Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Exchange...

Was reading in 1st Samuel the other day for my devotions, and had some interesting insights.

Here David is, just returning from killing Goliath and basically conqueoring all the Philistines, and He's called before the King. King Saul to be exact! Jonathan is obviously present, and as he hears David speak, his rightful thoughts might be, "Who is this guy! And what does He think He's doing!?" He might could have been jealous or angry....or maybe he could have felt intimadated that this young man might try to take his throne or crown. But no....those are not his thoughts at all! In fact, it's the exact opposite! His soul goes out in "kinship" with David. He senses the king of man David is and who he should become.

It says - In 1 Samuel 18:1-4

"And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soulf of Daivd, and Jonathan love him as his own soul...then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because He loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his garments, even to his sword, and to his bow and girdle."

It goes on to say how David stayed with the King from that day forward, and did whatever King Saul commanded. However, when he was sooo successful in battle that the people sang "Saul has slain his thousands, but David has slain his ten thousands" - Saul got angry! And Jonathan should have, right? After all...look at the sucess that David had! Yet, he didn't....he continued to love David as his own soul, and keep the covenant they had made, and to look after him and seek to protect him even when his own father, the King, sought David's life.

There's some interesting parallels of what Jonathan gave to David and what Christ gives to us that I have come to see more recently. (Largely thanks to the "Set-Apart Series" by Eric Ludy!) It is awesome, and as I re-read the story and have thought about it more, I have to share it!!!

When Jonathan relinquished these possessions, what did that signify?

His ROBE - His position, His name, His Fame, His authority

His GARMENTS - His possessions, His Inheritance

His SWORD and BOW - His protection, His preservation, His watchful eye of defense

His GIRDLE - His enabling power, His quickening strength

These are powerful symbols of surrender and love that Jonathan gave to David...but even more amazing when you think of them in light of what Christ has given to us!!! He's given us His robe, his name, his possessions and inheritance...He's promised his protection, His watchful eye of defense, His enabling power and His strength....and soooo much more!!!! Yet, for us to receive these things, we have to give/exchange ours for them!!!

And Christ asks for everything! Some incredible challenges to think about and pray about!

Our Robe - Are we willing to give up our reputation? Are we willing to be deemed a fanatic and a fool? Are we willing to surrender our name and to allow it to be swallowed up in his own? Are we willing to give up our position, our fame and worldly authority or order to be royalty in a heavenly kingdom????

Our Garments - Are we willing to relinquish the control of everything that we possess to God? Are we willing to give up the applause and esteem of men? The security of financial stability? Even the comforts of a self-indulgent existence? Are we willing to give the right to our health, our wealth, and every possession we claim to be used as He sees fit?

Our Sword and Bow - Are we willing to lay down our defenses and allow God to remodel our lives? Are we willing to allow Him to discipline us, convict us, and transform us into something that this world will reject, revile and crucify? Are we willing to allow our lives to be used to fight God's battles rather than our own self-promoting crusades?

Our Belt - Are we willing to allow Him to break us so we can be cleansed of all the defilement locked within our souls? Are we willing to surrender our self-derived strength, so that He may replace it with His own? Are we willing to be dependent so that He might prove His glory and might? Are we willing to let go of our self and showcase His glory and his majesty through our existence!

These seem like great sacrifices....yet, it is really He that has made the sacrifices! For our yielding up our little dusty rusty treasures are really just giving up piles of rubble in exchange for mountains of beauty in His glory! What a contrast and what an exchange!!!!

I'm awed and amazed once more!!

*These thoughts were taken from the Discipleship training series by Eric Ludy and are copyright 2007 by the Set-Apart Ministries.

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