If you haven't noticed, I've blogged a lot today catching up on things I wanted to share from this past week...too bad you can't reset the date for the proper date of event, but anyway!
This afternoon as I was cleaning the house for mom and dad and sorting the mail I came upon an interesting but all too familar advertisement. The funny thing is, it was addressed to me!! The title of the add was "To help you be young again!" I started laughing. I'm like, "Wait a second! I didn't know I'd turned old!!"
Yes, this year I turned 30, and in fact, in several short months I'll be 31! And while I don't always like the thought of increasing the size of the numbers, it's definitely better than the alternatives, and I'm excited to be getting closer and closer each day to meeting Jesus face to face.
But the age thing has been pretty funny lately. I guess since I'm "unmarried without kids" no one thinks I am as old as I am, and I run into some pretty interesting comments and questions quite often. But the best of all happened this summer while I was in Kenya. My dear roommate Kimberly, a freshmen from Southern Adventist University, was talking about a 26 year old and how he was sooooo old...and I was like, "Darling - that's not old! That's young!" And she's like, "That's old!" And then I asked her how old she thought I was, and she told me that she thought I was 19 when she first saw me! (Of course I loved her for that!) Then she said when she heard more about my travels and found out I was a nurse that she figured I was at least 23 or 24. When I told her no, she started going up the scale and her eyes got bigger and bigger. At about 28 she asked if she was going the wrong direction! (I loved her even more!) I told her, "No...keep going!" When she got to 30, her eyes were so big...you'd have thought she just found out that I was 100! :-) It was priceless...and though I doubt it will ever happen again, I will always remember dear Kimberly and her reaction!
I guess I can be thankful though that people don't think I'm an adolescent like my friend Rachel Nelson gets asked - and she's even a doctor and married! Bless her heart, she's working in the Pediatric department, and regularly has people question her credentials because she looks so young! Sometimes it's nice to look your age!! But then again...
But age and time, what is our few years in comparison with eternity??! Last Sabbath at Advent Hope in Loma Linda, the speaker talked about time and how we only have just a few short years to live and wait and work for Christ before our "timeline" is over. It made me realize in a new way that it doesn't matter whether God gives me 100 years on this planet, or only 1 more day. The point is, what am I doing with the time that I have? For when I go to sleep (depending on how I used my time), the next thing I know I'll see Jesus! The sermon was great, and it made me desire to even more to live each day to the fullest...to make a difference...to show Christ Character of love. Because, today is all I have to make a difference for eternity!
As usual, attending Advent Hope continues to be a big blessing!