"He is my STRENGTH and my SONG...and He maketh my way PERFECT!" Ex 15:2, Ps 18:30
Thursday, June 28, 2007
A letter from Mom Holland to her girls...and a Parable to remember!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Progress is slow....and it's easy to get discouraged....afterall, you can't just instantly sweep away a life of pain and problems....but little baby steps are being made. God is working!! I've been creating a small Bible Study series for Alisha to do, based off the Amazing Facts study guides, but in more simple ways that are easier for someone like her to understand and at the same time involve more action on her part. I was to take her back up to Victorville again yesterday (where she'll be the rest of this week due to business issues), and wanted to send another lesson with her to work on, but hadn't voiced my desire. Then Alisha, on her own, asked.... "This lesson was great! Could you make another for me to work on while I'm gone???" "Of course!" I replied excitedly! I didn't let her know how excited I was, for I've been praying that she would seek these things on her own.....not just because I hand them to her! Praise the Lord!!! May she continue to have a heart that seeks for truth!
The second praise came tonight during our weekly Creator's Call meeting as we showed one of our "Set-Apart Life" episodes that we are in the process of finishing editing. The topic was "A Father's love." (Referring to the incredible love that God has for us!) Eric Ludy shared through many tears, experiences of raising his 2yr old son Hudson, and how these experiences have been drawing him closer to God. I wondered how our team would respond, as many of them saw and heard the message for the first time. But it was evident that the Holy Spirit was at work, for many of them were obviously touched and even had tears in their own eyes by the end of the program. Afterwards, several asked me, "When are these messages going to be available for the public! I want to share them!" or "That was incredible! We need more messages like this!!!" It's not perfectly professional....or massively eloquent, yet when God is able to speak through someone and touch the heart....that's all that counts! And I just praise Him that we were able to film this series.
The third praise is that tomorrow, we start our 10 days of Operation Global Rain!!! I know God longs to send the Latter Rain more urgently than we long to receive it, but I just praise Him for those that are getting together with the urgent desire to see the Holy Spirit at work, and to see God's work finished! And I pray that this will be a turning point for our church!
So many exciting things happening....sometimes I feel that my heart cannot contain it all! :-)Thankfully, God still only gives me what I can bear.....one day at a time!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Morning reflections...and updates!
The soft morning breeze, so crisp and refreshing, beckoned me from my peaceful slumber. I could hear the birds singing softly outside in the trees, as the first rays of sunshine began to creep over the distant hills. Should I stay in bed and continue to seek rest? After all, this was SUNDAY! Or should I get up and welcome in the new day? Grabbing my blankets, Bible, and several books of inspirational, I chose the latter and headed for the patio swing. It was 5:30 am!
Yes, I admit, it was a bit early for a Sunday morning....but with a roommate in tow (that isn't always quiet and often needs supervision), I have been feeling more and more taxed as my times for quiet time and inspiration are often being disturbed! As I read inspiration, Jesus too was taxed.....for the multitude pressed about him. Yet, He made His time in the early hours of the morning to connect with His Heavenly Father. And as a result?
"From the hours spent alone with God He came forth, morning by morning, to bring the light of Heaven to the world." Ministry of Healing 56
If Jesus needed this quiet respite....how much more should we?
"All who are under the training of God need the quiet hour for communion with their own hearts, with nature, and with God. In them is to be revealed a life that is not in harmony with the world, its customs, or its practices; and they need to have a personal experience in obtaining a knowledge of the will of God. We must individually hear Him speaking to the heart. When every other voice is hushed, and in quietness we wait before Him, the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God. He bids us, "Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10. This is the effectual preparation for all labor for God. Amidst the hurrying throng, and the strain of life's intense activities, he who is thus refreshed will be surrounded with an atmosphere of light and peace. He will receive a new endowment of both physical and mental strength. His life will breathe out fragrance, and will reveal a divine power that will reach men's hearts." MH 58
Oh, if we as a people, could only grasp this beautiful connection....our need for true connection and looking up to our source of strength each day! What difference might be seen in our daily lives! What advancements might be more readily made for the cause of God??
This morning, I was blessed as I continued in my study of The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. (A booklet by Dennis Smith.) I wish I could get all my friends to read it and catch the excitement of what God is seeking to do in our lives!
A few brief thoughts I want to share from my reading this morning:
"There are two purposes for the infilling of the Holy Spirit: to reflect Jesus in our life (I John 3:24, II Cor 3:3) and to gain power for witnessing (Acts 1:8).
Couldn't get more plain and simple than that, huh?! And that's exactly what we need.....to more fully reflect Jesus...and to be effective witnesses for Him!!!!!
All who are ready to meet Christ when He returns will have had God's law sealed or written in their hearts (Isa 8:16). All who have God's law written in their hearts will have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit..."
"A great many think because they have been filled once, they are going to be full for all time after; but O, my friends, we are leaky vessels, and have to be kept right under the fountain all the time in order to keep full...Let us keep near Him." They Found the Secret pg 85
"All true obedience comes from the heart. It was heart work with Christ. And if we consent, He will consent, He will identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses. The will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest delight in doing His service. When we know God, as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a life of continual obedience. Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become hateful to us." Baptism of the Holy Spirit pg 38
I love that last part....through the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts....we will be empowered and enabled to live His complete will....but it's not just His will....it's our will as well...for our hearts have been changed to be sooo in tune with Him that His desires are now OUR DESIRES!! :-)
Weekend Updates
The last few days have been good and challenging both! Friday evening Alisha and I came head to head over an issue of a friend that came to visit. I had told her that she could hang out with her friend for a couple hours in the afternoon, but come 7pm, we would be going to "singing bands" so that would be it. She knows the Sabbath is a day to be set-apart and she is not allowed to do her usual play. Well...as fate would have it, "Mr Friend" did not arrive on the scene till 15 minutes before we were to leave for singing bands. So, although she has loved singing bands in the past, she decided she did not want to go this time! I told her that "Mr Friend" was welcome to come with us...but I would not be leaving her with him to goof off for the evening. Well, that went over like a lead balloon......and she was most unhappy with me! But, since there were no other options (and she doesn't want to move-out yet, so knows she has to stick with the program) she convinced "Mr Friend" to come along! I prayed fervently for both of them as we drove the 1/4 mile over to the hospital, for with sour attitudes, I knew this could be a tough evening! However, praise the Lord....they both ended up enjoying themselves immensley! And "Mr. Friend" returned with us home to visit for a little bit before his ride came to get him....in which time I was able to talk to him a little and share the booklet The Five Big Questions about Life by Mark Finley. Nothing is by chance, and although his presence added some stress for the evening...I kept praying that He would be touched and impacted by the encounter! (Please continue to pray for "Mr. Friend.")
After it was all said and done that night, Alisha hugged me and apologized for her behavior and thanked me for making her go with me! And I heaved a sigh of praise heavenward as I wiped the sweat off my brow! (Well....there wasn't literal sweat, but it sure felt like it!) ;-)
The rest of the weekend went well....the Advent Hope services and Sabbath school were a blessing, as usual! The potluck was good although I don't even know if what I made tasted good....but since it (stuffed potatoes) all disappeared rather rapidly, I assume it was ok! Then in the afternoon, my dear friends, TJ and Maryann convinced Alisha to come along for an afternoon of adventures up in the mountains. She mostly spent the time on her phone...but at least she got some fresh air! We hiked up to the meadow off the "South Forks Trail" where we've had mountain church with Advent Hope and other youth in the past. It was great!
The evening ended with a gorgeous sunset as we drove back down into the valley....
And now we have begun a new week!!! I was planning to go do gardening again with some of the "gang"....but got caught up in my reading and studies, so that didn't happen afterall! But the fresh air was invigorating, the singing of the birds refreshing, and the needed strength and words of encouragement in my reading, timely! So....no regrets....just thankful for a new day and a new week to grow closer to my Lord and my Redeemer!
Friday, June 22, 2007
A Tribute to the important Men in my life!

Well, Father's Day came and went.....and somehow I was sooo distracted that I didn't get up my special "Father's Day Blog" tribute! So, I thought I'd take the time to do that now! :-)
Many children grow up without a father in their life....sometimes I wonder "why" I got so blessed? To have a father that was not only THERE, but that cared.....that taught us about the Bible, about forgiveness, about loving people, about giving to others unselfishly!!! I'll never forget that fall when I was 12 when Daddy and I went to help clean up the disaster on the East Coast after Hurricane Hugo. That is what really sealed our friendship and bond! And since then, while we've weathered many difficult life storms, and been on many more exciting adventures, and now I have moved far away......all the way to California.....that bond still remains! And I will be forever grateful for the "daddy" that God gave me!

Here Daddy is with my two brothers.....just before they took off on their growth spurt, a few years ago! It remains one of my favorite photo's of these three handsome men!
My hiking hero! Daddy and I have hiked more miles together than probably any other person in my life! And what a blessing we've had as we've talked and shared heart to heart during many of those miles. This photo was on a special "Father/Daughter" vacation we took together to Glacier in 2004!
Another favorite "father daughter" shot from Glacier!

And I can't honor dad without also including his first and favorite LOVE, my mom!! What a great team they have made over the years, and what a blessing it has been to watch them love and grow together! They have taught me so many lessons about relationships and loving that have majorly impacted my life.....and also helped me not be willing to settle for less than God's best!!
(A Tribute Cont.)
Of course, Mr. Holland (a.ka. Dad Holland) is also part of this special father's day Tribute....even though we were actually together for Father's Day this year! And our treat was a trip together to the San Diego Zoo! (Something I've wanted to do for years now!)
Like I already said above....most kids don't even have one father, and here....It's been so blessed not only with a wonderful father (mentioned above) but with a godly mentor and adopted father in Mr. Holland. He, more than any other, has probably helped me learn what it means to be a Seventh-day Adventist since I began living in the Hollands home as a late teen.
So thanks Mr. Holland for the love and advice and wisdom you've shared with me, for your endless patience, and for the sacrifices you have so often made over the years! You've taught me sooo much about what it means to practically serve God, how to understand the Bible, how to reason from cause to effect, how to be adventurious in trying new things and new foods.....and even how to cook....I mean really cook!!!! Some of my best recipes I learned from you! Yes, we've had our tough times and challenges over my teen and early young adult growing-up years, yet I can't imagine what life would have been like without you and mom Holland!!! ;-)

Dad Holland and his adopted girls!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
"Bloom where you are planted"

We don't get to choose where we were planted...what side of the fence or tracks we grew up on, or what our background was...but where we go from here, that is our choice! We can wallow in self-pity and blame others for the difficult soil with which we have to work...or we can take the difficulties that life has brought us and allow it to be fertilizer....helping us to bloom and blossom....just where we are, for God's glory and honor!!!!
One day at a time...
There is soooo much to think about!! She's got severe severe depression.....I used the Nedley test to see where she was, and as I expected she's off the charts. So, with her cooperation, we're gonna work through the "Nedley Depression Recovery Program" together. We managed to get her up bright and early this morning for her sunshine and fresh air (a walk with Dafne up the street), then went over to the Drayson for a couple hours and helped her learn how to use the exercise equipment and her lungs! With a little encouragement, she did real well! I was proud of her. Then after I got a lunch packed, we headed to Newport Beach area to enjoy some time in the sun and waves. We're gonna be feeling that for a few days though since we both got royally scorched. (This mother hen failed in her duty to apply the sunscreen, obviously!) We finished the evening off with "golden grahams and smoothies" at Maryann's as TJ was on call tonight.
I've been investigating some options for her to get her GED and then possibly get her CNA certification since she says she wants to be in the medical field...and this would give her some really good exposure, before she committed to the long haul of getting a Nursing license or more. We're also gonna start working on helping her get a driving permit/license. Ho hum.....can you tell that Melody is gonna be busy?? Yeah, I need lots and lots of prayers, because I'm realizing more and more what a task I have cut out for me.....not just in helping her spiritually.....but overall, getting a start in life! I have to admit that I get a little "battle weary" every now and then though....and tonight may be one of those times. But...I have to keep reminding myself...one day at a time...
Up until this week, I had been planning to go with Jen Mundall and friends to climb Whitney, but since Alisha isn't up to the climb and has no good options right now, I'm not going to be doing that after all. Kinda bummed in one sense......yet I know that her life and salvation is more important than my reaching the top of Whitney. And they'll probably be another opportunity for Whitney some day! So we're looking for some more feasible options for Alisha! She loves the great outdoors, thankfully, so even a walk in the park is better than nothing. But I'm thinking about taking her on a little road trip and doing some more sightseeing, maybe even going up to Yosemite to meet Jen's group on Wednesday, and then we'd go with them on up to WYC. But we're still working out the details for that.
As I said....one day at a time....and today's been a full day....and I need to get Alisha off the computer and to bed....and so that means that I must get off too! (Consistency is a big deal for kids, as I clearly remember!) So....
Until next time...."One day at a time...dear Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you...."
Monday, June 18, 2007
A week of Adventures with Hollands!
Here's a little over-view to go with the photo's above!
Monday - June 11th - 5:20pm
Mr. and Mrs. Holland land in Ontario CA airport and text me notifying us of their arrival! Since we're not at the airport yet, I jokingly text them back that "We apologize that we can't be there to meet you and you'll have to hitch-hike back to Loma Linda!" Of course they know when Mel is trying to pull their leg, so they don't take me too seriously, and by the time they get their baggage, we have circled the airport 3 times waiting for them. So we are all re-united with hugs and excitement! They are hungry, so we hit a "Baja Fresh" near Loma Linda before going grocery shopping for the week and taking them home for the "grand tour." It's such a blast to have them here and also to finally get to show them our little cozy home!!
Tuesday - June 12th
I had originally planned to take Hollands up the tram and hiking on Mt San Jacinto, but Sunny isn't a huge hiking fan....at least not looooong distances, so we had decided to do something more relaxing. But then when Mrs. Holland arrived, she tells us that hiking up San Jacinto is the thing she was looking forward to more than anything else! (Of course, I am all game!) So finally mid-day we decide that is what we are going to do and we take off for Palm Springs. Much to my chagrin, we don't actually start hiking til around 1:30pm. The ranger station tells me that the hike to the summit is a 6-8 hour round trip, but I keep the news to myself, encouraging everyone that we can make it there and back before dark! And we do!! Mrs. Holland and I made it to the top.....and Sunny and Mr. Holland would have if we'd had another hour to spare. But we were definately pushing our time limits! However, we made it back to the tram station in a record 5 hours and 30 minutes, so we beat the ranger's predictions! ;-) I thought everyone did really well....but I forget sometimes that these Oklahomians don't have such mountains to climb, so this was a real work-out, and they were feeling it for the rest of the vacation! But....they asked for it!!! So, what can I say! ;-)
Wednesday - June 13th
After another slow start lazy morning, we head to the beach near Costa Mesa (Mr. Holland's old stomping grounds), but before we get there, we are getting hungry so have to stop and eat. Mr. Holland and Sunny want to go to P.F. Changs. (I've only been there once before on my "doctor date" and wasn't that impressed with the food) But this time is better...especially the dessert - Banana Spring rolls with Ice-cream! ;-) Then we walk around a little through the outdoor open mall called "Fashion Island." What a fitting name! They have a "Neumann Marcus" which I've heard people have bought $400 dollar shoes at! I don't believe it so want to see for myself. The first shoes I picked up cost $395, and Sunny found a pair for $1,500! I am like totally blown away!!!!! Even most underwear cost over $100 there! Is this real?? I guess everyone will know now that this isn't my level of living or spending! ;-/ All I can think the whole time is, "Man, what a waste! Imagine how all the money people spend here could be going to help finish God's work so he could come back...?" We browse around a few more places like "Make a teddy bear factory" etc, then realize it's already 3:30pm and we need to be heading back to Loma Linda since Mr. Holland has prayer meeting at Advent Hope. We barely make it back in time! Prayer meeting goes well...It's neat to hear him preach again! His sermon title "Do you want to be a millionare?" makes me think of all the vanity we'd seen during the day! It also convicts me again of our need to give ALL for the Pearl of Great price!
Thursday - June14th
Mr. Holland and I, along with Maryann and her father (who is also visiting) take off bright and early for the San Diego zoo for a Father/daughter date day! We have a blast, and of course, I take tons of pictures!!!! Makes me wonder what Heaven will be like when all the creatures can play together freely. My favorite of the day are the Cheetah and dog that have been raised together, and then the Polar Bear exhibit where we actually get in on some pretty exciting action! I'm thankful there is a thick glass between us and them! (Mrs. Holland and Sunny enjoy a relaxing day back in Loma Linda!)
Friday - June 15th
Lazy morning.....go to the Drayson for Racquetball.... Mr. Holland and I go fruit grocery shopping for the evening.....and then after lunch, most of the afternoon I spend making fruit pizza's for our gang of friends coming over for supper and vespers. I'm a little worried since I was suppose to pick up Alisha today, but haven't been able to get ahold of her since Wednesday. During vespers, as we are sharing different things God has done for us, or songs we want to sing, I come across Mrs. Holland and I's signature duet song that we've done together many times over the years. So we sing it together again....but the tears are flowing as my heart breaks for Alisha and others that still don't REALLY know Jesus....and I can hardly get through it.
The words go like this:
"If I could have one wish I know just what I'd like to find,
If I could have one dream come true before my eyes.
More than a pot of gold, more than a pathway to the stars,
More than anything I know, I want Jesus in your heart!
If I could paint a picture in my mind of what I'd like to see,
If I could take you once inside my deepest dreams...
More than a treasure's goal, more than a comet traveling far,
More than anything I know, I want Jesus in your heart!
He's more than all the world can give, when He truly comes to live in your heart.
Why do you try to search for more, when He's all you're looking for, in your heart...
If I could have one wish I know just what I'd like to find,
If I could have one dream come true before my eyes.
More than a pot of gold, more than a pathway to the stars,
More than anything I know...I want Jesus, I really want Jesus, I want Jesus in your heart!"
Sabbath - June 16th
My favorite day of the week - what a blessing to fellowship and be inspired. After the main services at Advent Hope, and a scrumptious potluck with friends, I return to listen to Elder Bostrom share about "making Sabbath a delight." The rest of my family decides they want to go to the mountains again, so they enjoy their delights out in nature while I glean ideas and tips for future special Sabbath's. :-) Then we close the Sabbath with some hearty singing and more good fellowship. And I return to join my family for the evening.
Sunday - June 17th
Starts off bright and early (6:30 am) as I head to Jonathan's Z's (along with several others) to pull weeds and prepare more gardening lots. While I already have all the tomatoe, squash and pepper plants I think I need in my own back patio, it's good to work with other young adults that are digging into the dirt and learning how to grow their own food. I don't have space for fruit tree's though, so maybe I can contribute some of those to this new joint/group endeavor that I was invited to be a part of. Hollands and Sunny come over to eat breakfast with us, then we take off to the coast to meet Ken (one of Mr. Holland's best friends from childhood.) After another scrumptious healthy meal at the "Souplantation" we head to the mountains to hike. However, we have to drive in 4 miles of very bumpy rutted road to get to the trail head (at about 10mph) and I get deathly carsick. Then once we get there, we realize you need a "forest adventure pass" (which no one has) so we have to promptly turn around and drive out! I am miserable......but somehow manage to survive until we get home! (The only bright spot from my afternoon is that Alisha finally calls, and I know that she is safe! I will pick her up on Tuesday again!)
Monday - June 18th
Can't believe it's been a whole week! I get tears in my eyes thinking about Holland's leaving! While they enjoy their last relaxing morning before they have to go back to work, I pull weeds and water my own backyard garden of vegetables and flowers. We get a rare treat as we get to talk with my sister Rita in Romania over the internet phone! It's great to hear her voice! Sunny leaves to go back to work mid-day, and then I take Hollands to "Chipotle's" for a scrumptious burrito! We all agree that we've eaten out more this week then we have this whole entire last year, but it's been fun to show them some of our favorite restuarants and food. Finally, they pack their bags and I drive them back to the airport! And before I know it, they are off! I try to act grown-up and hide my tears, but they know me too well. I am just too much a family person....and parting is one of the hardest things I ever do! I cry as I drive home! But it's been a good week, and at least I'll see them again in late July when I fly home to spend some time in Arkansas and Oklahoma, and travel with them to ASI! If only time didn't go soooo quickly.....but then again.....I'm just thankful for the time God does give us together! And I want it to go quickly, so that He will come back and take us HOME!!! Then, they'll be no more tears....and no more parting.....and no more pain of separation!
As I'm finishing this post, they call me on the phone to notify me that they have arrived back in Oklahoma safely! (I secretly wish I'd snuck inside one of their bags and gone back with them!) Their flight was delayed, but thankfully, they made it safely! That's what's important!
And now...I must close as I prepare for this new week - getting Alisha on a schedule, working on CCBN projects, and traveling up to Northern CA on a road-trip, possibly some filming and more adventures!!
God is gooooooood!!!! And Happy is that people whose God is Lord!!! Ps 144:15
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Don't be Left Behind.....
Left Behind Cont.
"The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Church is looked forward to as in the future, but it is the privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, pray for it, believe it. We must have it, and Heaven is waiting to bestow it!" Evangelism pg 701
Why is this "Latter Rain" and outpouring of the Holy Spirit sooooooo vital for our lives today???
Because we need REVIVAL.....and CLEANSING to be READY for Jesus to return!!!
- The Holy Spirit will prompt us to spend more time in Bible study and prayer, thus transforming us into the Character of Christ and preparing us to meet Him. (Ps 42:1-2, Matt 6:33)
-The Holy Spirit will teach us to identify when Satan is throwing stumbling blocks across our path. (Eph 6:12, I Pet 5:8)
-The Holy Spirit will teach us to pray in deeper ways. (Rom 8:26, Eph 6:18)
-The Holy Spirit will make the scriptures become the Living Word. (Heb 4:12, I Pet 1:23)
-The Holy Spirit will convict us in deeper ways of our sinfullness. We will not have peace until we confess and turn away from every known sin. (Ps 51:1-2,7,9-11,17)
-The Holy Spirit will help us loose our infatuation with the things of earth and look towards our heavenly Canaan. We will seek to purge our homes and lives of anything that gives Satan an inroad or influence in our lives. (Gal 5:16-17, Rom 8:5-9)
-The Holy Spirit will give us a sense of urgency to share with and pray for others salvation. We can't just keep sitting idly by, minding our own business, when many around us are about to be lost!!!! (Matt 24:14, Job 22:29-30, Luke 13:6-9)
"I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful and were looking to the time of 'refreshing' and the 'latter rain' to fit them to stand in the day of the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble without a shelter. They had neglected the needful preparation; therefore they could not recieve the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a holy God." FLB 337.4
"There needs to be a waking up among God's people, that His work may be carried forth with power. We need the Baptism of the Holy Spirit." Evangelism 559
"Why do we not hunger and thirst for the gift of the Spirit, since this is the means by which we are to receive power?? We do not talk of it, pray for it, preach concerning it? The Lord is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to us than parents are to give good gifts to their children. For the baptism of the Spirit, every worker should be pleading with God." Testimonies Vol 8, pg 22
And one last POWERFUL Quote that I just read this morning, as I was reading Christ Object Lessons. This is incredible guys!!!!
"In the great and measureless gift of the Holy Spirit are contained all of heaven's resources. It is not because of any restrictions on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men. If all were willing to receive, all would become filled with His Spirit...All Heaven is waiting for the channels [you and me] through which can be poured the holy oil to be a joy and blessing to human hearts." Christ Object Lessons pg 419
Just imagine, what is at our very finger-tips, if we'd only ask.....
Obviously, I'm really excited about what I've been reading and studying, as I realize it is the KEY that we need to not only be prepared in our own hearts to meet Jesus [the work that Christ started when we first came to Him through the "former rain"], but that it is also necessary to complete the work in spreading the gospel to all the world. Just like in the day of Pentecost, God promises that once again, the Holy Spirit will be poured out with excess.......but only those who are open and seeking will receive it. Some will not even be aware that it has come!!!!!!!
Let's not be the ones LEFT BEHIND!!!!!!!
*For more insight and study on this exciting topic, read "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit" by Dennis Smith, or go to: http://www.operationglobalrain.com/ and see how you can become part of this exciting movement!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Motherhood and growing pains...
Sabbath Outing up to Lake Gregory

After a wonderful Sabbath service and vegetarian potluck (that even Alisha enjoyed) we headed up with a group of girl's to the mountains! We were to meet up with some others that had gone ahead, but our two groups ended up on opposite sides of the lake, so it was a little confusing trying to connect! However, finally we did!
The outing (as well as enjoying the Sabbath) was in honor of Julie's birthday! And after a sundown worship on the lake, we went out to eat at a wonderful Belgian Waffle restaurant to celebrate the event. Most people got savory menu items (besides waffles they made burgers and other good things as well) but Maryann and I chose to take the sweet menu, as you will see by the pictures! It was great!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
The Most Precious Possesion we have!!

Went looking for a "Bible Picture" to go with tonight's blog entry and found these from my experience in Kenya last summer. In fact, it was exactly a year ago this time when all this took place! Looking through the pictures makes me anxious to get out of my comfortable home and cozy setting again and hit the overseas mission field!
When you see the people and how they respond to the WORD of God and the sacrifices they will make for God, once they've discovered His love and grace, it's awe inspiring!!!!! They don't have anything hardly to their name, but when they discover Jesus, they know that He is ENOUGH!!!
Why can't we be that way here.....or is it because we are "rich and increased with goods" and feel that we have need of nothing....the cares of this life have consumed us!!!!
Oh Lord, save us, or we perish!!! Open our eyes to our true condition!!!
Notice the reverence with which they receive their gift!
Are we really grounded on the WORD????
[Mel's comments: Sooooo....does that mean as Christians that if we are not living literally every day of our lives based on the WORD OF GOD, that we are not actually alive spiritually????]
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God....that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works!" II Tim 3:16
[Is this really possible? A man of God today.....perfect? The Bible seems to portray that it is! If we don't believe it or haven't experienced it, might there be something vital that we've been missing?]
"God will have a people upon the earth to maintain the Bible, and the Bible only, as the standard of all doctrines and the basis of all reforms. The opinions of learned men, the deductions of science, the creeds or decisions of ecclesiastical councils, as numerous and discordant as are the churches which they represent, the voice of the majority - not one or all of these should be regarded as evidence for or against any point of religious faith. Before accepting any doctrine or precept, we should demand a plain "thus saith the Lord" in its support.....It is the first and highest duty of every rational being to learn from the scriptures what is truth and then to walk in the light and encourage others to follow His example." GC 595 & 598
"It is not conclusive evidence that a man is a Christian because he evidences spiritual ecstasy under extraordinary circumstances. Holiness is not rapture: it is an entire surrender of the will to God; it is living by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God; it is doing the will of our heavenly Father; it is trusting God in trial, in darkness as well as in light; it is walking by faith and not by sight; it is relying on God with unquestioning confidence and resting in His love...Having brought conviction of sin, and presented before the mind the standard of righteousness, the Holy Spirit withdraws the affections from the things of this earth and fills the soul with a desire for holiness. "He will guide you into all truth." John 16:13, the Savior declared. If men are willing to be molded, there will be brought about a sanctification of the whole being. The Spirit will take the things of God and stamp them upon the soul. By His power the way of life will be made so plain that none need err therein." AA pg 51-53
"The season of distress and anguish before us will require a faith that can endure weariness, delay, and hunger - a faith that will not faint though severely tried. The period of probation is granted to all to prepare for that time. Jacob prevailed because he was persevering and determined. His victory is an evidence of the power of importunate prayer. All who will lay hold of God’s promises, as he did, and be as earnest and persevering as he was, will succeed as he succeeded. Those who are unwilling to deny self, to agonize before God, to pray long and earnestly for His blessing, will not obtain it. Wrestling with God - how few know what it is! How few have ever had their souls drawn out after God with intensity of desire until every power is on the stretch. When waves of despair which no language can express sweep over the suppliant, how few cling with unyielding faith to the promises of God." GC 621
"Those who endeavor to obey all the commandments of God will be opposed and derided. They can stand only in God. In order to endure the trial before them, they must understand the will of God as revealed in His Word; they can honor him only as they have a right conception of His Character, government, and purposes, and act in accordance with them. None but those who have fortified the mind with the truths of the Bible will stand through the last great conflict. To every soul will come the searching test: Shall I obey God rather than man? The decisive hour is even now at hand. Are our feet planted on the rock of God’s immutable word? Are we prepared to stand in defense of the commands of God and the Faith of Jesus." GC 595
[Above are a few of my favorite quotes from a collection I shared for Prayer Meeting yesterday. The topic was "Being a people of the WORD prepared for the Latter Rain." I know that for many of us, this is old hash.....but we all need to see with new eyes.....and I am praying that this might help propel us along that way....]
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The Luke Warm Church Song Book
Sample contents:
* A Comfy Mattress Is Our God
* Joyful, Joyful, We Kinda Like Thee
* Above Average is Thy Faithfulness
* Lord, Keep Us Loosely Connected to Your Word
* All Hail the Influence of Jesus' Name
* My Hope is Built on Nothing Much
* Amazing Grace, How Interesting the Sound
* My Faith Looks Around for Thee
* Be Thou My Hobby
* O God, Our Enabler in Ages Past
* Blest Be the Tie That Doesn't Cramp My Style
* Oh, for a Couple of Tongues to Sing
* He's Quite a Bit to Me
* Oh, How I Like Jesus
* I Lay My Inappropriate Behaviors on Jesus
* Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me
* I Surrender Some
* Praise God from Whom All Affirmations Flow
* I'm Fairly Certain That My Redeemer Lives
* Self-Esteem to the World! The Lord is Come
* Sit Up, Sit Up for Jesus
* Special, Special, Special
* Spirit of the Living God, Fall Somewhere Near Me
* Stick Nearby, It's Getting Dark Outside
* Take My Life and Let Me Be
* There is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today
* There Shall be Sprinkles of Blessings
* What an Acquaintance We Have in Jesus
* When Peace, Like a Trickle. . .
* When the Saints Go Sneaking In
* Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following
* God of Taste, and God of Stories
* Lift Every Voice and Intellectualize
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
CCBN comes to our house!!
How's that for FOUR slide shows in one day!!! Well...needless to say, as the following slide shows and pictures will show, I have been very busy lately! (And you thought since I was off work, I could take it slower! Yeah right!!)
Yesterday we filmed at our place...Scott's testimony, and then Jason and Janel's love story and how God brought them to the truth! It was a real blessing....in fact, I'm not sure how we're gonna cut down much of what they said...so we might have a looong program! ;-)
Alisha is gone for a few days to take care of some legal matters...so now, besides catching up on my blog, I'm trying to get caught up on some stuff for CCBN as well as plan the schedule and adventures for the next few weeks. Mom and Dad Holland are coming out next week to spend with Sunny and I, so we're real excited about that! Then not long after that I leave to go to Whitney and then the Youth Conference at Weimar! So no moss will be growing under my feet any time soon...just anycase anyone was hoping! ;-)
Hope you enjoy the pics from the last week of Adventures.
PS: Jen, I know I didn't get this "picture report" up the same day....but hopefully the "day after" is good enough to qualify! ;-)
Day at the Beach with Maryann, Alisha and Friends
This excursion happened this weekend after we got back from Colorado! I was wanting to take Alisha to the beach, since she hasn't been in a long time, and then Maryann asked if we wanted to go with her and some friends! So it was perfect!
"Great minds think alike!"
Creator's Call Filming Trip to Colorado!!!
This last week in Colorado was such a powerful growing experience spiritually!! I don't even know how to describe it! We got some awesome scenic footage as well as many life-transforming Biblical messages that I know are going to impact many people. I praise the Lord for Eric and Leslie and their stand for truth!!!
Not sure what my favorite memory would be from the week? Was it watching Alisha bloom and blossom under the power of God and the love of godly peers? Was it having her hug me sooo tight I could hardly breath as she told me she'd never been sooo happy in all her life! (Better than any drug high she'd ever had!) Was it being convicted and compelled to step up "higher" as Eric talked and brought the Bible to life? Was it talking and crying with Amie as we shared our desires and dreams to serve God more fully? Was it basking in the glory of God's creation, watching the Elk, enjoying the Colorado mountain air and overwhelming beauty of the rockies? Was it the heartfelt prayer gatherings that lasted sometimes up to 4 hours and gave us all a new meaning of the word "Communion with God." Was it praying half the night as I drove during the wee hours of the morning as we headed home? Was it the warmth and grandeur of Zion National Park? Or was it laughing our heads off as Dave and Amie argued over how to drive "properly" and not get a ticket. Maybe I can't pin-point a specific favorite memory...for it was ALL of these!!!
Yes, as you can see by the pictures! This trip was a real blessing...in a larger way than I could ever describe!! But though words are inadequate...I will keep trying!
*For more info on the "Set-Apart Life" Ministry of Eric and Leslie Ludy, go to: www.setapartlife.com
Loma Linda School of Medicine Graduation
The day before we left for our Colorado Adventure, many of our friends graduated and became Doctors! :-) Here are a few pics from the festive and special occasion!
PS: Just in case anyone is wondering...I'm very glad to be "just a nurse!" God knew the path that was best for me...and I couldn't be happier!!