This Sabbath was another memorable experience. For one because the GYC board came to visit Advent Hope, and Israel Ramos gave an inspiring sermon called "The Sky is not the limit." Now just think about that line for a few minutes...and you can imagine how "out of the box" the sermon was! It was convicting and encouraging to anyone seeking to move beyond "wilderness Christianity."
For lunch, Sunny and I had our own quiet "Rice and Keem" meal at home!! Then Gemalli called and asked if we wanted to go hiking! We thought we were gonna get to go to the mountains...like the distant mountains with tall trees and snow!! It turned out to be the big mountain behind where we live! So, when hearing the new destination...which wasn't new, we'd just had a misunderstanding about the original plan, we had to take off the turtle-necks and extra layers. I had a short-sleeved shirt on over my long sleeves, so tried to take it off in the car...and got half-way done and then Doug and Ralph came and plopped down beside our car to talk!!! I wasn't immodest or anything, but I had one arm in and one arm out....and it was most awkward! (And embarassing!) Thankfully, the girls came to my rescue and blocked the view so I could complete my undercover change. Whew!!
Not long after, we all took off the couple mile drive to the base of the mountain! And then up uP UP we climbed! Poor Ralph wasn't sure if he was gonna make it. And the rest of us had to stop and take breathers too, occasionally! :-) But it was great exercise, and a great time with friends. And once we reached the top, we had the satisfaction of having worked hard for our goal and succeeded!! I love the top of mountains!!! (And Lord willing, this next summer, I'm going to be climbing some more pretty tall ones!)
Climbing always makes me think of our spiritual walk though. It's tough at times...the view may be beautiful, but we huff and puff and too often, keep our eyes to the ground. Our spiritual muscles ache from lack of use, and when we stop for a break, sometimes it's hard to get started again! But oh, if we could keep in view our destination...the glories of the summit, and know that our difficult times now will be worth it in the end! More importantly, we don't have to climb this mountain in our own strength...in fact, we really can't! It's only with God's strength! What a blessing...because otherwise we'd all be doomed! (Or at least this mountain climber would be!)
"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Rom 8:18
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