Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Inspiration for my Single friends...

Recently I was talking with a friend about trusting God...even in the area of our relationships, which was a completely novel idea to her! "Who could imagine that GOD...of all ancient people...could actually work out our life story (much less our LOVE STORY) after His plans...and it be to our liking??!!! And not just to our liking...but far beyond our grandest dreams!!" She was aghast! Yet I have to chuckle to myself...and as my friends the Ludy's so beautifully share in their writing and personal testimony (and as my parent's also can testify), God truly does know what He's doing when it comes to LOVE!!! After all, He invented it, right?? He should know what He is doing!!! Yet, how often, we think we have to get our fingers in the pot and stir things around. We think, we fear, He doesn't know what He is doing!!! But He does...He so beautifully does! "IF ONLY" God must sigh, "if only they would trust me!!"

Lately, it seems that I too have been confronted alot more with these issues as I've watched more of my friends get engaged (literally) or begin new love relationships! It's been beautifully to see...and yet sometimes I also wonder, does God still have that kind of love in store for me? Being an incurable romantic for as long as I can remember (started planning my wedding when I was 5), I know the longing for human companionship and for a soul-mate to spend my life with...and yes, for someone to dress up for in a long white dress and be beautiful! Yet, as I look back over the years, over the tears, and over the ways that He has brought me, all I can say is, God is good! And there has been a purpose to His plan! And while I wish I could erase some of the mistakes I've made, I wouldn't trade the path He's given me and the love relationship and fulfillment that I've learned (and am still learning) to find in Him...I wouldn't trade it for all the world!! just blows my mind when I look at the unceasing, unconditional and vast love there is in Him! (And there's more I discover each day!)

So, as the title of one of our new Creator's Call programs goes... "True Love IS Worth Waiting For!" And my prayer is that the many who watch will also be inspired, no matter the future, no matter the path...God does know what is best and He can be trusted...yes, even in the area of romance!!! But more than anything, He longs to fill our lives and hearts with more of Him...for He is the truest romantic of us all!!!!

By way of encouragement to my many single friends out there, I want to share a quote that I've had hanging on the back of my bedroom door at home for many years now! Countless times it's helped me to keep courage and keep focusing on what's really important. I hope it will also be a big encouragement to all of you!


Everyone longs to give themselves to someone, to have a deep soul relationship with another, to be loved thoroughly and exclusively.
But God to the Christian says, "No! Not until you are satisfied, fulfilled, and content with me alone - with giving yourself totally and unreservedly to me - to having an intensely personal and unique relationship with me, that I have so beautifully planned. You will never be totally happily united with another until you are united with me, exclusive of anyone or anything else, exclusive of any desires or longings.

I want you to stop planning, stop wishing and allow me to give you the most thrilling plan existing, one you cannot begin to imagine. I want you to have the best. Please allow me to bring this to you. You just keep watching me, expecting the greatest things. Keep experiencing the satisfaction that I am. Keep listening and learning the things I tell you. Just wait, that's all!! Don't be anxious, don't worry! Don't look around at the things others have gotten or what I have given them. Don't look at the things you think you want! Just keep looking off and away, up to me, or you will miss what I want to show you!

And then, when you are ready, I will surprise you with a love far more wonderful than any you would dream of!! You see, until you are ready, and until the one I have for you is ready (and I am working even at this moment to have both of you ready at the same time), until you are both satisfied exclusively with me and the life that I have prepared for you, you won't be able to experience the pure beautiful love that exemplifies your relationship with me, and thus is Perfect love!!

And dear one, I want you to have this most wonderful love! I want you to see in the flesh a picture of your relationship with me. I want you to be able to enjoy materially, and concretely the everlasting union of beauty, perfection, and pure love that I offer you with myself. (It is possible!) Know that I love you utterly! Believe it.........and be satisfied!!!!

- Author Unknown -

"Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him." I Cor 2:9

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