Sunday, May 27, 2007

Well...where do I begin? How do I tell in 5 minutes about the miracle I’ve been praying for the last 2 months?

I first met Alisha in the hospital. She was my patient....and a very unhappy and non-compliant one at that! Before I came on shift she’d already had one run-in with security and had multiple nurses disgruntled. She’d over-dosed and thus part of her diagnoses was "Suicide attempt." This was the 10th time in her history she’d done something like this and she was obviously very unhappy with her life. But from the moment I heard her story, I knew God had arranged for me to take care of her for a purpose! I also knew it was no accident that God had kept her alive, and I knew that I had to attempt to break the chain/cycle before she tried again. All day long I prayed that He’d somehow open the doors for me to get through to her.

Finally in the afternoon, after she’d blown up at her doctor and was in a rather disgruntled state, I sat down and asked if we could talk. I asked her how she was feeling and what was going on in her life that was making things sooo difficult. She began to tell me about a son that she’d lost to protective services due to her drug abuse, about a mother that was in the hospital at that very moment for a drug over-dose, and about a past of pain and emptiness. She cried, but she would not look at me. When she stopped talking, I began to share some of my own story and how God has made such a difference in my life. I then shared how I knew God had a special plan for her life. That’s why she’d never succeeded in taking her life. And I told her the story of the great Controversary and how Christ came to die for her. Her eyes were now on me as big tears rolled down her cheeks. It was like she could hardly believe what I was telling her was true! "Do you really mean that? Could there really be a God that cares about me?" her eyes seemed to say. I could see the pain and longing all mixed into one. I got tears in my own eyes. "He loves you, Alisha!" I told her! "He wants to save you!! Would you be willing to give God a chance? Would you like to give your heart to Him and start over with a new life??" The tears flowed more freely as she softly nodded, "Yes!" We prayed together. And then talked a bit more.

Not long after, she was moved to a Drug Rehabilitation facility, and I wondered if I’d ever see her again! I gave her some inspirational reading and my number, and told her I’d be praying for her! And pray I did!!! I’ve probably prayed more for Alisha than I have any other one single person over the last couple months! I knew that starting over and doing things God’s way would be very difficult, especially with the influences I knew she had.

Well...sometimes, God uses us to answer our own prayers....this last week Alisha called me on the phone. I was sooooo excited to hear from her!!! She was waiting to go to a new facility, but was in limbo and didn’t really have a good place to stay. Influences were bad, and she didn’t know what to do. I asked her if she wanted to come and stay with me for a little bit. She said that she would. I told her if she came, I wasn’t just going to provide a place to crash....but that she would have to do what I do, go to Church and Bible study and exercise and etc with me. She agreed that she was willing! I told her it would be a "culture shock" for her! But I don’t think she realized how much of a culture shock it would be! ;-)

I picked her up this past Friday.....the first big shock was that "we" would be going to church on Saturday, not Sunday! But she was willing. (Incidently, she loved it and said she wants to go back!) The next was that I don’t have a T.V. She’d never heard of someone not having a T.V. The third was that I’m a vegetarian! She said she’s always wondered what "vegetarians" eat. So now she is finding out! And probably the biggest is that "Christians have fun and really enjoy life!" Wow!!!! What an amazing discovery!! ;-) From the enthusiastic Bible studies on Sabbath (both at church and home), to the happy warmth and love of fellowship, to hiking around Forest Falls and laughing with Friends and praising God, she’s gotten a small glimpse of the joy of our fellowship!

There is lots of things to deal with....lots of hurdles to overcome....and I may only have Alisha with me for a few short days as she will have to return to the next Rehabilitation program as soon as there is a opening. But I’m thankful that God brought her to me for today and am praying that these few brief days can have a lasting impact on her life! I am awed that God would entrust me with the opportunity to share with Alisha and give her a positive example of His life and love. At the same time, I’m overwhelmed with the vastness of the responsibility at hand. Thankfully, it is God that must make the changes in her job is to love and to share and to point her to Him.

Pray for me....and pray for Alisha, that she will truly fall in love with God...and allow Him to change her life!

We leave in just a few brief hours for our trip to Colorado where we’ll be filming the Discipleship Training series with the Ludy’s. This series has already majorly impacted my life. I pray it can be a blessing to our team and viewers as well...but especially to Alicia! If it’s quiet on my blog for a’s because of this! I have lots more to tell (as usual) but that will have to be later.


Khon Kaen Traveler said...

Wow, what an incredible story, Mel. I remember you telling me about Alisha (you didn't mention her name at the time, but I think it was her) when she was in the hospital...can't believe how things have transpired! I will be praying for you both! Take care and be well in CO! :)

Staci said...

What a story! Thanks so much for sharing. I could connect with how you felt as I have had similar burdens for people I've met. Praise God He allowed you to have her in your home and surrounded by such positive influences. I pray it will be only the beginning of a new journey for her. Safe travels to CO!