Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blessings sometimes come in disguised packages!

God has been teaching me some beautiful things as I've been seeking to yield more fully and completely to Him and His plan for my life. One thing I've really been striving to work on is "my agenda." As I was studying again in Lession 4 of the "Set-Apart Life" series, Eric poses the important question...

"Are you dictating your life's agenda and simply begging God's blessings on your already made decisions or are you willing to let Him decide what you will or wont do that day?"

How often I find myself rushing off to do more tasks or fulfill my agenda and quickly praying as I go, "Father, please bless these things today?" But are they really part of His plan? So this morning, in a new way, I prayed that God would write my agenda and let me follow His plans, not my own.

Another thing I've struggled with is knowing how to reach out in love to the strangers I meet everyday. I feel guilty, for I know I have treasures of gold in Jesus love that they do not have. How can I keep it to myself?? But yet, how can I share? I can't just start preaching on the curbside? Thus, another prayer I've been praying is, "Lord, led me to those that you want me to bless and reach..."

Well, today God answered both of those prayers in a very unique way. And my life took some twists and turns that I would have never mapped out in any agenda. But I was seeking God's agenda...and what a blessing His path turned out to be!!

About 4pm, I was just walking into the post-office to mails some letters and my next stop was going to be Taco Bell as I was very hungry and hadn't eaten since 7 this morning. But I stopped to open the door for a black lady coming out of the post-office, and she kinda grabbed my arm as she passed me and whispered, "Maam....would you help me?" I paused and turned to look into her eyes. Although she didn't smell bad or look as weathered as a typical begger, she still looked desperate. I don't tend to give cash to beggers as I don't know what they are going to use it for, and I don't want to support underground "drug abuse" or etc. And so, often, unless I have some food or something else disposable on my being, will tend to say "sorry" and walk away. But somehow God's spirit made me stop and listen. She rambled on about how she needed money for a motel for just one night, and then things would be ok for her and her kids. I didn't really get the story straight, but told her to wait for me while I mailed the packages and I would think about it.

Hmmm....what was I to do?? "God, why did I have to bump into this strange lady? How am I suppose to help her? How do I know if she is telling the truth about her needs." While I was inside the post-office, I came to the conclusion that I could help her by taking her to the motel she was talking about, and pay the bill directly, rather than giving her the money. This would also validate if she was telling the truth about her needs. I'm not accustom to taking "beggers" in my car anywhere though, and in case she had some plans to rob me or something, I pulled out all my important cards from my purse and stuck them in my pockets, before I came out of the post-office and offered to help her. (Isn't that awesome, self still looking out for it's best interest!)

I asked her to tell me her story again. Evidently, she had come down on the bus with her two children from Seattle WA a couple weeks previous. She had been looking for work and working on getting an apartment through Welfare, and had brought enough money to pay the motel bill up through last night. But now they had no more money. The details with their new apartment were suppose to come through tomorrow, but tonight....tonight they would be on the streets without help. She had talked to shelters, but they would not allow her 14 year old boy to stay with her (only females), and she didn't want to put him in a male shelter for fear he would get raped. So she didn't know what to do. She had been to churches around asking for help, all she needed was $30 bucks for one night, but no one would help. We got in my car and drove the few blocks to the motel. She was sooo excited, she almost cried. I was still cool and guarded, although listening to every word. Still wondering if she was telling the truth or just giving me a "sob story." "God," I prayed. "If you led me to this woman to bless her, I'm willing! Just please give me wisdom, and protect me!" :-)

The motel people knew her as she'd been there the night before, so her story validated. She showed me paperwork from Seattle WA without my asking. Then after I paid, I asked her how she was going to get her two kids. Evidently, she'd left them in a Library across town (as that was the only safe place) while she went looking via bus for a shelter and place to stay the night. So I asked her if she wanted me to take her to get the kids. She couldn't belive it! So we did! The children (a girl and boy 13 and 14) were well mannered and friendly, and very grateful for the help. We talked a bunch more and I invited them to our church services which they said they'd love to attend. Finally, before I left them, we huddled in a group and I prayed for them. The boy had tears in his eyes that he wiped away when we finished. Now trusting the little family and their story, I gave them some cash to help with food, a calling card and my number in case they needed anything more. As I drove away, they blew kisses and waved as they cried. I'm not sure who was the more touched...

It was after dark by then, so I decided I could forgo Taco Bell and my other errands, and instead drove back to the cozy apartment I share with my sister. I felt soooo happy and peaceful though. God actually had answered my prayer. I gave Him my agenda, and although my day didn't turn out like I would have imagined, it was so much better!

"God is not servant to our agenda! He must become King over our life and we must submit to His agenda. Do you find that there are certain things that are off limits to God in your life? Have you pre-decided that God's access to your life can only go so far? If so, the Amalekites are still keeping you from the promised land, and what you choose not to destroy will ultimately destory you. Give God your agenda!!!" - Eric Ludy

1 comment:

sojourner said...

WOW!!! I'm speechless. So many amazing things are happening, God is loving working in our lives! What amazing things happen when you fully yield! I love you guys so much. Everyday I get on and read emails and things and it's like getting the most amazing God stories everyday!

My prayers are with you!

Grace and peace from our God and Father!

~Josh (Fork)