climbing the hills behind where we live, I'm reminded...strength, endurance, and strong muscles don't come with short-cuts...they come with daily consistent hard work and sweat...and the more work, and the more miles I take, the stronger I become.
But as God has also been teaching me...life is not all about destinations...but actually, it's more about enjoying and growing in the journey. We're all wound up and worried about the finished product...the destination...the completed goal, but God is more concerned about the process and who we are becoming along the daily journey. Are we happy now, are we content now, and are we doing our best now? Or are we just looking for the nearest shot-cut?
My prayer today is that God will enable each of us to be diligent at whatever task or opportunity lies before us. "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14 And most importantly, to remember that...
"Happiness is not a destination, but a journey!!"Monday, September 10, 2007
Well, this past weekend we visited the beach of "A thousand steps." I don't know if there actually were a "thousand" steps from the road down to the beach cove...but it sure felt like it...especially after going up and down them twice, and running halfway up them, the second time! ;-) Talk about some nice exercise. (My calf muscles are still recovering from the onslaught!)
The beach was actually a last minute idea of MaryAnn's, and so several of us decided we'd pack a tasty lunch and get away from the crowds and enjoy some peace and fresh air. However, it soon turned into a bigger gathering as more and more friends joined our group! But as they also say, "The more the merrier!" And it was a blast to have so many friends and fellow comrades along. It was also nice to be able to introduce Valerie to more of the awesome gang that I hang out with here in Loma Linda. I think with each passing day, she's getting more and more attached and having a harder time thinking of leaving. (At least I hope so! I really want her to stick around for awhile!!)
Anyway, as you can tell by the pictures....we had a really great time...from the great food, to playing in the waves, fighting over a ball, and singing and sharing together! While I think I still prefer the mountains over the beach...the beach is also peaceful and refreshing and has so many different lessons to teach about God.
In a book by Elizabeth Elliot called "The path of loneliness," I'm reminded of a beach illustration she uses about learning to surrender more fully to God:
So many of us are like a tiny sea-shell....clutching our little pool of water (self) inside, afraid to yield it up for fear that there will not be enough water to re-fill it. And yet...God has an infinite ocean of blessings....just waiting to pour upon us and re-fill our lives and hearts with, if we will only let go and be emptied of self...emptied of our little pool of stagnant water, and surrender to Him.
But "Surrender"....what a tough thing it is!! You can do it a thousand times...just like you can take a thousand steps...and yet, you have to keep doing it again and again, and again!! If you want to keep progressing forward, if you want to keep growing in your relationship with God...there's always another step to take...there's always another time to say "Lord, I surrender."
As I've realized more and more over the last few years, the essential need of "moment by moment surrender" I've come to appreciate more and more a song that Eric and Leslie Ludy sing. In fact, it's become a favorite part of my morning routine as I've set the song to be my alarm clock, gently pulling me from the world of slumber to the world of life...a life seeking to be daily surrendered to God. For those that haven't heard the song, I want to share it here...so that you too can be blessed and refreshed...
Somehow thinking of the tiny sea-shell...and the little water that it holds in comparison with the vast ocean, helps me keep in perspective the work that God wants to do in my own heart and life. So I continue to pray... "Lord, I surrender...from this day on...I am in your hands."
Yes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...but none of us will get to the end of this journey unless we keep taking those steps... :-)
Beaver and Becca come to visit!
The evening started off with smoothies and popcorn and lots of good conversation as they got to meet some of my Loma Linda friends. I also invited a few of their friends that they'd known at Southern to come by. They were very surprised, and that was fun!
Then we had worship...and they shared a slideshow, and told about the work going on in Mongolia and all the doors that God has been opening for them! Wow! It was incredible...and even though I'd heard a lot of the stories before, it gave me goose bumps and a thrill of inspiration to hear the stories again! It was getting late by the time they finished, and I expected everyone to hop up and leave...but many stuck around to talk and ask them questions, and I think they made a few new friends. And it was unanymously voted that we are going to have to have them back to speak and share at Advent Hope sometime.
What a blessing to see more and more workers preparing to enter "the work of the Harvest."
Thanks Beav and Becca for the blessing and inspiration you are!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
"Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress." Psalms 4:1
This is one of the grandest testimonies ever given by man to the moral government of God. It is not a man’s thanksgiving that he has been set free from suffering: "Thou has enlarged me when I was in distress." He declares the sorrows of life to have been themselves the source of life’s enlargement.
It is written of Joseph in the dungeon that "the iron entered into his soul." We too need the iron to enlarge our nature. The gold is but a vision, but the iron is an experience. The chain which unites me to humanity must be an iron chain. The touch of nature which makes the world akin is not joy, but sorrow. Gold is partial, but iron is universal.
My soul if thou wouldst be enlarged into human sympathy, thou must be narrowed into limits of human suffering. Joseph’s dungeon is the road to Joseph’s throne. If Joseph had not been Egypt’s prisoner, he never would have been Egypt’s governor."
As I read the above reflective thoughts on suffering, I’m reminded of one of my favorite verses from Joseph's experience.
"As for you, ye thought evil against me, but GOD MEANT IT FOR GOOD." Gen 50:20
And I am convinced all trials...no matter their nature, or what they seem to strip from us, are only meant to strengthen us and draw us closer to our Savior! Our biggest task is to yield, and to be surrendered, and allow the Master Potter to do His work in the clay of our hearts!
"Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now I have kept thy word. It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes." Ps 119:67,71
It is my prayer that I can always say, no matter what life brings...
"But now, O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we are all the work of thine hand." Isa 64:8
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Overview of South West Youth Conference at Pine Springs Ranch
Valerie and I on a walk Sunday afternoon

One of the most exciting events as of late, is that one of my long-time childhood friends, Valerie Crosier has come to live with me for a little while. We've known each other for almost 25 years now (doesn't that make us sound Oooold?), and while there were a few years during high school and after that we kinda lost touch, I'm so thankful that God has brought us back together again! We really enjoyed attending the conference together, and I'm praying that she will find a nursing job in the area so she can stay around for awhile!!
Liana's side of the Love story!
Pastor Martin and Liana Kim

What an enjoyable couple to work with! We had a wonderful time together, and I felt like I also found some new friends as we really connected regarding life and minstry!
So THANKS Martin and Liana for being willing to share your story and your hearts with all of us! What a blessing! And, Lord willing, I look forward to more good times together in the future!
Last filming section

The filming went well...but was challenging in the fact that we kept battling with wind and rain, so finally had to move inside. Although, I just praise the Lord that He answered our prayers by keeping the rain back long enough for us to finish the individual testimonies outside. But all in all, I think it turned out just fine!
God's rainbow of promise still shines despite the rain!

This beautiful site was ours to enjoy as we left the mountains Monday evening and headed back to Loma Linda. I thought it was a perfect ending on a beautiful and challenging day. But just as rain and sunshine make a rainbow, so do joy and trials make us shine more fully for God. And I couldn't help but be inspired!! Thank God for His promise...despite the storms!