Before they are outdated...wanted to put up a few fun pictures we took together as a Holland gang. This is Hollands with all their adopted girls! Actually, Sunny is their legal daughter... but the rest of us are just add-ons.
I neglected to share that I also got to see my precious Arkansas family on this trip...but it was a flying visit in and out, as my dad came to take me home so I could get some stuff together to ship out here to CA. Then I flew back out of Little Rock (thus using the remainder of a ticket I didn't use at Thanksgiving). The time together with them was precious...but too brief for Mel to even think of taking pictures! (Sorry to my Mason family! We'll have to get our synchronized shots next summer when I come back!)
Anyway... I LOVE YOU all dearly!! And soooo enjoyed getting to see you and be with you...even if for only a few brief days!!
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