Sunday, January 21, 2007

The gift of silence...

This morning, I'd just finished a beautiful time of Bible study and reflection and knelt down to pray, when the neighbors in the condominium next door start blaring loud LOUD rock n' roll music! "Oh God," I cried out. "How can I talk to you amidst this racket!" Then I got the bright idea to rebuke the darkness and pray that God would turn off the music. He is more powerful than evil, right? Well, I hadn't even finished praying when the music shut off, just like that!!! Wow! Praise the Lord! I almost couldn't believe it. I continued thanking God for the miracle and praying...The music didn't come on blaring again until I had gone on with activities of the day.

Isn't God great, with even the smallest of our needs! Wow!!!

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