Friday, May 11, 2007

"Lord, solve my problems, but save my pigs!"

Recently I've been able to attend and be part of a new ministry that's started on the Loma Linda University campus called "Connections." It's nice to have something inspiring to attend on Friday evenings, although I do miss being a part of the singing bands, as I can't do both. But I'm also excited about something that I can actually encourage non-Christian friends to attend, as it's very evangelistic and non-denominational in it's approach. In fact, eventually, we hope to start filming the evening meetings to use for Creator's Call programming.

However, the reason for my post this late Friday evening is not to talk logistics, or soul-winning tactics, but rather to share some things that God has been impressing upon my heart over this last week or so.

Last Friday's Connection meeting speaker had an interesting title to his talk. "Lord, solve my problems, but save my pigs." The essence of the sermon, based on the story from Mark 5 where Jesus cast the demons out of the demoniac and into the swine, was on how the people of the region responded to Jesus and the miracle, and how we respond in like today.

Some modern day examples he used went something like this: "Lord, help me to loose weight, but don't ask me to give up my favorite restuarant outings or favorite desserts!" "Lord, help me to have a more vibrant prayer life, but don't ask me to get up early in the morning and loose sleep so I can pray!" "Lord, help me to be a witness to my patients, but don't ask me to take the in depth time to connect to you, my source of all strength!" "Lord, help me not to have the same struggles as the world, but don't ask me to give up my entertainment styles or choices!" and the list went on. Of course, for each of us, there is a different list!

But I was thinking about it! How often do we look at God as a big "genie" in the sky..."Lord....please do this for me, or that for me...but don't ask me to take too much effort for it myself! I'm tired and overworked and running late...and besides...I don't want to look weird to those that are watching. So work, ok?! And I'll just keep on doing what I know how to do!" But it can't work that way in the Christian life. No relationship grows without muscles are gained without sweat and hard work...and there's no true joy until you've experienced pain! This isn't to be a quiet boat ride down the's a daily battle and march up the mountain of Faith and endless possibilities! Yes, there are rewards, there is sweetness, there is joy along the way...but it is a result of effort and work!

Now don't take me wrong....I'm not off on the "works" tangent! That's not my point at's just that I've caught a fresh glimpse of the responsibility God has given me for my own life and the choices and priorities I take!

So, my new prayer is... "Lord...I need your power to help me solve my problems, and I need your strength to help me to be willing to let go of the pigs!"

Tonights meeting was another inspiring that also really hit home, and one reason I am still up and awake! It was called "Wind Graspers" and if you want a hint, it was based off Ecclesiates 2. But since it's late...I should start trying to count sheep...or maybe I just need to go talk to the Shepherd :-). Needless to say, I'll have more to share on that later! All I can say is, "Thank you Lord for your longsuffering and patience as I continue to grow! Keep giving me NEW EYES to see!!!"

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